Cancer is a stone according to the zodiac sign for women and men

Amulets of the zodiac sign Cancer are a series of lucky stones recommended by astrologers, which have a very favorable effect on this sign, bring good luck, prosperity and protect against troubles and difficulties in life. They are considered talisman stones for Cancers according to the horoscope. Each stone has characteristics and magical properties that can positively influence a person and his energy.

What precious and semi-precious stones are considered esoteric talismans, how to choose a talisman for Cancers by date of birth, Cancer men and women, and what minerals should be avoided? Find out from our article!

In most cases, representatives of signs, when choosing such an amulet or jewelry with a natural stone for themselves, act intuitively, since they are attracted by the energy that suits them. Therefore, these recommendations are more suitable for those who want to give a unique and memorable gift to a loved one, friend, or relative.

Characteristics of the sign

What zodiac sign is Cancer? According to the horoscope, Cancer is a characteristic representative of the element of Water. These include people whose birth dates fall between June 21 and July 22. They are patronized by the Moon, which is why people born under this sign are often romantics and dreamers, and have been under the influence of strong impressions for a long time. Family values, love and friendship are a priority for Cancers. These people highly value loyalty, and are themselves devoted to their loved ones and caring towards loved ones. Sometimes they are characterized by secrecy, composure, and sometimes developed intuition. These people prefer not to demonstrate their feelings and emotions; they keep everything to themselves. Many Cancers are introverts and get tired of communication and large companies. They strive to surround themselves with people they trust. Cancers, both men and women, feel comfortable, safe, in such an environment.

Amber amulets

Amulets made from the mineral are not just a beautiful decoration, they attract certain circumstances into the life of the wearer over time. Whether a person’s relationship with a mineral is favorable or not will depend on what kind of relationship a person has with the mineral.

Some minerals direct their energy to the professional sphere, others to personal qualities and character formation, and others to relationships and the sensual sphere. What exactly Cancer needs is what you should start from when choosing a talisman.

Precious and semi-precious stones suitable for Cancer according to the zodiac sign

The stones most in tune with the energy of the sign are the colors of water - green, blue, blue, transparent, cold shades. The following precious and semi-precious jewelry stones are suitable for Cancer according to their zodiac sign:

  • Blue, green, blue sapphire
  • Aquamarine
  • Pearl
  • Amethyst
  • Tourmaline
  • Emerald
  • Moon rock
  • Chrysoberyl


Sapphire is a popular gemstone known since ancient times. This is not only an effective talisman, but also a beautiful, luxurious gem that looks status. According to esotericists, sapphires are suitable for both men and women born under the zodiac sign Cancer according to the horoscope. Sapphires pacify mental torment, worries, and passions. These stones belong to the family of the corundum mineral and come not only in the classic blue and dark blue, but also in other shades, for example, take a closer look at blue, colorless and green sapphires, which belong to the colors of Cancer and are therefore more suitable for them.

Sapphire is considered a symbol of spirituality, wisdom, and creativity. This stone is far from everything worldly and material, it helps to overcome the difficulties that come our way, to become stronger in spirit, persistent, self-possessed, and to find an inner point of support. In those moments when a person encounters loneliness and looks into eternity, sapphire will help you find your purpose and show you which direction to move. This gem is associated with high morality and personal responsibility for everything that happens in one’s life.


According to astrologers, almost all beryls, except for the rare red bixbite, are excellent for Cancer according to the horoscope.


Aquamarine is considered a strong amulet for Cancer, according to the horoscope of a typical water sign. It calms, gives strength, supports you on your journey, aquamarine can be either greenish or bright blue. Aquamarine is suitable for both Cancer men and women. Its magical properties are associated with harmonious relationships with loved ones. Thus, aquamarine strengthens family ties, enhances feelings between spouses, and brings fidelity and trust. Therefore, it is recommended to wear it for women who are married or in a long-term relationship.

Aquamarine also helps to find mutual understanding in communicating with friends and business partners. Aquamarine for Cancers is considered an amulet; if you go on a long journey, on or over water, blue aquamarine will protect you from accidents and unfavorable circumstances.



Another effective talisman for Cancers is emerald, the most valuable variety of the mineral beryl. Emerald protects from troubles, helps to relax and restore strength after the excitement experienced. Emerald also helps Cancers get out of their comfort zone to achieve more. Emerald is mainly recommended for women to wear because it is considered the stone of marriage.

By the way, this is an undesirable gem for girls and women, since it comes into full force only after engagement. You can give an emerald to a woman for the birth of a child; this is a good omen and helps to build wonderful relationships with all family members in the future. It is also suitable for Cancer men, as it is associated with building a family nest.



For Cancers, heliodor, a golden variety of beryl, is considered a positive stone.

Thanks to its sunny color, Heliodor creates a positive mood and imparts optimism; it drives away bad thoughts and makes its owner more insightful, heightening sensitivity to what is happening. Heliodor can be worn not only in a ring or ring, but also, for example, in a bracelet, necklace, or earrings.



Pearls for Cancers are considered one of the most important talismans. It is more suitable for Cancer women according to the horoscope. Pearls, both natural and cultured, make girls more attractive, soft and feminine in the eyes of men. You can choose one or several pearls of white, golden or any other shade so that the magic of this wonderful gem begins to work in your life.


Gems with a cat's eye effect for Cancer

There are several jewelry varieties of minerals in which the optical effect known as “cat's eye” occurs. It appears as a thin strip of light moving across the surface of the cabochon when placed under a point light source. These gemstones include chrysoberyl, opal, tourmaline and some other gems. The cat's eye, suitable for Cancer, is usually endowed with protective magical properties. The most popular natural cat's eye gemstone is chrysoberyl, also known as cymophane. This stone is a powerful amulet against the evil eye and bad magical influence; it is recommended to be worn by both men and women to avoid the envy and intrigues of ill-wishers.


CANCER stones help strengthen the owner’s energy during periods of uncertainty and give cheerfulness. But we must remember that at the moment of choice, CANCER must completely surrender to his intuition and strong instinct.

Stones that can strengthen the courage and bravery of CANCER are ideal for this zodiac sign. Ruby is considered one of these gems: it gives its owner strength, protects against evil thoughts, and also enhances erotic appeal. Selected specifically for CANCER, the stone is capable of moving its owner to truly great deeds.

Moonstone will help CANCER avoid a bad mood. Being under the auspices of the Moon, CANCER is directly dependent on its lunar cycles.

Moonstone accumulates the energy of CANCER and allows you to spend it consistently, smoothing out all the sharp corners. For lonely hearts - binds those who love together.

When choosing which stone is suitable for this controversial sign of the Zodiac, it is worth thinking about the cat's eye: a powerful amulet will protect CANCER from mental turmoil and uncertainty.

Emerald will bring CANCER the desired wisdom and serene calm, giving hope for the best. Along with calmness, stability will enter the life of the sign, growing every year.

Pearls are ideal for married couples. Stones for CANCER married people will help them leave past relationships behind and live in the present.


Astrologers strongly advise closed and suspicious CANCERs to pay attention to the seemingly inconspicuous caramel-milk stone - chalcedony. The amulet saturates its owner with deep and ineradicable joy, which will not be disturbed by other people's energy. Chalcedony easily transforms even very strong negativity into positive events and feelings.

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By date of birth

For a woman of the zodiac sign CANCER and a man, a difference of several days can be practically an abyss, so ideally choose a talisman stone based on your date of birth. The life values ​​and worldview of CANCER, which are often directly opposite, depend on the decade of birth.

June 21 – July 1I decade
July 2 – July 11II decade
July 12 – July 22III decade

The first decade is characterized by increased influence of the Moon. CANCER women born during this period, unlike men, become everyone's favorites. Therefore, to prevent the evil eye and damage, ladies urgently need the protection of amulets stones:

  • Hematite – closes the field of the sign from the effects of negative energy and possible gossip;
  • Moonstone - promotes talented people, helps CANCERs cope with uncertainty and creates opportunities for independent personality development.



The strongest crystal for CANCER, regardless of date of birth, is rock crystal. The stone raises CANCER self-esteem and helps in concentration to deliver a crushing blow.

Amethyst of deep and rich tones gives the owner happiness in the family, tenderness and fidelity.

Those born during the second decade are patronized by Mercury: they are erudite, thrifty and sometimes suffer from workaholism. Stones that will help CANCERs of this zodiac segment find balance:

  • Onyx - strengthens the spirit and rationality of CANCER, helps to get rid of pessimistic thoughts and gives strength to concentrate on routine work. If you wear onyx jewelry to a serious meeting or negotiation, the deal will be successful;
  • Carnelian of a rich bloody tone - enhances insightful and intuitive abilities, attracts success in all endeavors, serves as a love talisman and creates an energy belt around its owner.


Talismans of the zodiac sign CANCER for those born in the last ten days of the month will balance excessive carelessness, intransigence and love of love:

  • Ruby - will drive away uninvited doubts and tightness, put you in a working mood and get rid of financial problems;
  • Emerald - activates the work of all systems of the body CANCER, normalizes sleep, allows you to overcome unpleasant memories and insomnia;
  • Cat's eye - will help in developing personality and gaining independence, which is sometimes so lacking in suspicious and distrustful Cancers.
  • Aquamarine will enhance the natural enterprise and flair of the zodiac sign, help avoid lies, remove negativity and attract harmony and peace.


By year of birth (Eastern horoscope)

Stones taking into account the year of birth for the CANCER zodiac sign have even greater power, since they are fueled by the energy of the animal of a particular year according to the Eastern horoscope.

  • Avoid repeat mistakes
  • Overcome the bad habit of procrastinating
  • Prevent rashness and spontaneity
  • Stimulate endurance and rationality
  • Give regularity to unbridled temperament
CANCER-CAT (RABBIT)PEARL (cufflink or necklace)
  • Protect the family from sudden misfortunes and scandals
  • Coping with sudden aggression and attacks from ill-wishers
  • Remove the protective barrier of CANCER
  • Stimulate activity and determination
  • Keep a good mood
  • Build a strong family
  • Develop self-control
  • Gain perseverance to implement all projects
  • Defeat your opponents and show endurance


Cancer birthstones by date of birth

Depending on the date of birth for Cancer, one or another stone is more suitable, since on different dates the sign falls under the influence of different planets, which leave their mark on personality traits. So, the dates are distributed by decade as follows:

  • from June 21 to July 1
  • from 2 to 11 July
  • from 12 to 22 July

So, the first decade of the sign Cancer is under the influence of the Moon. Representatives of the first decade can be delicate and sensitive. Birthstones for those born between June 21 and July 1 are aquamarine, cool-toned sapphires, moonstone, and amethyst. Pearls are also suitable for Cancers.

Cancer birthstones from July 2nd to July 11th include peridot, also known as peridot, a topaz with orange and yellow hues. This period falls under the rule of the planet Jupiter, so representatives of Cancer are ambitious and are good leaders.

If your birth date falls between July 12 and July 22 (planet Neptune), emerald, ruby ​​(red corundum), and beryl jewelry (heliodor, aquamarine) will suit you. As a rule, Cancers of the third decade are creative people, gifted with talents and artistic abilities. Therefore, tourmaline stone is recommended for them as a talisman. It brings inspiration and the desire to create and create.

Stones for Cancer woman

Among all the precious and semi-precious stones that astrologers advise Cancer-born people according to their horoscope, stones for girls and women stand out separately. These gems are designed to develop and strengthen predominantly feminine energy, which affects beauty and happiness in your personal life.

Pearl is considered the main female talisman for this sign. The soft pearlescent glow characteristic of pearls, the so-called orient, actually resembles the light of the Moon, the patroness of the sign. Choose one or more pearls as a talisman, because, according to astrologers, this gem promises a woman’s happiness, makes you more beautiful in the eyes of others, attracts a soul mate and helps improve relationships with loved ones.

The moonstone adularia is another strong talisman for Cancer women. For esoteric purposes, the purest specimens are white or grayish in color with a bright blue or pearl adulariscence. It should be worn framed in white (silver) metal, it can be silver, white gold or platinum. On the waxing Moon, adulars, as astrologers write, acquire the greatest strength. This is a powerful women's amulet.

Emeralds for women bring good mood and a positive attitude. And aquamarines bring Cancer girls family well-being, harmony and fidelity.


No matter where the CANCER hoaxer gets up today, a talisman stone as a gift will certainly find a response in his soul. Especially if you accompany the offering with a story explaining the meaningful choice of the gift.

For women

The stones of CANCER women should be bright and shining: after all, when putting on an amulet or amulet, a representative of this zodiac sign closes subtle energy fields, closing the circle on her energy.

Emerald, jade, topaz and amethyst contribute to achieving the goals desired for a CANCER woman, regardless of her field of activity: be it a financier or a housewife. After all, a successful transaction or a delicious birthday cake baked by her have the same value for CANCER.

Turquoise and hematite are stones that will support a CANCER woman’s faith in her own strength, protect against apathy and fatigue, which is especially important given her dependence on the approval of others.

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Which gemstones are suitable for CANCER women according to the Horoscope often depends on the momentary mood and lunar tides. However, there are also unshakable constants in their lives.

CANCER cares about her family and material well-being, which she always strives for. And pearls and opal help her with this: they reliably protect CANCER’s bank account and her love nest.


And finally, the only mineral of a “sunny” hue that suits CANCER women is ruby: it protects CANCER not only from other people’s negative energies from the outside, but also from anger arising within.

For men

Which stones are suitable for CANCER men:

  • focuses on financial well-being and the ability to defend one’s position
  • a talisman for charismatic and courageous men in rare hours of despair and pessimism
  • strengthens self-confidence and masculine strength
  • active protective field from negative energy of others
  • attracts like-minded people and partners, establishes contacts and promotes business growth
aquamarine, sapphire
  • a ring with aquamarine or sapphire and aquamarine in a silver frame strengthens the body's defenses

Stones for Cancer men

Several gems are suitable for Cancer men, which, according to astrologers, enhance “masculine” character traits and attract circumstances that promote career growth, business prosperity, family well-being and successful personal development. One such favorable gemstone for Cancers by date of birth is sapphire. This jewelry variety of the corundum mineral comes in different colors and shades. Pay your attention to the “cold” color scheme: blue, cyan, green. This stone primarily promotes spiritual growth and progressive self-awareness. Sapphire inspires trust among others and helps build business relationships with partners at work.

Imperial topaz of golden color is also suitable for a Cancer man; it will ensure the success and prosperity of your business. Chrysolite helps Cancer men to be more conscious about financial transactions, protects them from unscrupulous partners and protects them from unnecessary worries. For successful negotiations, wear jewelry with peridot or take this talisman with you.

Talisman power

You can choose any jewelry with a mineral: bracelet, earrings, necklace, rings - all of them will protect equally well from unpleasant situations. A keychain with this crystal will be a particularly powerful talisman.


For a Cancer man, the stone will become a source of energy and prudence, regardless of the circumstances. It has a good effect on intuition, developing extrasensory abilities. Helps you set life goals, advance in work, and gain financial independence. In addition, it will attract the attention of the opposite sex.


For a Cancer woman, the gem will give insight and the ability to relax after a hard day. Thanks to him, feminine qualities such as attractiveness, sexuality, mercy, sensitivity and kindness develop in the fair sex. Being under the protection of a gem, a lady will be able to easily adapt to any external conditions, as well as tune in to optimism and find positive aspects in any situations, even negative ones.


For Cancer children, pomegranate is suitable for protection from the evil eye and troubles. The gem guarantees a child’s sound sleep, health and a good pace of physical and mental development. Protects against diseases. The red mineral will help increase concentration, making it much easier for the baby to study.

In room

This mineral creates an atmosphere of calm, happiness and contentment in the Cancer home, charging the people there with love and inner satisfaction with life. Crystal promotes career growth, increased income, and a good mood every day.

Undesirable stones for Cancers

Since Cancer, as a zodiac sign, belongs to the element of Water, it should be wary of stones of the fire element. These are stones of bright red, deep orange, intense yellow, as well as black and brown minerals. Opt for lighter, calmer shades.

Among the unwanted stones - talismans for Cancers, astrologers identify the following:

  • garnet pyrope
  • almandine garnet
  • red zircons hyacinths
  • orange sapphires
  • yellow diamonds

Also be careful with fire opals; as a rule, they have bright orange and red colors. Jewelry with these gems should not be worn constantly. Please note that the recommendations presented in this article are only recommendations based on the general experience of astrologers. To choose a personal amulet, you should rely on your intuition. As a rule, representatives of signs are subconsciously drawn to certain, “their” gems. To understand whether you have good compatibility with a stone, take it in your hand and rely on your feelings, are you comfortable with this specimen, do you feel positive emotions? If yes, then you can safely choose this stone as an amulet.

What stones should Cancers not wear?

There are some minerals that representatives of the sign should refuse to purchase. Otherwise, they will complicate their lives and damage a person’s energy.


Obsidian will make its owner acutely feel all his weaknesses. Cancers often become immersed in introspection. And this gem will lead to a loss of willpower and the ability to independently cope with emerging difficulties.


The stone has strong energy. Rauchtopaz is endowed with a number of magical qualities. He will be able to break the will of a person. As a result, his life will be filled with worries and painful fantasies.

Representatives of the sign should avoid minerals with bright and deep colors, for example, malachite, sapphire and zircon. Also, you should not buy products with stones of dark and bright red shades. Diamond, garnet and topaz will also not bring happiness to Cancers. And amber can worsen the condition of men who have problems related to potency.

Stones suitable for representatives of the sign must be clean and transparent. Samples with defects, bubbles, impurities and inclusions will only complicate their life.

What should a talisman for Cancer be like?

The main request from astrologers for choosing a talisman for Cancer is natural origin. The stone must be natural, preferably untreated. Private gemologists or reputable gemological laboratories can confirm or refute the naturalness. They make diagnostics and determine what kind of stone is in front of them, and can also issue an expert opinion. Since there are a large number of fakes on the market, you should be careful when choosing a talisman, because glass, plastic, and laboratory-grown stones simply will not work!

To become an effective talisman, the stone must touch the skin in order to interact with its owner and transmit energy. Therefore, the product design must take this into account. Sometimes, for esoteric purposes, it is much more effective to order a product based on an individual project that will take into account your wishes. It is also believed that in order for the power of the talisman to be effective, the stone must be given as a gift and not purchased. Given from the heart with the best wishes, the stone will carry the bright, positive energy of love and care, it will protect from troubles and bring good luck. If you still want to buy a talisman yourself, be prepared for the fact that its power will not appear immediately. In order for amulets to nourish you, it is advisable that you have several precious and semi-precious stones favorable to your horoscope. CHOOSE A STONE IN THE CATALOG

Who can wear an amber stone?

Since amber has tonic energy, products made from it can be worn by all people, both active and phlegmatic and passive.

It is believed that the sun stone is most suitable for people of the following professions:

  • Military. due to its protective properties.
  • Historians and archaeologists because of the ability to establish connections between times.
  • Drivers and travelers, as it protects them on a long journey.

Everyone can wear amber.
And magicians also say that the amber stone has a direct connection with the following names:

  • Andrey
  • Yaroslav
  • Anna
  • Nina
  • Olga
  • Julia
  • Raisa

People with the names listed are strongly encouraged to wear jewelry and accessories with amber inlays. His positive energy will have a beneficial effect on all areas of their lives.

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