The left side of the face and ear are burning (causes)

When ears and cheeks turn red in the cold or as a result of drinking intoxicating drinks, the reasons are clear. But not everyone can explain why ears and cheeks burn at the same time without external factors, without any obvious reasons. And they exist, if you understand the folk signs. Unexpected redness of the ears and cheeks does not only indicate that “someone remembered” or “they are scolding”, but marks different events, depending on factors: on what day it happened, at what time of day, in a man or in a woman.

Why do my cheeks and ears burn at the same time?

It matters not only that the ears and cheeks are red, but also on which side: the right or the left. According to signs, a flaming face can convey completely different information and you need to pay attention to every detail. And the more they light up, the closer the event is or several people take part in it.

Why is the right cheek and ear burning?

A reddened right cheek indicates that someone is praising someone a lot, telling a lot of good things about the person at the moment - an acquaintance remembers him or his boss uses him as an example. And if at the same time the right ear immediately starts to “fire”, it means that serious positive changes are planned regarding any aspect of life: be it a move, a change of activity or environment.

However, here are several interpretations:

  • remembers with kindness and tenderness the one who loves the person and, perhaps, is preparing a surprise gift;
  • a secret admirer has appeared, with whom they are still unfamiliar, but the person has been dreaming about it for a long time and does not dare to approach him first;
  • soon someone will praise, give compliments.

According to the sign, if the right cheek and ear flare up at the same time, then this is in any case a favorable sign and there is no need to worry.

Left ear and cheek

But when the left cheek burns, the omen does not bode well - it is definitely slander, criticism or gossip behind one’s back, and unkind ones at that.

In this case, you need to identify the spiteful critic as quickly as possible, listing by name not only enemies, but also all acquaintances, including close friends and relatives. After voicing the name, the redness will go away.

If the cheek and left ear turn red, those close to you are very disappointed in the person.

It would be useful to protect yourself from slander and envious people in the following simple ways:

  • take a bath with regular or sea salt - this will remove negativity;
  • wash with holy water collected in the temple;
  • carry with you for several days as a talisman things with rock crystal or diamond (a ring with these stones, for example) - these are the best amulets that protect against the evil eye and envious people;
  • if you don’t have the above-mentioned stones, you can simply attach a pin to your clothes.

This is a bad omen, but he who is forewarned is forearmed. Perhaps this is not just a discussion, but a warning that gossip and intrigue will soon begin, someone will betray or deceive. To avoid becoming a victim of an unpleasant situation, it is better to avoid conflicts without becoming paranoid. There is no need to expect bad things - just be a little more careful.

Both ears and cheeks

When cheeks and ears burn at the same time, this is a signal of approaching danger. Probably, several people are negatively inclined and are preparing an attempt to take revenge for something or cause serious harm. It is better not to ignore the signal and remain alert. It is possible that malicious gossip is spreading very quickly or that a serious family quarrel is brewing.

Physiological reasons provoking the symptom

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why cheeks and ears can burn at the same time.


In moments of strong excitement, active emotions, a feeling of heat, redness of the cheeks and ears is a common phenomenon, and many people have experienced this themselves.

Mental factors

In cases of stress and depression, symptoms are also likely to occur. Panic attacks, neuroses, severe mental anguish, and anxiety may well lead to simultaneous redness of the cheeks and ears. The symptom in this case is explained by the release of adrenaline into the blood in increased quantities, which is natural for stressful situations.

With various problems of the endocrine system, such a symptom occurs quite often. Women who have entered menopause are especially susceptible to this feeling. The radical hormonal changes in the body at this time make themselves felt, including sensations of heat, redness of the cheeks and ears. In men after 50, the symptom is also likely to appear, since, albeit in their own way, representatives of the stronger sex also go through menopause.

Pregnancy in women can also be marked by the frequent occurrence of a similar physiological symptom.


This cause of redness of the right/left cheek and ears is one of the most common. In this case, parts of the body will not “burn” suddenly, but at least a little, but constantly. If the disease is in an advanced form, then the person’s face acquires a permanent purple tint due to the constant flow of blood.

If the symptom is caused precisely by an increase in pressure, additional signs will be present: headache, “spots” before the eyes.

In case of pathologies such as heart failure or atherosclerosis, the symptoms of hot flashes should be taken very seriously: these manifestations may be harbingers of a stroke or heart attack.


The disease has a main characteristic symptom - redness (systemic) of the face and ears. The symptom is characteristic of those who suffer from rosacea on an ongoing basis, and the cause is vasospasm. In addition to redness, a rash on the cheeks will also be noticeable.


Some medications have a vasodilating effect, sometimes special, sometimes as a side effect. Such medications include, for example, medications containing nicotinic acid and hormones. For this reason, such drugs are often prohibited for use by people with hypertension.

The reasons may also lie in allergies to antibiotics. In this case, you need to urgently stop taking the medication and immediately seek medical help, since in addition to redness and heat, more serious consequences are likely. For example, sometimes allergies lead to life-threatening angioedema.

Alcohol dilates blood vessels, so it is not surprising that the face and ears begin to burn after drinking. If a person often abuses alcohol, then his cheeks, ears, nose and even neck acquire a permanent reddish tint.

Sun and frost

Exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation is not always beneficial, and can lead, among other things, to dilation of blood vessels on the face. The result of tanning is often redness of the skin, a feeling that the entire tanned surface of the body is “bursting with heat.”

In frosty weather, if after going outside you get into a warm room, especially with a pronounced contrast between street and room temperatures, the feeling of simultaneous “burning” of your face and ears is not surprising. Sometimes an allergy to cold is also possible, manifested in the form of red spots on the face and hives.


Also a fairly common reason. Allergies in the form of simultaneous redness of the cheeks, right and left ear most often occur to cosmetics and products. If the redness is associated specifically with allergies, other symptoms will most likely appear: skin rashes, lacrimation, swelling.

Sometimes increased brain activity under intense pressure can also cause simultaneous redness of the cheeks and ears. This often happens to children during exams, and even to adults at crucial moments.

Physical exercise

Exercising leads to increased blood circulation throughout the body. It is especially common to notice facial redness when athletes lift heavy weights.


With pathological changes in the upper cervical region, the likelihood of regular redness of the face and ears is very high.

As you can see, the reasons for a seemingly harmless symptom can be quite serious. Be sure to undergo a medical examination if your cheeks and ears begin to “burn” frequently.

The phrase “cheeks are burning - people are talking” has a direct meaning. People believe that people remember. Conversations can be both good and evil. A gold alloy wedding ring will help you find out about this.

The ring is passed along the cheek and the mark is observed. If the stripe becomes light, they remember him with a good word or praise him for his actions. If it’s dark, it means they’re scolding or starting an unkind conversation. The red color of the trail signifies neutral conversations.

The sign has a second interpretation: cheeks are burning, indicating disappointment and grief in the near future. Human tears will flow down the cheek and cool the heat. Washing with water or tears of joy will save you from an unpleasant prediction.

The third folk sign says that cheeks burn when gossip comes from relatives. In order for the schemer to stop having bad conversations, it is necessary to list all loved ones in turn.

After guessing the name of the gossip, your cheeks will stop glowing. And the owner of red cheeks needs to speak with caution about his plans among his family.

Believers said that in order for misfortune from the prediction not to come true, one must read prayers. Each person has his own amulet. In addition, wash with holy water or water from a well.

Official medicine does not believe in folk omens, so if you experience a frequent symptom of burning cheeks, it recommends consulting a doctor.

Cheeks are burning for what or why:

  • from hypersensitivity to drugs. Taking nicotinic acid or hormonal pills provokes the symptom of “red cheeks”;
  • from disruption of the cardiovascular system. Chronic diseases of the heart muscle cause redness in a stuffy room, as well as in large crowds of people or severe fatigue;
  • from allergies. Redness is provoked by the use of new cosmetic or food products. Caffeine and spicy foods cause atopic dermatitis.
  • to diabetes mellitus. Increased blood sugar levels cause facial flushing;
  • to hormonal changes: pregnancy, menopause, decreased sexual activity in men.
  • to psychological disorder. Frequent redness of the face during communication may be a psychological problem. The specialist will develop comprehensive techniques to help cope with anxiety and social adaptation;
  • to high blood pressure, hypertension. With increased pressure, a process occurs that causes a rush of blood to the face, hence the reddening cheeks.

The following situations should not be taken into account either from the medical or from the people’s side:

  • after returning from cold to warmth. Cheeks burn due to vasodilation and blood flow - this is the physiology of the human body;
  • after prolonged exposure to the sun. Heat from sunbathing causes redness;
  • during a stressful situation. Blushing is caused by the body's biological reaction to a social situation: shame, embarrassment, excitement, speaking in front of an audience.
  • during active sports or physical activity. During exercise, blood flow accelerates, which dilates the capillaries and causes redness in the face. In this way, nature protected the body from overheating.
  • after drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the body, which causes the blood vessels to dilate, causing the cheeks to turn red.

Medicine claims that there is no mystical meaning for red cheeks. This phenomenon is easily explained.

In the human body, two systems are responsible for regulating the cardiovascular complex: parasympathetic and sympathetic. Their interaction forms a vegetative form responsible for behavior and nervous processes.

Vasodilation is caused by the parasympathetic system, which leads to various processes, including redness of the cheeks. The sympathetic system causes the opposite reaction - paleness of the skin.

There are two types of people: sympathizers and parasympathetics. The first ones blush very rarely, the second ones often. Quality is given to a person from the moment of birth and does not depend on other factors. Therefore, a person needs to accept the peculiarity of his body.

The popular interpretation of why cheeks burn depends on whether both parts of the face are red or only one of them.

Right cheek burns

The red right side, according to popular interpretation, burns to the memories of a person by someone close. If the right ear begins to glow together, it means that a loved one is thinking about the girls or the guy, keeps in mind the shared moments and misses them.

If there is no significant other at the moment, perhaps this means that there is a secret admirer who dreams of a date. The method of listing names will help you guess a stranger. It is necessary to pronounce the names of the intended admirers until the cheek returns to its normal color.

Another sign carries good news that will happen in the near future. There is no exact interpretation. This can be either a pleasant meeting of an old friend or a significant long-awaited event.

The red right cheek, glowing together with the left ear, has the opposite meaning. This is a sign of unpleasant situations, grievances and tears. To prevent disappointment, it is enough to wash yourself from a holy spring or sacred water. It is believed that the prediction will lose its power and will not come true.

Left cheek burning

A fiery left cheek speaks of unkind conversations among close people.

A sign is not a reason to sort things out. It is enough to start listing people who can weave intrigues. If a match occurs, the cheek will stop burning. Being careful in communication and behavior prevents gossip and rumors.

If your cheeks have not stopped glowing after the method of listing names, it is enough to say out loud the phrase: “let everything they know be passed on to themselves.”


  1. The ears are a very precise thermostat; they are the ones who primarily respond to the ambient temperature. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to if your ears start to burn is the temperature indoors or outdoors. It is because of the heat that a person can feel the blood rushing to the ears.
  2. Why, for what reasons do your face, cheeks and ears sometimes burn? With heavy and long mental work, the ears may also begin to burn, and the redness from the ears can spread to the face. This is due to the fact that during mental work, blood circulation in the brain accelerates. It was noted that in this situation the left side of the face and the left ear burn more in right-handed people, and vice versa in left-handed people.
  3. If redness of the ears is accompanied by a headache, and this happens in stressful situations or during physical activity, then you should consult a therapist or measure your blood pressure yourself for several days. Since this condition may be a symptom of hypertension.
  4. Situations in which “burning” ears are accompanied by itching, peeling of the skin, and partial hearing loss also require attention. If your ears itch and burn, this may indicate an infection. Go to the mirror and carefully examine your ears, and if you notice that the appearance of your ears has changed, you should definitely consult a doctor. Read about medications for ear inflammation.
  5. Hormonal imbalance is another reason why your ears may burn. This situation also requires prompt medical attention. Women over 45 years of age may especially experience this symptom when there is a hormonal imbalance.

Signs by day of the week

Signs according to the days of the week - ears, right and left cheeks flushed at the same time - predict different events that will happen in the near future:

  1. Monday has always been a difficult day. A flaming face and ears on the first day of the week foreshadows minor difficulties in business or in life in general, however, it does not exclude a happy meeting.
  2. Tuesday will bring good news and joyful events to the Red Ears, but also marks quarrels and gossip. To prevent negative signs from coming true, you need to wear crystal or diamond amulets.
  3. The middle of the week promises reconciliation , a date, and the discovery of an unusual find.
  4. On Thursday, the sign warns of a favorable result when solving important tasks and problems. Long disputes will end with gatherings in pleasant company.
  5. A burning face on Friday signifies events related to the family. Family ties will be strengthened, and an interesting event spent together is expected.
  6. The sixth day was a bath, but if the cheeks turned red not from the steam room, then to some pleasant surprise from a loved one. But it’s better not to start new things on Saturday.
  7. Sunday is a day of rest, but a flaming face can be alarming, as the sign indicates a violation of plans . But this does not apply to the holidays, everything will go fine.

The indicated signs are valid when the left ear and the right ear and both cheeks are on fire at the same time. Interestingly, the prediction changes depending on the time of day.


Simultaneous redness and a feeling of heat from the cheeks and ears is common. The process is physiological in nature and is characterized by minor discomfort, expressed in a sudden feeling of heat in the facial area. The face and ears burn very often in moments of strong emotional excitement, when a person experiences any emotions: both positive and negative.

The redness of the cheeks, ears and the sensation of heat is explained directly by the rush of blood, a slight rise in temperature: thanks to these two factors, the capillaries expand, which means that the skin in this area necessarily reddens.

By time of day

It turns out that the time of day when the right ear and cheeks burn with flame also matters. Signs indicate completely different events in a person’s life than past interpretations. You can take both of them into service:

  1. On Monday - a person is offended or a long-awaited meeting will take place. In the morning - a man, in the afternoon - a woman, in the evening - one of the relatives, by night - someone wants revenge.
  2. On Tuesday - they will show sympathy for the person. In the morning - an acquaintance, in the afternoon - a stranger, in the evening - someone unpleasant, by night - a boss or someone in power.
  3. Wednesday marks an interesting meeting or, conversely, a quarrel. In the morning - with your family, in the afternoon - with a new acquaintance, in the evening - with an old friend whom you have not seen for a long time, at night - there will be a date with the desired person.
  4. On Thursday you should expect an unexpected gift. In the morning - from work, in the afternoon - from a friend, in the evening - from a lover, at night - from an enemy.
  5. On Friday it's jealousy's turn. In the morning - the owner of red cheeks himself will become an object of jealousy; in the afternoon or evening - he will have to be jealous of someone.
  6. Intrigues are expected on Saturday . In the morning or afternoon - from the female side, in the evening and towards the night - from the male side.
  7. Sunday foretells praise . In the morning - from one of your good friends, in the afternoon - from a loved one, in the evening - from your superiors, at night - from a stranger or a stranger at all.

There is no need to get hung up on it, if your cheeks and ears light up at the same time, the sign will tell you what to expect, but you need to remember that a lot depends on thoughts and if you really expect something good. And a ring with a rock crystal will always help against negativity: it’s beautiful and will protect you from ill-wishers.

Depending on gender

The belief promises different things for men and women

There is a less pleasant version that the girl’s burning cheeks foreshadow her sadness - “she will have to cool it down with tears.” The same sign threatens a young man with a major conflict with someone higher up, from whom he can expect serious trouble. It is not necessary to believe alarming predictions, especially since a way to get around them was invented a long time ago: tradition advises a woman to wipe her face with the edge of her hem, and a man to wash his face with cold water, while thinking about something pleasant.

Explanation from a medical point of view

Medicine is not so categorical in matters of the future; suddenly burning ears and cheeks are explained by health problems:

  • the body is overheated;
  • stress;
  • increased body temperature;
  • circulatory or metabolic disorders;
  • interruptions in blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the level of adrenaline in the blood increased;
  • problems with the endocrine system;
  • diabetes, cancer or tuberculosis develops;
  • due to hormonal changes: pregnancy, menopause, decreased sexual activity;
  • sensitivity to drugs.

Doctors say that the cheek becomes red on the side where the diseased organ is located.

Redness and heat of the ears and cheeks, individually or simultaneously, can cause psychological discomfort: excitement and embarrassment. Or active sports training, alcohol, which causes dilation of blood vessels.

If your cheeks are burning, but your health is fine, then you should listen to the signs - this will allow you to prepare psychologically and smooth out the effect of surprise that causes stress.

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