What does a spider tattoo mean on an arm, hand, finger, shoulder, neck, leg? What does a spider tattoo mean, spider man, a spider in a web, with a cross crawling up?

During my short life, I was called many different names, but I remember one “nickname” best of all. “You are a spider” they told me, “Why a spider?” I asked in surprise, “because it’s like you’re weaving your own web.” Then I didn’t attach any importance to it, and probably in vain.

Today, having somewhat rethought the essence of my existence, I catch myself thinking that those very “threads” really are intertwined with each other, because in my practice there have been cases when my actions intertwined the threads of other people’s destinies and vice versa. It was necessary to make friends - please, you need to unleash hostility - easily, if you want to end the “war”, let’s try. Dozens of people, and sometimes hundreds, found themselves involved in this “game” of shadows.

People with the spider totem are characterized by “loneliness”; they are able to find a common language with literally anyone, but still remain on their own. These people are constantly busy, always weaving something, but this does not mean that you will notice it; they often hide their actions from prying eyes.

At the same time, despite their “loneliness”, they always have their own “web” of connections through which they receive the necessary information. A kind of spy network, and they don’t always need this information, sometimes it has the opposite effect - there is a need to tell the spider about it, hello man, “free ears,” how do you have time for this, no, listen!

And despite the fact that they will prove to you their indifference to your person, as soon as someone tries to drag their “web” for themselves, at that very moment the spider’s wrath will fall on the shoulders of the unfortunate person.

Such people are called “gray cardinals”; they are excellent leaders, but they never act in plain sight and always remain in the shadows. Spider-people are very patient; if the case requires it, they will wait as long as necessary - and then they will take their toll. Often those around them are not even able to remember where their zeal for the task came from, confident that they “woke up” only today, not imagining that they had been nurturing this plan for a year or more.

I had goals that I achieved for several years, and then I was disappointed, because I didn’t really need the result, and besides my own satisfaction with what I had done, I received nothing more.

In love with “spiders”, not everything is clear, of course, when they entwine their chosen one (or chosen one) with love and care, this will seem like a good sign, but there is also a downside to this coin, the chosen ones of spiders in this case can behave like spiders They don't expect it at all. Some people imagine themselves so important that they consider spiders unworthy of them - after which they leave them (it’s good if they remain friends at the same time), others begin to worry that they themselves are unworthy - and then jealousy and the removal of the brain and other parts of the body, which leads to disaster relationships, even among the most patient people.

Any life process of spider-people can be reduced to stages: “Collision” > “Surprise” > “Pacification”.

Let's look at each stage separately:

Spider in the house and mysticism

This eight-legged “miracle” is endowed with a sacred meaning. Let us remember the black widow who “ate” her lovers. But, a modern sign - a spider in the house , promises wealth and good luck to its guests! If you see a small insect in your apartment, do not rush to drive it away with a “broom”.

Interesting fact: spiders are not friends with cockroaches. As they say, survival of the fittest. So if there are spiders in your home, you are unlikely to become neighbors with cockroach clans.

If you meet a white arachnid , then according to legend, it “takes away” the negativity located in your city abode.

Other interpretations of “spider in the house”:

  • If you saw a spider in the house and felt fear, the news will be unfavorable.
  • If you look at your feet and a spider is crawling towards you, prepare your pockets for financial profit.
  • If the spider changes its trajectory and crawls away from you in the opposite direction, expect losses.
  • A spider in the house that has climbed up is crawling on your clothes - don’t rush to swear - soon you will buy a new and expensive update!
  • The spider wove a web and took a place in the very center. Then the weather will be sunny and clear outside.
  • And if the cobweb sways alone, there will be a little rain.
  • Time also influences encounters with arachnids. Saw him in the morning - a bad omen. A spider wandering around the apartment in the afternoon promises global good luck. And an evening rendezvous with this guy is a long-awaited gift.
  • If a black spider decides to weave a “abode” over the bed, you can become seriously ill. If the bed is a marital bed, this is the most unpleasant interpretation, which means cooling of feelings and betrayal.
  • A spider sitting on the threshold is a potential loss.
  • You're reading or watching TV and an uninvited guest appears right in front of your face. A spider descending on a web and frozen near your face is a good sign. It means a visit from dear people, a pleasant meeting with some nice person.

Spider Totem


There are so many unknown and unknown things in the world... I want to tell you about a very interesting SPIDER totem. I’ve been observing my student for a week now and I just can’t understand whether the style of work has changed, the handwriting is different, and she herself has begun to change. I began to look more closely, and a skillfully woven spider web was clearly visible in her works. Well, how can you miss such a valuable specimen and not write an article about it. I think this information will be useful to many. So SPIDER. All peoples of the world have legends dedicated to the spider. In India, it was associated with the veil of illusion, which represents the entire sensory world. In Greek mythology, the spider was associated with the Moira goddesses of fate, and in Scandinavian legends - with the Norns, women who weaved, measured and cut the threads of human life. Native Americans considered the spider to be a mother-progenitor, linking the past and the future.

Unlike insects, the body of spiders consists of two parts, rather than three, which often gives it a figure-eight shape. Combined with eight legs (instead of six, like insects), this connects the spider with all the diverse mysticism associated with the geometric shape of the number eight. As you know, the number eight is a symbol of infinity. It represents the wheel of life moving from one circle to another. The Spider teaches not only how to make this endless movement, but also how to keep your consciousness at the central point located between the two circles.

The Spider teaches you to maintain balance between past and future, material and spiritual, masculine and feminine. At every moment of time you are busy weaving your future.

The spider awakens in us a special sensitivity to everything that happens. He weaves a thin and intricate web, as if reminding us that the past always has a subtle influence on the present and the future. Often the web can have the shape of a spiral, which traditionally embodies creation and development. The spider sitting at the center of its web reminds us that we are the center of our own world. “Know yourself, and you will know the whole world!” The spider indicates that the world is woven around us. We ourselves are the creators of our destiny, weaving it like a web with the help of our thoughts, feelings and actions

From a mystical and mythological point of view, the spider is associated with the magic of creation. The spider is a symbol of creative power, which is represented by its ability to spin a luxurious web. The main feature of spider energies is their spiral orientation. For people whose totem is the spider, the spiral of the web, tapering at the center, can become an object of meditation. Do you strive for a goal or are you scattering your energies, moving in different directions? Are you able to fully concentrate? Are you too self-absorbed? Do you care more about other people's achievements than your own? Do you feel resentment and resentment toward yourself or others?

The spider is the guardian of ancient languages ​​and alphabets. Every nation has myths about how various languages ​​and alphabets were created. In China, the creation of the hieroglyphic alphabet is attributed to Tsang Chin, a dragon-faced god with four eyes. He based it on patterns of stars, marks on a turtle's shell, and bird tracks in the sand. The Scandinavian god Odin created the runic alphabet by hanging on the Tree of Life for nine days and nights. After which the branches broke off, and an understanding of the runes was revealed to him.

However, according to many, there is an even more ancient alphabet. It was created based on the geometric patterns and angles seen in a spider's web. They consider it the first real alphabet, and the spider as the teacher of language and the bearer of the magic of writing. Perhaps the totem of people who “weave” magic using the written word is the spider.

The spider has long been associated with death and resurrection. This is partly due to the fact that the females of some spiders kill and eat the male after mating. This behavior is often found in the insect world, such as praying mantises. Due to the fact that the spider constantly creates and weaves new webs, it was also a symbol of energies associated with the various phases of the Moon. For people whose totem is the spider, this is a reminder of the need to maintain balance between opposing energies. The Spider teaches that maintaining this balance helps to enhance creativity.

People have come to fear spiders, thanks in no small part to books, films and television shows. Most spiders are poisonous (although only a few are dangerous to humans). With the help of their poison they kill or put their victims into a state of torpor.

The black widow has the worst reputation among spiders, although in most cases this fame is undeserved. This type of spider is found throughout the United States. The adult spider is black in color and has a red hourglass-shaped mark on its abdomen. This is one of the most poisonous spiders, but its poison is not fatal to humans, as many believe. In fact, the black widow is very timid and usually fears people as much, and perhaps even more, than they do.

Another common type of large spider that is well known to people is the tarantula. A folk dance in southern Italy, the Tarantella, was named after this spider. It was mistakenly believed that a tarantula bite caused people to make convulsive movements. Therefore, the dance, which involves moving in a circle and fast movements of the legs, received such a name. The tarantula is considered one of the largest spiders. His body is thickly covered with hair. Like most spiders, the tarantula's bite is poisonous, but for an adult it is no more dangerous than a bee sting. Tarantulas can shoot threads, but do not spin webs. They dig holes or holes in the sand and hide at the bottom. As soon as they sense that someone is approaching their shelter, they jump out, grab the victim and drag him into their hole.

In fact, most spiders are very, very fragile. If you drop a tarantula from your hands, it will break and die. Spiders are an amazing combination of softness and strength. This is an important lesson for those associated with this totem. Spiders are also known for their agility and dexterity. They can maintain balance and move easily along thin silky threads. Not everyone is given the ability to move along the threads of existence and maintain balance. Often, myths and legends tell about people who have learned to balance - in reality and in dreams - on the thin threads between life and death, between the material and spiritual worlds. Spider magic can teach you this, since spiders are skilled at moving along threads.

People, seeing spiders in or near their home, often experience fear and disgust. They need to remember that spiders perform vital functions by controlling insect populations. As a rule, spiders live in hard-to-reach places and prefer to weave their webs in the dark. This says a lot about how to use your creative energies. Don't be afraid that other people won't appreciate your creativity. Weave the threads of creation in the dark, and then, when the rays of the sun touch them, they will sparkle with exquisite beauty.

If a spider has appeared in your life as a totem, ask yourself some important questions. Do you weave your dreams and the fruits of your imagination into real life? Are you using your creative potential? Do you feel as if you are caught in a spider's web or stuck in it? Isn't it time for you to pay attention to your balance and where you are going in life? Do you feel the need to write? Does it often happen that you feel inspired and sit down to write, but then don’t finish it? Remember that the spider is the keeper of the knowledge of the first ancient alphabet. He can teach you how to use writing effectively and creatively so that your words will entice those who read them into their web. And for greater understanding and connection between you and your totem, my magical tattoos with a rite of passage.

Sign - a spider in the house

This refers to a “workhouse” or office. A pack crawled nearby in the house - a business paper or a message. If he starts climbing the walls, the cash bonus will go up. Maybe you have a client whom you have been unable to persuade for a long time to sign a contract. Now - you will do it. If a spider in the house, on the contrary, crawls from top to bottom and quickly disappears from view after touching the floor, this means a delay in wages. Or maybe your boss will call you on the carpet. If you are working and there are no signs of trouble, but a spider falls on your desktop, people envy you. Expect clashes with colleagues.

Meanings for men

Men decorate their bodies with drawings of various animals and insects. One of the latest trends is spider tattoos. Such an image attracts attention, allowing you to declare your “I”.

Note! Psychologists believe that men who get such a tattoo are prone to selfishness. They are complex. Such people can overcome many difficulties on their own.

Men get tattoos on their back, shoulders, neck, chest, arms and legs. There are options on the elbows and fingers. Tattoos in unusual places speak of the creativity and courage of the owner.

How does your family feel about your tattoos?

Sign: spider in the bathroom

There are not many signs associated with a spider in the house. Usually, a small insect hiding in the bathroom promises stagnation in the personal sphere. Try to open up to new things and step towards a love relationship. The room is connected with water, so the spider can symbolize a money leak. Also, take care of your things so as not to worry about unexpected loss.

General interpretations:

Sign - a spider in the house carries a money connotation or portends good news or meetings. Also a chance to win the lottery or receive an inheritance from afar. If the spider in the house is black , this is an unfavorable sign. Any event will go through life with a negative connotation. A spider descending on a thread during a feast foreshadows your enemy. An arthropod encountered at the end of the day is a sign of future joyful events. A meeting that takes place at night promises a professional takeoff. Maybe you will get a promising position or begin to confidently climb the career ladder. A spider in the house that has fallen into the water promises unpleasant work moments. Getting caught in a spider's web is considered a bad omen. If you get confused in it, expect trouble. The way out is to surpass your left shoulder and say: “Keep away from me.” Everyone wants to find love. Then look for the spider sitting on the wall with your eyes. It is undesirable to see an insect in the kitchen - this will lead to domestic quarrels.

What does a spider tattoo on the body mean?

Spider tattoos are typical for diligent people who strive for thoroughness; they are applied by neat people. There are tattoos among evil and cunning people.

Attention! The meaning hidden in the drawing can be revealed by assessing the overall picture: the size of the animal, the presence of other insects, the choice of color.

Arthropods can be both a sign of harmony and chaos. If the tattoo depicts an insect with 8 legs, then it symbolizes the ruler of the world. An image in red or black can indicate depression and aggressiveness of the individual.

Before you apply an arthropod to your body, you need to study all the meanings of this design. Do not forget that a spider tattoo means for many people not just a decoration of the body, but a sign of belonging to certain circles. If you want to put a special meaning into the tattoo, choose the right shades of ink, and also complement the spider with other insects or animals.

What does a spider tattoo on the head symbolize?

The meaning of a spider tattoo on the head depends on the chosen design style. The mood is set by the shade of the tattoo:

  • black - determination;

  • shades of red - aggressiveness;

  • green - calm;

  • brown - harmony;

  • a combination of different shades - originality and creativity.

The meaning of tattoos on different areas: fingers, legs, neck, palms, elbows and shoulders

Finger tattoos are typical for self-confident people. They talk about the openness of the person who wears such a tattoo.

Tattoos with animals and insects on the leg are a sign of a desire to become a more purposeful person. This type of tattoo is done by hardworking people who want to achieve a high quality of life.

Spider tattoos on the neck are made by people full of life wisdom. The animal's emotions reflect the character of the owner of the body pattern. A good person will depict the arachnid in a resting pose. A spider on the neck tattoo may have its own meaning if the owner of the design adds other objects.

Tattoos on the elbows and shoulders look quite impressive due to the convexity of these parts of the body. The insect looks voluminous on bent limbs, as if alive.

Tattoos on the palms are made by creative individuals. It symbolizes the brightness of nature.

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