Leo man and Libra woman - compatibility from A to Z!


According to the eastern horoscope, the Dragon and the Monkey are perfect for each other. These passionate natures show mutual respect. They have a strong emotional connection, which they do not hide from others. The personal qualities of partners do not affect their relationship. They feel good together despite their peculiarities of temperament, character, and habits.

Features of signs

Monkeys are energetic people who easily start relationships and can build great prospects for the future. They do not always try to delve into the problems of their partners. These are people who love attention, so they make every effort to attract it to themselves.

The Dragon is also a bright and strong personality, who, due to his wonderful sense of humor, occupies one of the central positions in a friendly company. People born under this sign are gullible enthusiasts who achieve what they want, causing the envy of others.

Character Traits of the Monkey

In the general Zodiac characteristics, Monkeys are described as active, sociable, but quite gambling and cunning individuals. In a large company, they skillfully stand out from the rest, as they like to have fun in their free time. Demandingness, discipline, hot temper and quick decision-making are the main character traits. And it doesn’t matter at all if the couple is a man-Monkey-woman-Dragon or vice versa, the main thing is to learn to smooth out the sharp moments.

Horoscope influence

No matter how kind and open this person may seem, in relations with others he most often acts in cold blood. There is no need to tell her about secrets or secrets, they judge people solely by their actions. This quality does not manifest itself in everyone, the reason for this is how the horoscope influences:

  1. Aries. An extrovert who finds it difficult to experience the state of loneliness, so he is quick to develop relationships, which is why he often suffers.
  2. Calf. Men and women born during this period are considered not only reliable and decent, but also extremely charming, and accordingly they have practically no problems with mutual understanding.
  3. Twins. These are born leaders. People who are easy and pleasant to talk to are often called the “life of the party.”
  4. Cancer. Because they are touchy, they find it difficult to make contact; in order to establish a relationship with them, you need to learn to give in.
  5. A lion. A leader, interesting and unusual personalities, communication and spending time with them is unforgettable.
  6. Virgo. The minions of fate are carefree and cheerful people. In the most difficult situations they find a ray of positivity.
  7. Scales. Friendly and sociable. Compatibility between a dragon and a monkey, which is Libra according to the horoscope, implies a strong marriage, a lot of love and mutual understanding.
  8. Scorpion. The sign itself is a complex one, so Monkeys born during this period are more demanding and emotional than others.
  9. Sagittarius. He makes contact easily, as he is an excellent conversationalist.
  10. Capricorn. Active people who know how to apply a rational approach in any situation.
  11. Aquarius. The most unpredictable Monkeys. Moreover, both men and women are romantic and amorous natures, from whom you can expect surprises, but not always good ones.
  12. Fish. They are distrustful, therefore, in order to get into their inner circle, it is necessary to earn the trust and favor of a person.

Relationships with others for this sign are very good. When a Monkey woman is paired with a Dragon woman, then one should expect an exceptionally favorable outcome, because one will balance and complement the other.

Friendship between Dragon and Monkey according to the Chinese calendar

Only after meeting, the Monkey and the Dragon will feel mutual attraction at the level of intuition. They are good friends, so their partnership can be called strong and durable . Representatives of these signs will be able to be friends , as they know how to quickly respond to changing circumstances. They prefer to tickle their nerves with thrills. Their tandem is strengthened by the same interests and common goals.

Harmony between two friends will exist forever if the Monkey transfers the dominant role to the Dragon

After all, it is among the representatives of this sign that persistence and character prevail. The Monkey guy and girl do not have such qualities. The Dragon is able to organize any process and direct it to get what they want, and the Monkey’s tactics will help eliminate conflicts between friends at a very early stage. Problems may arise if the Dragon gives preference only to his own interests, and the Monkey begins to play his own game behind his friend’s back.

Harmony between two friends will exist forever if the Monkey transfers the dominant role to the Dragon

The horoscope promises that the work compatibility between Dragon and Monkey will be excellent due to the ingenuity of both parties. Representatives of these signs always have ideas spinning in their heads, for the risks and dangers of which the Monkey will take responsibility. The Dragon will undertake the obligation to guarantee the fulfillment of plans and protect business interests. Together they will gain authority , unless they begin to fight for the distribution of spheres of influence.

Dragon Character Traits

The dragon is a bright and strong personality

People born under this sign have their own worldview and high standards, which they demand from other people. Sometimes when they are so carried away by the process that they forget about those around them, so if a person does not cope with the task, it irritates him very much. You can learn more about the character because of what element it belongs to:

  1. Metal. These are people who can rush into business without looking back, but thanks to their special talent and individuality they achieve success. This sign has a special gift for calming conflicts with brute force.
  2. Fiery. Changeable: anger quickly changes to calm. By nature it has an effective force that helps you achieve everything you want.
  3. Wood. This person is more liberal and open-minded than an Earth or Fire person, so they get along better with other people. But it takes a lot of effort to convince him.
  4. Water. Intellectual and creative personality. The only one of the Dragons who do not want to be in the spotlight.
  5. Earthy. All those born this year are people with special inner strength, creativity and intelligence. The main thing is that they have the advantage that they can calmly think and make a decision.

These are strong and bright personalities who have a special influence on others. They are intellectually gifted and talented, but sometimes this leads to problems communicating with others. He will always stand out from the rest of the signs.

Horoscope influence

Dragons are lucky and strong-willed, most often preferring noisy entertainment. But this doesn't always happen. Another important point is which zodiac sign the Dragon belongs to according to the horoscope:

  1. Aries. An active pioneer who exudes charm. This combination enhances all character qualities.
  2. Calf. A pragmatist who builds boundaries to protect himself from surrounding aggression. It is very difficult to pacify such people.
  3. Twins. These individuals are impatient, irritable, but know how to create a favorable aura around themselves.
  4. Cancer. This sign extinguishes the stormy flame of the Dragon and turns it into the warmth of the hearth.
  5. A lion. A leader who loves to impress others. But in a pair of a dragon woman and a monkey man, the partner may be disappointed due to the short-sightedness of the loved one.
  6. Virgo. The most suitable sign for the Dragon. People who make the most of their potential and opportunities, so for them their own goals are more important than feelings.
  7. Scales. They conquer with charm, choose a peaceful path in work and love.
  8. Scorpion. It is very difficult to find mutual understanding with this person, because they are irritated by refusals.
  9. Sagittarius. Risk-taking nature, optimistic, self-confident, but there are problems in communicating with other people.
  10. Capricorn. They do not create an aura of success; they follow the chosen path exclusively, building a wall of inaccessibility around themselves. You need to be patient, and then Capricorn will open up in his true essence.
  11. Aquarius. This is a realist who is not subject to criticism. Sometimes he acts at the expense of other people.
  12. Fish. Creative personality with a rich imagination. They lack certainty.

He is sociable and able to lead people. Therefore, the compatibility of Monkey woman and Dragon man is truly unique, because they are harmonious for each other.

Scorpio man and Leo woman: marriage compatibility

There are a lot of difficulties in the family life of Scorpio and Leo.
The main thing is that Scorpio and Leo avoid rash decisions if they want to start a family. Lovers may think that they are the perfect couple. Unfortunately, this does not correspond to the real state of affairs. The woman is too demanding. She often enters into marriage for selfish reasons. Life together with her is not harmonious.

The wife is characterized by pride. She is unable to admit her guilt. She often shifts responsibility for her own mistakes onto her partner. The demands of such a person are too high. Often family quarrels drag on. They exhaust Scorpio and Leo. If the beloved realizes that a worthy man is nearby, she will make every effort to save the marriage.

Compatibility in love

A happy future awaits the couple

Astrologers are confident that the Dragon and the Monkey make a very good and harmonious couple.

Both the woman and the man receive exceptional satisfaction from such a union, since they have found ideal partners. It's all about the unique energy that comes from this connection, because it is what brings the couple to a balanced state. There is also a negative aspect - excessive passion for work, which can lead to disagreements. Despite this, the spouses are united by family comfort and common interests, which allow them to reveal their talents and discover common life prospects.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

Compatibility between Dragon man and Monkey woman is high, they have a favorable prognosis for the development of relationships. The couple is harmonious, both partners not only teach the other, but are also ready to learn. A woman in such a relationship muffles the impulses of the soaring Dragon, reminding him of his responsibilities. She feels very good and protected with him. A man receives support from his partner.

Relationship problems

These are very extravagant personalities, therefore, even the ideal compatibility of a dragon and a monkey woman does not guarantee infatuation with someone else. A woman needs to understand that this man is her half, it is quite acceptable that he has a philosophical attitude towards the issue of love, but he will not forgive betrayal.

Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

Here the man is in the role of a follower, since he simply cannot take on the role of a leader. If a woman is able to explain everything correctly, and the stronger half is able to accept it, then this couple will be simply harmonious. Marriage compatibility is only increasing every year. A girl needs time to feel the fullness of this connection.

Relationship problems

In the daily routine, when there are no strong emotional outbursts, the special connection between a man and a woman can be lost. They have the amazing ability to be simply happy in marriage, without any conditions, the main thing is to learn to appreciate it. Then the partners will benefit from the alliance.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

The man in this couple is a true intellectual who does not particularly care about material things. The chosen one puts up with this state of affairs because she is in admiration for the mind and interests of the chosen one.

What is characteristic of such a union:

  1. The financial situation of the family will always be only satisfactory. A man does not want to pursue material achievements, preferring to develop his intellect. Therefore, the burden of responsibility for filling the family budget often falls on the woman. The relationship will last as long as it suits her.
  2. The Dragon man rarely starts a serious relationship in general, because he enjoys great success with the opposite sex and changes women like gloves. Falling in love for a long time and truly is very difficult for him.
  3. As a creative person, he is constantly in search of his bright ideal, which simply does not exist. Only after reaching maturity does he become ready to come to terms with some of the shortcomings of a potential chosen one and reconsider his views on a serious relationship.
  4. A girl in such a relationship can behave unrestrained. She is an emotional and sensual person, which is what attracts her chosen one, quickly winning his favor.
  5. At the same time, she enjoys taking care of a man, a home, and maintaining useful contacts. She can become an ideal wife, a wise, faithful, sincere and fair mother to her children.
  6. Having formed a couple, the partners complement each other very well. They are open in expressing feelings, do not hide anything, so there are no silent quarrels or omissions between them, all grievances are spoken out loud and in the correct form.
  7. A woman manages to periodically bring her creative partner down from heaven to earth. Thanks to her, he develops and even begins to learn how to earn money and can become a fairly successful person.

She will show him how nice it is to be a support, a protection, a strong man. Constantly receiving her admiration and gratitude, he begins to want to do something for the family, and not just engage in self-development.

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Compatibility in friendship and work

Friendship, like any other relationship of these signs, has good potential.

There are several simple reasons for this. They have well-developed intuition, so it is easy for them to find common ground, so in the future they will be able to establish good relationships. Such people make true friends who maintain the warmth of their relationship for many years. And in working moments they will have mutual understanding, since each of them is full of ideas and desires to bring them to life.

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