What does Irina mean, how does the name affect fate and character?

Irina Irochka, I think everyone will agree, there is something extraordinary in this beautiful female name and at the same time one can feel all the simplicity of this name, which for several centuries has not lost its incredible popularity. Giving the meaning of the name Irina, it should be noted that for a long time the female name Irina was given exclusively to girls from the very top of the aristocracy; it was often used to refer to both princely and royal girls.

In general, the female name Irina is distinguished by the presence of Greek roots, in other words, it is a derivative of the name of the goddess Eirene, who personifies a peaceful life. At the same time, the female name Irina is translated from ancient Greek as “peace”, “peace”. In the Middle Ages, the female name Irina or Arina was quite common, as evidenced by a large number of proverbs.

For example, “Aunt Arina spoke in two ways,” or also “Ignat is not to blame, but Irina is innocent, only the hut is to blame for letting Ignat into the night.” Today the world knows a lot of women bearing the name Irina. Here you can mention athletes Rodnina Irina and Slutskaya Irina, pop artists Bilyk Irina and Allegrova Irina, film and theater artists Alferova Irina and Muravyova Irina and many others.

Name days and patron saints of Irina

In the Christian tradition, the name Irina is most often associated with the first woman to become a great martyr in Byzantium - Irina the Great. Once upon a time, this woman was born into a noble pagan family, but then a miracle happened: a dove flew into her window, and there was an olive branch in its beak. Leaving the branch on the table, the dove flew away. An hour later, an eagle flew into the window, in its beak there was an olive wreath. The last one to fly into the window was a raven - he brought a snake with him.

The dove symbolizes virtue, the olive branch symbolizes goodness, the eagle symbolizes high spirit, and the wreath symbolizes overcoming passions. The raven and the snake symbolize the devil. Irina the Great took these offerings as a sign of the need to convert to Christianity.

Irene of Macedonia was baptized by the Apostle Timothy. With sermons and miracles, she first brought her parents and then thousands more people to Christianity. For her holy faith in Christ she was burned alive by the pagans.

Irene also has several other patron saints, such as Martyr Irene of Aquileia, Martyr Irene of Egypt, and Martyr Irene of Corinth.

Irina celebrates her name day several times a year: January 12 and 16, February 26, April 29, May 18 and 26, August 17 and 22, September 30, October 1 and November 2.


Many people want to know the history of the origin of the name. In Christianity, it is associated with Irene of Macedon (holy martyr).

Etymology (briefly): Orthodox variation of Eirene - the name of the ancient Greek goddess of peaceful life. After its appearance in Rus', this name became a noble name, and later spread to other classes. Thus, by nationality the name is ancient Greek, but due to the early transition to Slavism, it is sometimes called native Russian.

Interesting fact: some researchers note a connection with such names as Arina, Yarina, Irena.

Characteristics of the name Irina

Although the name Irina is translated as “peace” and “tranquility,” the character of its owner is far from angelic. This “peaceful” name endowed its owner with optimism and a strong-willed character, capable of withstanding both enemies and circumstances.

Irina is not at all sentimental, even a little cruel. Self-control is Irina’s main character trait, which helps her get out of the most difficult life situations. Direct and harsh in her judgments and statements, she gives the impression of a cold, businesslike, independent woman. However, this is absolutely not true. Ira just knows how to pretend that she is unfamiliar with mental anguish and torment.

Lack of sentimentality, ostentatious cheerfulness and apparent carelessness are the main character traits of Irina.

Irina is a subtle diplomat, and she skillfully uses this quality. It is not for nothing that Irina has been considered a symbol of peacemaking and common sense in Rus' since ancient times. She has an inquisitive mind and excellent memory, she is moderately curious and inquisitive. Ira has a great sense of humor, but with her impeccable behavior she can irritate people. We can say for sure that a woman lives more with her mind than with her heart.

Ira knows how to make friends, she is kind and unforgiving, but she reacts very sharply to any insult or injustice - she will tell her offender right in the face everything that she thinks about him. It is difficult to deceive her, since Ira feels people very subtly. Due to her toughness and straightforwardness, Irina does not have many friends, and this despite the fact that Irina easily makes new acquaintances and feels great in any company.

Irina in childhood

The girl Irina is the dream of any mother, as she is growing up as an obedient, problem-free child. She prefers quiet solitude to noisy active games; she can play with dolls or look at books for a long time. As he gets older, he spends a lot of time reading. From early childhood, there is something of an adult in the child; she is serious and independent.

If guests come to the house, Irochka will not sit at the table with them or otherwise draw attention to herself. You shouldn’t ask her to sing a song or recite a poem - Irochka doesn’t like that. It's better to leave her alone, the girl doesn't like to be the center of attention.

Studying at school is easy for Ira - she has a good memory and a sharp mind. The girl gets along well with both boys and girls; teachers love her for her good studies and diligent behavior.

If parents send their daughter to the sports section on time, Irina can completely devote herself to sports and achieve significant results. Playing sports will also help the girl learn to overcome laziness, which is also common to all Irinas. Managing Irina is not easy; her parents will only have to gently guide her.

You can be sure that after graduating from school, Irina will definitely try to get a higher education, since an idle lifestyle is not for her. The girl understands perfectly well that education is the path to independence and independence.

How a name affects fate

Irochka is a highly moral and educated person. She will not tolerate dirt, betrayal, or injustice. He is a very determined and firm person. According to the meaning from numerology, this is a leader. However, sometimes this turns into selfishness and cruelty.

General karma is affected by each individual area of ​​life. Let's look at the decoding in more detail.


Ira is a storehouse of talents and creativity. She sings and dances well. At the same time, she has the talent of a leader, organizer, and presenter. She is endowed with excellent physical properties that allow her to reach the top of her sport.

Professions, business and career

A high level of intelligence and versatile abilities allow you to achieve success in everything. Even as a child, she is interested in many things and constantly learns something new. Technical, exact or human sciences - everything comes equally easily to her.

Education in Irina’s mind is directly related to success and prosperity. That's why she devotes so much effort to self-development. The best option for work is diplomacy or jurisprudence, psychology. However, in any activity, Ira will reach the maximum.

There may be problems with building your business. Ira does not like to obey, flatter and rarely recognizes someone’s authority or status (she herself needs to respect the person, and not just find out his position). However, you can combat this if you build your business in partnership with someone.


At an early age, due to weak immunity, she gets sick a lot. However, over the years, the protective system returns to normal. All Irishkas are resilient, but due to their active lifestyle and high stress, they are at risk for developing mental illness and nervous exhaustion. For the same reason, vision becomes a vulnerable area.

It is important to avoid overwork, allow other people to help, and be able to delegate some of the responsibilities.

Love, sexuality, marriage

Irina completely dissolves in love. She carefully selects a candidate for her hand and heart, her relationships are always long-lasting and very vibrant. That is why not many of them happen in a lifetime. Ira knows how to love and build productive relationships. She is not afraid of loneliness, this is what allows her to build a healthy model of love.

Of course, nothing feminine is alien to Ira. There are disappointments and disappointments. Sometimes there is a feeling of dissatisfaction, short but passionate romances happen. You can’t hold back Ira, you can’t take him with force. She chooses herself whether to leave or stay, who to be with.

Ira will be an excellent wife. She knows how to give warmth, care, and be faithful. This is why her husband loves her. She will not be a housewife, but she does not pretend to be the head of the family either. That's not why she got married - she would gladly give up the reigns to her husband. In a relationship, she needs attention, care, affection.

Sex life is important. Ira supports diversity in intimacy and loves sensual relationships. Men like her, so she never experiences difficulties in this area. In marriage he does not accept monotony and coldness.

Name compatibility

Check name compatibility

Role of the parent

Mom Ira gets along well with children and always keeps up with the times. She is always on the same page with the kids. Adheres to a democratic style of education and uses innovative methods of education. Children are not deprived of affection, attention, and care. They respect and love their mother. She is an authority for them.

Irina's health

Adult Irina loves holidays and feasts, loves to eat well and drink strong. A woman needs to monitor her weight and proper nutrition, but she does not have a natural tendency towards alcoholism. Irina has had an excellent appetite since childhood; she should not overeat.

A woman may have problems with gynecology, often inflammation of the ovaries, and an ectopic pregnancy may occur.

In general, Irina is in good health, but she needs to take care of her nervous system. All her illnesses are from nerves.

Irina's sexuality

Irina has many fans, as she is pleasant to talk to and always looks great. A woman loves flirting, beautiful courtship, conversations on the verge of a foul, but she will never be captured by a truly deep and strong feeling. She lives with her mind, not her heart. Through love and male worship she asserts herself. For this reason, Irina rarely experiences unhappy love.

We can say that after reading novels about love, Irina loves love itself, and not a specific man. Irina is able to give her partner a sea of ​​tenderness and affection, however, it will be difficult for her to get rid of the feeling of loneliness.


Christina has well-developed memory, intelligence, intelligence and intuition. This is a woman with real views on life, not prone to fantasies and head in the clouds. She is practical, sociable, active and a little eccentric. In love, Christina does not always manage to fully open up, which negatively affects the marriage. The meaning of the name is “dedicated to Christ.” Talisman stones are andalusite, onyx and carnelian.

Andalusite. With its energy, the andalusite in the talisman will support Christina’s endeavors and help her achieve new career heights. The stone does not tolerate a frivolous approach and encourages practicality and balance in decision making. The stone will help Christina relax and relieve fatigue.

Onyx. Christina tries to carefully hide her timidity. Onyx will help you get rid of complexes, teach you to distinguish lies and trust reliable people, and will also lead your owner to a leadership position.

Cornelian. “Warm Stone” will help Christina moderate her pride and easily come into contact with others. This will have a positive effect on romantic relationships and will expand your circle of friends. In love, carnelian will act as the guardian of fidelity, tenderness and warmth.

Marriage and family, Irina’s compatibility with male names

Irina often falls in love, but she will choose her husband thoroughly. Family will be of great importance to her, however, a woman will never devote herself only to it. She will not completely devote herself to the interests of her husband and children, since self-realization is very important for Irina. Her husband will have to become the head of the family.

Irina will become a good housewife and caring wife, and will be respected by her husband and children. It is very important for a woman to feel needed and loved - only in this case will Irina be happy. If Ira does not feel her husband’s love, her moral principles will allow her to cheat. However, divorce is possible only as a last resort, since Irina values ​​​​stability and acquired wealth.

The habit of approaching everything seriously will also affect family life. Irina will raise children using the latest methods, prepare dishes according to new recipes, and will devote a lot of time to work and hobbies. Ira will support her husband in all his endeavors and will help him make a successful career.

A successful marriage for Irina is possible with men named Andrey, Alexey, Yuri, Sergey, Anton, Danil and Boris. You should refrain from an alliance with Oleg, Stepan, Anatoly, Nikita, Kirill, Denis, Roman and Leonid.


The fate and character of a woman named Irina is influenced by her date of birth. Let's take a closer look at the description of each zodiac sign.


The most assertive, but at the same time sincere type. He happily takes on new endeavors, tries to involve as many people as possible in this - it’s more fun, and there are more helpers, things go faster.

Thanks to her natural charm and diplomatic qualities, Ira easily wins over people. They themselves are drawn to her.


The most attentive guy. Always and in everything subtly notices every little thing. Always achieves his goal. Knows how to wait. If necessary, he will delay the realization of his dream, but will not give up on it. Very loyal in friendships and love relationships.


The most optimistic and slightly naive type. Likes to work less than others. Playful, she does not always finish what she starts. She is often inattentive, absent-minded, and fussy, which angers those around her. But the cunning Ira-Gemini always knows how to avoid censure.


The most vulnerable type. She is afraid of many things and is dependent on the opinions of other people. Therefore, he risks losing himself, his uniqueness. Often adapts to the environment and others. Her fears and problems will disappear when a determined man appears in her life on whom she can rely.

a lion

The most independent type. This is a very strong-willed, authoritarian, tough woman. Prone to selfishness. He listens only to his own opinion and will never follow the lead of others.

In friendly and romantic relationships he is cold. In order to achieve his goals, he can go over his head.


The most businesslike type. Responsible, executive, rational. Even monotonous and boring work can be diluted with creativity. He relies only on his own strength and devotes a lot of time to study and work. Uniqueness and individuality are noticeable in everything: image, style, speech, etc. Attracts the attention of men, but is in no hurry to choose a partner.


The most tactful type. Cautious, attentive. Before expressing his opinion, he will always listen to other people. He feels and understands people very well. Spends most of her time in the company of men. She loves to flirt and flirt, but the morality inherent in all Irinas does not allow her to make rash decisions.


The most touchy guy. She is easily wounded, she is capable of flaring up, but immediately moves away. I'm not used to making concessions. I'm used to getting a lot of attention. Able to learn from his mistakes. She always looks good, is popular among men, and reciprocates their feelings. In relationships he has easy views.


The strongest type. Powerful, passionate, enterprising - all this is about her. A born leader, but unlike Ira-Leo, he chooses democratic methods of influence. Those around her recognize her authority and respect her. Her energy attracts people. This is a very active type who always has a lot of original plans and ideas. Ira-Sagittarius certainly brings all his ideas to life.


The most balanced type. Everything is on the shelves, schedule, line. He plunges headlong into whatever he takes on. She is prone to workaholism and does not know how to rest. However, as soon as she finds someone or those who are truly interesting, that is, a worthy company, she will begin to spend less time on work.


The most creative type. She is smart, witty and unique at the same time. Prefers to act rather than talk. He expects the same from those around him. He is able to adequately assess his capabilities and soberly evaluates other people. He achieves better results at work if he works alone.


The most narcissistic type. She loves herself and believes that she is better and more beautiful than others. Expects admiration and worship, sins with arrogance. Sometimes she considers other people unworthy of her attention.

Business and career

Irina strives for a high standard of living, but she will always achieve success exclusively through honest work. Any machinations, risks and adventures are alien to her. A woman knows how to quickly establish the necessary business contacts and easily meets people, which contributes to the successful development of her own business.

Wherever Irina works, she will always be a responsible and valuable employee. Ira can become a good specialist in the field of technical and exact sciences, work in a design bureau or in the field of engineering. And her diplomacy, sharp mind and ability to communicate will help her make a career as a politician, diplomat, lawyer or lawyer.

Irina knows how to get along well not only with management, but also with subordinates, so she will make an excellent leader. Ira will never raise her voice, humiliate or insult a subordinate, but everyone will obey her unquestioningly.

Talismans for Irina

  • Patron planet - Venus.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign is Taurus.
  • Happy time of year is spring, Happy day of week is Friday.
  • The colors that bring good luck are blue, yellow and cyan.
  • Totem plant - lily of the valley and chestnut. Lily of the valley symbolizes love, fidelity and peace. Chestnut will give vital energy, give strength, and remove pain and malaise.
  • Totem animal - termite and owl. The termite is a symbol of change and vital activity, and the owl has long been considered a symbol of wisdom and loneliness.
  • Talisman stone - opal and rock crystal. Opal has healing properties - it treats nervous diseases, insomnia and depression, and relieves negative emotions. Rock crystal attracts joy, prosperity and love.


This light, delicate mineral is suitable for Irina like no other. Gives her youth and beauty, smoothes out negative traits, enhances her best qualities. Helps both in your personal life and in building a career.

The effect of the talisman differs depending on what zodiac sign Irina belongs to. Pearls will bring happiness and harmony to Libra, Taurus and Cancer. Capricorn, Aquarius and Sagittarius will prefer black pearls. But it is not advisable for Leo to wear this talisman.

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