Dzi bead Turtle - Wisdom, health and longevity

The 9-eye Dzi bead is the most famous and popular among all Tibetan Dzi beads. It was the 9-eyed Dzi bead that was seen among the jewelry and accessories on the clothes of many celebrities. People who want to improve their lives and begin to collect their collection of Tibetan talismans usually purchase the nine-eyed Dzi bead first. Why has this Tibetan talisman gained so much popularity in the world?

What are Dzi beads, how do they protect their owners

In every country there are many amulets for money, good luck, obtaining additional energy, and protection from the evil intentions of enemies. Tibetan Dzi beads, which appeared 2500 years ago in the main place of planetary energy force, have special magical properties.

  • According to reviews from owners, a stone bead with numerous mystical patterns is the most powerful amulet in the world, changing the owner’s fate 100% from the first day.
  • The method of making real Dzi beads is still unknown. The generally accepted shape resembles elongated oval tubes 2–5 cm long. Each bead with a matte surface has a pattern corresponding to mystical symbolism: eyes, waves, geometric shapes, uneven stripes or patterns.
  • The description of the beads of ancient origin contains information about the stone, which consists of 70% agate, 25% carnelian, chalcedony. 5% are elements of unearthly origin.
  • The most powerful weapon for attracting positive energy works only in connection with a person’s desires. Bracelets with Dzi beads remove the thorns of karma, convey permission from higher powers, increase vitality, protect against illness, and increase well-being.
  • In occult Kabbalah, it is believed that the amulet has a magical code. The encrypted effect is applied to high-quality agate with strong magical properties. Transforming cosmic energy through an image, the talisman, when in contact with a person’s pulse, corrects the situation and helps find the best options.

What remains unexplained is the ability of the powerful code to work through both ancient and modern beads.

Collector's opinion

The action of the protective amulet was explained by collector Rick (Rice) Rotten. A supporter of quantum physics (obviously different from magic) recognizes the power of Dzi beads, which he constantly carries when traveling. The researcher explains the mechanism of the protective action not by the energy of the stone granted by supernatural forces. According to the laws of quantum physics, all phenomena exist as the mind sees them. Thoughts are the main lever of interaction between an object and a person. The energy concentrated in the atoms of the beads from the previous owners, who believe in the protective power of the amulet, is transferred to the next owner.

How Dzi beads appeared: historical facts and ancient legends

  • It is believed that the most ancient magical object on Earth was an attribute of priests and shamans from the time of the Bon religion, which preceded Buddhism.
  • The second period of bead production dates back to 550 BC - 200 AD. The stones were found in India.
  • The latest artifacts discovered in Iran date back to 224 - 643 AD.
  • Beads of Central Asian origin were found in the northwestern part of India, northern Iran and Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Myanmar (Burma). There are a variety of species - from small to huge sizes.

The ancient beads found in the ground were almost all damaged. The researchers came to the conclusion that during the Bon religion, priests wore a sacred object on their clothes. After death, the teachers' bodies were cremated, along with which the dZi were burned.

An unsolved mystery remains the method of making the oldest beads from silicon minerals, which tend to collapse at the slightest heat. The technology for processing gems in a vacuum was discovered only in the 60s of the 20th century. The ancient technique of making religious objects and covering them with magical patterns is a mystery guarded by the craftsmen.

The origin of beads is surrounded by numerous myths. The main legends can be collected into 6 groups.

1. Divine origin

The highest lamas of Tibet claim: Dzi beads are divine, not artificial products. Monuments of Central Asian culture do not contain information about the production of Dzi, but there are many references to the mysterious powers of Tibetan beads. The story about the origin of the talisman tells that the stones used to belong to gods or demigods. When products endowed with strong magnetic energy and magical properties deteriorated, they were thrown onto Earth.

2. Granted protection from epidemics

3000 years ago, saving Tibetans from a terrible epidemic, the goddess Tara scattered healing amulets from heaven, giving health and help in any life situations. Since then, Tibetan medicine has used various preparations with crushed Dzi beads.

3. Space version

Meteorites that fell from the sky were picked up by yogis. After using the fragments during many years of practice, the stones were purified and acquired magical properties

4. Natural scientists' hypothesis

In ancient times, there was a sea on the territory of Tibet, in the waters of which the ancestors of modern mollusks lived. 50 million years ago, due to the collision of lithospheric plates, mountains began to form, which carried the remains of creatures from the bottom of the ancient sea to great heights. The thick shells later turned into beads.

5. Fantastic myth

Dzi are small living creatures that can crawl, fly, and run fast. Snakes or insects live in families and move until their shells are touched by the hand of a person with good karma. In support of this legend, modern owners of beads claim that the purchased items can move for a short time. The theory is used to explain another mystery: Dzi are often found in formed “nests”, where they are located together, several at a time.

About Dzi Beads. Answers on questions.

Dzi beads answers to questions.

Dzi beads are becoming more and more popular every day and this is not surprising, because their power is capable of much and we, as seekers of effective talismans, cannot pass by).

In this article I would like to share my experience and knowledge, and answer frequently asked questions related to Dzi beads (Zi), namely how to work with them)

— How to choose the right Dzi for yourself?

— How to wear Dzi?

-How much Dzi can you wear on yourself?

-How to charge Dzi correctly?

— How to choose the right Dzi for yourself?

So, how to choose Dzi for yourself, this question is often asked by beginners who already know something about the power of Dzi, but cannot decide which bead to choose for themselves, because the choice is very large.

In general, I consider our intuition to be the most important assistant in this matter; our heart will always tell us what is dearer to us. We intuitively ourselves are drawn to the things we need, to the energy we need. So it turns out with beads that what we liked the first time is usually the most necessary energy at the moment. And it happens that a person initially wanted to attract cash flow, but chose dZi that removes obstacles along the way. And over time, wearing the bead, he understands that in order to become more wealthy, he really needed to remove the obstacles along the way. There is also a belief among Tibetans that Dzi beads themselves attract the owner. They beckon and wait for him. And when a person sees his Dzi, he will not be able to tear himself away from it and will be fascinated by it, and here, too, fate can present a surprise because you may be attracted to that bead, which in terms of its meaning may not seem suitable to you. But this is only at first glance, so trust yourself and your feelings first of all!

Also, if the first option does not work for you for some reason, you can choose a bead according to the description. Decide what matters most to you at the moment, and what energy you want to attract into your life, and look for a suitable Dzi according to its description.

I also want to note an important point that the choice of beads does not depend on your zodiac sign or even year of birth! Yes Yes. There is a lot of information that Dzi beads can correspond to the year of the Chinese horoscope and, according to Feng Shui, each Dzi fits its own sign. But I want to say that Dzi came to us from Tibet, from the pre-Buddhist religion Bon Po and has nothing in common with Feng Shui! Later, after China captured Tibet, Feng Shui “adjusted” the Dzi beads and their meaning. Therefore, I would not take the choice of Dzi according to the Chinese horoscope too seriously, but this is a personal matter for everyone).

— How to wear Dzi?

-How to charge Dzi correctly?

There are clear instructions and recommendations on this issue from the Tibetans themselves. I advise you to read it carefully, but at the same time understand that you CAN follow all the recommendations if possible.

Using DZI beads

You need to wear the Dzi bead on the pulse - on the inside of the wrist or in the jugular cavity (where the neck and shoulders connect). As a last resort, beads can be worn in the middle of the chest. The most favorable places for beads are the physical manifestation of the chakra - the forehead (Ajna), the jugular cavity (Vishuddha) and the center of the chest (Anahata).

1. Wear Dzi as often as you can. This allows them to process your body's energy and interact with your magnetic field.

2. If you have a lot of Dzi beads, store them on your home altar by making a convenient box for them and placing a soft cloth there. This shows them your appreciation for their care. Sometimes rub them lightly with your fingers to add warmth and brightness. It is recommended to remove the bead before going to bed.

3. When stringing Dzi yourself, do it carefully so as not to break them.

4. Before bathing, remove the Dzi and place them on the table or altar. Avoid getting Dzi's wet too often, otherwise they will break easily. Dampness is harmful to Dzi.

5. Pay attention to your behavior. If you know you are going to do something that might be disrespectful to the Dzi (drinking, sex, stealing, lying), remove the Dzi for the time being, otherwise they will absorb your negative unbalanced energy.

6. Don't let other people touch your beads without a good reason.

7. When participating in various spiritual activities (prayer, yoga, meditation, visiting places of power, seminars, initiations), be sure to wear your Dzi.

8. If the Dzi bead you are wearing gets damaged, it needs to be replaced. Even if a piece breaks off, you can no longer wear it. This means the bead protected you from something bad.

9. If you were at a funeral, in a cemetery, or were near a dead animal or person for a long time, then you will need to cleanse your Dzi.

10. Take care of your Dzi beads sincerely and do not doubt them. Then they will bring a variety of benefits.

Cleansing Dzi

If you bought Dzi or forgot to remove it when needed, or you were with the bead at a funeral, then it needs to be cleaned.

The following methods of cleansing exist:

  • Clean the Dzi bead over the fire (candle). Pass the bead over the fire several times, on each side. This must be done quickly so that the bead does not heat up too much.
  • Keep the bead in the sun for half a day or a day.
  • Hold the bead in the smoke of traditional Tibetan or Nepalese natural incense or incense.
  • Clean the Dzi with a mantra, for example OM or OM MANI PADME HUNG, after pronouncing the mantra you need to blow on the Dzi for 10-15 minutes.
  • Soak for 3 hours in very salty water, preferably diluted with sea salt.
  • Rinse under running cold water for about 15-30 minutes.

However, the last two methods can only be used as a last resort, since dampness is very harmful for Dzi beads.

After these procedures, Dzi will be cleansed. You can also take Dzi to a Buddhist temple to charge and ask a monk to charge it. It's good to do this immediately after purchase. Dzi needs to be cleaned regularly - once every 1-2 months, as it absorbs negative energy and begins to accumulate it. If you feel that your bracelet or pendant has become heavy, annoying, and that you want to take it off, immediately take it off and clean it.

Before putting on Dzi for the first time:

Press Dzi to your lips or forehead, tell her that you love her and will always love her, tell her that you will always be grateful to her. Try to really give her love and gratitude at this moment. After this, make a wish, speaking out loud directly to your deepest desire, according to the theme of this particular Dzi. Tell her “Thank you” and put it on.

-How much Dzi can you wear on yourself?

Wear as much as you want. There are NO restrictions on wearing Dzi! Here you need to understand that even in this matter you should rely on your feelings. It happens that you want to hang yourself with everything you have and wear it incessantly, and on the contrary, you get the feeling when one specific stone is enough.

The Tibetans themselves believe that the more Dzi beads, the better, they wear them with beads, wrapping themselves “to the fullest.” Below are photos that clearly show how wealthy Tibetans wear huge threads of dzi beads mixed with coral, turquoise and carnelian.

In the photo above it is obvious that in Tibet Dzi is worn not only by adults, but also by children!

I hope this article was able to help you, friends!

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Best regards, ARTEFACTUM team.

What types of beads are there?

Gemology experts have identified three categories of all dzi beads:

  • Ancient dzi

The main theory about the origin of the artifact is associated with the BON civilization, the predecessor of Buddhism. The approximate period is more than 4000 years ago. The lack of documentary evidence and the veto on archaeological excavations in Tibet caused lengthy discussions among scientists. Shrouded in mystery, the bead belonging to the demigods themselves has caused great demand among admirers of mysticism. However, it is almost impossible to find ancient Dzi. A sacred thing is kept in museums and private collections, as a sacred object is passed down by inheritance. Huge dZIs are installed on altars in Tibetan monasteries. It is believed that this type of beads has the most powerful, uninterrupted force.

  • Vintage

The group of medieval or antique dzi includes beads that are more than 100 years old. Many researchers believe that in the 15th - 16th centuries in China they began producing beads - tubes with holes, on which they skillfully drew figures of a dragon, a turtle, and applied spirals, waves, and squares. An ancient type of dzi is a bead with the image of Guan Yin, the goddess of mercy. A talisman with the symbolic appearance of a compassionate savior of the East was intended for women during pregnancy, helping to find joy in life and get rid of illnesses.

Kevin Ball, a famous British collector and researcher of Tibetan culture, claims: there is no ancient period, and Chinese Dzi are artificially aged copies. Real talismans are made only in Tibet from seven types of stones, the designs are applied using a special technique, and the beads are fired in accordance with the rules of the established technology.

  • New

Modern popular ceramic, porcelain, crystal Dzi are made in all Asian countries. They have learned to make stone amulets so skillfully that even experts find it difficult to distinguish a fake from an original. These items do not have the magical power of Tibetan beads mined in the Shangri-La province. This is where the point of contact between earth and sky is located. Feng Shui experts have a different opinion: new Dzi have the same power as the ancient ones, because they are not contaminated with old energy. They are created using the technologies of masters passed down from generation to generation. Another mystery remains the ability of a mysterious object to powerfully influence the fate of a person, both in ancient and in new forms.

Types of Dzi beads

There are various types of modern versions of this amulet. They are made from different materials using different methods. The design is also applied differently.

Dzi cabochons

These are one of the most expensive and rare species. Their uniqueness lies in the method of making the drawing and the amulet itself. The master cuts the stone in such a way that the design is created by the natural lines that exist on the stone. The play of colors achieved with this method is impressive.

But such a Dzi requires a lot of stone, it can take more than a ton. To make just one bead, a ton of semi-precious material, almost all of which goes to waste, is a big expense. Therefore, the price of such a talisman weighing up to 200 carats is not less than $40,000. They cannot be found in regular stores, only in jewelry stores in India and China, where they are sold as cabochons. Sometimes sellers are not aware that the cabochon they are selling is a Dzi bead.

Dzi agate

These amulets are handmade. They are made in different shapes and may have sharp corners. The master tries to ensure that the natural agate pattern is not distorted and remains the way nature created it. The amulet is cold to the touch and heavier than other beads of this size.

Agate Dzi beads

Agate Dzi stores natural information for a long period of time. Stones exist for millions of years and during this time they record everything that happens on Earth. Therefore, the aura of this stone has great energy, which can be instantly transmitted to a person, giving him strength, vigor, positivity and clarity of vision.

When the owner’s energy changes, the pattern on Dzi changes, it fades and becomes less pronounced. But even if it is completely erased, this does not mean that the talisman has served its time. He will continue to protect his owner and bring him good luck.

Dzi with etched pattern

These are the most common Dzi, easy to make. First, a base is made of stone or glass, then a design is applied to it using an acid or alkaline paste, and it is fired in a special oven.

Such amulets do not last long. Over time, their surface cracks, making them seem more ancient and noble. But their information field is disrupted under the influence of chemicals and stove heat, especially if a stone was used as a base. Therefore, their natural strength in itself is small. To strengthen it, you need regular recharging from outside. For example, they need to be taken to a strong energetic place. It could be a temple or a place of meditation. If this is not done, the amulet will feed on the energy of its owner and give it back to him. There will be no benefit from such a cycle.

When buying such amulets, it is easy to fall for a fake, because they are made throughout South Asia. They can be hazardous to health because not all manufacturers use safe materials. Such a bracelet with a Dzi bead can cause an acid burn.

Dzi with laser processing

This look looks very aesthetically pleasing, because the manufacturing method allows you to make a high-quality amulet. Mostly such talismans are made in Malaysia. The base of the bead is made of chalcedony, and the design is applied with a laser. But the effect of the amulet is not strong, because an artificially grown stone is usually used. This material has a clear memory and does not emit the necessary energy. It is durable, does not scratch, but is more useful as a decoration.

Ceramic Dzi

The porcelain base is glazed and then fired. Composite glass can be used. Glass beads can be cast in a mold. They are inexpensive and are often sold as regular beads. They are usually small in size, but with a clear pattern. A bracelet made of this material costs no more than $3.

Porcelain Dzi beads

Mainly found in India. They are hand-painted with gold paints in ethnic style. The color of the beads themselves is light or dark brown. They come in different shapes and are lighter than stone ones. They don't always act the same way. Sometimes it's quick, sometimes it takes a while.

Porcelain Dzi bead

Jewelry Dzi

Precious metals and stones are used to make them. Mostly gold, silver or platinum is encrusted with sapphires, emeralds and diamonds. Overall it turns out to be a very expensive item. All materials themselves have powerful energy, and those made in the form of Dzi beads have a double effect. But they are not aimed at protection, but at attracting wealth.

The meaning of the symbols on the amulet

After analyzing the situation, esotericists came to the conclusion: magical symbols and numerology have enormous meaning in deciphering the meaning of Dzi beads and the mechanism of their action.

Stones associated with the names of gods are of particular importance.

  • The bodhi bead (translated as awakening) symbolizes the Buddha's enlightenment.
  • Green Tara is a sign of the goddess of youth and activity, Tara, who brings longevity.
  • The Kubera bead is also associated with the name of God, who is guaranteed to bring abundance and maintain prosperity. The symbolic image of a figurine with its arms outstretched means the protection of dignity, self-respect, and a highly moral career. Magical symbols represent the power of the gods in all Dzi beads.

  • The lotus is a sign of purity, the revelation of a person’s spiritual abilities, the enlightenment of the mind is expressed in a mystical object. Born in the mud, the lotus becomes one of the most beautiful flowers on earth.

The Dzi Lotus bead makes the owner attractive, supports his charisma and health, and cleanses the psyche

  • The Dragon. The Om Mani mantra, which contains the teachings of the Buddha, is of great importance in the life of Buddhists. The Dzi bead is considered an embodied resonant sound that has a psychological and spiritual effect. A person wearing the Dragon Eye on his neck receives the blessing of higher powers. The sacred meaning of the mantra, consisting of six syllables, attracts wealth and preserves the life of the owner.
  • Tiger. The bead has a wavy pattern with sharp edges. The symbolic image of the fangs of the beast strengthens willpower and courage. Dzi Tiger Tooth is a sign of powerful protection and a successful career. The talisman of justice inspires confidence, blocks the desires of enemies, and helps to overcome obstacles. Beads that have a double pattern have more power.
  • Money hook. An important Tibetan talisman attracts situations that bring good luck in financial matters. The S-shaped pattern denotes a hook, the function of which is to catch wealth and stable income.
  • Garuda. 5 eyes on a bead are a symbol of a humanoid bird in Hindu mythology. Possessing enormous strength and courage, the supernatural being destroys negative situations.

Each type of sacred amulet has its own meaning.

  • Dzi bead wealth attracts money, ensures career advancement, business success, gives recognition and popularity.
  • Dzi for love normalizes family relationships, brings real feelings, and creates loving couples.
  • Ji Rui is the key to happiness and fulfillment of cherished thoughts.
  • The “nectar vessel of abundance” resembles a heart. The talisman ensures health and longevity.
  • Dzi lightning destroys ignorance and opens the way for development.
  • The Dzi aristocrat bead is an amulet for people of mental work, ready for great discoveries, who know how and love to work.

Application of the Dragon Eye Dzi Bead

In the Dzi bead of the dragon's eye, each syllable of the six-syllable mantra Om Mane Padme Hum represents a unique pattern that personifies the eye of the dragon. This also gives this Dzi bead the power contained in such a mythical creature as a dragon.

This Dragon Eye Dzi only shows the eyes, so this bead does not have the full power of this creature. But nevertheless, this Dzi bears some of the qualities of the Dzi Dragon bead. Of the dragon qualities, this bead gives the ability to see and overcome obstacles, helps fight negative forces and promotes the accumulation of wealth.

Dzi beads by zodiac sign

European esoteric and occult systems are a faint echo of the unknown knowledge of ancient Tibetan monks, bestowed by higher powers. Therefore, the approach to the methods of using beads has its own characteristics. Tibetans do not tie Dzi to the date of birth, because... universal talismans have powerful energy and are suitable for all people. European mystics advise following traditions and taking into account your personal horoscope when purchasing beads.

Year by date of birth Number of Dzi symbols
Rat 2
Bull, Tiger 2, 8
Rabbit 3, 4, 9
Dragon, Snake 3, 4, 9
Horse, Monkey, Sheep 1, 5, 7
Rooster, Pig, Dog 2, 6, 10

Combination with stones

Dzi love stones and minerals that “live” in Tibet. The most successful combinations:

  • amber is a symbol of happiness, joy, fun. Protects from natural disasters and evil plans of enemies;
  • red coral - wards off damage, develops imagination and logical thinking, brings peace and prosperity to the family;
  • carnelian - a stone of love protects feelings, maintains marital fidelity, improves mood, attracts well-being;

    Dzi bead with carnelian Photo:

  • turquoise - in Tibet it is considered a divine being, the patron of good luck, peace, success in business, pure love;

It is good to combine the Dzi bead with silver. Silver is under the influence of the magical Moon. Neutralizes any negativity, cleanses the aura, and retains the energy of any stone.

Where to order a Dzi bead, how to choose (purchase rules)

Esotericists noted the main feature of Dzi beads - the ability to help as much as possible in all areas of life, automatically pulling up everything else. When choosing a talisman, you need to listen to your own intuition and adhere to several rules:

  1. Real Dzi is made only in Tibet. They are brought from monasteries, where monks charge sacred objects with the energy of mantras.
  2. Ancient Dzi cannot be bought in souvenir shops. These places offer counterfeit products that do not have the proper magical powers.
  3. Such stones are expensive, so modern beads can replace true Dzi.
  4. When purchasing, make sure that the seller is reliable, who can independently feel the power of the stone.
  5. Decide what Dzi beads are needed for.
  6. Select from the catalog the type of amulet that best suits the existing problem and appeals to the future owner.
  7. When determining the type of product, feel the energy of Dzi through personal emotions. Positive emotions signal the right choice.
  8. If possible, seek help from a specialist who will select the optimal set of beads.

Order Dzi Bead on the official website >>

What does the original Dzi bead look like?

Here are photographs of real beads with powerful internal energy . These are the products that are sold on our official website. Before ordering, carefully read all the information below so as not to purchase a fake.

Original Dzi Beads

Original beads are sent throughout the country, as well as to Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. We strongly recommend not to order goods on other trusted sites. Often scammers send crude fakes.

How to wear it correctly

The mechanism of action of dzi beads is energy exchange with the magnetic field of the owner. Possessing powerful energy, amulet stones can suppress a person’s own radiation. The rules for using a magic item help eliminate the consequences of negative impacts:

  • do not wear several beads together;
  • show respect, communicate as with a living being;
  • ensure contact with the body;
  • It is most effective to wear Dzi at the level of the throat chakra, in the center of the chest, on the wrist;
  • the amulet must be in contact with the pulsating point;
  • wear Dzi constantly, take it off only before going to bed;
  • do not allow anyone to touch or wear the talisman;
  • Store separately from other decorations, preferably on the altar.

The healing effect of Dzi beads

Dzi beads are made of agate. This stone has a powerful magnetic field that can reach up to 15 volts. A person is able to feel this energy, which is why sometimes the owner of the talisman experiences a headache, especially at first. Over time, the body gets used to this effect, and the condition improves.

Dzi bead speeds up metabolism

Thanks to the magnetic field, metabolism and other processes occurring in the body are accelerated. This has a beneficial effect on a person’s overall well-being and health. Agate cleanses the chakras, relieves nervous tension, physical fatigue and gives vigor.

In Russia you can buy Tibetan Dzi. There are several people who do this. They charge Dzi for a long time in Tibetan monasteries, and then sell the beads in Moscow.

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