What does the Valley of Mars mean on your hand and where is it located?

The Mars line is a line on the hand with good meaning. It is not expressed in all people. Reaches parallel to the line of life, from the inside of the palm. It begins near the thumb, in the area of ​​the lower mount of Mars.

The line of Mars is called the line of the guardian angel

It comes in different lengths, but is shorter than the life line. The trait gives a person a reserve of energy and neutralizes the influence of bad signs on the hand. It is not for nothing that it is also called the line of the guardian angel.

Who is a guardian angel

A guardian angel is a mystical protector of man, a gift from the Creator. A simple way to obtain it is to undergo a religious initiation ceremony. For example, in Christianity, an adept receives an intercessor after baptism.

Each person is assigned a defender. Sometimes several. In this case, many pale lines extend from the hill of Mars. But in terms of strength they cannot be compared with one clear line, which means a strong intercessor.

Which hand should you use to see the Guardian Angel line?

In palmistry, the left hand is destiny. The right one is the life lived. The mark of Mars is visible on both hands, but is interpreted differently.

The line on the left hand means that a protector was given to the person from birth, and on the right hand it is evidence that the patron was appointed for good deeds.

Often the guardian angel line does not appear at all. This is a sign of strong-willed people; they are used to dealing with problems on their own. Pay attention to whether the mount of Mars is developed. A well-developed mound means that a person is filled with the energy of the god of war.

In this video, Yuri Onoprienko will briefly talk about the line of the guardian angel:

People without an angel line, but with a developed Mount of Mars, rarely get into trouble. Accidents, accidents and illnesses are not scary for them. For all other people, a protector is needed. Their energy is not as militant as that of the “Martians”.

Features of the flow of the line of Mars

Mars line may vary

Each person's Mars line on their hand looks different. Here are several options for its course:

  • Short and clear
  • Runs parallel to the line of life
  • Curls towards the thumb
  • Surrounds the thumb
  • It thins out and then becomes clear again
  • Breaks in the middle
  • Crosses the line of life.

Short clear line

A person with such a line has great self-control and maintains a sound mind even in the most difficult situations. He loves risk; danger helps him mobilize his internal reserves and strength. Leads an active lifestyle and does not tolerate peace and quiet. Unfortunately, these people are subject to temptation and often break the law.

A line parallel to the life line

Palmistry considers this trend to be a good sign. Mars strengthens the life line, helps you find the strength to solve difficult situations. It belongs to sensible people who carefully consider all their actions. They are picky in their connections and have a good understanding of people. They are tactful and careful, do not go on adventures, and do not get involved in dubious enterprises.

When a twig turns sharply from the line of life to the thumb, it means you should break with all previous connections. Old friends and acquaintances only slow down development and drag you into unnecessary projects. The opinion of your parents should be respected, but you should live by your own mind.

Looking for a guardian angel line

Look at your hand and you will see a long line near the thumb - the line of life. This is the most informative feature on the hand. It marks everything that a person values: family, health and career.

The line of the guardian angel is drawn nearby. It originates from the Mount of Mars and stretches down the arm, duplicating the line of life. In contrast to the main line, the mark of the god of war is thinner and paler. Sometimes it's hard to see without a magnifying glass.

The thin line of a guardian angel on the right hand means a benefactor. This is a sign of a kind-hearted person who finds it difficult to defend himself and often suffers from attacks from others.

Such a person enhances the positive vibrations of the Universe, and therefore is important for the Creator. Even a thin line says that heaven protects the owner from illness and sudden death.

Guardian Angel Line Meaning

Let's take a closer look at the mark of Mars:

  1. A clear and deep line is a sign of an energetic person who often tests his fate to the limit. For men with large or square hands, this is a sign of aggression and belligerence.
  2. A thin and continuous line that duplicates the life line means a balanced and calm character. To others, the owner of a subtle trait mistakenly appears cold and aloof.
  3. A break in the line of the guardian angel near the life line is a sign of change on the initiative of the owner. It occurs among people who are not afraid to start life from scratch at any age.

The life line on the hand is double, continuous and interrupted, what does it mean?

If the double life thread is continuous, without breaks or negative symbolism, then this is an excellent sign that indicates a full, normal, healthy life. Only additional symbolism can affect the change.

Internal breaks

Let's consider the options for gaps:

The gap is small, about mm.Not a long period of problems or illness.
Distance more than mm.Difficulties will last more than a year, you need to be patient.
The gaps are shifted towards the hill of love.The period is associated with illness. You need to reconsider your life as a whole. Especially if such a pattern is on both palms.
Offset from the Mount of Venus.Meetings with important people, moving to another country is also possible.

Broken and intersecting lines

Let's explore the relationship between two adjacent lines - life and guardian angel:

  • The Mars trait that continues after the life line is broken is a sign of protection. A person will be saved from death thanks to the intervention of an intercessor. In religion this is called a miracle.
  • A long and narrow hand with a pale life line means that the owner’s energy is poor. In this case, the line of Mars is the support of internal forces. The guardian angel protects the owner and shares energy to solve problems.
  • Comets on the line of life are a sign of worries and tragic changes. If the guardian angel line blocks them, then the owner will overcome adversity without loss.
  • The intersection of the oblique line of Mars and the line of life is a sign of the death of a loved one. Usually this is one of the parents. The deceased will return to protect the descendant, because now he is the head of the clan. His duty is to work out the family karma that the deceased did not have time to fulfill.
  • A rare piece of luck is a cross of adjacent lines and a clear, deep line of the head. This is a sign of wisdom and spiritual growth. It occurs in people who have completely worked off the negative karma of past incarnations. A favorable rebirth awaits them in the future.
  • A clearly defined and deep line of the guardian angel, which approaches the line of life, means conflicts. Quarrels, irritation and anger are a person’s companions during this period of life. For a soldier, this is a sign of heavy combat.
  • The line of Mars changes its name to the line of influence when it begins from the Mount of Venus. This is a sign that the owner lives under the influence of another person, usually a close relative: spouse, children and parents. The connection with them is karmic. The owner of the line of influence lives with such people for more than their first life together. Karmic relationships are not always harmonious. But when the debt to karma is fulfilled, people break up or the connection grows stronger.

The planet Moon has a beneficial effect if good and clear combinations of lines are presented on or near the Mount of the Moon. The patronage of this planet is expressed in successful travels and active, fruitful activities abroad. In addition to the general meaning, for a woman, according to palmists, favorable signs of the Moon portend an easy birth. The unfavorable influence of the Moon is determined by the pallor and unclear lines on its hillock, as well as by the fact that the hillock itself is flat or poorly developed. It affects the variability of a person’s character and destiny. And for women, the Moon’s opposition portends death or serious illness during childbirth.

If the mount of the Moon is normally developed, this indicates a chaste, meek person with a pure soul and thoughts, with good intuition, gifted with a passionate imagination and a tendency toward daydreaming and sentimentality. The owner of such a hand is usually interested in art and literature, and may be a poet, musician or actor. rum If the Mount of the Moon is unusually strongly developed, this is a sign of excessive imagination, boundless melancholy and despair, susceptibility to melancholy, a harbinger of pointless fanaticism and superstition. The absence of the mount of the Moon indicates a weak imagination and undeveloped poetic taste.

If the mount of the Moon is smooth, without lines, this indicates a calm and flexible character, moderate imagination, and also that this person will not travel in his life. If speckled. lines - this speaks of constant anxiety, restlessness, stubbornness, and variability of character. People with such bumps always live by the principle: moving from place to place, they cannot take root anywhere. These people are most often poets, writers, sailors, artists, preachers and priests with a spiritual nature,

If the mount of the Moon is wrinkled, this characterizes a nasty person, always dissatisfied with himself and those around him, prone to sadness, gloomy thoughts and fanaticism, with a strong imagination. The owner of such a mound suffers from migraines and flatulence (accumulation of gases). If the mount of the Moon is on a hard hand, very heavily wrinkled and at the same time more developed than the other mounts, then its owner, due to the abnormal, excessive development of his imagination, is prone to rash actions, which often entails dangerous consequences.

If the Mount of the Moon is crossed by one straight line, this indicates poetic abilities. If there is one straight line with two small ones on the hillock, this indicates poetic abilities and a rich imagination. People with such lines often become writers, inventors, luminaries of medicine, and go on long trips and travels. Several lines on the Mount of the Moon foreshadow constant anxiety and possible travel. A very winding (wavy) line crossing the Mount of the Moon indicates not continuously overcome anxiety arising from severe premonitions and suspiciousness, as well as a lack of bile in the body and the possibility of paralysis.

A cross on the hillock of the Moon (87, d) speaks of a rich imagination, a tendency to lie and self-deception, and foreshadows poverty in old age (if the cross is on the hillock itself or near it). A cross with a descending line of the head and mind warns of danger from water. Two crosses on a hillock (82, g) - the likelihood of drowning. A Round Figure on the Mount of the Moon (91d) foreshadows a high position in society thanks to scientific discoveries made. Lattice indicates lethargy, anxiety, frayed nerves. Every little thing excites such a person. In women, this sign indicates hysteria; the triangle (89, g) speaks of balance, contemplation and practical aspirations, as well as a penchant for maritime professions. .KlaschshTs51,g) portends danger to life from a loved one or relative, and also serves as a sign of cough, kidney and liver disease (dropsy). If there is a star on the Mount of the Moon, this indicates great happiness in love, but at the same time warns against the consequences that it can cause, and also foreshadows poverty in old age and indicates that a person is capable of betrayal. A star on the lower part of the mound with a weakly defined line of the head and mind serves as a sign that the imagination can drive the owner of this sign to the point of insanity,

Plain of Mars (strength), or Plateau of Mars

The plain of Mars (35-8) is located in the central part of the palm. It is rarely elevated, its surface is mostly flat. The plain of Mars is usually limited by: the line of life, separating it from the Mount of Venus, and the line of health, which cuts it off from the Mounts of the Moon and Mars, and on top - the line of the head and mind. We will not talk in detail about the influence of the plain of Mars on the fate of a person and his character, since almost everything that has been said about the hill of Mars also applies to it. Let us note only some features of the meaning of the symbols found on it. If the line of fate reaches only the plain of Mars or is interrupted there, this threatens a fall from a height or some kind of sudden change in life for the worse. A winding line running from the plain of Mars to the Mount of Saturn warns of the likelihood of imprisonment. A line running from the plain of Mars down to the rosette (Dragon line) and ending at the lower border of the Mount of the Moon portends long journeys or a wandering life.

If in the middle of the palm a vertical line runs along the plain of Mars or close to it, which intersects at a right angle with a strictly horizontal one, resulting in the formation of a cross figure - bright, deep and clear, then the person has epilepsy or is strongly predisposed to it.

If there is a cross on the plain, and the life line is not ideal (85, e), this is a sign of a cocky, envious, quarrelsome character, foreshadowing defeat in the fight. The cross in the lower part of the plain of Mars, between the hills of Venus and the Moon (86, e), testifies to a high position in society, achieved by personal labor and important merits, and portends happiness and success in military affairs. A cross or star on the plain of Mars with a flat, deep and sharply defined life line (87.6) indicates the patronage of the planet Mars, which promises happiness to the owner of such signs.

Secrets of palm lines

Life line

This is one of the main and mandatory lines on the palms of both hands.
It can be used to determine a person’s physical condition, his general health, and whether his life expectancy is longer or shorter. The life line begins between the mounts of Jupiter and Venus. It is an arched Mount of Venus, lying at the base of the thumb, as if cutting it off from all the other fingers. During a person’s life, his life line can lengthen or shorten depending on the changes occurring in his body and on his lifestyle. < Previous page

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Influence of Mars

The proximity of the Mars line to the line of life changes the course of thought and character of the owner. The person becomes more independent, persistent and decisive.

Pay attention to the Hill of Mars. With a developed hill and a depressed guardian angel feature, a person is overloaded with elemental energy.

How it affects life:

  1. Excess makes a person angry and self-centered. He often gets involved in quarrels over trifles, guided by desires and whims. Disharmonious Mars attracts similar ones to each other and pushes them together.
  2. "Martians" see the world differently. People for them are a means to achieve goals. And those who refuse to obey become competitors and enemies whose strength is tested.
  3. Those with a developed mount of Mars and a deep angel line have strong immunity. They rarely get sick.
  4. Fiery energy is chaotic and uncontrollable. If a person is overloaded with work or constantly faced with refusals, he burns out. The best way to use destructive energy for creation is to play sports. Willful control will curb Mars.

People with an excess of fire inside are fanatics. They cannot be broken and forced to give up their goal. They are observant and understand others. Often “Martians” study psychology, philosophy and occult sciences in order to better manipulate people.

Having developed, the negative traits of the god of war make the owner uncontrollable. He destroys himself with bad habits or kills others. Such people have red skin, short fingers with a thick third phalanx and a large mount of Mars.

Influence on fate

The line of Mars is the Guardian Angel in the fate of any person. Whoever has it on his hand has constant luck and success. People with Mars lines on their palms have good intuition, which saves them from troubles. If troubles do happen, then a person with the Mars line will definitely find a way out of such a situation. They have a developed sixth sense that will always prompt and help. Such people are very lucky, especially in love affairs.

They can meet their soulmate without any problems and have a good marriage for life. The line of Mars can also “boast” of excellent meaning in money matters. It helps solve financial issues and prevents the owner from needing money. In addition, a person will find himself in a circle of acquaintances and friends, and dreams will come true one by one.

The line of Mars protects from evil people, grief and death. A fold in the palm softens the bad influence of other signs that are present on the palm. But it is also worth remembering that if the drawing on the hand has a good meaning, then palmistry alone will not be enough, you need to make your own personal efforts. In addition, the lines of Mars protect human life, but only at a certain time and at one stage, since it is much shorter than the life line.


Nothing will protect you from mistakes. Life is the best teacher. Her lessons are cruel and harsh. And if the lesson is not learned, then life will repeat it again. Therefore, it is important to endure the blows of fate.

Another look at the angel line from Vladimir Krasauskas:

Determination, masculinity and loyalty to ideals are qualities that are characteristic of Mars. Without them, it is impossible to confront problems. Their absence makes a person overly soft and indecisive. And the excess energy of the god of war will push the owner onto the path of destruction. To curb the fiery power, a person needs self-control and constant spiritual growth.

Palmistry is a way to see yourself from the outside and prepare for upcoming changes. Look at your hands. Fate has generously gifted you with tips. Anyone can learn to read them.

Tags: Fortune telling, Denis Dementyev, Palmistry

About the author: Denis Dementyev

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.

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