Characteristics and magical features of the Topaz Mystic stone

People have been using the healing properties of magic stones for a long time. Photos of magic stones adorn many pages of websites and printed publications. What exactly healing properties do magic stones have, how to select and use them correctly - we will learn from the article.

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Magical properties of stones

The magical properties of precious and semi-precious stones have been known since ancient times. This is one of the reasons why people buy them. Of course, every stone has beauty, personality and character. Wearing a certain stone can affect one's life physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Properties of the most popular stones:

  • Turquoise. Brings good luck, but it must always be given by someone; You cannot buy a stone or it will lose its magical powers. This stone brings protection, strength and happiness.
  • Amethyst. This is a type of quartz. It can have a wide range of colors, from deep purple to pale pink. This is a spiritual stone. This helps develop spirituality. It is useful for calling help for meditation and for overcoming any problems. Sleeping with an amethyst under your pillow will relieve insomnia.
  • Aquamarine has the same composition as emerald, but is less valuable because it occurs in abundance in nature. This is a water stone, if you put real aquamarine in sea water, it becomes invisible, as if it disappears. The darker the color, the more valuable the stone. Aquamarine is a cooling and cleansing stone. This stone promotes purity of mind, clear thinking and awareness.
  • Moss Agate. This stone brings peace of mind and ends periods of worry. This is good for eliminating problems, it should be used when the Moon is waning, by the time it leaves the problems will disappear.
  • Blue agate. Has a soft, feminine type of energy. This stone helps people overcome aggressiveness and hostility.
  • Moon rock. A stone of the night, used to enjoy the gifts of the night, shadows, dreams, silence.
  • Emerald is a stone for fortune telling; it helps to see the future.
  • Topaz is a stone of courage and warmth, used to eliminate fears and bring out love.
  • Lapis lazuli. This stone helps improve child-adult relationships and fertility.
  • Ruby. This stone has the power of love between a man and a woman, both sexual and emotional. He brings deep and pure love. This stone is especially associated with poetic, romantic love.
  • Diamond. This is a stone of indomitable power. Used to make spells absolutely solid and lasting.
  • Fluorite. Used when you need to concentrate on work or find a job.
  • Eye of the Tiger. Gives confidence, strength of character, self-expression, helps overcome shyness and makes it possible to understand oneself and eliminate fears associated with oneself.
  • Sapphire. It protects the mind, gives enlightenment, spiritual devotion, courage, peace of mind. This will help reveal the true purpose of actions, overcome stress, anxiety caused by a feeling of lack of direction. This stone will help you find the thread of life.
  • Rutile quartz. Used to enhance creativity or find creative potential in all areas of life, be it art, music, cooking or gardening. Helps you focus your energy on your talents. Can be used together with other stones.
  • Botswana Agate. Brings gifts and small joys, helps to quickly overcome a bad mood. It gives joy and transforms depressed mood into happiness. This promotes changes, very often unexpected and surprising. This stone does not bring profound changes or great revolutions.
  • Garnet increases sexual consciousness, used to open someone to the pleasures of life and sex.
  • Iron pyrite. Fool's Gold is another name for this stone because it resembles gold; a stone of deception and misunderstanding. Use it when you need to hide something.
  • Rose Quartz. Provides healing emotional, physical or spiritual. This is a healing stone. Can be used in conjunction with other stones to indicate a specific part that needs healing.
  • Red jasper. Brings strong healthy feelings of love and passion, family feelings. This is often used in love magic. It can be used to evoke a sexual reaction, earthly passions, love, and to give birth to children.
  • Pearl. This stone is used in money spells, protection from fire, gives abundance, wealth.

Amethyst is one of the stones for magicians

The healing properties of the mineral

It has mystical topaz and healing properties. Its therapeutic capabilities are quite wide, which has led to the popularity of the mineral among lithotherapists.

What is it used for:

  • Indian healers are confident that a talisman made from this stone is so strong that it can cope even with such a terrible diagnosis as infertility.
  • Mystical topaz calms the nerves. Recommended for use for nervous tension and insomnia. Moreover, it helps even in very severe cases.
  • Increases immunity. This property is manifested in disinfection. The crystal neutralizes harmful microorganisms and removes toxins. This improves your well-being and cleanses your skin.
  • Helps with gastrointestinal diseases. Returns the functionality of a weakened liver and gall bladder.
  • Speeds up recovery. Mystic copes not only with seasonal colds, but also helps to recover faster after injury.

To feel the miraculous influence of topaz, you need to be in constant contact with it. Of course, taking breaks. It is enough to remove the jewelry at night and wear it during the day and soon you will feel relief from what is bothering you.

Methods of using stones in practical magic

Crystals are said to be able to relieve stress, enhance creativity, cure illness, elevate the level of consciousness and enhance psychic powers in areas such as fortune telling. There are a great many methods of magic. The following are the simplest and safest ways to work with stones:

  1. Program the crystal with intention.

To program it, you need to hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes and take three deep breaths. Then say out loud or in your head, “I ask for the highest vibration of love and light to connect with my higher self to clear all unwanted energy and any previous programming. I command this crystal to hold the intention [to express it].” Finally, thank the stone three times.

  1. Wear crystals.

The more you touch your gemstones, the more you can tap into their energy.

  1. Place in your wallet or pocket.

Put one in your pocket or purse. Use it as a touchstone throughout the day to help understand its power.

  1. Meditation.

To increase the dose of spiritual energy, one must meditate to connect with their metaphysical abilities.

  1. Create a single whole with the stones.

Simply place a few crystals on the body (for example, a piece of rose quartz on the heart chakra or an amethyst above the third eye) and simply breathe in the energy of the stones.

Magic rituals can be dangerous for an unprepared person, so they should only be trusted by real sorcerers.

How to spot a fake

A pleasant purchase can turn into disappointment when you suddenly discover that instead of a real stone you bought a cheap one. It is not possible to completely insure against this. Even the most elite jewelry stores can sell fakes. But there are still ways to distinguish a fake from a real mystic topaz.

Here are some tips:

  • Please pay attention to the weight of the product. A suspiciously light pebble usually turns out to be a fake. But do not forget that when measuring the weight of a product, you need to take into account the weight of the metal.
  • Mystical topaz is well electrified. The absence of such a reaction indicates that the stone is not real.
  • Naturally occurring minerals heat up gradually. Hold the pendant in your hand and watch how it heats up. Too fast? Fake! This method is suitable only for those who can compare the sensations with a real stone that was tested earlier.

Refrain from visiting retail outlets with too low prices. This is far from the cheapest mineral. Completely inexperienced buyers may mistake chameleon rhinestones, which are often used in jewelry making, for mystical topaz. The bazaar is full of such jewelry.

Types of minerals used in magical rituals

Experienced sorcerers do not divide stones into black and white magic and can work with any of them. But there is a conditional division into stones according to the types of magical effects.

White magic stones

Minerals for white sorcerers:

  1. Sapphire. A stone of intuition and communication with the spiritual world, sapphire's rarity and deep blue color (although there are also yellow, pink and orange sapphires) and spectacular luster make it one of the most valuable stones for protection against dark forces.
  2. Opal: One of the most beautiful stones (classified as mineraloid because it is non-crystalline), the beauty of opal, however, comes from the litmus of the colors it bears, each created by its ability to scatter light. The name, according to some experts, refers to Ops, the wife of Saturn and goddess of fertility in Greek mythology. Others argue that the name comes from the Latin opācus, from which English derived the word "opaque" and which describes one of the main characteristics of opal. In the Middle Ages it was used as a good luck charm because it was believed to contain the virtues of all other gemstones. In more recent times, opal has been used as a generator of creativity and inspiration.
  3. Lapis lazuli. This stone promotes critical thinking, making it ideal for people who are writers, journalists, psychologists, and executives by profession. This is a very convenient tool that will help in intellectual analysis, problem solving and generating new ideas. It will help you gain the knowledge you need to look at various situations clearly and objectively in order to make the best decision. Its unusual vibration makes it a surprisingly powerful stone for spiritual growth.
  4. Labradorite is a stone of magic and protection. This helps a person in magical and ritual work and will lead him into the depths where much knowledge can be discovered. For this very reason, Labradorite is considered by many to be a stone of transformation and self-discovery. This helps a person awaken his unique magical abilities. Labradorite serves only true magicians who seek to gain power only over themselves.
  5. Moonstone works directly with the third eye, drawing in higher energies that flow through the body, bringing the physical and emotional bodies into a state of calm. Particularly when used by women, it activates kundalini energy and aids clairvoyance.
  6. Smoky quartz surrounds the aura with a shield that will block any negative energies.

Sapphire - a stone of white magic

Minerals of black magicians

Stones of black magicians and sorcerers:

  1. Black tourmaline, also known as Schorl, is one of the most popular stones used in spiritual practice. Black tourmaline is used for protection and is recommended for anyone who wants to remove the effects of others. This stone acts as an “etheric vacuum cleaner” that cleanses all negativity and the auric field.
  2. Black obsidian was used by ancient magicians as a mirror for visions. The stones are very powerful and maintain high vibrational frequencies, which provides the highest protection when diving deep into other worlds.
  3. Black onyx gives strength by absorbing negative energies, and especially helps those magicians who feel that they are being deprived of personal energy by other sorcerers.
  4. Heliotrope or bloodstone helps counteract all types of disease and mortality. This crystal helps the magician see the truth and guide a person along the right path.

Black sorcerers can use other stones, since not only the mineral itself, but also the corresponding rituals help them perform the desired actions.

Talismans and Zodiac signs

There is an ancient, traditional and most modern classification of stones belonging to the zodiac sign:

  1. Zodiac sign: Aries

Ancient Stones: Amethyst, Bloodstone.

Traditional Stones: Emerald, Diamond.

Modern Stones: Amethyst, Fire Agate, Aquamarine, Citrine, Aventurine, Emerald, Diamond, Magnetite, Sardonyx.

  1. Sign: Taurus.

Ancient: Emerald.

Traditional: Emerald.

Modern: black spinel, carnelian, rhodonite, blue muscovite, kunzite, blue tourmaline, iolite, kyanite, rose quartz, septaria, selenite, variscite, emerald.

  1. Sign: Gemini.

Ancient: Agate, Sapphire.

Traditional: Agate.

Modern: agate, apophyllite, aquamarine, blue sapphire, tiger's eye, emerald, celestite, citrine, chrysocolla, tanzanite.

  1. Sign: Cancer.

Ancient: Ruby gems.

Traditional: ruby, emeralds

Modern: calcite, carnelian, natrolite, ruby, rainbow moonstone, rose quartz.

  1. Sign: Leo.

Ancient: Onyx.

Traditional: Peridot gemstones, rubies.

Modern: amber, dumortierite, carnelian, citrine, danburite, emeralds, garnet, golden topaz, labradorite, larimar, muscovite, pietersite, peridot, ruby, rhodochrosite, zircon, rutilated quartz, sunstone, yellow sapphire.

  1. Sign: Virgo.

Ancient: Peridot gems, blue sapphire.

Traditional: amazonite, garnet, zircon.

Modern: blue sapphire, chrysocolla, amazonite, blue topaz, magnetite or limestone, garnet, peridot, smithsonite, moss agate, stichtite, sugilite, zircon.

  1. Sign: Libra.

Ancient: Sapphire.

Traditional: pink tourmaline, bloodstone.

Modern: Citrine, Ametrine, Bloodstone, Chrysoprase, Prehnite, Sunstone, Chiastolite, Hypersthene, Lepidolite, Mahogany Obsidian, Moonstone, Morganite, Pink Tourmaline.

  1. Sign: Scorpio.

Ancient: peridot gems, agate, rubies.

Traditional: turquoise, malachite, golden topaz.

Modern: Agate, Charoite, Dioptase, Yellow Topaz, Kunzite, Labradorite, Peridot, Malachite, Moonstone, Ruby, Rhodochrosite, Turquoise, Variscite.

  1. Sign: Sagittarius.

Ancient: amethyst, turquoise, blue topaz.

Traditional: lapis lazuli, blue topaz.

Modern: Amethyst, Azurite, Black Obsidian, Blue Topaz, Charoite, Dioptase, Iolite, Peridot, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Ruby, Pink Tourmaline, Sodalite, Turquoise, Zircon.

  1. Sign: Capricorn.

Ancient: peridot gemstones, agate.

Traditional: agate, garnet, vesuvian.

Agate is a stone for Capricorn magicians

Modern: black tourmaline, garnet, chalcopyrite, tiger's eye, azurite, malachite, blue aragonite, peridot, green tourmaline, fluorite, ocean jasper, agate, smoky quartz, vesuvian.

  1. Sign: Aquarius.

Ancient: garnet, amethyst.

Traditional: amethyst, garnet.

Modern: Amber, Amethyst, Garnet, Hematite, Magnetite, Jasper.

  1. Sign: Pisces.

Ancient: lapis lazuli, turquoise.

Traditional: Aquamarine, Turquoise.

Modern: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Fluorite, Bloodstone, Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Smithsonite, Turquoise, Ametrine.

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