Rules for carrying out a conspiracy to scoop a spoon

The history of the origin of the zagrebushka spoon

The Slavs also knew about the scoop spoon and used it to attract money. In ancient times, a spoon symbolized well-being, as it clearly showed that there was enough food in this house. Spoons were treated in a special way and were used in witchcraft rituals to attract success and prosperity. In those days people went to visit with their own personal spoon - they did not practice giving theirs to strangers, fearing that this would pass on the household wealth. From this historical contact a talisman appeared.

Spoon - an inexpensive, effective amulet

At first, the magical thing was made similar to that used in everyday life. Now the best souvenir is silver (the metal enhances the magical qualities of the product). The spoon is very small, you can put it in your wallet and carry it with you. Many people decorate the amulet with gems and engraving. Variations have been invented: they use a spoon, a spatula, or a product decorated with a horseshoe and coins.

Where to store the talisman

A zagrebushka spoon as a souvenir for money should be kept in close proximity to it. But this does not mean that it can be kept in absolutely any place where money is lying around. A spoon is one of the purse talismans, so its place is there.

Recommendations for storing a spoonful of zagrebushka:

  • you should not treat it carelessly, for example, keep it in your pocket along with crumpled money;
  • keep the talisman only in the compartments of your wallet with money, preferably large ones;
  • do not put a spoon in the compartment for coins - we are not going to attract them;

What money it will bring you depends on what money comes into contact with the talisman. If these are small coins, don’t count on a big catch. It is for this reason that such a talisman is usually kept close to paper bills - preferably large ones. To attract money, you can specifically put several large banknotes (for example, dollars or euros) in your wallet.

Now many are switching to the electronic money format to relieve their full wallet and simplify the payment process. If you are one of these people, don't worry. The scoop spoon will get along well with plastic cards. By adding it to them, you will also ensure faster closure of your credit debts.


Wallet talisman comes in different shapes and sizes. Common options:

  • spoon;
  • shoulder blade;
  • broom;
  • scoop;
  • bear's paw

Mystics believe that the classical form helps better than others.

The handle of the souvenir is decorated with miniature horseshoes and coins. These magical symbols of monetary power and good luck increase the effectiveness of the amulet. Gems and engraving also increase the internal power of the spoon. Mystics recommend scarlet stones or rocks that attract money (peridot, chrysoberyl).

To attract wealth, the talisman is decorated with images of a horse, rooster, ram, symbols of the zodiac circle, and runes.

Silver is not the only metal from which a talisman can be made. Are used:

  • gold;
  • platinum;
  • tin;
  • iron.

A wooden or plastic souvenir is a beautiful, but useless thing.

Silver is the best material for a talisman

Silver is preferred due to its connection with the Moon. This metal absorbs monetary energy better than others, drives away dark energy, and protects the owner from the evil eye.

Magic properties

The main quality of the product is its ability to attract money. It helps to improve your financial situation, find a job, and make your life stable. With its help, they expand their business and pay off debts. A silver talisman protects from darkness and evil. This reflects dark witchcraft, protects against diseases and promotes healing.

He saves from thieves, ruin, and protects from losses.

To quickly improve your financial situation, choose a talisman decorated with a purse mouse.

Thanks to raking, a person gets good luck. His savings are working, money is actively increasing. The amulet helps superiors and subordinates, debtors and creditors, businessmen and office workers. Using a spoon makes it easier to choose the right direction for business development. It reduces the risk of bankruptcy, protects against envious enemies, and cleanses the house of negative energy.

The roots of the amulet go back to the distant past

A spoon will only help those who sincerely believe in it. If you activate the item correctly, but remain distrustful, you will not have more money in your house and no luck will come. In addition, you should not hope that he will do everything himself: the talisman will not help a person who does nothing with his life. He lures success, but only to those who themselves strive for it. Every effort of the owner imbues the amulet with additional energy.

Properties of the talisman

Even in ancient times, people believed that a spoon was capable of accumulating and increasing wealth, because it strengthens certain spells. Many people wonder why they choose this cutlery and not some other. If you take a fork as a talisman, then not only all the bad, but also the good will pass through it. You can scoop up trouble with a spoon when such a slander is made about food. But if the item is charmed for good luck, then prosperity is guaranteed.

Zagrebushka has the following properties:

  • attracts money to its owner, it will come steadily and in large quantities;
  • makes him luckier;
  • helps pay off debts;
  • contributes to the successful opening of a new business and its development in the right direction;
  • preserves already acquired wealth;
  • prevents bankruptcy, theft;
  • protects from envy, damage;
  • improves health;
  • cleanses the house of bad energy.

The amulet is often used together with a purse mouse. Such objects enhance each other's effect.

Rules for using a scoop spoon

A recently purchased talisman does not have mystical powers. In order for it to start working, activation is carried out. Before it, the item is cleaned of accumulated unnecessary information and negativity. Having finished this, they tune the product to the personal energy field and speak for success and effectiveness. Correct execution of the ritual and sincere faith in a spoon turns an everyday thing, a simple souvenir, into a powerful magical object that helps a person in difficult situations.

Cleansing stage

Spring water is required to clean the product. A few pinches of salt are dissolved in a glass of liquid and a souvenir is placed inside. The item is left overnight. The container is placed on the windowsill so that it is always in the flow of moonlight. It is advisable to carry out cleansing during the period of the waxing luminary and during the full moon.

In the morning, take out the spoon, rinse it with running water, and wipe it. The used liquid is poured out.

If over time the mystical power of the product decreases, repeat the cleansing.

Amulet - a good souvenir and gift

Conspiracy stage

Only a charmed grab will bring success and money to the owner. They choose a magic formula, having previously formulated their desires and expectations from the talisman. The simplest version of the conspiracy is to speak text over the product. For this to work, a person must sincerely believe in what is being said. You can invent a formula yourself or use time-tested options.

For greater reliability, a complicated ritual is performed. It requires 4 candles, clean spring water, 7 stalks of clover. The candles are placed nearby and lit, clover is laid out between them, and a spoon is placed nearby. They drink water, pronounce the magic formula, telling the spoon about their sincere desires - getting money, stability, success. They pronounce the text confidently, quietly, clearly. For greater efficiency, repeat the formula 7 times until the candles burn out.

The enchanted product is placed in the wallet in the large money compartment.


The activated talisman is kept with you. It is advisable not to remove it from your wallet at all. The exception is the charging procedure. The rasp will not help as a pendant. It cannot be shown to other people. It is forbidden to talk about the help of a talisman: boasting destroys the magic. If a stranger accidentally notices the amulet, they change the topic, and in no case open up.

The zagrebushka loses its power if it is touched by strangers. If this happens, perform the cleansing and charging ritual again.

Additional charging is needed monthly, sometimes more often.

Mystics advise treating the raspberry with respect, cleaning it regularly, and thanking it for your help. The spoon is treated as if it were a living person, a close friend.

You cannot give a used raspberry as a gift. It is prohibited to lend an activated item. Well-being goes along with the talisman. If a loved one finds themselves in a difficult situation, they give a new item, explaining how to activate it.

A magic spoon will attract success

Action of the talisman

As mentioned, attracting wealth is what the raking spoon is used for. A souvenir for money (a conspiracy, reviews of it will be discussed below) this is often used both as a talisman and just as a pleasant trinket. They usually carry it in a wallet or purse. If this talisman was not a gift, but purchased, you should not show it to anyone at all, even to your closest people. In order for the spoon to start working, it would be a good idea to place it on the windowsill every full moon to “recharge”. The powers hidden in this talisman are also activated when mixing bills or coins with it.

Before using a spoon, a special spell must be pronounced. Purchased talismans are usually accompanied by a piece of paper with the cherished words. However, if you wish, you can read any other text, even one you come up with yourself.


Magical texts are said when the moon is waxing or full. Reciting formulas on a new moon will not give results. Mystics believe that the growing night luminary is an intermediary in financial matters, so its decline symbolizes getting rid of goods. Neglecting lunar cycles leads to ineffective rituals and can sometimes cause harm.

There are no restrictions on days of the week. Zagrebushka is spoken at a convenient moment.

To have money

This text is read before placing the talisman in the wallet.

“I hold a silver spoon, cast a spell, and turn it into a talisman so that I can be rich. A friend of a spoon knows no troubles. Prosperity, I have money.”

If a person does not trust ready-made formulas, you can paraphrase the text to your taste.

Silver amulet is a source of wealth

To increase money

When preparing to enchant a souvenir, they wait for the appropriate lunar cycle. At this time, the souvenir purchased in advance is stored in a remote place, wrapped in natural silk. When the time has come, the magic text is spoken in a deserted place after sunset. To increase concentration, use a burning candle. The test is pronounced confidently, calmly, while simultaneously presenting a wallet full of money.

Text options:

“Zagrebushka, serve, live in your wallet, bring money. Days go by, money runs out."

“Zagrebushka, help, increase your savings. Don’t be lazy, always work, bring everything to me.”

On the new moon

During this period, only one ritual is performed. Done correctly, it has great power; any mistake in the ritual leads to the opposite effect - a person loses all funds. Before activation, the souvenir is dipped in holy water. Then they say:

“Interfering, success distracting, go away. Let the money flow like a river day and night, with luck it will enter into business.”

Having spoken the amulet, they wrap it in red and find a place for it under the pillow. Pronounce the text:

“Zagrebushka, my friend, you are always with me. Here at night, in the morning in your wallet - you will become a shovel, you will bring wealth, money. You are with me - and happiness too.”

Magic spoon lures money

In the morning the amulet is transferred to the wallet. In the future, they look into it so that other people do not notice, and in a whisper ask the spoon for help and assistance.

The meaning of the zagrebushka talisman

The name of the amulet comes from the word “raking”. Since ancient times in Rus', a spoon has been a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

With the help of ragrebushki, they improve their financial condition, and success comes in business and entrepreneurial activity. She directs flows of monetary energy and good luck. By using a spell and a talisman at the same time, you can get rid of debts or receive an unexpected inheritance.

The scooping spoon is effective in many situations:

  • income growth;
  • salary increase;
  • getting rid of debts;
  • a spoon protects acquired goods from plunder and damage.

Zagrebushka and conspiracies for success are considered a powerful means for activating finances - they attract wealth to the owner of a magical item.


Zagrebushka is a popular, accessible talisman, found among many people. It has been known since ancient times because it attracts monetary energy. Zagrebushka is a kind of money trap. Reviews confirm this.

Maria, 20 years old

A friend recommended a souvenir, knowing how difficult it is for me, a student, to combine work and study. Life has become much easier with a talisman! I managed to find a good job with a nice boss, my earnings stabilized, and I paid off my debts.

Alexander, 34 years old

I recently lost my job and became depressed. But you need to support your family! The grandmother suggested: she gave him a souvenir and advised him to start talking. I didn’t even hope for help, but life really got better. Through friends I found a great place. Now the salary is more than before.

Anastasia, 37 years old

I learned about the existence of a money talisman from my cousin. I saw her souvenir by chance, I was even embarrassed to ask why it was needed. Later I read about it and decided to try it in practice. It really became easier with money, I almost closed my housing loan - much earlier than I planned.

Spoon - an ancient talisman

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