The belt of Venus on the hand is a detailed description. The meaning of the belt or ring of Venus on the hand

The belt of Venus on the hand talks about the emotional sphere of life, indicates sensuality and sexual liberation. Sometimes there is a tendency to overreact emotionally to a situation. Not everyone has the line, but there is no need to be upset. For an accurate understanding of the emotional sphere, study the segment of the heart, marriage, and the Mount of Venus, located under the thumb.

How to find the Venus line on the palm

The belt on the Mount of Venus can be on the left and right hand; it personifies what was given from birth, destined by fate. To see, analyze the current state of affairs, see future events, the future, look at your working palm.

It looks like an arc: it starts between the base of the middle and index fingers, and the end falls on the fork of the little and ring fingers. The line can be straight, broken, curved, or consisting of several segments. The belt on the hand in the area of ​​Venus can go onto the mounds of Saturn, Jupiter, the Sun, and Mercury. The segment is influenced by marriage lines, symbols that are important in palmistry.

For an accurate determination, make sure that the semicircle lies above the heart segment. In palmistry, it is a minor sign and its presence is optional.

What does it mean for women and its varieties

The belt on the Mount of Venus talks about deep experiences, emotions associated with love and attraction. It is not necessary that the owner of the hand will often change sexual partners, it’s just that sex plays an important role in a person’s life.

Often the owners strive to shock the public, to be in the center of attention, sometimes deliberately arranging provocations.

The Belt of Venus promotes the development of creative abilities, and from negative manifestations it pushes the owner to buy material goods, luxury items, forgetting about the spiritual.

If there is a pronounced half-ring on the hand, then character flaws are possible:

  • outbursts of aggression;
  • attacks of self-flagellation, loss of self-confidence;
  • empty, invented grievances;
  • wasting vitality and energy on solving the problems of others.

A weakly defined belt in the area of ​​Venus, located on the hand, is a favorable sign, indicating internal balance. People know how to love, but do not lose their minds, they know how to soberly evaluate the behavior of others. According to palmists, the shape of the hand plays an important role:

  • a square palm in combination with a line in the form of a belt in the Venus zone speaks of a love of experimentation in sex and high libido;
  • an elongated, thin hand will tell about creative abilities, the desire to realize emotions, sexuality through art;
  • a round hand in combination with a line warns of outbursts of hysteria, poor self-control, and problems with the nervous system.

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In palmistry, there are different types of belts on the hand:

  • a regular semicircle, without sharp transitions or branches, is the standard. This means that the personality is harmonious, keeps feelings and libido under control, is not afraid to love and trust;
  • a gap in the middle with visible ends speaks of a love of drama and exaggeration of the importance of events. Pros: high empathy, allowing you to become a good, compassionate friend. Due to the broken line of Venus, a person needs to receive support and understanding. People often donate to charity, build shelters for dogs and cats, and take care of natural resources;
  • Constant tears on the arm, creating a feeling of a dotted line, indicate emotional instability. Phobias, obsessions, OCD, hysteria, and depression may appear. The slightest failure can become fatal and unsettle;
  • double Belt in the area of ​​Venus on the right hand warns: relationships with a husband, lover, partner are in a precarious position, there is a high risk of rupture and divorce. Possessors are prone to cheating for the sake of carnal desires;
  • a belt of the planet Venus on the hand, consisting of 3-6 rings, will indicate a person prone to shocking, for whom popularity and fame are above all. Increased hysteria and flexibility of life positions turns their life into an endless performance;
  • a broken line of the goddess Venus on the hand, example: ¼ rings, at first glance they seem quiet, but inside they are passionate, emotional people, filled with various desires, tenderness, lust;
  • the belt of the planet Venus on the hand, breaking off long before the Mount of Jupiter, warns of a hypersensitive, highly moral person. Principles and high ideals are the main thing; falsity and deceit repels the owners of such a hand;
  • the belt of the planet Venus that ends at the little finger will indicate an ambitious person who absorbs new information like a sponge. They are open about sex and love role-playing games. Wedding, marriage, building a strong family is unlikely, because self-realization is a priority;
  • the distorted shape of a half ring with a dip under the middle finger is a signal to the owner of the hand. The meaning of the Venus belt on the hand: due to thoughtless sexual relations, shocking behavior, the reputation will be damaged.

If the sign is not on both hands, but differs in shape. By comparing the lines, you can understand how behavior and worldview have changed from birth to current events.

Detailed description of a person according to the belt of Venus

If the Mount of Venus (palmistry) has some deviations, then each of them carries its own meaning:

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Passes from the little finger to the index finger

They are confident people and often show compassion for others. They can also give practical advice on how to get out of the most difficult and difficult situations. Impulsive natures who often take part in other people's life problems. Sometimes you meet people who don’t have everything in order in their own lives, but don’t mind sorting things out with others. They interfere with the family and can even destroy it.

From little finger to middle finger

Such symbolism indicates the ability to listen and advise, but such people are not particularly interested in the fate of others. If the previous diagram suggests that a person is even capable of breaking in and breaking up another family, then the owners of such a picture will do everything possible to save everything.

From unnamed to middle

Indicates heightened emotional feelings, which are also strengthened by intellectual abilities. An active lifestyle and mood affects relationships with other people.

Line parallel to the line of love

Owners are prone to depression, often actions and actions are directly proportional to their mood. One extreme is rudeness, bad manners, and a manifestation of selfishness. The other extreme is over-sensitivity with understanding. If you find such symbolism in a new acquaintance, then know that you need a special approach to him - these are people of mood. They can offend you greatly, and the next day they won’t even remember that they were rude.

Very rare badge, lower belt

One of the very rare signs. These are cold, calculating individuals. They can speak words of compassion without spiritual burden. Their natures are not sincere; they love only for material gain. Quite secretive, the material base is much more important than the spiritual one.

Combination with other lines and signs

The following symbols influence the character of this belt:

  • island, ring on the line called Venus, shows a person with magical abilities, the gift of healing others, foreseeing future events. A person always knows when they are telling him the truth or lying. Due to insight, relationships with the environment, relatives, and partners are often difficult, and conflicts are possible;
  • a star on the hand in the area of ​​the Venus belt is a bad sign, warning of strong emotional trauma that will throw you out of balance. High risk of insanity and depressive disorders. If an asterisk appears at the beginning or end of a semi-ring, there is a risk of breaking the law, causing harm due to passion that has clouded the head. The symbol in the center is interpreted as a venereal disease;
  • shoots up and down from the main line will indicate an uncontrolled change of sexual partners. Being faithful to one person is an extremely difficult task.

When deciphering, you need to pay attention to the size of the adjacent hills, intersections with other lines on the hand:

  • the bright mounds of Mercury and the Sun will tell about sexual desire, which is blocked due to shyness. It is easier for a person to find acquaintances on the Internet than in real life;
  • the convex Mount of Venus speaks of inner raging passions. If the semi-ring breaks in 1-2 places, vicious thoughts can cause harm to others. There is a risk of physical violence;
  • if, with a pronounced belt in the area of ​​Venus, a segment of the Mind is clearly visible, emotions can be brought under control. The craving for sex and artistry acquire forms that are useful for the individual;
  • if on the hand the belt in the Venus zone is more expressive than the heart line, then the owner is in the clouds, dreams replace reality. Of the minuses: he easily loses his temper, from unbridled fun he quickly slips into melancholy and depression. A gentle nature often cannot withstand pressure;
  • the half ring of Venus passing through the heart line speaks of insane emotionality. By trusting others too much, leaving their souls wide open, completely immersing themselves in other people's lives, they often suffer. Idealism leads to constant disappointment.

For women, a significant sign: intersection with the marriage line.

A drawing on the hand promises a successful marriage, in which the man will become the head of the family.

Girls with this sign like traditional family models.

Where to look for the belt of Venus on the hand

The ring of Venus is a line originating between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn and ending between the fingers of Apollo and Mercury. This line, as a rule, has the shape of a semicircle or a segment of a circle, open towards the fingers.

The belt of Venus, which covers the finger of Jupiter, is called the belt of hero worship. People with this sign tend to look for idols for themselves, whom they idealize and whom they try to imitate in everything.

The belt covers the fingers of Saturn, Apollo and Mercury and is called the line of Sisyphus, named after the famous character in ancient Greek myth, who, as punishment for his atrocities, had to roll a huge boulder up a mountain in the underworld.

Once the stone reached the top, it rolled back to the bottom of the mountain and Sisyphus had to start all over again. For a person with such a Venus belt, the topic of intimacy is a problem.

And it seems to him that at first in the relationship in this regard he takes a step forward, but then two steps back.

If the belt is under Apollo’s finger and if there are two of them, then such a person is very afraid of criticism, speaking in public and publicly expressing his own opinion.

The strengthened belt of Venus under the finger of Saturn indicates increased conflict. Such a person is afraid of not fulfilling his obligations.

He feels guilty if something goes wrong and uses the belt to protect his heart from negativity.

The ring seems to take under its protection the space of the palm - fate, light, happiness and does not pay any attention to arrogance, pride, whims, belligerence, and other instincts.

But, embracing the space of light and rock, it seems to push their foreheads against light and rock, happiness and predestination. This struggle is as old as time, it is eternal in the usual sense of time.

The very name “Ring of Venus” speaks of unbridled, blind, shameless love, similar to debauchery. According to myth, Juno took a belt from Venus to seduce Jupiter and instill passion in him.

This line generally speaks of passion, of the opportunity to love passionately. After all, not everyone is capable of strong passion, and it manifests itself differently in everyone.

Is it normal to have no belt of Venus?

The belt of Venus on the palm is an optional symbol. Absence indicates the ability to keep emotions under control. The sexual sphere does not play a significant role in life. People of this type tend to replace contacts with people with material goods. In communication, the person appears reserved, cool, and distant. He reacts to manifestations of romanticism with skepticism, because he looks at things rationally, exclusively from the point of view of logic. Working through the emotional sphere and sensitivity will entail the gradual appearance of a belt in the Venus area on the arm.

Symbols and figures

Not only the nature of the lines of the belt of Venus, but also various symbols on it can tell about character and emotionality:

  • Small island.

Peculiar islands (rings) on the belt indicate an unusual person, often with the gift of foresight or the ability to heal. Such people see through lies, and in general those around them, which often becomes the cause of scandals and quarrels.

  • Star.

Stars on the belt of Venus are a very negative sign, because such people may experience serious emotional distress in the present or future. There is a danger of going crazy or becoming severely depressed. A star at the ends of a line can be a symbol of crimes of passion. The sign in the middle of the belt indicates the possible presence of a sexually transmitted infection.

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