We make a sprig of rowan from self-hardening plasticine. DIY rowan tree decorations for children

Features of rowan amulets

The peculiarity of rowan amulets is that they work in stages. The presence of a protective rowan product in the house first, as it were, absorbs information, the atmosphere with which you need to interact. Then rowan, as a talisman for a home or an individual, “filters” the information received and clears existing ailments. For example, if there is a family member in the house who suffers from a chronic disease that cannot be treated, then the rowan amulet gradually drives away the poisonous energy from him.

Attention! A rowan amulet aimed at a specific person should initially be with him for a limited time. First from 10 minutes, then gradually increase the time to an hour.

This rule is noted for the reason that rowan gives the owner a lot of energy. It is likely that a person will not immediately be able to curb the energy received, which is why it is so important to approach the first “acquaintance” with the amulet step by step.

The magical properties of rowan amulets

Red rowan, as a talisman for the home, involves the use of different parts of the plant. It is known that rowan leaves are put in pockets for good luck, powerful protective talismans are made from branches and sticks, and all kinds of beads are made from the fruits, decorating the wrists, neck and head.

Attention! When using rowan fruits for magical purposes, it is worth remembering one thing - an odd number of berries is required.

The most important magical property of rowan amulets is protective. It protects houses and people from damage and the evil eye, reflects witchcraft spells, and wards off enemies and ill-wishers. Moreover, at first, rowan amulets direct their protection to women. Having your own house with a plot, it is recommended to plant a rowan tree, and in apartments - to hang a rowan branch over the door. It is believed that the combination of half a liter of rowan infusion, which the damned should drink, with rowan branches (leaves and berries), which are placed around a person, will relieve mild to moderate periods. This is one of the fastest and most effective ways to cleanse the energy of a person who has suffered from the evil eye and damage.

Rowan in the interior. Decorating an apartment with autumn flowers – Crafts Fair

Hi all!

There are so many rowan berries this year! And how beautiful she is! Yellow, orange, deep red, in separate clusters on trees, bush branches strewn with berries, an incredible miracle!

Previously, in Moscow, I somehow didn’t wonder about decorating the house for autumn. Either the work-work-theater-home race did not leave time for such nonsense, or there was no mood to decorate the rented uncomfortable apartments, or for some other reason. Perhaps such a tradition is not in the air in Russia. New Year - yes, it is sacred. And autumn - nope...

But here we have a different rhythm of life, and the city is cozier and more picturesque, and the apartment is more comfortable and brighter. And I wanted to decorate my sweet home for autumn. Fortunately, the stores here have everything for this. Candlesticks wrapped in leaves? Please! Vases with dried flowers? For God's sake! Ears of corn, artificial pumpkins, physalis, pine cones with and without coating, sisal in different colors? Yes, as much as you like!

But I decided that decorating with artificial materials was somehow unsporting, so I collected acorns, cones, rowan berries, and ears of corn myself. And I made this, the first in my life, wreath for a door or window. Everything here is natural, except for the leaves - here, in the south of Germany, the golden autumn has not yet begun, and there are still very few beautiful autumn leaves. That's why I bought a garland with leaves at the store.

And here’s either a topiary (if you bring it to mind), or a bouquet made from foam balls and natural cones, acorns and grass. Don't judge strictly, I'm just learning

And these are ideas for using rowan in the interior that I found on the Internet. Well, isn't it beauty?

I have already outlined the next object for development. Pumpkins))

All the best to you this fall!


How to make a talisman from rowan

From the very beginning, great attention is paid to choosing the right tree. Usually rely on intuition, but there are a couple of important points. So, the tree must have a large number of berries, but at the same time it must not bend under their weight. You should not give preference to a diseased tree, since this unhealthy energy will be transferred to the amulet, which is completely undesirable. It is also noted that it is worth avoiding the plant on which other people’s ribbons, scarves and other suspicious things hang, since this particular tree has already somehow become someone’s amulet, which means it has absorbed negative energy.

You need to collect fruits and leaves carefully and, preferably, not take too much. If whole branches are needed, then they are not broken, but carefully cut off, feeling gratitude towards the tree, thinking about their good intentions. However, you cannot cut branches with kitchen tools; it is better to use garden tools. As already noted, a tree is searched for intuitively; at the right moment, a suitable option will show itself and give a sign. But if during the harvesting process a person suddenly feels uneasy, it is necessary to apologize to the tree and nature, and look for something else for the talisman.

How to make a general-purpose rowan amulet

A general-purpose rowan amulet involves making jewelry. So, on the full moon you need to pick a certain amount of rowan berries. They pick as much as is supposed to create a talismanic decoration, no more. It is worth remembering that the number of berries must be odd. At home, by candlelight, the berries are strung on a strong red thread, repeating the protection spell 12 times: “When birds fly away for the winter, they take adversity with them. Red rowan continues to protect me from evil, (name). Let it be so". The amulet is worn for a year; after the expiration of the term, the jewelry is buried with the words “Thank you. Goodbye". On the coming full moon, the creation of the amulet is repeated in the same steps.

How to make a talisman from rowan for home

A home talisman in the form of a decoration is made for the waning moon, since it is necessary not only to establish peace in the family, but also to get rid of unnecessary negativity. So, having collected the required number of rowan berries in advance (odd!), having prepared a needle and thread, they begin the ritual only in a cheerful mood and sound spirit. While stringing berries on a thread, you need to repeat until the last moment: “With my hands happiness is built, the house is protected, the family is protected. I invite peace and love into my home. There is peace and love in me, in my home, in my family. I don’t make beads, but peace and love. Let it be so". Hang the finished product where the whole family often gathers.

How to make a talisman from rowan for children

It happens that damage directed at a protected adult is passed on to children. Therefore, rowan plays an important role in protecting children, and many amulets can be made from it. So, small crosses are created from rowan tree twigs, which need to be placed next to the baby’s bed and stroller. If a child sleeps restlessly, place a bag of dried rowan berries under his pillow. To protect children from the evil eye, they make beads or bracelets from the berries of the rowan tree. Also, to protect the child from the evil eye, damage and other negativity, rowan branches with foliage and fruits are kept under his crib. Sometimes old branches are replaced with new ones, at least as long as the time of year allows.

Fresh branches are also placed in a vase with water, or simply placed on the table in the children's room. In the evening, before the child goes to bed, a green candle is lit, several leaves are placed under the sheet with the words: “Rowan-rowan, protect my child faithfully, protect from the evil, the dashing. May my child grow up calmly and fly briskly in good dreams. Drive away envy and troubles from your child. Give happiness and joy to the baby. Let it be so".

How to make a talisman from rowan against diseases

The rowan tree itself has long helped against diseases. If a person was seriously ill, he was led to a tree where the healer was already waiting. The patient leaned his palms against the tree, the healer held his hands on the patient’s shoulders and pronounced incantations aimed at cleansing the evil eye, damage and ailments.

Another way is for the closest, trusted person to make a talisman for the patient. Ideally, if you can choose the name day of the sufferer. For such a talisman, they take two rowan sticks, make a cross, tying the sticks to each other in the middle with a red woolen thread, with the words: “The rowan tree sees illness, the rowan tree heals illness, the berry is bitter, the tree is powerful, the cross was a cross, and will remain so. Take the rowan cross, take away your illness and disease, quench your suffering, torment. May God’s servant (name) never be sick again, amen.” The amulet is placed under the bed for 21 days, after which it is buried in the yard on the border with the road.

How to make a talisman from rowan from enemies and envious people

The most effective way to defeat enemies and envious people with the help of rowan is to show him your amulet. In other words, mountain ash should be visible. So, if envious people find themselves in the work sphere, it is enough to place a bouquet of rowan branches at your workplace. The bush will absorb the sent negativity, process it and send it back to the offender.

A peculiar brooch on the left shoulder made of fresh or dried rowan berries will have a very strong effect on the enemy - he will feel unwell in the presence of a protected person. By the way, a great way to find out who has turned into an enemy among people you know.

Beads or a bracelet made from rowan fruits are irreplaceable; they are worn both on oneself and left in plain sight, in particular, hung above doors and furniture. This amulet is designed to ward off ill-wishers.

Craft product Beading Rowan Craft Beads

There are many stories, poems, and songs about this tree. I like the legend:

One day, the daughter of a rich merchant fell in love with a simple guy, but her father did not want to hear about such a poor groom. To save his family from shame, he decided to resort to the help of a sorcerer. His daughter accidentally found out about this and the girl decided to run away from her home. On a dark and rainy night, she hurried to the river bank to the meeting place with her beloved. At the same hour the sorcerer also left the house. But the guy noticed the sorcerer. In order to take the danger away from the girl, the brave young man rushed into the water. The sorcerer waited until he swam across the river and waved his magic staff when the young man was already climbing out to the shore. Then lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the guy turned into an oak tree. All this happened in front of the girl, who was a little late to the meeting place because of the rain. And the girl also remained standing on the shore. Her slender figure became the trunk of a rowan tree, and her arms—branches—stretched out towards her beloved. In the spring she puts on a white outfit, and in the fall she sheds red tears into the water, sad that “the river is wide, you cannot cross, the river is deep, but you cannot drown.” So there are two lonely trees standing on different banks, loving each other. And “a rowan tree cannot move to an oak tree, apparently, an orphan can swing for centuries alone” - these are already the words of a well-known song.

They “inspired” me to make my own mountain ash and this is how it turned out.

A little about how it was made: we wove leaves and clusters from beads, collected them in a tree. I wrapped the thin branches with dark green floss threads. I installed the tree in a cookie box and filled it with plaster. I collected small pebbles and laid out a pond (I glued it with Moment glue). I wove some grass and “planted it” near a pond. I painted everything with gouache paints. In this photo the stand has not yet been painted. The stand was painted with acrylic paint. Then I coated it with varnish.

And here are the residents! This is a pair of ducks. They just stand there. the youngest son periodically places them one by one in an impromptu pond to swim.

This is a small oasis that pleases the eye.

How to properly use a rowan amulet

As already noted, the collection of resources for the amulet is approached with attention, caution and gratitude. You can use both fresh and dried parts of the rowan tree.

Attention! Rowan amulets have a shelf life - exactly until new leaves bloom in the new spring and the berries ripen.

Protective amulets made from rowan are one of those that are customary to “show” to potential ill-wishers, display bouquets, decorate yourself with homemade brooches, beads and bracelets, and hang talismans in a visible place.

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