Stone of health and longevity: select by zodiac sign

Article updated 12/12/2019

The certain influence of stones on human health has been known since ancient times. There is a name for this phenomenon - lithotherapy. The sages of the East have always known that crystals and minerals can harmonize the chakras and human energy field. The gentle impact of the stones improves your health, some illnesses go away and chronic ailments subside. Astrologers have gone even further in stone treatment. They revealed the relationship between minerals and different zodiac signs. Each sign has its own stones that can lead it to health and longevity.

What are the different types of stones for human health?

All health stones have a healing effect for a specific disease, so they are used to help with specific health problems.

  • Aventurine.

Helps with cardiovascular and colds, ailments of the circulatory system, high blood pressure, and bronchitis.

  • Agate.

Helps cure diseases of the bronchi, throat and teeth, asthma, chronic cough.

Blue aga health stone helps get rid of osteochondrosis.

  • Aquamarine.

It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, kidneys, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, and has a weak diuretic effect. Produces a healing effect for various diseases of the throat and teeth, oral cavity, colds and bronchitis.

  • Amethyst.

Improves the functioning of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems, helps relieve tension during stress. Helps purify the blood, heals kidney and liver diseases, diseases of the urinary and gall bladders. Under the influence of amethyst energy, brain activity increases, especially the pituitary gland and pineal gland. Helps eliminate sleep problems and headaches from nervous tension.

  • Jet.

Helps with all kinds of disorders of the kidneys, liver, pancreas.

  • Hematite.

Gives a therapeutic effect for dysfunction of the spleen, liver, kidneys and pancreas, and has a positive effect on the blood system.

  • cat's eye.

It has a wide spectrum of action, in particular, helps with ear diseases, as well as eye, heart, bone ailments, gynecological diseases, etc.

  • Hawkeye.

It is good for the health of the eyes, heart, bones, lungs, nervous and lymphatic systems.

  • Eye of the Tiger.

Improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive organs, and helps with throat diseases.

  • Pearl.

It has a beneficial effect in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and gallstones.

  • Emerald.

Helps get rid of diseases of the heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, nervous system, eyes, and corrects visual impairment.

  • Lapis lazuli.

Relieves joint pain due to radiculitis, treats blood and spine diseases.

  • Malachite.

The health effects of this stone have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune and digestive systems, pancreas, kidneys and spleen, joints and spine, heart, and normalizes blood pressure.

  • Nephritis.

Prevents the action of toxic substances, treats skin ailments.

  • Onyx.

Treats nervous system disorders, helps with depression, stress, and also stimulates rejuvenation and potency. Has a positive effect on memory.

  • Opal.

This stone for health and longevity optimizes the functioning of the entire body. Improves vision and the functioning of the pituitary and pineal glands, and is also used to prevent infectious diseases.

  • Ruby.

Helps in the treatment of anemia, treats diseases of the digestive and immune systems, promotes the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys, liver, eyes, and is good for the ears and bones.

  • Sapphire.

Used to prevent diseases of the eyes, ears, lungs, throat; relieves joint pain, nervous conditions and sleep disorders.

  • Cornelian.

Promotes rapid healing of wounds, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, cleanses the blood, removes swelling and tumors, restores appetite and relieves insomnia, restores the reproductive function of women and the potency of men.

  • Topaz.

Promotes the restoration of biological tissues, relieves stress and nervous exhaustion, cures diseases of the digestive system, liver, gallbladder, spleen.

  • Tourmaline.

This health stone has strong healing properties. Normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, improves physical condition, relieves phobias and anxiety.

  • Jasper.

This stone is also a talisman for health and longevity. Use is indicated for disorders of the liver and gallbladder, organs of the urinary system, and reproductive system (for example, female infertility and inflammation of the prostate gland in men). Red jasper is especially effective against viral infections.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Silver ring “Will-o’-the-wisp” with opal Talisman of unknown roads

From 7090

more details

Tiger Eye Crystal Pendant Silver Crystal Pendant

1105 rub. 1270 rub.


Breccia jasper ball 50 mm Natural stone ball

1001 rub. 1150 rub.


How to make the right choice

An unmistakably chosen talisman stone will certainly help any young lady remain beautiful and desirable for many years. You just need to understand what is most important to you at the moment: to restore the weakened strength of the body, to find harmony in relationships with your loved one, to preserve and increase beauty, to experience the happiness of motherhood. And having understood, choose one or more jewelry with the right gems, and wear it with pleasure and faith in their healing properties.

When choosing a stone for yourself, you should first of all rely on your own feelings. The gem should be liked, evoke warmth and pleasant sensations from the touch. You should also not write off such criteria as compatibility according to the Zodiac, name, date of birth, patronizing planet and temperament.

Women are not recommended to wear talismans and amulets with stones that are incompatible with their zodiac sign. For example, signs of the element of Air cannot use stones of signs of the element of Fire, and vice versa. Just like gems belonging to the element of Water, they are categorically not suitable for representatives of the element of Earth.

If a stone is chosen, its energy should be cleansed. To do this, depending on the type of mineral, it is washed with running water or placed in a saline solution for some time. After this, the stone is constantly carried with you, listening to the sensations. A disturbing feeling of discomfort, sudden troubles, sleep disturbances, splitting or discoloration of the mineral are evidence that the energy of the stone and the owner are incompatible.

Stones for women's health

  • Amber.

The unique bright color of amber gave it its second name - sun stone. Amber jewelry is necessary for all representatives of the fairer sex, as this stone is a wonderful talisman for pregnant women. It alleviates toxicosis, discomfort during hormonal changes, and prevents pregnancy loss. And if you have frequent headaches and problems sleeping, you should put it under your pillow.

  • Turquoise.

Turquoise radiates the energy of harmony; it is also called the “lucky stone”. In the old days, it was believed that turquoise warded off the evil eye, and in addition, its owner would be able to have many children. In addition, the “lucky stone” helps to get rid of eye ailments - to do this, you should look at turquoise for two to three minutes every day. Turquoise will also help with allergic manifestations, sleep disorders, rheumatism, and normalize the functioning of the liver and thyroid gland.

  • Smoky Quartz.

Smoky quartz is an excellent remedy for those suffering from depression, obsessive thoughts, phobias and apathy, as well as bad habits. Will help those who are on a diet. It has vital energy and gives a charge of strength. The optimal use is to use it as a neck decoration. Combination with lapis lazuli will enhance protection against negative energy.

  • Heliotrope.

Heliotrope is another stone for women's health. It is a remedy for many gynecological diseases, including infertility. It is also a female talisman for achieving professional heights. But you should be careful with this stone, since its help should be resorted to only when a person clearly defines what he is striving for and does not give in to doubts.


The very name of the stone speaks for itself. The mineral got its name from the Greek word “nephros”, which means “kidney”.

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that the mineral can be a help in the treatment of kidney diseases.

It is also known that the Chinese emperors were very fond of this stone. It was believed that Jade helped preserve male strength into old age.

If you wear this mineral in the form of a pendant, you can avoid digestive problems.

People who prefer to wear products made from this mineral constantly will have a fresh complexion.

Stones for health according to zodiac signs

There are some patterns of compatibility of gemstones with zodiac signs. When choosing the mineral that is right for you, in addition to its external attractiveness, take into account the position of the Moon at the time of your birth, that is, your individual horoscope.

  • Aries (March 21 - April 19).

Those born under the sign of Aries have a firm and strong character. And quite naturally, the stone of Aries is diamond - one of the strongest substances on the planet. This precious stone, a carrier of masculine energy, conveys to its owner firmness, determination and perseverance, which helps to achieve his plans and maintain perseverance and inflexibility when it is especially necessary. In addition, the diamond symbolizes innocence and purity, giving its owner spiritual clarity. This mineral is also a symbol of wealth; it will provide abundance in many life manifestations.

Additional stones for Aries health: carnelian, bloodstone, garnet, ruby.

  • Taurus (April 20 - May 20).

Amber has a special, non-mineral origin. This is tree resin hardened to the state of stone from the shores of the Baltic Sea. These “plant” roots make amber especially close to nature lovers – Taurus. The golden color of this stone provides representatives of the sign with a stable flow of higher spiritual energy. Under the influence of amber, a person receives both calmness and activity, patience and harmony. The stone becomes a reliable protection against negativity, giving the body the opportunity to restore its own strength.

Additional stones for Taurus health : red coral, turquoise, sapphire, emerald, rose quartz.

  • Gemini (May 21 - June 20).

Geminis, who have the ability to overactively think, may benefit from the calming effect of agate. Carrying the energy of the Earth, agate imparts masculinity and resistance to stress and energy imbalance. This stone promotes harmony, so it will help Gemini achieve internal harmony and balance. It should be nearby when Gemini has to make a responsible decision, since the stone will help the owner maintain his own understanding of what is happening, activate intellectual potential and relieve phobias.

Additional stones for Gemini health : pearls, white sapphire, chrysoprase, citrine, moonstone.

  • Cancer (June 21 - July 22).

Moonstone is a precious mineral, a carrier of the energy of the Moon, the patron planet of Cancers. The main purpose of this stone is to absorb all the power of the planet, so it works best during the full moon. On the one hand, moonstone protects sensitive Cancers, on the other hand, it activates intuition, feminine energy and psychic potential. Moonstone is responsible for spiritual development and perception, so it is an assistant in personal relationships, business, and is also an indispensable attribute for meditation.

Additional stones for Cancer's health : emerald, ruby, pearl.

  • Leo (July 23 - August 22).

Tourmaline affects the heart, the part of the body associated with the Zodiac sign Leo. Tourmaline evokes and enhances heartfelt feelings such as calm, love, compassion, and happiness. Leos are creative people, and tourmaline stimulates them, gives them a creative impulse, and inspires them. This stone helps to determine goals, which in turn ensures development and prosperity. Tourmaline also often accompanies meditation.

Additional stones for Leo's health : golden topaz, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx.

  • Virgo (August 23 - September 22).

Blue sapphire is a sacred gemstone for Buddhists. The mineral will help organize and clarify the mind, opening the way to spiritual wisdom. This stone is all the more necessary for Virgo, since people of this sign are anxious and restless, often distracted by extraneous and unnecessary thoughts. The blue color, as a reminder of the sky, constantly returns Virgo's thoughts to a high goal. In addition, blue sapphire increases mental flexibility, stimulating Virgos to get rid of outdated stereotypes and look for new potential in themselves.

Additional stones for Virgo's health : moss agate, jade, carnelian.

  • Libra (September 23 - October 22).

Lapis lazuli is a stone of truth and friendship. It makes relationships harmonious. The stone helps Libra express themselves and their spiritual quests, which is most difficult and important for this sign of peaceful balance. Lapis lazuli is valuable for its influence on the spiritual essence of a person. It expands the limits of consciousness, helps to gain spiritual experience and free the mind and soul from unnecessary things.

  • Scorpio (October 23 - November 21).

Aquamarine is a blue gemstone associated with the sea and connects Scorpio with this element. The water element helps to understand the spiritual component of the personality of a person of this sign, the essence of which can be very difficult to discern. Aquamarine helps to calm down, extinguish strong emotional outbursts and absorbs negativity. The stone helps Scorpios to think about lofty things without departing from the earthly.

Additional stones for Scorpio health : coral, beryl, topaz, black obsidian.

  • Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21).

Turquoise is a sacred stone for many cultures. It helps interact with higher consciousness and comprehend truth, activates eloquence and creative vision of issues. Turquoise stimulates mental activity, intuitive perception, and helps to think positively. As a result, Sagittarius manages to achieve a calm inner state in which they are able to show wisdom.

Additional stones for Sagittarius health : ruby, amethyst, sapphire, topaz.

  • Capricorn (December 22 - January 19).

Ruby develops in the owner courage and the ability to trust, gives a feeling of joy, which will help Capricorn overcome his characteristic melancholy and negative perception of reality. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by their hard work, so they need ruby ​​to replenish wasted energy, enhance the flow of vitality, the stone makes people more resilient. To its owner, a ruby, among other things, gives generosity, abundance and prosperity. The rich red color of this stone has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity and inspires others to love its owner.

Additional stones for Capricorn's health : agate, black onyx, garnet.

  • Aquarius (January 20 - February 18).

Pomegranate helps Aquarius maintain a balance between physical and mental life, tones the body, promoting the influx of sexual energy, and makes Aquarius sensual and passionate. For Aquarius, who highly values ​​friends and life in society, the power of the pomegranate gives the necessary stability in relationships and being in demand. In addition, this gemstone helps the owner become successful in business, opens up prospects in learning and achieving professional goals. In spiritual terms, pomegranate helps to discover superpowers and clairvoyance, and achieve high goals.

Additional stones for the health of Aquarius : amethyst, opal, moss agate.

  • Pisces (February 19 - March 20).

Amethyst protects sensitive Pisces from unnecessary and harmful influences. Amethyst is also called “nature’s tranquilizer”; it relieves nervous tension and anxiety, relaxes the mind. Amethyst stabilizes emotions, so it is especially effective when experiencing grief or obsessive behavior. This stone activates spiritual perception and helps with meditation.

Additional stones for Pisces health : rock crystal, aquamarine, jadeite, sapphire, bloodstone.

Which stone to choose for health according to chakra

When the balance of one of the seven chakras is disturbed, this problem can be corrected by the influence of the gemstone responsible for the energy channel. For this purpose, biostimulating stones are combined with a point of a given chakra on the body, used as decoration, or simply brought into one’s home.

Muladhara is the red chakra located at the level of the sacrum. Proper functioning of the chakra provides vitality and confidence and corresponds to the human physical body. Biostimulants of Muladhara are hematite, rauchtopaz, obsidian, shungite, morion, bull's eye, ruby, garnet.

Svadhisthana is an orange chakra located at the groin level. Proper functioning provides sexual energy, stamina, and corresponds to the mental body, that is, a person’s emotionality. Swadhisthana biostimulants include ruby, garnet, rhodonite, red jasper, tourmaline, spinel, citrine, and amber.

Manipur a is a yellow chakra located at the solar plexus level. It is associated with the work of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract. It corresponds to the astral body, that is, the energy of life. Manipura biostimulants include carnelian, citrine, tiger's eye, carnelian, topaz, cacholong, selenite, yellow sapphire, beryl, zircon.

Anahata is a green chakra located at the level of the heart. Its functioning ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. It corresponds to the human subconscious, that is, the sphere of feelings and desires. Biostimulants of anahata are rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, red and green tourmaline, malachite, jade, jadeite, emerald, chrysoprase, peridot, amazonite, uvarovite.

Vishuddha is the blue chakra of a person, located at the level of the throat. Its functioning ensures the proper functioning of the respiratory organs and vestibular apparatus, and adjusts logical thinking. Aquamarine, turquoise, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue agate, blue topaz, and sodalite act as biostimulants of Vishuddha.

Ajna is the blue chakra located at the level of the forehead (the so-called “third eye”). Its proper functioning makes a person wise, responsible, and allows him to receive intuitive answers to questions. Biostimulants of ajna are sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli, fluorite, lapis lazuli, charoite, blue aventurine, sodalite, alexandrite, blue tourmaline.

Sahasrara is the violet chakra located at the level of the crown. Its functioning adjusts to the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system and psyche; the karmic tasks of the individual in each incarnation, solving issues of life and death depend on it. Biostimulants of Sahasrara are diamond, rock crystal, opal, adularia (moonstone), and amethyst.

Experts at the Witch's Happiness store recommend:

Obelisk made of rock crystal Obelisk crystal

From 590

more details

Polished shungite pyramid 10 cm Protection from negative influences

1183 rub. 1360 rub.


Carnelian agate merkaba Carnelian agate, 5.5 cm

1644 rub. 1890 rub.


What is lithotherapy

Lithotherapy, that is, treatment with precious and semi-precious stones, is considered alternative medicine.

The method of treatment with precious stones, due to its accessibility, is one of the most popular areas of natural medicine.

The history of lithotherapy dates back to ancient times, more than 3000 BC. The ancient Babylonians were convinced of the influence of natural minerals on physical and mental well-being. Used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

In Greece, patients with brittle bones were advised to drink water fortified with powdered minerals containing calcium.

In India, pearl compresses were used to treat skin diseases.

Ancient doctors and astrologers recommended wearing stones as a sure way to stay healthy. To this day, in many African countries, traveling doctors prescribe tiny doses of diamond powder with milk or sugar instead of antibiotics. And rich Indians drink powdered emeralds, pearls, sapphires and rubies with milk.

Currently, lithotherapy is gaining more and more supporters. They believe that the positive energy emitted by the stones:

  • Helps maintain internal balance;
  • Neutralizes negative vibrations;
  • Treats various ailments.

Raw minerals are also used in:

  • Traditional medicine;
  • Pharmacology;
  • Homeopathy;
  • Cosmetology.

An example would be an amber tincture or care cosmetics in which pearls or gold can be found.

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