Research work “Rowan - a symbol of happiness and peace in the family”

Magic properties

Rowan is a dormouse, and therefore it is better to come to the tree for recharge from noon to 16:00, when it is most active.

According to esotericists, a plant with scarlet berries has powerful energy that suppresses other trees. The red rowan tree was considered sacred by the Slavs, and therefore it could not be cut down. A tree with a warlike disposition protected people, livestock and housing from otherworldly forces and curses. You can make a talisman from the bark of a tree that will protect you from magical attacks and envy. In villages, protective beads against the evil eye were often collected from scarlet berries. The wise men advised to place the sick person under the branches, since the tree would take away all the diseases.

Rowan tree favors women most of all, enhancing beauty, developing intuition, healing female diseases and helping to get pregnant with a healthy baby. A slender tree is used to cast a love spell or attract the attention of others. A girl who is often near plants with scarlet berries also becomes bright, desirable and attractive. A twig hidden under the pillow helps women experience love without reciprocation and symbolizes readiness for a new relationship.

Amulet from a rowan branch

An ordinary sprig of rowan can also serve as a talisman. This is a love talisman made from rowan. You can cast any conspiracy on her. So, if a girl wants to meet her love faster, then she can cast the following conspiracy on a rowan branch:

“You are beautiful, I am beautiful. You have roots and I want to put down roots and start a family. Send me a good, handsome groom. May it roll to me like your berries roll lightly and cheerfully across the floor. I am a red maiden, you are a red rowan, together we will attract strength and love. I’m waiting for your help, my friend, my gratitude to you in advance.”

After this, it is advisable to take this charmed twig with you on dates, but so that it is not noticeable to young people.

How is it used in magic?

Removing damage and negativity

To remove magical negativity sent or to cleanse yourself of human envy, practitioners recommend the following proven rituals:

A decoction of this plant is drunk during the ritual of removing damage.

  • Removing the evil eye and light damage. You need to surround yourself with fresh branches with red berries and drink 1 liter of warm rowan decoction in one go. The branches are then thrown away.
  • Home protection and practice. To cleanse yourself, it is recommended to go to a rowan tree in the evening, preferably in nature. A bunch of keys is hung on a branch. Having embraced the trunk, a slander is pronounced: “It’s not I who heal, I do the conspiracy, but the mother rowan tree. She heals, cleanses, calls out the truth with the forces of heaven, the morning glow and the pale-faced moon. She came to the rowan tree, found an iron key, and went home. I will close the door with 3 bolts, 3 cast-iron hooks, place grabs and block the entrance with a shovel. No one will move the grips, remove the bolt, throw away the hooks, or move the shovels from their place. No one (name) will cause harm either on the street or in the home. As it was said, so it will be!” You need to pick up the keys and kiss the bark. Do not open the door for anyone until the morning.
  • Removal of damage with return. A dried branch is thrown to the person who sent the curse, with the caveat: “To me from the yard, to someone else’s yard. Receive a reward for an evil gift. Perhaps he will serve you as he served me.” If the negative was not sent from him, then the spell will not cause harm.

Attracting Men

The following simple magical rituals with a growing tree are suitable for arranging your personal life:

While reading a love spell, you need to hug a tree.

  • Universal admiration. At dawn you need to cover your head and go to the rowan tree. The trunk is grasped with a magical reservation: “I will wake up with a blessing, walk under the mountain ash, turn to the east. On the eastern side the scarlet dawn flares up and the red sun rises. It floods the rowan tree with pink, sparkling light. May I (name) also be more beautiful than the daylight, brighter than the crescent moon, blusher than the glow of the evening and morning, slimmer than a tree. Just as oaks and elms cannot take their eyes off rowan trees, so guys will look at me. They reach out to me, are shy, and look. A key, a lock and a knot on the scarf. Let it be so!". The scarf is removed and tied to a branch.
  • Love spell. In the morning the rowan tree hugs and kisses, and then a slander is uttered: “I walk under the rowan tree - I start round dances, make circles - I envelop the man in witchcraft. You, servant of God (name), fall in love with me like a dove with a dove. The flame will flare up in you, your blood will boil. You can’t put out a fire, you can’t cover it with earth, you can’t calm it with water, you can only curb it with love. Let it be so!". 2 branches are broken off from adjacent sides and held together with a scarlet thread made of wool. A rowan amulet is brought and hidden in the house with a reservation: “As the branches are screwed, so (name) will be screwed to me. He won’t give up on me until the thread unravels on its own.”

Amulets against damage and diseases

In the past, healers used rowan berries to remove damage. The person was covered with rowan leaves, berries and branches, and was also given plenty of rowan infusion to drink.

It happened that a person with a rowan amulet had the gift of foresight, his perception sharply sharpened, and diseases seemed to be diverted from him to bad people.

For a long time, the rowan grove was considered a sacred place. The rowan talisman allowed you to gain control over your feelings and protected you from enemies and evil people. However, the plant itself was often subject to the machinations of dark forces. To protect the tree from witchcraft, runic signs were carved on it.

Residents of Western Europe used a rowan amulet in the shape of a cross to protect against evil spirits. Among the Slavs, rowan wine also played the role of a talisman (read more about amulets and amulets of the Slavs). Belief in its healing properties was incredibly strong, for this reason the drink was supposed to be consumed only during periods of illness, with extreme loss of strength.

Rowan helped those people who trusted her power. If a sick person was taken into the shade provided by a rowan tree, then after some time the disease passed without a trace.

Nervous diseases were treated with a decoction of berries. A wooden rowan cross was placed under the bed of a person suffering from insomnia. After that, he slept until the morning “like the dead.”

Use in folk medicine

If the patient does not want to be treated, you need to make a cross from two rowan branches and place it under the bed.

Magi and ancient practitioners highly valued the value of rowan in healing and used it to treat the following diseases and conditions:

Jam made from these berries will help a person get rid of problems with nerves.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning. You need to carefully chew several berries when signs of intoxication appear, as the plant allows the body to survive the lack of oxygen.
  • Nerve restoration. With increased excitability of the central nervous system and neurological disorders, regular consumption of berry jam is indicated.
  • Skin rejuvenation. To maintain tone, remove wrinkles and give your face a healthy color, you need to apply a paste of crushed berries to your face.
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system. Crushed dry fruits are poured with boiling water and infused for 4-5 hours. The decoction is drunk ½ cup before meals.
  • Healing of wounds. Apply a paste of leaf berries to the open lesion for 24 hours. The juice of the fruit will stop the bleeding.

Red berry

In the old days, a rowan branch with bright red berries was perceived as a symbol of Perun’s club, which could protect a person from all sorts of troubles.

This pagan idea continued into Christian times. In Central Russia, rowan was used in wedding ceremonies: the leaves were placed in the shoes of the newlyweds, and the fruits were hidden in the pockets of their clothes - for protection from sorcerers and witches, and later, in our time, from the evil eye and damage. In the Middle Ages in Rus', the sick were placed under rowan trees, believing that the rowan tree spirit drove away illnesses. This tree has always been planted next to the house, because the rowan is considered a symbol of fertility, well-being and prosperity. The Slavs called the mountain ash a sacred tree and were sure that lightning was hidden in its openwork crown. And they loved this tree for its bright, but at the same time some shy beauty.

Rowan is almost always beautiful: when it blooms in the spring, when it rustles with its carved foliage in the summer. And when the berries are ripe, there is nothing more spectacular than an autumn tree.

But mountain ash served not only as a decoration for people - its berries are a useful product that contains a lot of valuable substances: large amounts of sugars, organic acids, tannins, pectin and bitter substances. Rowan fruits are rich in ascorbic acid, and they contain more carotene (a precursor to vitamin A) than carrots. Rowan also contains a lot of bioflavonoids and folic acid. These and many other substances (microelements, essential oils and other compounds) determine the healing properties of rowan.

Dry and fresh rowan fruits are multivitamin raw materials, have an astringent, laxative, diuretic and choleretic effect. Rowan juice is useful for treating kidney stones, bladder stones, and cystitis. Rowan fruits stimulate appetite, activate the digestive organs, and have a hemostatic effect. Parosorbic acid, found in rowan juice, has antimicrobial activity, even diluted (1:2000) inhibits staphylococci and other microbes. Dried flowers are used as a diaphoretic. Rowan juice strengthens capillaries, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and stimulates blood circulation. It is useful for hypertensive patients suffering from vascular and heart diseases. Traditional medicine advises pregnant women to consume at least a couple of fresh rowan berries daily, which will help get rid of toxicosis. And the course of menopause will be eased by tea made from rowan fruits. Rowan extract tightens pores, tones, stimulates the synthesis of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, slows down aging, relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin, has a rejuvenating, tightening, soothing, bactericidal and wound-healing effect.

The fruits are harvested in the fall, after the first frost. Store dried, frozen or processed. The berries are used to make juices, jams, jams, candied fruits, and eaten pureed with sea buckthorn and apples. Sorbitol is prepared from the berries to replace sugar. The fatty oil contained in the seeds is suitable for food and tastes good. Rowan is a good honey plant.

Rowan is an amazing plant that can interbreed and produce fertile offspring not only with related species, but even with representatives of other genera. Under natural conditions and in culture, interspecific hybrids are known: rowan and chokeberry, rowan and pear, rowan and serviceberry, rowan and hawthorn, and even rowan and apple. The first who began to create rowan varieties with improved fruit quality was Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. The result of this work was marked by the appearance of a whole series of varieties with completely edible fruits. His work was continued by Tatyana Kirillovna Poplavskaya, the author of eight zoned varieties of rowan with improved fruit taste. One of these varieties is in our collection. This is Titan. The variety was obtained from pollination of rowan with an ordinary mixture of pear and apple pollen. Fruits weighing up to 2 g, intense dark cherry color, sweet and sour with a slight tartness, can be stored for up to 8-9 months. Tree growth is moderate.

The most interesting rowan is its sweet-fruited form Nevezhinskaya. It is quite edible fresh, even unripe. In our collection, this form of rowan is represented by a variety of unknown origin. The fruits are orange-red in color, weighing up to 1 g. The tree is highly winter-hardy and very tall.

The third variety of rowan in our collection is called Forest Beauty. This is a selected form of mountain ash. It is distinguished by a very large inflorescence: the weight of the shield with berries is more than 300 g. It especially attracts attention in the fall, when the berries are fully ripe and the bush looks like a Christmas tree with large red balls.

Of course, you can also use forest rowan, but varietal rowan with increased taste and dietary qualities of the fruit is certainly more interesting. If you have any questions, call us, we will help you with advice (8-902-566-21-28).

The meaning of rowan as a talisman: a symbol of love

The warlike female tree protects true feelings from envy, quarrels and magical influences. The magical rowan will strengthen feelings and bind lovers together forever, therefore, from the bark and berries you can make an effective amulet that will become a symbol of love. It is recommended to include clusters in wedding bouquets, and to properly decorate the windows of a new family’s home with branches with fruits. The amulet will remain in effect as long as the berries are scarlet, and nothing can separate the lovers. If the fruits turn black and fall off, it is recommended to install a new talisman, and gratefully bury the old branches in the ground away from the house.

Talisman for peace in the house

If you notice that your home is tired of quarrels between you and loved ones, then with the help of red rowan, as a talisman, you can cleanse it of negative energy. Perhaps the house has been damaged; this can also be removed with the help of rowan.

Make a talisman during the waning moon, as you want to get rid of something. You need to make beads from rowan. Pick the berries in advance. Prepare your needle and thread. Only start making a talisman in a good mood, this is very important. When you make beads, recite the following conspiracy for peace in the house:

“With my own hands I build my happiness, I protect my home, I cleanse my family. Love, I invite Her Majesty to my home. From the day these beads of love are in our home, everyone will respect each other. I make this talisman, this amulet for love. The bitter berry will attract sweetness and coherence into my life. I don't make beads, I fill the house with love. Amen".

Repeat this plot until your love beads are completely ready. Then hang them in the living room or kitchen, it should be a place where the whole family gathers at least sometimes. Such rowan beads will quickly and effectively cleanse the energy of your home, and as a result, relationships with loved ones will become much more pleasant.

Signs about rowan trees and amulets

The red berry has other names: winter berry, bird catcher, bull's lot. There is a belief that if you break a branch without bowing and praying, one of your loved ones will soon die. The branches were used to make wreaths for brides and amulets against evil spirits.

Signs about rowan:

  • if a girl’s wreath or berry decoration breaks, something bad will happen;
  • if the rowan tree is in bloom at the porch, there will always be food, well-being and prosperity in the house;
  • If the leaves of the plant quickly wither, you should wait for severe frosts.

Trees planted near the window will protect household members from envious people.

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