Soul number 5 - meaning and characteristics

Women with soul number 5

What does the soul number 5 mean for women? Five gives its owners bright charisma, visual attractiveness, the ability to charm at first sight and a certain fragility. At the same time, such a woman will certainly have a very strong core inside her: she knows her goals and is ready to work hard to achieve them. Thanks to her courteous manners and ability to say what her interlocutor wants to hear from her, Lady Five often successfully moves up the career ladder. Women with the number 5 often get married very early, unless, of course, they meet a person who is truly suitable in all respects. But sometimes it turns out to be very difficult to meet such a person, since A’s are very picky and have a huge list of requirements that a potential partner must meet. That is why it is easier for them to find the ideal man at a younger age, when there are a lot of available guys around, than when they cross the threshold of thirty. The same applies to friendships: if the A has not found true friends in her youth, then in adulthood she is unlikely to have them.

Strong periods

In Vedic numerology, strong periods of “fives” are between May 21 and June 20 and between August 21 and September 20.

These periods are favorable for starting a new job, concluding new contracts, finishing what you started and looking for a better home or place of work.

Favorable dates

Good dates are the 5th, 14th, 23rd of any month, especially if these days fall on good periods.

Favorable days

For people with number 5, Wednesday and Friday are good days. If these days fall on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month, they become even more successful.

Recommended colors

Number 5 people are advised to wear all shades of green, turquoise, light brown, smoky gray and white. They must use the listed colors in their clothes, pillowcases, bedspreads, curtains, tablecloths, and bed linens. It is also useful for these people to carry a handkerchief of any shade of green, gray or white. These colors are soothing to the eye. When feeling unwell, “fives” can wash their hands, face, eyes, and then wipe themselves with such a scarf to restore energy and gain freshness.


On your little finger you should wear a 3-carat emerald set in a ring like a bracelet. The emerald itself or a stone replacing it must be bought on Wednesday and given to the jeweler on the same day. You also need to take it back on Wednesday. And, taking it, wear it after performing certain rituals. The “Five” should take crushed emerald to restore the electrochemical balance of the body.


Number 5 people should meditate on Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, peace and prosperity. If this is not possible, then you should meditate on an emerald or a stone replacing it.


The deity of the “fives” is Mahalakshmi, who sits on a pink lotus in blue waters, taking the lotus position. She has four arms. With one of her right hands she blesses her devotees. With the other she holds a bowl of sacred water, an elixir. With one of her left hands she holds a lotus flower, and with the other she scatters gold coins, bestowing prosperity.

The planetary deity Budha bestows excellent health and an insightful mind.

Fives should repeat the above mantra during meditation as many times as possible. It will bring them all material and spiritual benefits and strengthen their willpower.


Mercury Yantra

If your number is 5, that is, if you were born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month, you can use this talisman for your benefit. The sum of the numbers in any direction is 24. Such a yantra should be engraved on a copper plate or ring. If you make a ring, wear it on the fourth finger, which is also called the Mercury finger.

Health and illness

Diseases associated with Mercury: chronic dysentery, constipation, gastritis, indigestion, kidney disease, fickle mind and fear of evil spirits and ghosts.

Fives are also susceptible to colds, flu, coughs, skin diseases, nervous breakdowns, headaches, forgetfulness, blood pressure problems and heart disease.


Fives are recommended to fast on the days of the full moon. And if they were born on a Wednesday, they should also fast on Wednesdays.


Suitable friends for "fives", in addition to the "fives" themselves (their best friends), are "ones", "threes" and "nines".

Romantic relationship

Fives for marriage or romantic relationships should choose men or women born between May 21 and June 21 or August 21 and September 20. The soul number of the partners of “fives” should be the numbers 2, 3, 5 or 9. Those with a soul number 1 are especially suitable for “fives”.

Good years of life

The best years of life are 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77 and 86, as well as all years that are reduced to the number 1 - 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55 , 64, 73, 82 and 91st.

Men with soul number 5

Now let’s look at the characteristics of a man with soul number 5. Usually such a representative of the stronger sex is “seen from afar”: he never sits in a corner, but is constantly active, communicates, tells something, and is in the center of attention. He is successfully building a career, has an interesting hobby, travels often and always tries to insert “his two cents” into any conversation. Thanks to his bright appearance and high intellectual abilities, he has many fans throughout his life, but, alas, the A-man communicates with most ladies very superficially. Only a truly smart, versatile, independent woman can win his heart, since he does not need a silent listener, admiringly “looking into his mouth,” but an equal interlocutor with a high intellectual level. If there is absolutely nothing to talk about with a girl, she will never seriously interest a five-man man.

What is the soul number?

Soul number 5 is influenced by Mercury, the fastest of the planets in the solar system. It endows its bearers with lightning-fast reactions, quick wits, ingenuity, practical acumen, and a desire for risk, commerce, and adventure. The sacred meaning of Five is the combination of the odd masculine aspect of the Three and the feminine aspect of the Two. Such a union ensures harmonious unity and stability. As a soul number, it is seen as a symbol of the Great Quest. The number 3 represents Perfection, and 5 is the path to its realization. A person perceives the picture of the universe with the help of five senses. Those with the Five vibration in their souls strive to look beyond the reality built on the four elements. Born in the earthly vale, they turn their mortal journey into a spiritual journey. Soul number 5 leads to the study of numerology, psychoanalysis, physiognomy, graphology, palmistry and other sciences that allow you to better know yourself and those around you. Since the Five is in the middle of the sequence from 1 to 9, its owners are able to quickly generate the right decisions. They develop this feature thanks to the variety of experiences and channels of obtaining information. People with soul number 5 perfectly adapt to life's ups and downs, painlessly enduring tragedies and disasters. Spiritual extreme people, they live on a high nerve and love extraordinary sensations. The influence of Mercury pushes them towards commercial fraud, risky ventures and gambling. If they manage to break the bank, then they win much more than others, while at the same time they face loss without regret. Both women and men-Five have the highest compatibility with other numbers in the numerological series. Soul number 5 in numerology has a huge impact on a person.

Vedic numerology - what is it?

All our lives we are surrounded by numbers. They are the real keys to understanding who we really are, what the future holds for us. With the help of numbers, you can understand why a certain person behaves in this way; numerology allows you to study a person’s talents and understand his true personality.

Numbers have always carried a large amount of information and were very symbolic. If you start studying their symbolism, you will be able to find out a person’s abilities, his predispositions, possible adversities and obstacles that will await him, ways to overcome them, the encoding of his personal matrix, and so on.

There is a large amount of different literature that is devoted to this science. One of them is the book “Vedic Numerology”, Vidya Ananda, Ravindra Kumar.

Vedic numerology at the moment is a science that is based on the wisdom of ancient scientists, sages who, back in ancient times, realized the full value of numbers and their magical meaning.

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Posted by Rina (@rina_samudri) Aug 20, 2021 at 12:55 PDT

Slavic karmic numerology is a full-fledged science, with the help of which you can prevent troubles, correct your destiny and realize your main goal.

Vedic numerology insists that there are three most important individual numbers in the life of every individual:

  • souls;
  • fate;
  • name.

Influence of Mercury

In the Vedic tradition, numbers are usually correlated with planets. Five is associated with Mercury. It is not surprising that the key qualities for those born under this soul number will be speed of reaction, quick wits, restlessness, and changeable character, because Mercury is often called the smallest and fastest planet in the solar system. In Sanskrit, the name of Mercury sounds like Kumar, which means “youth,” so we can assume that fives will always be active, inquisitive, regardless of their age. In traditional astrology, Mercury is considered the planet of communication, intellectual energy, and mental activity. In the Tarot deck, under the influence of Mercury, there is the Arcanum Magus, so many of the qualities of this card are reflected in the life of fives. can have the same soul number 5

Advantages of the union

  • mutual understanding, desire for communication and common interests;
  • goodwill of both partners;
  • lack of jealousy, deep feelings and the ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations;
  • excellent cooperation, ability to solve emerging problems together;
  • the ability to negotiate and make peace even in difficult situations;
  • high sexual and sensual potential of both partners;
  • partners learn from common mistakes and are able to adapt to each other and to circumstances;
  • the activity of both partners, the desire for well-being and happiness;
  • the ability to maintain love and interest in each other;
  • great sense of humor of both partners.

Positive traits

A person with soul number 5 is a thinker type. This is an inquisitive student who is ready to learn something new every moment of his life. They make decisions quickly, are sometimes very impulsive, hasty, do not tolerate monotony and use their own resources to the maximum. At the same time, A's have a cheerful disposition and constantly try to create an atmosphere of joy around themselves, which sometimes requires a lot of energy. Another feature of this soul number is the love of risk and freedom. Fives are very difficult to force into any framework, since they cannot stand any restrictions. Excellent mental abilities and natural passion allow them to find more and more new ways to make money. They do not try to make long-term plans, but focus on quick gains, progress, and movement. People with soul number 5 never mind playing the lottery or visiting a casino. Surprisingly, they almost always win much more than other players, unless, of course, this hobby turns into real gambling addiction. Fives are very sociable, so they easily make new friends and almost never spend time alone. However, their inconstancy and craving for change sometimes leads to the fact that friends and acquaintances often change, so in difficult life moments, rarely does anyone come to the aid of fives - alas, they most often do not acquire the only true friend for life. People with soul number 5 have very developed intuition: they subtly sense the true attitude of others towards their person, and also know how to predict the maneuvers of their relatives, friends, and work colleagues. If someone turns to the number 5 for advice, he receives a practical recommendation from her even before he describes the whole situation, since a person with the soul number 5 intuitively senses the meaning of what he is told at the very beginning of the story. It is this quality that allows such people to go through difficult periods more easily and painlessly, since they sense in advance where a catch may await them.

Fives simply love to travel. Even if they don’t have the opportunity to travel around the world, they will at least visit all the interesting places in their hometown and region. From each trip they bring not only vivid impressions and beautiful photographs, but also new knowledge, experience, and skills. When traveling abroad, they always strive to become immersed in the culture of another people, to get acquainted with the traditions and beliefs of people, since this is really interesting to them. A vacation for five is not lying on the beach all day, it is excursions from morning to night. Surprisingly, freedom-loving A’s who are drawn to any changes cannot stand it when something changes in their home without their knowledge. So, for example, a sudden rearrangement of furniture arranged by a partner, or cleaning, after which things are not in their usual places, can easily infuriate the A. Five is the number of progress. They are sincerely interested in youth movements, hobbies, and new technologies, regardless of their age. You will never meet an elderly five who discusses their “sores” in line at the clinic or sits on a bench with grandmothers, talking about the behavior of the characters in the series or increased food prices. Five would rather talk to their grandchildren on Skype or share a funny story from their own youth on their blog. We can say that those born under the number 5 always remain young at heart. may have the same soul number 5

Characteristics of people with soul number 5

You are interested in everything that happens in the world, and you want to take some part in it. You are full of enthusiasm, enjoy life, everything new, progressive and unusual, and are looking for opportunities to express yourself in social activities. You prefer something unexpected and exciting than the usual events of everyday life. Distinguished by independence in thoughts and actions, you categorically demand the right to personal freedom; you don't allow other people or circumstances to interfere with your life or limit your self-expression. You are compassionate and considerate of others, but at the same time you insist on the right to follow your ideals and live your own life. You quickly get bored with routine, both at work and in any other activity. Having to do the same thing or stay in one place gets you down. Your attention tends to wander in the absence of anything new, at least somewhat exciting, giving life spice and variety. Destiny and Birth Force numbers may not provide all the freedom you desire, but you will be able to express yourself better overall if you spice things up with occasional changes. A lack of freedom and variety can lead to feelings of depression, dissatisfaction, anxiety and dissatisfaction, causing you to act hastily and impulsively, leading you to commit unseemly acts that you will later regret. If you learn to recognize such excitement and turn it into useful activity and resourcefulness instead of impatience, you will gain an amazing ability to get things done, influence people, and move freely in society and in the world of finance and progress. In addition, you are ambitious, but should avoid multitasking, scattering your energy and finances, and taking on something that you cannot successfully complete. A lot of changes and too much variety can lead to a lack of diligence and focus on current affairs, and as a result you will not get anything done. Fight it. Be energetic and active, but spend your energy only on specific and useful things. Your Destiny will help you decide on them. There is a certain bohemianism in your character, and as you grow older, when your independent worldview develops, you may be distinguished by original religious, political or social beliefs. You tend to bring the interesting and unexpected even into love affairs. When you feel yourself becoming restless, judgmental, and irritable, buy something new, go on a trip, or make some constructive change that improves your work or environment. Don't lose your temper and don't criticize others. Your own restlessness and impatience may be to blame. Do not take from others more than what is due to you or more than you can repay. Demand freedom for yourself, but remember that it does not imply the right to violate the norms of life or behave recklessly. It simply means being able to live a more fulfilling, vibrant life and helping others do the same. Appreciate your resourcefulness, make it work for you with full dedication. Use it to bring joy to those you love. Keep track of what's happening in the world. You need to keep up with the times.

Negative manifestations

Of course, the soul number 5 also has its negative manifestations. The first is a tendency to excessive gambling. As we said above, A’s are often lucky, and this sometimes turns them into real gamblers who lose huge sums in casinos, lotteries, and financial pyramids. The second negative character trait is the inability to appreciate loved ones. If the A thinks that the time has come to change something in life, they can, without any regrets, change their place of residence, phone number, remove themselves from social networks and not say a word about it to their friends. And this is sad, because in this way a person with soul number 5 often loses those who could become their true friends. Another extreme manifestation of the negative side of one’s own character is irritability and an overly sharp tongue. If a five doesn’t like something, she can show an extreme degree of intolerance towards other people’s opinions or, with a carelessly spoken word, hurt someone close to her, while completely not noticing that she has offended someone with such behavior.

Disadvantages of the Union

  • superficiality of partners can slow down their development;
  • at the beginning of a relationship, infantilism of one or both partners may appear;
  • talkativeness and inability to keep secrets;
  • partners may not see their mistakes and forgive each other too quickly;
  • domestic difficulties are possible in marriage;
  • partners may be inattentive to each other;
  • may miss their children, especially in adolescence;
  • if both partners are young, it is difficult for them to resist the influence of their parents;
  • minor nagging and quarrels on domestic grounds are possible;
  • These people find it difficult to sit still, which can provoke misunderstanding and even betrayal.
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