9 love spells for the new moon. All rules

New Moon love spells are filled with the power of the energy of the emerging Moon. The conspiracies accompanying the ritual are addressed to the night luminary. As the Moon grows, the power of love spells increases.

The new month is the beginning of everything. This is a favorable period for learning something new. Since ancient times, the night of the birth of the moon has been used for love magic. One of the conditions for successful magic is that the ritual must be carried out with good intentions, not for the sake of revenge or one’s own whim.

There are a number of rules for rituals performed on the New Moon:

  1. The time of the ceremony is after midnight, but before three o'clock in the morning.
  2. The light source with which the necessary actions are performed is a candle (church, red, white).
  3. Conspiracies are first learned by heart. They read loudly and confidently.

Despite the power of love spell rituals, their effects manifest themselves gradually, gently. You can’t cast another love spell on your beloved guy without waiting for the moon to age. There is a possibility that the spells of the rituals will strengthen each other - the man will become dependent on the woman. When the magic of different rituals begins to act individually, a person will begin to experience psychological discomfort, he will develop bad habits, an unstable, often changing mood.

New moon spells for a man's love at home

White magic suggests using the power of the moon in the first days of the new moon, when the new moon appears in the sky. During this period, rituals are carried out to attract the attention of a lover and, in general, for marriage and love.

At midnight on the new moon, you need to light a candle and say a spell on the photo of a specific chosen one:

“I call for love and passion! With the burning power of a candle flame, I evoke strong and mutual love in the heart of the servant of God (name of the man). Go, love and passion, to the servant of God (again the man’s name), settle in his heart, ignite a hot flame, mutual feelings for the servant of God (your name). So that he would reach out to me, strive, want to meet me and unite. Let it be like this from now on! So that no one can remove or cancel these words!”

The plot is read for 7 days. The candle stubs are hidden under the pillow.

The ritual with an apple is considered one of the most powerful ones for the new moon. The apple must be cut into two halves. Between them put a piece of paper with the name of your lover and tie the apple with a red ribbon. After reading the plot, the apple is buried in the garden. Conspiracy text:

“Just as a ruddy apple will wither, wither, dry up, so the servant of God (say the name from the piece of paper) will yearn for me, miss me, and wither. These words cannot be removed, cannot be taken away! From now on let it be so! Amen. Amen. Amen".

How love magic works

When performing a love spell on a new moon, it is worth considering a number of rules and recommendations under which the ritual will definitely work. First of all, consider the following:

  1. You and a man had an intimate relationship - one night spent together is enough.
  2. No other spells were placed on the object of your magical influence that would protect him from your love spell.
  3. You have complete confidence that the guy has no feelings for another lady.

And when performing a ritual on the new moon, there is no need to doubt it. It will work and bring all the desired results. At the same time, it is important to remember that the magic of the new moon increases many times over when the ceremony is carried out in a given period of time. Plus, it doesn’t change the essence of a person, but it strengthens his feelings for you.

Love spells before bed

Before going to bed, conspiracies are actively carried out to attract the love or attention of the chosen one. They are held on the new moon or full moon.

First option:

"Universe! Hear me!

I'm open to Love

I love and I am loved".

In the next ritual, while reading, you need to hold a photo of your chosen one before your eyes and visualize what you want, and then immediately go to bed.

“I call on the power of love, I kindle it with the fire of passion. You go, love, into the heart of (name), settle there forever. Kindle the feelings (name) with a hot flame towards me (your name). Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his heart, with all his soul, desire to unite with me. Let it be as I said.”

This ritual is performed at night. You need to drip red candle wax onto the bed linen with the words:

“To the glory of the Holy Trinity! Higher powers, help me, stick my slave (name) to me. How much I love him, how sad I am without him, how much my darling suffers, you can see.

Help, don’t refuse, help, make slave (name) fall in love with me. Let him suffer without me, get bored, don’t know other women, avoid company. Amen".

The conspiracies given below can be pronounced at any time, it is enough to see the moon at this moment. They read them one after another, keeping in mind the image of the chosen one.

“As my love is strong and heartfelt, so let the feeling (name of the man) for me be eternal.”

“Just as the apple never falls far from the tree, let the man I love make me happy forever.”

“As honey and sugar are sweet, so may the peasant love me.”

“Just as there are no barriers in love, let a man be glad to see me.”

“Let the man I love not reject me, and let him not disappear along the path to another. Amen."

And this conspiracy must be pronounced on the street, looking at the moon.

“The wind sweeps dust, drives clouds, carries words. Take, O wind, my words to the servant of God, my betrothed, the mummer. Damn to the wind, damn against the wind and my challenge with it. My betrothed, destined by fate, wherever you go, wherever you sew your body, you will bring your soul to me, the servant of God. Amen".

Another version of this conspiracy:

“The Lunar Moon walked across the blue sky, carrying love and goodness, distributing it to everyone and not forgetting me. I've had three mountains of love - I can't grasp it with my eyes, I can't wrap my hand around it, I can't love it enough with my heart! When the moon rises and is full again, I will be happy and healthy!”

The conspiracy ends with an expression of gratitude and a bow.

Love spells for the new moon at a distance

Sometimes your loved one is far away and you cannot meet him. In such cases, a new moon love spell will also help you.

The experts of the “Wizards of Love” portal have collected in this section the strongest love spells for the new moon at a distance. These love spells will work even if you have not yet had a relationship with your loved one!

3.1 Love spell on paper

A powerful love spell at a distance can be done using plain paper. To do this, you need to know the full name and date of birth of the person you want to bewitch. The ritual takes place after sunset.

  1. Take a sheet of white paper and an ink pen.
  2. Write your loved one's full name and date of birth in the middle of the paper.
  3. Place a piece of paper on the table.
  4. Light the wax candle and wait 2 minutes for the wax to melt.
  5. Holding the candle in your right hand, pour wax over the name and date of birth, saying:
    “The moonless path, the dark path, where my dear one walks, tell me.

    I light the way for him with a candle, I remove the obstacles before me.

    How strong is the love of (name of the chosen one) for me.

    We can live together in love, neither sorrow nor clouds.

    My will cannot be reversed, the homewrecker cannot be hindered!

    Let it be so!"

  6. Put out the candle. Fold the paper with wax into four times.
  7. Go to the forest and bury the leaf under an oak tree. Place three coins on the ground nearby.

Even the simplest rituals can be dangerous if performed incorrectly. Experienced specialists have to deal with the consequences of such love spells.

Many women repent over time and regret having done a love spell.
And nothing can be fixed. A negative process has been launched, a rollback has come and behind this rollback there will be others. Life literally turns into hell, but you created it yourself. Because they didn’t find the strength to let go and build a life without a specific person or look for other options. Stories about a gentle love spell, white love spells that do not cause harm, prayer love spells or harmless love spells - these are all stories. The love spell gives the strongest kickbacks and hits all areas of life. Not only you and the object of the love spell receive negativity from him, but also your children, if there are children.

Portal expert Alena




Clairvoyant, psychic, tarot reader with 15 years of experience in the field of esotericism. Providing…

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3.2 Love spell with rose oil

Rose oil is famous not only for its aroma, but also for its magical properties. With it, the love spell for the new moon is especially strong.

  1. Buy rose oil. Don't take the change if there is any left.
  2. Wait until sunset and let your hair down.
  3. Pour clean water into a bowl (well water is best).
  4. Add 3 drops of oil to water.
  5. Say the spell:
    “Sister Moon, help dear (lover’s name) drink rose water.

    Let me be as sweet to his eyes as a garden rose, let him not want to know anyone else.

    Let his love grow like the Moon grows in the sky.

    Let him never grow cold towards me forever, amen.”

  6. The charmed water with oil should be drunk the next day at midnight.

This powerful conspiracy is done on a new moon due to the special energy of the night. You can further enhance it by following the tips in the article here.

3.3 Love spell from photo

Photography is the best way to influence a person from a distance.

For this love spell you will need a photo of your loved one. His face and eyes should be clearly visible on it. There should be no other people or objects!

  1. At midnight of the new moon, place the photo in the middle of the table.
  2. Light three candles around the photo.
  3. Read the plot out loud 9 times:
    “I light the fire of passion in you, (name of beloved), on a dark, hopeless night.

    Feel my power, wherever you are, whatever road you travel on.

    Just as the flame from the candles burns, so the love for me will burn in you.

    As wax hardens, so does your attraction to me grow stronger.

    Let it be so!"

  4. Leave the candles to burn out.
  5. Wrap the cinders and the photograph in natural fabric and place them in a secluded place.

Professional psychics know how to work with energy from a distance. A simple glance at a photo is enough for them to understand everything about a person.

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Did they jinx it?

28.08.2019 / 09:33



My boyfriend recently left me for no reason, when we quarreled with him before, he was always angry, freaked out, but now he was calmer than ever and said what he had fallen out of love with. We dated for 2.4 years and I would like to know if he was jinxed or seriously fell out of love.

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Relationships and intentions

17.07.2019 / 11:23



Good afternoon! I met a man, everything seemed fine, there were only 3 dates, unfortunately he had a business trip, he left yesterday for a month. But I have a feeling that he has some kind of fear of entering into a serious relationship with me, he is older than me, and as if it confuses him. He doesn’t say anything directly, he just laughs it off...

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Removing a love spell

03.09.2019 / 20:27



Hello. The husband left the family and wants a divorce. Will the husband return to the family and when will this happen? There is a suspicion that he was bewitched, since all the signs are obvious. How to remove a love spell and return your husband to the family, preferably faster? The children suffer a lot and I myself suffer a lot too.

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Conspiracies with rituals for the new moon

For this ritual you need a bouquet of carnations, over which there is a spell. The bouquet is thrown into running water.

“The herbaceous meadow carnation reaches out to the sun and opens with its petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me not to be alone, to walk around with a wedding ring, to meet my sweetheart, and to get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my destiny is coming to me. Just as a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear one will find me, a beautiful girl, smart and stately, and marry. Amen".

And it is very important to read this plot alone; no one should see the performer or hear her words. There is such a conspiracy, you can read it at any time of the day, the main thing is to be alone. Conspiracy text:

“Adam and Eve loved each other and were together.

God allowed love, let people come to earth.

I found a sweetheart and came to the white grandmother.

Grandma knows everything and reads love spells for love.

My dear servant of God (name) will love me forever,

You can’t live or eat or drink at a distance from me, so be it.

I read the quick love spell myself, and it kindled the guy’s love for me.

No one can remove the eternal love spell, take my dear one away from me.>

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Black love spells on the New Moon

Not only white magicians use the power of the new moon to achieve their goals. Black sorcerers actively use the energy of the period. Dark witchcraft is dangerous to the health of the object, the performer. Therefore, it should not be used by untrained people. The most common negative consequences of dark witchcraft are:

  • streak of bad luck;
  • health problems;
  • addiction to bad habits (alcohol, drugs);
  • aggression towards a woman.

To minimize the negative consequences of a black love spell, the performer must leave the payoff to the dark forces and strictly follow the instructions for performing the ritual.

Love lapel on the waning apple

Additional ingredients are used for lapels

To carry out love spells on the waning moon, magicians often resort to fruits, the most commonly used of which is an apple.

In this ritual, a white thread is tied to a black thread and tied into three knots. With the candle lit, divide the apple into halves. The knots on the threads are set on fire with a candle, the ashes from the burnt threads are placed between the parts of the apple and the halves are ground together:

“...I divide it in half, spread it in the corners...”

The apple halves are left in different places overnight, and in the morning they are buried at a distant distance or drowned in a river. Between the apple parts buried in this way, a branch broken off from a young tree is buried in the ground.

In the process of destroying the remnants of the lapel, you need to direct all your thoughts to the desire to destroy the relationship between the people being turned away, imagining that you with your own hands burned the knots that previously connected them, and having buried parts of the apples, buried these relationships, consigning them to the ground.

Moon phases with lapels

You can open it with the help of the moon:

  • to waxing and waning,
  • on the new moon,
  • under the full moon.

It is possible to get rid of everything that no longer carries anything significant for you, that has become obsolete and no longer has value, perhaps with a ritual for the waning moon. In this lunar phase, girls struggle with excess weight and turn their husbands away from their mistress. The lapel for the waning moon is the most popular ritual. Such rituals begin as soon as the moon wanes.

In order to improve their financial situation and achieve success by eliminating enemies, they make a lapel during the waxing moon. No matter how it may seem at first glance that the meaning of the lapel and the waxing phase of the moon are incompatible, such rituals carry a different energy, simultaneously getting rid of the unnecessary and attracting the necessary. Very often, as the moon rises, the knots of love triangles are cut, returning or strengthening the love of a person dear to the heart. The new moon is a good time for self-purification, so turning away from the waxing moon is a good way to turn yourself away from someone, reducing the risk of negative consequences for yourself to a minimum.

Magicians consider lapels made during the full moon to have a strong effect. Some of them are done exclusively at the very peak of the full moon, some cover the night before and the night after, reading for three days in a row. Most often, the full moon helps with money and health, and also increases female attractiveness and sexuality.

To carry out rituals “under the moon” it is not at all necessary to be on the street; it is enough to ensure that moonlight enters the room.

With a candle

This ritual does not require special preparation. All you need is to prepare the material for work:

  • three church wax candles;
  • red thread

At night, when the new moon is shining in the sky, sit at the table, put two candles on it, light them. Wrap the third thread, soften it over the flames of the already burning ones and press the thread into the candle. Next, kneading the wax of the same candle, make a wax ring out of it, closing the edges well. Then say the magic words:

“As the Moon is glorified for its power, so let my prayers be filled with the power. Lunushka feeds everything in the area with her energy at night, so let me fill you with joyful, happy and desirable thoughts. Feel how much I love you and embrace my warm, tender and voluptuous feelings. Just as a little girl can’t live without the Moon, so you can’t live without me. I appeal to you, come to me and accept this ring as a gift from me, a symbol of our immeasurable love!”

Upon completion, the wax circle is hidden in a secluded place so that no one will find it.

Also read: How long does a love spell last and how long does it take to remove it?

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