Runic betting on good luck and luck

Runes of luck and luck

Any runic pattern consists of several runes, which in one way or another attract luck and luck to a person, making him less vulnerable. Therefore, first, let’s talk a little about which runes bring good luck and fortune.

  • “Kenaz” is responsible not only for luck, but also for a person’s creative potential. If such a rune is used and activated correctly, you can reveal talents that have until now “dormant” in a person.

Reveals talents

  • “Fehu” - this rune also brings good luck, but in addition to this, it also acts as a “magnet” for money and other valuable goods. Also, the “Fehu” rune contributes to the accumulation of wealth.


  • "Vunyo" . This rune acts a little differently than those previously described, but it also brings good luck to a person and contributes to the fulfillment of his desires.

Fulfills wishes

  • "Yera." Literally translated, the rune means “harvest.” It helps a person receive the benefits he deserves.

For good

  • "Dagaz". This rune is responsible for increasing wealth and benefits, but it is also applied to attract the goddess Fortune to one’s side.

Multiplying wealth

  • "Inguz" . This rune does not attract luck directly, but it helps ensure that all endeavors end in success.

Rune - designation

How to activate the power of runes?

You must activate the magical power of the runes yourself. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • choose a runic formula. Remember that there should not be more than 2 runes in the work at the same time;
  • Draw or write an image of runes on natural matter. Use cardboard, stone, paper, leather or wood;
  • To attract money, be sure to use red. If this color irritates you, try other shades of red.

For the ritual you must:

  • point your palms towards the runes;
  • mentally think about your plans and goals, focus on them and breathe;
  • exhale air through your palms towards the runes. After which your talisman with symbols is ready for use.

For enhanced impact, you can also speak out the plot in advance and express your thoughts in words. By the way, regarding the pronunciation of words, there are important rules:

  • words must be pronounced in the present tense;
  • words should not contain particles “not”;
  • intentions must be pure and sincere.

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To attract money, you can, for example, say the following phrases.

Runic betting on luck and luck “Lady Luck”

This is a universal runic bet for good luck and fortune, so using it, you can bring fortune to yourself in the area in which you need it. So, you will need your photo. You can do without it, but in this case you will have to draw the standing on your body or on a piece of paper.

You need to depict the following runes on the selected material:

  • "Vunyo" . Gives a person the opportunity to enjoy life without fear of failures and problems.
  • "Fehu." This rune will help you receive the benefits you deserve.
  • The “Teyvaz-Nautiz-Ansuz” combination makes a person more result-oriented, instills in him confidence in his victory, success and a favorable outcome of any situation.
  • “Mannaz with Soulu” will attract the attention of Fortune to your person.
  • “The link Yera-mirror Uruz-Laguz-Ansuz.” This combination makes a person more decisive, gives him the opportunity to act outside the box, without fear for the result.
  • "Laguz" . Improves a person’s sense of smell, thereby giving him the opportunity to choose the right options for action.

Draw it on paper
After applying it to the selected material, be sure to specify it and activate it. You can activate it as follows:

  • By air. Close your eyes, imagine that you already have what you need, what you want so much. Take a full lungful of air and exhale it onto a photograph, paper, etc.
  • By fire. Suitable for activating runic patterns on paper and photographs. Take the paper, a photo with the image of the stave, and bring it to the candle flame. Move the photo over the flame and think about your goal and how it will be realized
  • Earth. Wrap the photo, paper with the stave depicted in a piece of clean cloth and bury it in the ground for half an hour, then dig it up and use it for its intended purpose.

In what cases are staves used?

Previously, a share was called luck, a failure, respectively, a black streak or sent bad luck. Anyone can do a mischief to a person, the important thing is that after such a “gift” a bad streak comes, no matter what efforts the person makes. And if you have ambitions, it can either put you into debt or ruin your health, depending on what ambitions and actions belong to what area. Runic cleansing helps to return the taken Share, as well as boomerang to return his own negativity to the offender. Another scenario is also possible.

When in childhood one of your close friends tries to take away a person’s life. He goes to the same clubs or sections, but he gets better and better. At the same time, the weaker personality, remaining in the background, begins to feel like a loser and this is carried over into adulthood if psychological intervention is not intervened in time. But, as a rule, parents turn a blind eye to this, considering it empty childish worries. However, some, even in early childhood, take away part of each other’s life and luck in this way. It is also worth considering that in childhood the protection is weaker and holes can go with a person throughout his life.

Runic betting on luck and fortune “Lady Luck 2”

  • This graphic spell is similar to the previous one, as can be seen from its name. However, such a position is more suitable for representatives of the stronger half of humanity.
  • You will need your photo and paper. You can also draw runes on your body.

For good luck

  • So, you need to depict the “Laguz” , the “Yera-mirror Uruz-Laguz-Ansuz” - we described them earlier.
  • You will also need to depict the “Mannaz-Teyvaz-Soulu” and the “Fehu-Vunyo” combination.
  • After this, activate the runic one using one of the previously described methods and do not forget to specify it.

Runic betting on good luck and luck “Shimmering in the night”

It is not without reason that this runic form bears such a name. “Shimmering in the Night” is not just a beautiful name for the camp, it is the name of a deity who, with her own strength, helps all lost souls find their way, the right path that will lead them to success.

  • It is recommended to apply this runic symbol for good luck and fortune on the naked body, and not on a sheet of paper, photo.

Apply to the body
Apply the following runes to the body:

  • "Laguz". The rune activates a person’s intuition, after which he becomes able to understand how he needs to act in a given situation.
  • "Kenaz." This is not just a rune that brings good luck, it is a symbol of the Flickering in the Night. It must be applied as carefully and correctly as possible, otherwise it will not work.
  • "Raido." This rune will help ensure that a person follows only a safe path and does not encounter problems.
  • "Fehu." Of course, this runic stave could not do without a rune, which directly attracts luck and luck to a person.
  • If desired, you can apply other runes that bring good luck to a person (were described earlier).
  • Afterwards, specify the status and activate it in any way convenient for you.

Tips for diagnosing runes

Although the runic form of Dolya and Nedolya is considered safe, magicians know the value of their own strength and time. Therefore, before applying such measures, it is recommended to conduct a basic runic diagnosis. A simple method is suitable for beginners. For diagnosis, it is important to clearly imagine the sphere of the alleged negative, or its author, and pull the rune out of the bag. The technique seems simple, but in reality nothing is accidental and the signs sometimes give very accurate answers. For example, the fallen rune Eyvaz clearly indicates deliberate damage and negativity, and Turisaz indicates the presence of an envious person. Laguz and Hagalaz show induced negativity on the astral, mental and psychological aspects. In order to carry out diagnostics more clearly, it is important not to wait for the most popular runes to appear, but to study their meanings yourself and interpret them from different angles.

As you can see, runic magic and becoming Dolya and Nedolya help to return even stolen luck in a short time and punish the offender.

Runic betting on good luck and luck from Anabella

  • This graphic spell can be used as a universal spell or to attract good fortune in work and career.
  • As in previous rituals, we will need a piece of paper, a photo of ourselves or our body and a pen.

Having become
on the selected material we depict the following runes:

  • "Perth". One of the main runes of this stav. This rune calls for luck and luck on the side of a person
  • “Fehu” - this rune also attracts fortune and sets a person up to find a job that he will like
  • "Yera" . Such a rune will help ensure that the new job is permanent and profitable. If you use this rule as a universal one, “Yera” will make sure that luck always “goes” hand in hand with you
  • “Laguz-Raido-Kenaz” - such a combination will ensure a person success in all his endeavors
  • "Mannaz" , a rune that is also responsible for attracting good luck and luck
  • "Algiz" . This rune gives a person the protection of higher powers and the Universe.
  • “Berkana” is responsible for human advancement and growth
  • “Soulu” gives a person the strength to carry out his plans
  • The runic spell is activated after application, otherwise the graphic spell from Anabella will not work.

Runes for building a successful business

Using this sequence of formulas, you can quickly climb up the career ladder. However, for the runes to work, you need to write them on your hands. Draw the first formula on your left hand, and the second on your right hand. Well, if your business has just started its journey, then you can safely use the following formula: Fehu-Uruz-Otal-Soul. These runes of attracting good luck create the necessary impulse flows for the development of a prosperous business.

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Business advancement

Runic betting on good luck and luck “Horseshoe”

Already from the name of this runic stave it is clear that it perfectly attracts good luck, because the horseshoe has at all times been considered a symbol of luck and fortune.


The following runes will work:

  • "Perth". In this case, the rune will give a person clear thoughts, the ability to think clearly and rationally.
  • “Raido” will be responsible for ensuring that a person makes the right choice and will have a beneficial effect on intuition.
  • "Laguz". Will make a person invulnerable to difficult circumstances.
  • “Dagaz” will help ensure that all circumstances are in a person’s favor.
  • “Perth-Raido” together will open new doors and new opportunities for people.
  • “Fehu (direct and mirror).” Runes will help a person get what he wants and deserves.
  • Betting on luck and luck, the “Horseshoe” is applied either to the human body, or to paper, a photo, then it is specified and activated.

Runic betting for good luck in the exam

Luck in the exam is needed more than ever, which is why the runic bet for luck in the exam is so popular. This will help the student get a well-deserved grade and will help ensure that the exam is as easy and quick as possible. However, such a position will not work if a person does not make any effort to study well - this fact must be taken into account.

For exam

  • The first rune that needs to be applied to the body or a piece of paper is “Teyvaz” . It helps the student concentrate and focus on getting a good grade.
  • “Soulu” in this bet acts as a magnet for fortune. Also, it is this rune that allows the student to get a good grade if he tries and makes at least minimal effort
  • “Ansuz” rune has a beneficial effect on the student’s mental abilities, “turns on” the brain and makes it work for a good result
  • It is recommended to apply all these runes to your body, so they will work stronger.
  • They must be activated in any convenient way, but it is worth remembering that they must be specified.

Thanks to runic bets for good luck, you can not only attract Fortune to your side, but also increase your existing benefits.

Interesting articles on the site about fortune telling:

  • On the names and phrases of passers-by
  • From photo
  • At tea
  • On water and wax
  • On the coffee grounds

List of the most powerful runescripts for good luck in business

  1. Ansuz-Uruz-Yera-Ansuz - this rune formula of luck creates pleasant circumstances, while helping to save vitality and time.
  2. Soul-Dagaz-Vunyo - the formula helps to find the right solution to any difficult situation.
  3. Dagaz-Fehu-Dagaz-Odal - brings material wealth and success to life.

Formulas for luck

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