Starting to close reviews from all women. Runic becoming to hide a woman from all men

In black magic there is a wonderful tested and working ritual “Shut up from all women.” After this ritual, the rabbit completely forgets about the entire female sex, he sees only you, wants only you, you are beautiful, desirable and attractive to him. Something similar was born in my inflamed brain, but only with the help of runes. And it was all brought about by the T-Montanovsky Doublet. I transformed it somewhat and it turned out to be a runic “Close from all women.”

What do we have7? In the first stav: 1. hagalaz (destruction of desire for other women) 2. inverted tyur (roughly speaking, non-standing on others) 3. inverted ruz (again - sexual impotence) In the second stav: 1. two nautiz - coercion to the fact that we conceived (hard) 2. Tyr is direct - it is clear that he identifies obvious male desire and male strength. 3. 2 vunye - well, this is for joy and pleasure in all members 4. 2 sovilo - for greater energy and joy (warming up) 5. 2 algiz on the sides - this is what we call “close” from others, protect from everyone else . May the men forgive me, the standards turned out to be quite tough. I will be glad to receive comments, questions, and most importantly, active practice and application.

At the request of the men of the ChMIR form, the formula “Close from all women”, slightly modified into “Close from all men” Looks like this:

To stipulate as follows: 1 having become - - hagalaz - I destroy all possible connections with any men - berkans inverted + teyvaz inverted - all your sexual desire, feminine charm, seductiveness for all men except me is destroyed by hagalaz - uruz inverted - you have neither the strength nor the desire to have sex with any man other than me, to flirt or have any kind of relationship.

2 becoming: - nautiz forces you: - two berkans - to be feminine and tender, sexy and loving only for me - two vunye - because it brings you joy and pleasure - two sovil + teyvaz - your sex. desire grows towards me, attraction increases. When you are next to me, you are ready to have sex with me and are happy about it - two algiz - close you from all men except me, so that you do not meet anyone on the side and do not get carried away with him.

The formula has not been tested, I warn you right away. But it was created by analogy, in relation to female rabbits.

10.11.2015 | 19:32

Good day. The magician Azal is with you, and today we will take a deeper look into the topic of betrayal in a love relationship between a man and a woman, as well as a magical way to eliminate them. I will answer the question “why do men cheat.” This topic is topical, and interest in it is always present. If you read the article to the end, you will gain invaluable experience as a magician in identifying the causes of betrayal and working on magical correction of such situations.

I think that sooner or later each of us in our lives finds ourselves in situations where the topic of fidelity becomes one of the most important for us. Sometimes we are capable of making these kinds of mistakes, sometimes our partner turns out to be unfaithful. It often happens that we want to maintain our relationship with someone, but there is something that causes us unbearable pain in this relationship - betrayal by our partner. It often turns out that we are powerless to influence such behavior of our partner, but at the same time we absolutely do not want to put up with such behavior. In such cases, many turn to a magician for help.

As you know, in magic there is a special group of works aimed at eliminating betrayals of a partner, including regular betrayals and those that do not stop under any circumstances. In other words, for a long time, magicians have been using eguillette to protect themselves from all women or men. You can talk about what it is. Naturally, this magical effect is done without the knowledge and participation of your partner. Moreover, with the magician’s correct and competent approach to this work, your partner will never suspect this, despite the fact that his style of behavior in the matter of fidelity will change dramatically.

I will say that most often the customers of this kind of magical interventions are women, which in general is quite understandable. Therefore, I will focus the article primarily on women, but it is equally useful and is also suitable for men who want to defend their woman’s fidelity in a magical way.

What is runic protection

People have been using magical symbols as amulets since ancient times. One of the most popular and famous esoteric signs are runes. These letters are able to awaken the energy of the Universe and direct it in the right direction.

If powerful protection is required at all levels, then the use of runes is the best option. Magic symbols deactivate negative energy and protect a person from all sorts of troubles. Negativity is returned to the offender.

Types of runic protection

There are several ways to put up a magic shield using symbols:

  1. Wearing special amulets. They can be purchased or made by yourself. The second option is considered more preferable, since the owner’s energy is invested in the talisman.
  2. Applying magic runes to various things. Here the main role is played by what kind of protection is needed. For example, to protect yourself from money theft, symbols are applied to the wallet.
  3. Drawing marks on the skin. If protective runes for a person are applied to the body, they resonate with his energy. This allows the symbols to effectively perform security functions.

In all cases, the effect of the runes is the same. The difference is that amulets are worn constantly. Once you remove them, the protection stops working.

Magic runes drawn on objects or the body are permanent. To deactivate, you need to erase the drawing or burn the item.

How does egylet work on men?

Of course, not every case and not every situation is resolved by this magical influence. Next I will describe situations in which its use is truly effective.

Firstly, these are cases when we are dealing with a “malicious reveler”. No matter what you tell him, no matter how you explain it, no matter what you do, he will obviously or quietly continue to walk. It would seem that it is easier to “throw out” than to correct such a person, but there are women who fight to the last for such men. I will describe how working with such people goes.

Regular infidelity, its causes and ways to resolve it.

Love relationships in which infidelity is regular are sometimes very different from one another. Based on my experience of magical assistance, I can identify several types of such situations.

  1. "Wounded" man

Such men cheat constantly and really don’t miss a single skirt. For such people, sex is the main thing in their life, always with him and around him. Closer to old age, when they are no longer physiologically able, such men switch to “workaround options” - Viagra and other stimulants are used, various substitutes (sex toys) are used, or even the approach “even though I can’t do it myself, but at least I’ll take a look, like others..." In general, the diagnosis here is unambiguous - fornication in its brightest manifestation. Such human behavior is always based on deep mental trauma (often violence). Sometime in his life this man experienced something very impressive that has since turned his behavior into debauchery. Such a person does not respect himself, does not respect his body, and it is also difficult for him to respect others.

Working on this kind of situation is the hardest, most difficult. They work here in an extremely comprehensive manner: a passion for the customer is required, it is necessary to emotionally “fixate” such a person on the customer, awaken and strengthen his feelings for the customer. Plus, to all this, it is necessary to “tie it tightly” in order to close it off from all women. That is, make at least ten working strong aiguillettes, methodically, one after another, strengthening and enhancing their effect. In addition, his mental trauma needs to be worked through, so she will look for another way out. Of course, the deadlines and price of such work are quite high. For those who are still thinking whether a single aigillette will work here or not, remember what I wrote about the old age of such people - here they will also use such “tricks”.

  1. Seeking man

Often these are men who have not yet found their woman. Moreover, with a certain rather typical element in his biography, namely this. Such men were raised by mothers with a domineering character. Education went in this direction:

-Moishe, it’s time for you to go home!

-Mom, am I cold?

-No, Moishe, you are hungry.

After such a boy grows up, he reaches an age when it is time to obey not his mother, but his wife. A caring mother will be happy to find a wife for him. Or she will approve of his choice if the chosen one is similar to her. That is, she will give her child only to reliable hands. A man lives his life constantly feeling this overprotection, constantly feeling pressure that he cannot resist. He cannot perceive his wife, even if she is a very good and positive girl in all respects, as a wife, as a beloved woman - he sees her as a “cage”, with her he feels trapped again. Then he begins to understand that there is only one life, and he would like to arrange it at his own discretion, according to his desires. He begins to ask himself: “what do I want,” because he really doesn’t know what he wants - he’s not used to it, he’s not taught to want. And he decides to go through trial and error. Receiving variety, he falls into lust.

Ten percent of all people of this type can stop on their own, since willpower and self-control are weak here. Such people are stopped, including by magical intervention. He needs to be directed to one woman, strengthen their relationship until they understand that “this is the one I was looking for.” Eguillette is also used in magical work, and this type of person reacts to this influence much more “responsively.” Unlike the previous group, they will not look for “workarounds”, since the basis of their infidelity is completely different. By the way, there are quite a lot of them, in particular for Muslim and Gypsy families this is generally a traditional situation.

  1. Unfaithful husband

This type is less malicious, but still revelers. Usually this is the type of husband who has two or three more permanent “hippodromes”, plus from time to time they still manage to meet someone somewhere. How they manage to do all this is not known :) But such cases are almost the most typical among aiguillet customers. It often happens that his constant mistresses-wives give birth to children for him, and he lives on these two or three families. This situation can last for years or decades without much change. Each woman finds different ways to pull the blanket over herself. And he finds it.

If such a situation is approached for resolution, then the eguillette here immediately removes the casual connections of such a man. But! In addition, special additional work is needed to eliminate the constant connections of such a man (like removing a rival or rivals). The difficulty is that usually his mistresses complement his wife. That is, what he wants to get from his wife, but she doesn’t give him, he looks for and gets it on the side. If the relationship with his wife worsens, the man becomes closer to his mistress. But if you improve his relationship with his wife and harmonize it so much that his wife will give him everything he needs, then he simply will not need a connection with his mistress. In order to “add everything he needs” in a relationship with his wife, a different plan of work is required, depending on what exactly is missing in the relationship - passion, sex, removing reproaches, indifference to his desires, or something else. Sometimes, of course, while working with such a situation, a man and his mistress may already have serious ties (a common child, a common cause - work or something else). In this case, the work is, of course, more difficult.

  1. Unfinished relationships in the past

This is a type of relationship when before you (or before you, but also together with you) the partner had some kind of important relationship for him (often karmically determined), which broke off, but did not end. The man was left with a feeling of incompleteness, incompleteness, as if not everything had been dotted and there was something else that needed to be said or done. A person has a lot of unanswered questions in his head and a lot of unwinnable situations from those relationships. And he will play out these situations with other women similar to that woman from an unfinished relationship. It is from people like her that he will look for answers to all his questions. This can go on for years.

Also, sometimes this can include situations when suddenly a man meets some woman from his past, and he is “switched.” Their relationship is renewed, despite the fact that both may already have family and children.

In such situations, egilette also helps, but here we also need special magical effects to close the relationship - the so-called quarrels

and divorceable ones. The main thing in this situation will be divorce, because simply egilettes and quarrels without divorce will not close this relationship.

What runes are used

In esoteric practices, ancient Scandinavian writings are most widely used. The main defender is considered Algiz (Agis, Anis). This sign is associated with a magical animal - the elk, a very cautious animal. Even visually, the symbol resembles schematic horns. In the Scandinavian countries, the Algiz rune of protection has been drawn on amulets, weapons, and houses since ancient times.

Anise is the main, but far from the only security sign. Many other symbols also help to build shields:

  1. Isa, which means “ice”. The rune freezes negativity, stops negative energy, due to which the damage is deactivated. The symbol is also responsible for controlling emotions, helping to overcome bad habits, and recover from mental anguish. The Isa rune can only be used to protect against negativity and enemies - it does not protect material things (home, money, jewelry).
  2. Teyvaz is a magical symbol of strength and fearlessness. Scandinavian warriors applied it to their weapons to become indestructible. The sign is closely associated with the spear of the god Thor. The protective barrier put up by this rune cannot be overcome by any enemy. Teyvaz can be used for home security, etc.
  3. Turisaz is a sign of not only protection, but also attack. This rune repels enemy attacks and also helps in revenge. This sign is suitable when you need to protect yourself from witchcraft, damage, and negativity (especially if the ill-wisher is a strong magician).
  4. Nautiz is a powerful fire symbol. Such a rune will become a reliable protector, but only on condition that the person controls the situation and controls his emotions. Otherwise, the power of the sign can be directed towards yourself.

There are also many auxiliary runes. For example, Feu and Otal protect material values, Kano – family traditions, Berkana – children and home, Gebo – partnerships, Raido and Soulu – travelers.

Runic formulas and runescripts for protection

Not only individual symbols, but also their combinations are used as guards. In esotericism they are called runescripts and are special magical formulas that are written in one line. The choice of one or another combination depends on the goal.

Protection from witchcraft and damage

If there is a suspicion that an ill-wisher has sent an evil eye, several runescripts will help restore energy. One of the strongest formulas is Nautiz-Soulu-Nautiz. It is better to draw runes on the body or wear them as an amulet for nine days.

Another powerful astral connection is Evaz-Algiz-Isa. This formula protects against magical effects.

Protective barrier, shield from damage and evil eye

If the spell is cast by a strong sorcerer, you will need to create a magical barrier. A rune cross will help with this. For men it is applied on the right, for women - on the left. The center of the formula is Eyvaz. On both sides of this rune there are Barkans. The top and bottom are protected by two Thurisaz.

The magical runescript is worn on the body for a week. During this time, there may be some physical weakness.

Formula for protection and prosperity

Protecting material wealth is also a task for magic runes. Otal is responsible for wealth. The symbol protects the house and is considered a money symbol. It should be used in combination. For example, the runescript Fehu-Soul-Otal-Vuno proves its effectiveness. This formula creates a field of joy - success and prosperity await a person.

For protection and security

One of the most universal runescripts is Algiz-Inguz. It is suitable for permanent use. For a more powerful magical effect in case of a specific danger, you can use the so-called “wild onion” formula - Laguz-Ansuz-Uruz-Kano-Ansuz-Algiz.

For protection and reflection (mirror)

The runescript can direct negative energy towards the ill-wisher himself. Just like in the famous saying: “What goes around comes around.” The best mirror formula is Isa-Kano-Halagaz-Kano-Isa.

This combination conceals both centers of life and the uncontrollable power of the elements. The “Mirror” protective shield will accept external influences, but will not allow further penetration. Then the runescript will direct the negative in the opposite direction.

Protection from enemies

A powerful barrier that neutralizes the negative energy of people helps to build the Turisaz-Teyvaz-Turizas runescript. The symbol in the middle represents law and order. It promotes the growth of authority and strengthening of the spirit. The gates of the formula are two Thurisaz runes, which become a barrier to someone else’s evil will.

Home protection

The energy of a home can be undermined by the envy of an ill-wisher. The runescript Teyvaz-Algiz-Odal-Algiz-Teyvaz helps protect against this. He calls on higher powers - the guardians of the hearth.

The formula is drawn at the entrance to the apartment, for example, above the door or in the yard on the gate. Such symbols are suitable for protecting both permanent and temporary homes.

From witchcraft

Protection from dark spells will be provided by the runescript Evaz-Algiz-Isa. These extremely powerful symbols will be extremely effective when it comes to prevention. When it is necessary to protect yourself from the negative impact that the sorcerer is already having, the Perth-Hagalaz-Perth formula is suitable. The rune of rebirth, filled with the power of Mars, blocks dark energy.

Amulet on the road from accidents and disasters

Anything can happen along the way, and the best protector will be the magical formula Algiz-Raido-Algiz. The central rune is responsible for movement in space and harmonization of movement. The two Algiz surrounding this symbol are a call to higher powers.

The combination is best suited for amulets. Travelers wear them around their neck or wrist, and motorists hang them in their cars.

Have a good trip

Those who are often on the move can protect themselves with a simple paired runescript - Raido-Algiz. This formula is a universal amulet that can save you from an unpleasant situation, be it road theft, a flat tire or being late for a train.

Amulet for personal relationships

Success on the love front may also depend on whether a person has powerful defenders. If someone is jealous of a strong, harmonious relationship in a couple, the Gebo-Algiz-Otala runescript will help.

This formula blocks outside influences. It is best to use it as a talisman against evil people.

Personal protection

For yourself, you should choose an amulet with the runescript Turisaz-Tayvez-Turisaz as a guard. This magical amulet will help activate internal resources, which will allow you to resist negative influences from the outside.

The amulet is worn on the hand or neck. It can also be sewn onto clothes or painted on the skin.

To protect the family

The runic formula Teyvaz-Algiz-Otal-Algiz-Teyvaz becomes the guard of the house and all its inhabitants. This combination can be applied to any surface or photograph. The script protects both people and pets.

The most vulnerable family members are children. The evil eye easily clings to them. A special paired Algiz-Berkana runescript will help protect them, symbolizing the close bond between mother and child.

Important! When creating a formula, you need to know the meaning of each rune, arrange them in a strictly established order, and not change places at your own discretion. The first symbol of the ligature represents desire, while the last is responsible for the result.

How does Egilet work?

Regarding how egilet works, I can say that it is done differently for a girl and a guy, a man and a woman, a wife and a husband. Based on my practice, I will say that it is somewhat easier for a man to do egilet.

The methods used to influence men and women differ. The way egillet manifests itself there and there also differs. If a man's magical influence can deprive him of having sexual contact with other women at all, then achieving such a purely physical effect in a woman is unrealistic. Roughly speaking, she will always be able to lie down for herself, but still, after the aiguillet, she won’t even want to lie down. That is, the sphere that the magician will influence in the case when it is necessary to make such a magical influence on a woman will be primarily emotional and mental, while for men they more often use physiological or consequential. If you don’t understand what I wrote in the last sentence, then I recommend that you first read my previous article about what species exist

and how egilet manifests itself in general.

That's all for today. I hope you found the article interesting. I look forward to your opinion in the comments. Subscribe to site updates - receive new site articles by email. If you need to order egylet

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Sincerely, Azal, author of articles and owner of the site
People have always been attracted to everything magical and unearthly. The opportunity to find out the future, change it, or somehow influence it has always attracted me. This is one of the reasons why interest in runes and their capabilities has remained to this day.

The runes themselves are alphabetic and magical signs that were used by the peoples of the world to transmit information or for magical purposes.

Their history is very ancient, some sources date them back to the third century BC. Runes were carved on stone slabs, on wood, they were applied to weapons, ships, investing a special meaning in each symbol. If for weapons, then to win, if for tools, then to have a harvest, if for dishes, then so as not to starve.

In the modern world, runes are used, in most cases, either to improve well-being or in love affairs. But in fact, their possibilities are much wider and can cover absolutely all aspects of life (health, success, protection, family, etc.), and not just how to make a sexual connection.

To work with runes, you do not have to be a professional magician or fortune teller. But, still performing magical actions, some conventions must be observed. Work with runes should be done alone, excluding external interference (telephone, TV), preferably early in the morning. In complete peace of mind and balance, because the presence of a bad mood or stress will prevent you from getting the desired result.

If earlier trips to psychics or fortune tellers were mainly made by women, today priorities have changed, and men are not much behind in their desires to conjure up money, love and a career for themselves.

Men very often turn to witchcraft when it comes to their personal lives. There are many rituals, the meaning of which is to close your other half from all men. Runic staves are considered very effective, because they are easy to make and use. There is no need to brew a witch’s potion or get the hair and nails of the “victim”, everything is much simpler. Runic formulas work best when they are applied to natural materials - leather, wood. You can choose one or two runes for yourself; more complex formulas, which are compiled from five or even ten runes, are better to use ready-made ones, which are compiled and tested by knowledgeable people. For example, stav, which protects from all men, consists of ten runes - hagalaz, berkana (inverted), teyvaz (inverted), uruz (inverted), nautiz, vunyo, soulu, algiza, some are used in the formula more than once. Accordingly, these runes are a sexual connection, or rather not the runes themselves, but their relationship and the meaning embedded in them.

It is advisable to keep in mind that these bindings, for both women and men, are allowed if the people are married (that is, they have rights to each other). And such manipulations should not be carried out independently, but with the help of people who understand this. After all, there are many cases when such amateur activities drove people to a madhouse or to suicide. A person, after incorrect or incomplete magical actions, became restless, aggressive, and abused alcohol, which ultimately ended sadly. After all, any attachment or love spell is violence against the psyche and consciousness.

Probably, in order not to perform any magical actions in relation to your other half, you need to pay more attention to each other, give gifts, spend time together, do the same things and have common interests.

In our dynamic times, this is not always possible and does not always succeed, but you still need to remember about your loved ones, about their desires, then you don’t have to worry that the thoughts of a loved one will be occupied by someone else.
Becoming “Only mine.”
We hide our man from women. - Becoming “Only mine.” We hide our man from women.-

Runes: Laguz - young girls of Berkana - women of Raido (trans) - we close the road to them Algiz - we protect and fence them off from women

Algiz - protecting relationships Teyvaz - a man himself, a husband

Feedback from my respected teacher, Vannadis! “Only mine” - it turned out well. Raido fits very well with Berkana, it turned out perfect. In general, the structure of the stav is excellent, you used the form of agishyalm very well for such a stav, exactly what is needed, on the one hand, closing off women, on the other hand, scaring off intrusive ladies, if let’s say they climb in on their own. Becoming can also cause trouble, who will pester a person too actively, here the impact is not only on the man, we simply close him off from women, but also on those women who themselves may show too obsessive interest in him, Algiz is also very well included In the end, it was a wonderful job.

I guess this is only for those who already have a family relationship with a man? Is it suitable if a man has 2 families? One is official (with a stamp), the other is not. It is necessary to close it from the official one in favor of the civilian one. Won't it pull you towards the legal side? This happens in life too. If I remove the odal, will it work in the direction I want? And another case: a man has a legal wife and another woman who is his mistress. A mistress wants to close a man off from all other ladies and from his wife, will it work in this case or will she close him off from his mistress, regardless of the reservation? You really remove the Odal rune and add it to the top, and you can also add it on top, that is, surround it with two Isa to cool the relationship. And be sure to spell it correctly. Something like this:

You can strengthen it by repeating the branches not 4 times, but 5 times, like a pentagram. And spell it correctly. Something like this: This runic, becoming its strength and the power of the Gods, cools Petya’s heart towards his wife Anya and closes the roads to her. Let indifference appear in his soul. Let it be so!

Of course, this is already a clean lapel! Yes, if you only need to get your wife out of the way, then we’ll get Laguz out of the way! and below where Gebo can apply one of the formulas and make a reservation, that is, continue the reservation (which I wrote at the top). 1. Gebo Inguz Evaz - love spell, possibly with marriage 2. Perto Kenaz Gebo Nautiz - hard love spell with coercion 3. Yera Gebo Yera - love spell - eternal love It is better to apply it on his photo.

The problem is that he is with me and with the enemy, so I asked if he would close it from me too? You simply remove Laguz or Berkana from above, depending on the age of your opponent, if younger, then Laguz, if older, then Berkana. Drop your blood into the middle of the Teyvaz. And stipulate that it closes the way to (name of your rival) and cools your man towards her (you can add two Isa on the sides), and preserves your relationship with him - this is already the lower part of the stake. I showed it above. how to put two Isa, but except for Odal, don’t touch Odal, that is, don’t put it on top, but leave it below in place.

I really liked the post - the question is, is it possible to change it to close from friends - I have a couple of candidates - friends, parties, bachelor parties, drinking... instead of Lagus Berkano put mannas? I wish I could tie him to the house - there’s a young family - the child was born, he’s never at home - his wife has already turned into a piece of wood - she doesn’t drink without friends - as soon as they appear, they’ll immediately bury him deeply - but she loves him, try standing like this, close From friends.

Here Turisaz cuts off all unnecessary connections.

and a quarrel

You can bet at the same time. Becoming, ala remix, enhanced.

Runes: Berkana - woman lover, co-wife Isa - we close and cool the feelings of the husband, the man for this woman Thurisaz - we destroy the connection and relationship between them. Raido (trans) - we close the road Algiz - we protect and protect from this woman Eyvaz + Nautiz - with magical power with coercion Gebo + Odal - this is your relationship with this man Algiz - we protect the relationship Teyvaz - the man himself, the husband

With an approximate clause: This runic form destroys the connection and relationship of my husband (name) with his mistress (name), cools the feelings of my husband (name) for his mistress (name), closes the way for my husband (name) to this woman with magical power coercion. DRS restores the connection between my husband (name) and me (name) and establishes harmonious relationships in our family and between us (name) and (name). Let it be so! And it is advisable to visualize the whole process!!! Activate with your blood by dripping into the middle of the stave on the Teyvaz rune.

In order to also give a kick to obsessive women who climb on their own. Can this kick be strengthened with something? So that they could fly for a long time without looking back. Nowadays girls don’t look at whether you’re married or not—they jump in and that’s it.

This runic form destroys the connection and relationship of the husband (name) with women and girls trying to have intimate relationships with him, cools the feelings of the husband (name) towards them, closes the way for the husband (name) to cheat - with magical force with coercion. DRS punishes obsessive strangers - (“those who get into their husband’s pants” - I’m kidding - I couldn’t resist))))) punishes them with troubles and (how else can I punish them?) DRS restores the connection between (name) and (name) and establishes harmonious relationships in family and between (name) and (name). Let it be so!

So she built a bettor and gives a kick to obsessive women.

added at the top: Love letters - ending cheating or other relationships - to make other women unattractive in the eyes of your partner

Spear runes are that very powerful kick, it’s called: it won’t seem like much..., for other women it’s also a kick with punishment (for those who don’t understand at all)

There is a goal in the diamond

Love letters - creating strong love bonds - so that your partner experiences the same as you - for strong relationships

Point letur - liter for combining runes in a spell - liter for strengthening the spell

That becoming forcibly closes the way to him (the man) from this woman. Wonderful disclaimer))))!!! I immediately added it to my collection))) I would also add that becoming makes strangers absolutely unattractive and uninteresting (here you can scold them thoroughly and call them what you like) in the eyes of (name) and in the end also protects relationships from betrayal and negative programs !

This runic form destroys the connection and relationship of the husband (name) with women and girls trying to have intimate relationships with him, cools the feelings of the husband (name) towards them, and with its magical power, with coercion, clearly and irrevocably closes the path to infidelity for the husband (name). Let the DRS, with its power, punish obsessive, foreign female individuals, in any attempt to negatively, in any way, influence and influence the husband (***) and his relationship with his wife (***), the DRS makes women unattractive, boring, causing rejection and disgust (we scold rivals) at (Name), punishes them with troubles of various kinds and nature, confuses and breaks their life goals and plans, including goals and plans in relation to their husband (***), and also, with its power, it disorients female strangers in time and space, makes them realize and completely abandon their goals, claims and plans in relation to their husband (***). DRS restores the connection between (name) and (name) and establishes harmonious relationships in the family and between (name) and (name), protects relationships from betrayal and negative programs. Let it be so!

good evening, can I find out what kind of lapels you have from all women except me, but not egilette

Hello Madina.

Of course, such lapels exist, and I will offer you some of the most effective ones.

First rite

For it you will need a photograph of the person for whom you will make the lapel, a church candle, some clean white parchment and a needle. Light a candle. Take the photo and wrap it face down in paper. The corners of the paper need to be pinched with needles.

During the process you need to say:

“God, Our Father, be a witness. I, your humble servant (your name), forever close your servant (name of the desired person) from girls. I am destined for him, I am destined for him. I will seal our destinies with strong words and steel needles. Let him not understand strangers, but he cares and hugs me. Let it be so. Amen".

Finally, drip wax onto the package. Everything needs to be done on the waning moon. There is no need to throw away the package with the photo. Perhaps you will stop loving this person, then you will need to remove your lapel. Otherwise, a person will suffer alone for the rest of his life and will not find peace of mind.

Application of runic formulas

Before using ancient symbols, it is recommended to gain an understanding of the principles of operation of magical combinations. The main thing is the rules for applying runes. To protect yourself or a loved one from enemies, you should draw the sign on a photo or directly on the skin. Security formulas for the home are depicted on fences, gates, walls or doors.

When it comes to property, protection is provided in various ways. For example, amulets are suitable for cars. As a rule, ordinary runescripts printed on paper and stored in a secluded place do an excellent job of protecting things.

Runes for protection from ill-wishers require activation. First, the formula should be specified, for which a list of actions is prescribed in advance. Then the text is read aloud.

Advice! When negotiating a runescript, it is worth visually presenting the result. This will give an impetus to launch the desired astral program.

Then comes the actual activation. It is carried out in any familiar and convenient way. Beginners can use a simple universal method: turn off the lights, light candles and incense, holding the runescript in their hands and closing their eyes, imagine how the symbols rise, envelop and fill the body with warmth. The main thing is to feel the connection with the amulet.

Popular defensive bets

There are many options for using magical ancient symbols. Thus, esoteric practitioners use not only runic protective formulas written in a line, but also staves. They represent a picture that is drawn in free form. Typically, more than three runes are used.

Becoming “Protection against suggestion”

Ill-wishers, especially dark sorcerers, are capable of manipulating thoughts. A special scheme, which consists of the following runes, allows you to protect yourself from this:

  • Mannaz is the personification of a person who is negatively affected;
  • Ansuz - in a classic and mirror arrangement, the sign means control;
  • Hagalaz - responsible for detecting and neutralizing extraneous psychological programs;
  • Teyvaz – protects from bad thoughts;
  • Nautiz – helps to think clearly;
  • Otal - allows you to realize, feel the suggestion from the outside;
  • Laguz – softens the influence;
  • Isa – stops the impact;
  • Raido – frees the will;
  • Vunyo – harmonization of the inner world;
  • Turisaz – putting thoughts in order;
  • Inguz - restores the balance of power;
  • Yera – nourishes the entire formula.

The task of the stav is to identify and suppress extraneous psychological influence as quickly as possible. Its use allows you to get rid of obsessive thoughts, depression, and gain peace of mind.

Important! A side effect of use is headache. It is felt for a short time.

Becoming a “Solar Vortex”

A runic pattern, reminiscent of the Slavic Kolovrat, cleanses a person’s inner world and prevents negative interference. This position provides maximum protection, as it carries extremely powerful energy.

The drawing consists of the following runes (each of them is repeated 4 times):

  • Nautiz;
  • Turisaz;
  • Uruz;
  • Soulu.

It is recommended to use the diagram for applying to an amulet. Wearing such a talisman will eliminate the risk of astral entities moving in. The peculiarity of the stav is the duration of action. If you activate the runes according to the rules, the protection will not need to be updated. You can enhance the effect by applying symbols to “sun” stones, for example, tourmaline or amber.

Becoming a "Guardian"

The purpose of the scheme is to ward off negative influences at all levels (physical, mental, energetic). The drawing begins with a dot representing the operator. The following magic runes are used:

  • Soulu is the main source of strength;
  • Otal – protection and support of the clan;
  • Yera is the personification of a positive result;
  • Lögr – Icelandic symbol for the water of life;
  • Ak - strengthening defense;
  • Gar – elimination of outsiders;
  • Inguz – filling with energy.

The use of stav helps restore strength. The negativity sent by an ill-wisher is returned to him, and the person is freed from bad thoughts.

Becoming "Shut up"

This formula protects against envy and gossip. The drawing consists of the following runes:

  • Laguz – is responsible for making the operator invisible on a mental level;
  • Kaun – Icelandic symbol of retribution;
  • Elm Hagal-Nautiz-Turisaz - creates problematic situations for the enemy;
  • Esinger - sends negative energy back.

Stav protects people who are rumored and envied. The magical scheme operates roughly: the ill-wisher is faced with difficulties that require immediate resolution, and there is simply no time left for interest in someone else’s life.

Becoming a “Battle Axe”

Becomes a real punishment for enemies and a faithful protector from troubles. Visually, the scheme really resembles an axe. The central active rune is Thurisaz. On both sides there is Teyvaz. Nautiz and Inguz are drawn below.

This is a strong position that cuts off the communication channel for the spiteful critic. The runic formula can be applied to the photo. If you need to use the amulet urgently, it is enough to simply imagine it while communicating with an unpleasant person.

It is better for a reasonable person to play it safe and try to avert possible disaster. Runes of protection will help out in all situations, be it damage, the risk of theft, or the appearance of an envious person. Ancient magical symbols will not give offense, they will help the forces of good to prevail over evil.

Runic becoming to hide a woman from all men

People have always been attracted to everything magical and unearthly. The opportunity to find out the future, change it, or somehow influence it has always attracted me. This is one of the reasons why interest in runes and their capabilities has remained to this day.

The runes themselves are alphabetic and magical signs that were used by the peoples of the world to transmit information or for magical purposes.

Their history is very ancient, some sources date them back to the third century BC. Runes were carved on stone slabs, on wood, they were applied to weapons, ships, investing a special meaning in each symbol. If for weapons, then to win, if for tools, then to have a harvest, if for dishes, then so as not to starve.

In the modern world, runes are used, in most cases, either to improve well-being or in love affairs. But in fact, their possibilities are much wider and can cover absolutely all aspects of life (health, success, protection, family, etc.), and not just how to make a sexual connection.

To work with runes, you do not have to be a professional magician or fortune teller. But, still performing magical actions, some conventions must be observed. Work with runes should be done alone, excluding external interference (telephone, TV), preferably early in the morning. In complete peace of mind and balance, because the presence of a bad mood or stress will prevent you from getting the desired result.

If earlier trips to psychics or fortune tellers were mainly made by women, today priorities have changed, and men are not much behind in their desires to conjure up money, love and a career for themselves.

Men very often turn to witchcraft when it comes to their personal lives. There are many rituals, the meaning of which is to close your other half from all men. Runic staves are considered very effective, because they are easy to make and use. There is no need to brew a witch’s potion or get the hair and nails of the “victim”, everything is much simpler. Runic formulas work best when they are applied to natural materials - leather, wood. You can choose one or two runes for yourself; more complex formulas, which are compiled from five or even ten runes, are better to use ready-made ones, which are compiled and tested by knowledgeable people. For example, stav, which protects from all men, consists of ten runes - hagalaz, berkana (inverted), teyvaz (inverted), uruz (inverted), nautiz, vunyo, soulu, algiza, some are used in the formula more than once. Accordingly, these runes are a sexual connection, or rather not the runes themselves, but their relationship and the meaning embedded in them.

It is advisable to keep in mind that these bindings, for both women and men, are allowed if the people are married (that is, they have rights to each other). And such manipulations should not be carried out independently, but with the help of people who understand this. After all, there are many cases when such amateur activities drove people to a madhouse or to suicide. A person, after incorrect or incomplete magical actions, became restless, aggressive, and abused alcohol, which ultimately ended sadly. After all, any attachment or love spell is violence against the psyche and consciousness.

Probably, in order not to perform any magical actions in relation to your other half, you need to pay more attention to each other, give gifts, spend time together, do the same things and have common interests.

In our dynamic times, this is not always possible and does not always succeed, but you still need to remember about your loved ones, about their desires, then you don’t have to worry that the thoughts of a loved one will be occupied by someone else.

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