Interpretation and meaning of the name Nikolai

The name Nikolai is a unique monument of world culture, which can tell a lot about the formation of Christianity not only in Rus', but throughout the world. Many ancient beliefs, signs and proverbs are associated with this name; popularity can also be judged by the huge number of surnames derived from the name Nikolai - Nikolaev, Nikolaychuk, Nikolaichenko, etc.

The name Nicholas comes from two ancient Greek words - “nikos” and “laos”, which translated means “victor” and “people”. Thus, the name Nikolai is translated as “conqueror of nations.” This name in various variations (Nikolaus, Miklos, Nicolas, Nicholas) is one of the most popular Christian names in the world among various peoples.

History knows many outstanding personalities who bore and bear this unique name, glorifying it for centuries. Among them are the famous writer Nikolai Gogol, astronomer Nikolai Copernicus, scientist-traveler Nikolai Przhevalsky, Russian surgeon Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Russian emperors Nicholas I and Nicholas II, actor Nikolai Karachentsov, singer Nikolai Rastorguev and many other talented people.

Meaning of a boy's name

Early childhood:

As a child, Nikolai is independent and does not claim the increased attention of his parents and other relatives. As a rule, Nikolai grows up to be a physically strong and morally stable boy. Kolya is a very active boy, a sociable, cheerful child. He has varied interests, he loves war games, music, chess, and checkers. As a child, the young owner of the name can attend several creative studios, sports sections, and various clubs at once, but he is able to seriously engage only in what really interests him.

Kolya is proud and self-willed. He has a cheerful childish slyness that delights his parents, and if they follow Nikolai’s lead and develop the child’s selfish tendencies, he will grow up to be a loser. In any situation in life, happy or not, there will be some kind of disharmony, constant bad luck, minor and major troubles. Nikolai will have to learn to push away from them or simply forget, otherwise he will be irritable and gloomy or just a drunkard.


At school, Nikolai excels in all subjects and is distinguished by good behavior. He gets along well with his peers, but cannot boast of many friends. He actively takes part in amateur art competitions and school sports events.


Properly raised Kolenka, following the energy of his name, is a winner in all matters and endeavors. His pride is softened by humor, and his self-will is sharply reduced by independence. A man with this name knows how to respect the desires and opinions of others, is simple and friendly with people, and is able to master any profession.

However, more often than not, Nikolai’s life is not so happy. Bright and cheerful in her youth, she becomes monotonous, filled with hard work and household worries. Nikolai's mind is capable of both analysis and generalizations; he strives to look at life as if from the outside, pretending that he is simple and friendly. But his temper, even to the point of aggressiveness, puts him in the very center of events; he is not an outside observer.

The meaning of the name Nikolai depends on the time of birth. The differences between “winter” and “summer” Kolya in the energy sector are especially visible: the “winter” owner is strict, selfish, and sometimes even cruel and despotic. Human activity is low, he thinks and weighs for a long time. A guy with this name Nikolai loves hunting and fishing and is hospitable. The man treats women condescendingly, considers helping at home to be “not a man’s” job, but is very jealous. “Summer” is active, active, good-natured, cunning, and does not consider it shameful to deceive. He has a developed creative imagination and can express himself in the field of art. He loves his wife and helps her with everything around the house. Both “winter” and “summer” Nikolai, however, like all people, crave love and care and adequately respond to kindness and devotion.


Little Kolya is incredibly active and inquisitive. Constantly on the move. Cannot sit still for long. Has a strong desire for new adventures. Strives to constantly develop. Very eloquent and sociable.

The boy is kind and active. Quickly finds new acquaintances. Never quarrels with anyone. Builds good relationships with both peers and adults. He is very friendly, so children are always drawn to him. He is not afraid to stand up for the weak.

Character of the name Nikolai

Positive characteristics of the name:

The man Nikolai loves to eat abundantly and tasty, cheerful company, and trips to nature. A man with this name loves to read books and listen to music. He has few real friends, he does not value friendly connections, but he will not betray a friend.

Negative characteristics of the name:

He is the support of the family and the team; you can always rely on him. A man named Nikolai is proud. Must be careful with alcohol. In everyday life, it is better not to contradict Kolya: he will still do everything his way.


As a teenager, Nikolai becomes more self-confident. Such qualities as stability, determination, perseverance and planning appear. Kolya sets specific goals for himself. He achieves what he wants thanks to his eloquence and delicacy.

Tactful and well-mannered. He will never intentionally offend or do harm. He has many friends not only among his classmates, but also among adults. Has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation. He will not let anyone approach him whose sincerity he doubts.

The fate of the name Nikolai in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Nikolai promise happiness in love? A man named Nikolai likes plump women, soft and sensitive. Sex has a special meaning for him. No matter what condition he is in, he always remains a man. But during intimacy, any external irritant can throw him off balance. A guy is attracted to a woman by her beautiful appearance, intelligence, and spiritual qualities.

Nikolai loves women, is able to sincerely become attached to them, is faithful, but changes girlfriends quite often, since he usually quickly breaks up with his partner on her initiative. If Kolya falls in love, then in a few days he may propose to marry him. The opinions of others do not interest him. In love, Nikolai is passionate, jealous and, in a fit of suspicion, uncontrollable. He will not forgive his wife’s betrayal; he himself may look for connections on the side. Divorce and remarriage will occur in Nikolai’s life only if extreme circumstances force him to do so.

If Kolya is already over 30 years old, he prefers a strong, stable family situation. Nikolai strives with all his heart to create the material basis of the house. He helps his wife around the house and does the home improvement work himself. He may even completely transfer the reins of the family into the hands of his wife, leaving his inner world untouchable.

The owner of this name will make a wonderful father. Often, from his youth, Nikolai sees the meaning of his life in raising healthy and happy offspring. Kolya loves children very much, indulges all their whims and caprices. In old age, he finds solace in his grandchildren, who most often dote on him.


Nikolai has a very romantic and amorous nature. If he meets an interesting girl, he is ready to spend a lot of time courting him. Can propose marriage even after a couple of dates.

He chooses a calm and flexible girl as his life partner. It is important for him to trust his chosen one. Very jealous, so the spouse must have great patience.

To build a happy relationship, Nikolai must stop constantly checking on his beloved, and learn to trust his chosen one.

Compatibility with female names

Female names suitable for Nikolai:

  • Nikolai and Anna
  • Nikolai and Daria
  • Nikolai and Zinaida
  • Nikolai and Zoya
  • Nikolay and Larisa
  • Nikolai and Lyubov
  • Nikolay and Elvira

Failed name compatibility:

  • Nikolai and Alla
  • Nikolay and Valentina
  • Nikolay and Galina
  • Nikolay and Evgenia
  • Nikolai and Ekaterina
  • Nikolai and Elena
  • Nikolay and Inna
  • Nikolay and Lyudmila
  • Nikolay and Marina
  • Nikolay and Olesya
  • Nikolay and Olga
  • Nikolai and Rimma
  • Nikolay and Yulia

Talents, profession, career

Choice of profession:

Nikolai is an honest, decent person, has practical acumen, is a good organizer, quick-witted, and easily and boldly gets out of difficult situations. Kolya can occupy leadership positions in trade, the army, and industry. Nikolai can prove himself as an excellent organizer, diplomat, military commander, artist, writer, composer. He can be a surgeon, lawyer, investigator, teacher, artist, philosopher. He despises slackers and devotes himself completely to work. When Kolya is irritated, he has poor self-control and can create an unfavorable environment.


Nikolai's financial affairs are changeable: periods of uncertainty will alternate with the desire to take advantage of the first chance to make money, but Nikolai cannot participate in speculation, stock trading, or dubious fraud - this is dangerous for him. Attaches great importance to perseverance and perseverance.


Adult Nikolai becomes simply a unique personality. Easily captures the attention of others. It becomes popular where it is almost impossible to do so. He knows how to please people and uses it to his advantage.

Incredibly charming, but a little shy. The man is shy, kind and friendly. Quite principled and fair. Always takes the side of truth. He is not afraid to openly say what he thinks. He understands people well and knows exactly how best to show himself in society.

Horoscope named after Nikolai


personality is lively, spontaneous, sincere. He knows how to enjoy life, is open in communication with others, is always cheerful and knows how to cheer up a person. Nikolai-Aries treats his beloved nobly, he has no secrets from her, but, unfortunately, his feelings are fickle.


a trusting and courageous person. Excessive frankness often lets him down and leads to disappointment and resentment. However, Nikolai-Taurus does not hold a grudge and quickly forgets insults. He is infinitely devoted to his partner, lives with her thoughts and desires.


nature is changeable and impulsive. Nikolai belongs to the category of people who are able to fall in love at first sight and charm a woman with tempting speeches. He, of course, does not keep his promises, and his feelings quickly fade away.


a person with a vivid imagination and deep intuition. He feels a constant desire for change, loves adventures and trips. Nikolai-Cancer is endowed with charm, often starts short affairs with women, and treats them extremely frivolously, which may one day turn against him.


emotional and attractive man. He is very sociable and cannot stand lies, flattery and duplicity. Nikolai-Lev will never remain indifferent to the misfortune of others. In a relationship with a woman, he needs an atmosphere of trust and warmth, which he tries to create, and expects the same from his partner.


a balanced and friendly person. Making decisions causes him some difficulty; he generally does not like obligations. Nikolai-Virgo behaves sincerely towards his partner, but does not allow her into the world of his feelings and thoughts.


dreamy, romantic, impressionable person. Selfishness is visible in his character, in his sky-high dreams everything is perfect, and he believes that this will be the case in real life. Nikolai-Libra imagines his relationship with a woman as happy and serene and often builds it according to the scenario of a novel. The partner will have to bring him down to earth more than once.


a freedom-loving person in the broadest sense of the word. He takes any intrusion into the world of his feelings and thoughts with hostility and immediately stops communication. Very often, Nikolai-Scorpio prefers bachelor life to family comfort.


a sensual, deeply artistic nature. As a rule, this man is, in one way or another, connected with the world of art. He is cheerful, good-natured and sometimes frivolous. If Nikolai-Sagittarius achieves success and recognition, then he tries in every possible way to flaunt his merits. Having found a suitable partner, he will become a sincere and faithful husband.


energetic, active person. His trouble is that he grabs onto several things at once and is not able to complete them, in other words, he himself interferes with his success. Nikolai-Capricorn rushes headlong into love affairs, but is changeable and fickle. He has been looking for a permanent partner for a long time.


the nature is quick-tempered, hot, but able to curb her temper. He is fickle, absent-minded, feels internal discord and loneliness. It is difficult for Nikolai to find a permanent place in life, to be with only one partner all the time. Women like Nikolai-Aquarius, but he is a very difficult person.


a selfless, selfless, sensitive man. Nikolai thinks much more often about others than about himself, but, nevertheless, is able to clearly plan his future. In love he gives more, gives in in everything, seeks understanding and care.

Angel Nicholas Day:

Nicholas celebrates his name day several times a year:

  • N. Kochanov, Novgorod, Fool for Christ's sake, August 4 (July 2).
  • N. Sebastian, martyr, March 22 (9).
  • Nikolai Slavyanin, schemamonk, January 6 (December 24).
  • N. Studiysky, abbot, confessor, February 17 (4).
  • Nicholas of Japan, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop, February 16 (3).
  • N. Sallos (Blessed) Pskov, Fool for Christ's sake, March 13 (February 28).
  • Blessed Nicholas, Fool for Christ's sake, Pskov, lived in the 16th century.
  • N. Myra, archbishop, wonderworker, May 22 (9), December 19 (6). The great saint of the Orthodox Church, Saint N. the Wonderworker, was born in the city of Patara in Asia Minor. In Rus', the cult of Nicholas is especially wide: he is the patron of carpenters, constantly helps peasants, without fear of soiling his vestments, he is the bearer of the beneficial forces of nature in the form of Father Frost.


  • What a day on St. Nicholas in winter, so on St. Nicholas in the summer.
  • Praise winter after Nikolin's day.
  • The first serious frosts are Nikolsky.
  • December 19 - Winter Nikola.
  • If the day covers Nikolin’s tracks, the road will not stand.
  • They drink Nikolskoye mash, and they beat you for Nikolskoe hangover.
  • From Nikolin's day matchmaking began, prayers were served for those who were planning to marry themselves or marry their children.
  • With Nikola, young people began to prepare for Christmas gatherings, sew outfits, and make masks for mummers.
  • February 17 - Nikola is cold. It's a cold day - put your fur coat back on.
  • Before St. Nicholas, don’t do this buckwheat, don’t shear the sheep.
  • You should not swim until spring Nikola.
  • One of the main events of Nikolin's day is driving the horses into the field.
  • St. Nicholas of the Spring is a holiday for grooms.
  • Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard.

Numerological horoscope

The character and fate of Nicholas are influenced by the number 6.

Six is ​​a symbol of reliability and harmony in everything; these are the features that distinguish Nikolai. Among friends, he is usually the calming center, smoothing out conflicts and offering compromises. By nature, Nikolai is usually an optimist; he sees and loves the best in life. In addition, six gives him a fair amount of unselfishness, willingness to share and impartial judgments.

In the love sphere, Nikolai seeks romance and an ideal, easily gets along with women, although he is not always satisfied.

Celebrities named Nikolai

  1. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881) - the greatest Russian surgeon, scientist, and public figure. He wrote a number of works on surgery, which became the basis of a new branch of anatomy - surgical.
  2. Nikolai Annenkov - (1805 - 1826) Russian military and statesman, Russian amateur poet.
  3. Nikolai Sheremetev - (1751 - 1809) Russian count from the Sheremetev family. Founder of the Hospice House in Moscow (building of the Nikolai V. Sklifosovsky Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Medicine).
  4. Nikolai Golitsyn - (1850 - 1925) Russian statesman, political figure, last chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire.
  5. Nikolai Rubinstein - (1835 - 1881) Russian virtuoso pianist and conductor. Founder of the Moscow Conservatory (co-founder Prince Nikolai Trubetskoy) and its first director.
  6. Nikolai Nikitin - (1907 - 1973) Soviet architect and scientist in the field of building structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), Lenin laureate (1970). Author of the Ostankino TV tower project.
  7. Nikolai Novikov - (1744 - 1818) Russian journalist, publisher and public figure, educator)
  8. Nikolai Bukharin ((1888 - 1938) Soviet political, state and party leader. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929).
  9. Nikolai Ozerov - (1922 - 1997) Soviet tennis player, actor, sports commentator.
  10. Nicholas Roerich - (1874 - 1947) Russian artist, philosopher, mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure, freemason, poet, teacher.
  11. Nikolai Naydenov - (1834 - 1905) Moscow entrepreneur, banker, local historian, publisher of the albums “Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches" (1882).
  12. Nikolai Notovich - (1858 - ?) Russian intelligence officer, writer, journalist, nobleman and Cossack officer. He is known for his book, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, written in French (The Tibetan Gospel).
  13. Nikolai Pilyugin - (1908 - 1982) Soviet design engineer in the field of autonomous missile control systems. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of Chief Designers of Rocket and Space Technology.
  14. Nikolai Leikin - (1841 - 1906) Russian writer and journalist, author of the famous book “Ours Abroad”, published the humorous weekly “Oskolki” in St. Petersburg.
  15. Nikolai Iossa - (1845 - 1916) Russian mining engineer and metallurgist.
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