Restoring spiritual strength with the help of the Slavic (Heavenly) cross amulet

The cross as a symbol became most famous under Christianity, but this sign was widespread long before the emergence of this religion.

Representatives of many pagan teachings have long used cruciform signs in religious symbolism. For example, the Slavic cross is a symbol of the sun, light and life.

In the etymology of the word “cross” among the ancient Slavs, there is a connection with the words “kresat” (to strike sparks) and “to baptize” (to revive, to resurrect). The last word, by the way, comes from the ancient Slavic “krese” (revival, health).

The symbolism of the Old Slavonic cross was closely connected with the worship of the sun. But the meaning of the Slavic cross is not limited to this; moreover, this amulet has variations.

An excursion into history: the cross as a Slavic amulet

It is believed that the Egyptians were the first to widely use the cross as a religious symbol. Later, the sign spread throughout the world, as evidenced by archaeological finds.

The Slavs also used a cross-shaped symbol, not only as a sign of worship, but also as a talisman. The ancient Slavic amulet was an equilateral cross inscribed in a circle.

Presumably, the circle was a schematic representation of the surrounding world, and the four ends of the cross were the cardinal directions.

BY THE WAY! There is also a version that the ends of the cross meant the seasons, and also the position and movement of the sun in the sky.

Common varieties of the Old Slavonic cross were amulets:

  • Perun's cross (a straight cross with forked and pointed ends) is a male amulet that personifies Heaven;
  • a female cross is a talisman (oblique, in the shape of the letter “x”), symbolizing the Earth and preventing infertility in women. Women also used another swastika amulet - Ladinets (eight-rayed Kolovrat with the opposite direction);
  • Perun's wheel (Kolovrat with 4 rays) is a symbol of the movement of the sun across the sky (the movement was indicated by the curved ends of the cross, that is, this variety is a 4-rayed swastika).

ATTENTION! In addition to these amulets, the heavenly and solar cross were also popular. These are double swastika symbols that are mirror images of each other.

What does a heavenly cross amulet look like?

The heavenly cross amulet is a double swastika, outlined in a circle, the curved ends (2 on each “blade”) of which are directed clockwise.

The symbol is also called "Ancestor". It consists of the runes "ga" (meaning awareness of movement) and "az" (meaning awareness and dedication).

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The amulet in question symbolizes nepotism and the connection of generations, protects the entire family (the entire clan).

What does the solar cross amulet look like?

The solar cross amulet is the mirror opposite of the heavenly one and is also called “Foot and mouth disease”, “solar wheel (stake)”. The solar cross is a powerful protection against doubts, dark thoughts and all kinds of temptations.

This amulet can be used both for making important and difficult decisions, as well as for protection from negative energy and other things when performing rituals.

It is recommended to use such an amulet when your vitality is running low in order to receive a powerful energy charge for further achievements.

Heavenly cross

The heavenly cross is the opposite amulet to the solar one. If the first version contains the energy of the Sun, then the heavenly version contains the energy of the sky. The outline of the symbol is completely opposite to the outline of the solar stake.

Otherwise, the heavenly Slavic cross was called Ancestor. In the modern world, most people have a negative attitude towards it, because if you look into the recent past, you can see that the symbol was used by the Nazis. But in fact, the heavenly Slavic cross has a completely different meaning than it was outlined by the fascists. If we delve deeper into the true meaning of the talisman, then it symbolizes the founder of the clan, the family origins.

This amulet contains all the power of the ancestors of both those who are alive and those who have passed on to another world. In other words, it served to communicate with ancestors and gods. This symbol gives a “impetus” to move forward, as well as the protection of the gods.

Who to wear

The Heavenly Cross amulet is necessary for people who feel both moral and physical exhaustion, who need an additional source of energy. It will give you knowledge of your predecessors and help you make the right decision.

Those who are going through a life crisis can purchase a heavenly symbol to gain faith in themselves and their strength. Unlike the solar one, Ancestor is well suited for children, as well as elderly and lonely people, as it will provide powerful support in overcoming difficulties.

What does the cross mean as a symbol?

The interpretation of this symbol in Slavic paganism is a rather controversial point, but a number of sources still agree that the horizontal line means the world of people, and the vertical line is the axis of life.

In addition, it is also interpreted as a time model: the right horizontal line means the past, and the left horizontal line means the future. The vertical crossing this “temporary” line denotes space. Accordingly, the point of intersection of space and time is the present.

ATTENTION! This explanation differs from the interpretation of a similar symbol in monotheistic religions, for example, in Christianity, where the horizontal line is the will of man, suppressed by the will of God (vertical). That is, in such teachings the cross-shaped symbol is considered as a symbol of man’s submission to God, whereas in paganism it simply represents a kind of speculative model of the world (in ideological and temporal terms).

What does the solar cross amulet mean?

The solar cross as a talisman carries powerful energy. The well-known significance attached to the sun's rays is to disperse darkness and evil spirits.

Therefore, this symbol is used as a talisman. But the meaning of the amulet is not limited to this; besides this, it:

  • strengthens the energy of the wearer;
  • helps to gain confidence in oneself and one’s own abilities;
  • helps you find your way and set priorities;
  • attracts good luck;
  • strengthens family relationships.

BY THE WAY! Another important meaning of the amulet is to help parents raise their children as worthy people by attracting the energy and traditional values ​​of the family.

What does the heavenly cross amulet mean?

The main meaning of the heavenly cross amulet is the protection of the family by the gods. The connection between the clan and the gods among the Slavs is explained by the fact that they believed in the origin of people from the gods (from this it logically follows the desire, through certain actions, for example, wearing a special sign, to attract divine “ancestors” to protect their family).

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The amulet may also contain additional signs that serve the purpose of more effectively directing energy to protect the wearer’s family.

The history of the Cres symbol

Kres is the most complex Slavic protective sign, formed by powerful elements. The meaning of the parts of the amulet is different, but synergistic, so each part strengthens the other. And the mulet is a cross with 8 rays . The Slavs understood every detail of the image as mystical, having a sacred meaning, influencing the environment. The interpretation of the symbol as a whole is not easy even for an experienced esotericist.

Scientists, studying the Slavic amulet Kres (a cross with 8 rays), came to the conclusion that it is not yet possible to establish who invented it and when. There is no certainty about where and when it was first encountered, for what purposes it was created and for what it was used thousands of years ago. This explains the difficulties of deciphering the meaning of the ancient image. Mystics believe that Cres comes from pagan times. Symbols reminiscent of it were found on ancient weapons and ancient amulets made from animal teeth .

Kres - an ancient Slavic symbol

Who can wear the solar cross amulet?

There are practically no gender and age restrictions for wearing this amulet (with only one exception: this amulet should not be used by people who have not yet lived an independent life - children, teenagers - since it is believed that during the formation of a person, excess energy will only interfere and, perhaps, even lead astray). Mature people can use it without restrictions.

The use of this amulet is especially recommended for those people who are confused and tired. In this case, they need an incentive to move on.

The amulet is also useful for those who have lost contact with their relatives or are forced to stay away from their families. He will not allow family ties to weaken and will maintain relationships even at a considerable distance.

The amulet in question will also help those who are stuck in negativity (as they say, “a dark streak has come”): solar energy will protect the wearer from envy, unkind thoughts of strangers and will help a person make the right decisions and gain self-confidence.

In addition, since ancient times this amulet has been not only a symbol of energetic protection, but also physical (this assumption comes from the fact that Slavic warriors depicted such a solar sign on weapons and shields).

Meaning of rays

The fire amulet concentrates power, influences the owner, protecting his energy field and changing fate for the better. This is a powerful symbol filled with energy, dangerous for a weak, weak-willed, spineless person. It reminds the owner of potential, hints at secret capabilities and talents, stimulates self-improvement, not to stop developing, and to look for one’s secret qualities . The owner receives new opportunities for talents and abilities. Opportunities open up in new areas that have long attracted the person.

The heart of the solar amulet is an idol. Its position is determined individually, focusing on the values ​​and priorities of the owner.


The first ray of the symbol is dedicated to him. A loop is placed on it for carrying the product. Lada and Rod created life and the world. The tree separating them is the transition from the real to the otherworldly. The deities are the family that founded all things. The beam is decorated with runes:

  • Yara;
  • Double Bereginya.

The elements are associated with fertility, offspring, and home.

Additionally, a sown field and two solar symbols are depicted. The tree drawn on the beam is decorated with 6 curls, symbolizing a specific life stage.

Rod is the main god of the Slavic pantheon


The second ray of the magic item is dedicated to this deity. A supernatural entity made human existence real. The amulet element is decorated with a bee symbolizing hard work and constant movement . Additionally, they draw a serpentine, which is associated with replenishing energy and wisdom.


This element of chain mail is dedicated to the goddess of love and happiness. It symbolically depicts the human soul by drawing a small tree surrounded by winged creatures. The meaning of the picture is this: only one who has comprehended love and wisdom can ascend to heaven . The tree is divided into two parts, showing the protection of higher powers and the protection of the soul. The bowls located in the branches reflect the accumulation of wealth, experience, the acquisition of love and wisdom.


The 4th ray of the ancient symbol is dedicated to this deity. Its main symbols are a candle, a rooster crowing about the beginning of a new day. The ray is decorated with protective signs that protect the human soul and guide the path of self-knowledge.

Yarilo - solar god


The 5th ray, decorated with the guardian of fate and time, is dedicated to the goddess. The heavenly symbol reminds: it is important to live by the rules, accumulate experience, develop skills, and only then think about material wealth . Looking at the guardians, people remembered that there is time for work, but there are also periods of rest necessary to restore the strength of body and soul.


The 6th ray of the symbol is dedicated to the Slavic deity. It depicts a staff associated with power, strength, intelligence, and age. The head of a lamb, drawn nearby, recalls the importance of tolerance, humility, and meekness. A heart is drawn just above the animal - a symbol of mutual understanding, life in love and harmony.


This goddess in the sign is personified by the 7th ray. Guardians are drawn on it, reflecting the space-time relationship. They remind the contemplator: every action is paid according to its merits . It will not be possible to avoid responsibility. People often forget this wisdom associated with the forces of Mokosh.


This goddess owns the 8th ray of the fire amulet. It depicts a seed that can germinate in any place and time. The Slavs knew: not every seed is good, not every undertaking leads to positive consequences . Mara patronizes the good, the positive. It helps to accumulate wisdom and live happily.

Mara patronizes good beginnings

Features of use

Like other ancient amulets, it is important for Slavic cruciform amulets that they are made from natural materials - metals, wood, clay.

This, by the way, applies not only to the talisman itself, but also to the cord on which it is worn (if the amulet is in the form of a pendant) - it is made of wool, leather or linen. In addition to pendants, Slavic amulets are used in embroidery. Traditionally, this pattern is used to decorate the hem of a dress or the edges of sleeves and collars.

ATTENTION! The heavenly and solar cross can be worn at the same time and even on the same cord, since they are intended for the same purpose - to protect the wearer and his family. In addition, the joint use of these amulets will even increase the effectiveness of the impact: for example, the solar cross will give confidence and help you look into the future more boldly, and the heavenly cross will protect a person with the help of the wisdom and strength of the ancestors.

How to properly clean and charge the amulet?

Special attention must be paid to cleaning and charging the Heavenly Cross. The procedure should be carried out in privacy so that no one disturbs you. In the first days after activation, there is no need to remove the talisman, as it will be at the peak of its capabilities and influence the owner as effectively as possible. During this period, the closest connection with the first ancestors will be established.

The success of charging depends entirely on your mood and state of mind.

There are many different ways to update a talisman. Here everyone is free to choose, since the essence of the process is not in performing specific actions, but in the sacredness of the ongoing sacrament of unity of man, the Heavenly Cross, ancestors and nature.

The main ways to recharge the amulet:

  • The owner becomes a conductor who transmits the energy of the cosmos. It is necessary to concentrate, let go of accumulated problems and direct thoughts to the eternal. Everything must be done with your eyes closed in complete silence. Afterwards you may experience a breakdown. This means the cross is charged.
  • Earth, water, fire and air bestow their powers on the amulet so that it protects the owner. You need to ask each of the elements to endow the treasured amulet with their gifts, and then repeat the prayer to one that is closest to you in spirit.
  • The easiest way is to cast a spell that activates the cross. The main thing is to find those words that will resonate with special notes in your heart.

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How to activate and wear the amulet

Proper use of the product helps maintain its strength and effectively use its capabilities. General recommendations:

  1. Children's amulets are made large . They are intended to be worn openly and protect from the evil eye. An evil person, attracted by a large amulet, will stare at it and will not be able to turn the negativity on the owner.
  2. An object enchanted on the altar for a specific occasion is worn secretly, unless the ritual requires the opposite.
  3. You can wear fire chain mail openly , demonstrating to the whole world your faith in the Slavic gods. Choose a large item and put it on over your clothes.
  4. The family amulet is placed in a prominent place at home . The owners, admiring the object, fill it with energy.
  5. If desired, the Cres is worn hidden. They focus on their inner state and intuition.

If a hand decoration is decorated with a symbol, it is worn on the right side to influence the material aspect, on the left - to develop magical qualities and intuition. If a crack appears on an object, the product darkens unpredictably, which means that a lot of negativity has fallen on it, directed at the owner. An amulet made of silver is cleaned, but if cracks appear, it completely loses its power. It is impossible to clean a bone or repair a wooden talisman. You can't use a broken one. This is the kind of thing that people thank for their service and say goodbye to. Wooden ones are burned, bone or silver ones are buried. When finished, they wash themselves thoroughly, asking the water to take away the negative energy.

Proper wearing of the amulet is the key to its effectiveness. The best amulet is with silver straight and gold diagonal rays . Esotericists recommend pendants - they are more effective than other forms. Constant contact helps to achieve inner harmony. Health improves and performance increases. Carrying the symbol with them, they live fully, happily. To enhance the influence on the life of the owner, the ray associated with the current situation is rubbed with enchanted ashes.

To find the correct answer with the help of a talisman, set the product for clairvoyance:

  1. Heated over a church candle.
  2. They say the question three times.
  3. Attach the product with tape to the forehead.
  4. They go to bed.

Having awakened, a person realizes the answer.

Cres develops clairvoyance

Cleansing with water

The ritual is simple: the amulet is washed with running water for 3 minutes, then wiped dry. The liquid carries away negative energy.

Purification by fire

The amulet not only protects a person and gives him strength, but also accumulates negative energy, from which it shields the owner. Clean the product by placing it in the sun. A more reliable, but more complicated option is purification by fire. It is necessary to hold the product over an open flame . Some mystics advise moving the product over the fire from right to left and in the opposite direction. If the ritual is performed with a candle, it is thrown away after completion.

The most effective activation is with open fire

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