Autumn applique from napkins “Rowan in a vase”. Master class with step-by-step photos

What is the power of red and black rowan

The berry has magical properties and is believed to drive away evil spirits. Black and red rowan have similar potency, but red rowan was considered a stronger protective berry - against damage, disease, and troubles. It is enough to simply hang a branch at the entrance to the apartment, and it will protect against negative energy sent by an ill-wisher.

The berry has healing properties, so it is often said to help the patient recover faster. It cleanses the human energy background well. If a person often shows aggression and is in a poor psycho-emotional state, he should transfer his anger to the plant using magic.

Spellbound twigs transform evil energy into neutral or positive. If strangers often come into the apartment, the room is protected with red rowan. An effective amulet works like this: uninvited guests feel uncomfortable in the house, so they rather want to leave it.

A rowan amulet will increase positive energy, respect and love in the house. When making a talisman, a person must cleanse his soul and mind. After reading the charm, it will take effect within 24 hours. Sometimes whispers are read on the waxing moon to activate the thing.

CategoryWhy is it useful?In any form
For the whole familyProtects the home and all family members from magical negativity, reduces negativity, reduces the number of conflictsMotanka doll
Rowan cross

Dried and charmed branch

Rowan wreath

For a childProtects against diseases, evil eye, negative energyMascot toy
For an unmarried girlHelps to reveal feminine energy, protects from the evil eye and damage, helps in difficult life situationsAny decoration, usually a bracelet or beads
For womanProtects from negativity, helps to establish contact with household members, improves healthAccessory, amulet
For a manGives good health, protects against the evil eye, serves as a universal amuletMascot
For the elderlyStrengthens health, protects from ill-wishers, gives peace and satisfaction with life, sets the mood for positivitySpellbound branch in a vase
Motanka doll


Use in landscape design

Rowan can be grown either in combination with other plants or as a soloist. A lonely planted tree, strewn with clusters of scarlet berries, will look natural and somewhat mysterious, and in a group, rowan harmonizes perfectly with deciduous trees (maple, linden, black poplar), conifers (spruce, thuja, fir, pine) and ornamental shrubs (snowberry, honeysuckle, spirea). Weeping rowan is perfect for decorating arches and gazebos.

Be sure to plant a rowan tree next to your house - you won’t be disappointed. This graceful tree, like a strong thread, connects generations, because our ancestors loved to admire it. Maybe that’s why being next to a rowan tree makes your soul feel so light and warm.

Product matrix: Red rowan

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