What is the difference between people born in the year of the Ox: character traits and compatibility with other zodiac signs

Sometimes, to get to know a person better, you don’t necessarily need to spend a lot of time communicating or even talking to him in person. People familiar with such a concept as a horoscope often study the characteristics inherent in a particular zodiac sign. This knowledge gives them the confidence and ability to avoid conflicts long before they arise.

Oxen are one of the most purposeful, but easy to communicate people. A woman born this year is able to surprise with her calmness and friendliness. She always stands firmly on her feet and does not allow circumstances to knock her down. At first glance, life with such a lady seems simply fabulous. But in order to fully get to know this girl, it’s worth getting acquainted with all her, even if not the most pleasant, traits and habits.

Characteristics of the Ox woman.

Representatives of the fair sex, born in the year of this strong and powerful animal, at first glance may seem weak and fragile, but this is only an appearance. They have a strong character and are able to withstand many difficulties that life will throw at them. But despite this, the Ox woman does not withdraw into herself, she is always active, joyful and optimistic. These qualities make her a good conversationalist, with whom it is pleasant and easy to communicate. If a person wants to acquire a faithful comrade, he should turn his attention to representatives of this sign.

Oxen ladies are reliable and loyal friends who will always support you in difficult times not only with words, but also with deeds. You can safely trust them with your secrets and secrets. A woman born in the year of the Ox will not only listen, but also give excellent advice to resolve any problem. But nevertheless, when communicating with such a lady, you need to follow some rules. It’s important to choose the right words and be tactful, because these girls easily lose their temper when they hear unpleasant things addressed to them. But this can only happen in rare cases, since in everyday life they are usually calm and balanced.

Woman born in the year of the ox

Everyone tries to make friends with a woman with the characteristics of a bull. She is attractive as a friend and acquaintance. Honest, loyal, does not like to gossip and does not support when others gossip. You can trust her with any secret, and it will not go beyond the scope of your conversation. The bull girl will support you both with advice and deeds. If you have become a close friend to her, then know that you will not find a more reliable accomplice.

There is indeed a minus. If you betray her once, she will not forgive you. And he will stay away from you. And don’t try to prick her yet, the bull’s anger is terrible and dangerous. Be afraid!

Career of a woman - Ox according to the horoscope

Such a quality as determination is very important in obtaining a promotion and successful advancement in work activity. Since the Ox is a strong and stubborn animal, ladies born under his auspices also have these character traits. They cope with routine with enviable resilience and do not fall into apathy, carrying out the same tasks year after year. But their disadvantage is the absence of any outstanding talents, so Bulls often become subordinates rather than bosses.

This arrangement suits them quite well, since these girls believe that working for someone else is easier and calmer. They do not like to subjugate people and prefer a measured lifestyle without scandals and intrigues. In order to feel comfortable, a woman born in the year of the Ox always needs to know the exact plan of action. They stick to a schedule at work, like to make a schedule for each day and are excellent at completing assigned tasks.

Compatibility with Horse

This combination can be very unexpected for both. Such a union will allow each of its participants to better understand themselves, since the most unexpected internal traits may surface.

The most favorable union is expected between an Ox man and a Horse woman. He is the creator of the material base for the family, she is the inspiration for her loved one, who will push him to achieve new heights. He will be charged with her optimism and cheerfulness. With her he will feel young and attractive for a long time and this is a big plus. She will give him a feeling of satisfaction with life, which will give him even more strength to work.

She has the power to develop his best qualities. But for all this he will pay by having to turn a blind eye to many of her actions and traits. For example, a Horse woman’s talents very rarely include culinary abilities and the ability to manage a home. Here it is a matter of choice, as they say, not everything in life is as you want.

But there are more difficulties with a Horse man and an Ox woman, since there are many disagreements on the topic of marriage and children. This woman will enjoy having fun with such a man, but after a while she will understand that he is not someone who can be relied on; despite all her seriousness, she is not ready to waste her life on him.

The Ox woman is highly demanding, and if she doesn’t get her way, she becomes very picky and does not compromise. The union is complex from many sides, so its feasibility is a big question.

Love and relationships

For Ox girls, the main rule in choosing a partner is caution. They are easily upset and offended, so the person who will accompany such a woman throughout her life must be gentle and tactful. A sincere and affectionate man is perfect for this role. But despite this, he must be able to push and support his partner, since she is not able to express herself and take the first steps in a romantic relationship. The Ox Woman gives her preference to everything familiar and traditional. The familiar way of relationships, where the man is in charge, suits her quite well. She is ready to give him all her love and care, without demanding anything in return.

Horoscope: Ox woman in a permanent relationship

A girl can marry her first love, live with one person all her life and at the same time remain faithful to him. The Ox woman is loyal and reliable in love and relationships, but sometimes comes across as rather emotionally cold. This is mainly because she has difficulty expressing her feelings. The Ox's love is expressed in practice - excellent housekeeping, delicious dinners, or sincere concern for the health of a partner around the clock.

The Ox woman in family life is characterized by pronounced possessiveness, but in relation to herself she cannot tolerate such attempts and will not allow anyone to limit her freedom. She herself knows what boundaries she shouldn’t go beyond, and therefore she perceives a reminder of this almost as an insult. Such a wife does not forgive betrayal or infidelity, and when she loses trust in her partner, it is very difficult - almost impossible - to restore it, even if the Ox wife still loves deeply.

Family life

If a man wants to get a faithful and kind wife, he should give his preference to a woman born in the year of the Ox. Such ladies will make family life easy and carefree. They never think about bad things and do not suspect their husbands, even if they stay at work for a long time. Their home is full of love and understanding.

Bulls are homebodies, and chores such as cleaning up or cooking are a joy for them. Children born in this marriage will always be happy, since their mother is ready to give her children all her attention and support.

Horoscope by month

  1. January is a contradictory month; there will be positive and not so positive events.
  2. February is the time to take care of your material and financial base. Profit from an unexpected source is possible.
  3. March is a period of positivity, fun and relaxation.
  4. April - you should be patient a little, and good prospects will definitely come.
  5. May - you need to start saving and be very careful with your money.
  6. June - joint activities will be successful: with partners or a team.
  7. July is the time to establish contacts with business partners and put things in order in your personal life.
  8. August is the final stage of planning.
  9. September - possible emotional tension and stress.
  10. October - difficulties will come into life that will strengthen character.
  11. November is a very positive month in all areas.
  12. December is a period of calm when you can take a break from activity.

Compatibility with other signs

The Ox Girl will definitely be happy surrounded by people who understand her. Therefore, she should take the choice of her chosen one seriously.

With an Ox man, she will be able to build a relationship full of love and trust. Roosters love everything familiar and traditional, which means they will be good partners for such a lady. Rats, like Oxen, are distinguished by their hard work, which will make their marriage successful, and in their life together these signs will become even more diligent. An alliance with dreamy Monkeys or mysterious Rabbits can also be successful for a woman born in the year of the Ox.

Compatibility with Tiger

Contrary to the fact that many speak of this union as not the most successful, Tiger and Ox can create a good couple. Yes, they are very different, but this can be a complement to each, as well as a hindrance. A serious threat on the path to happiness can be the fact that according to the structural horoscope this type of relationship is considered vector, and the Ox acts as the owner.

The complexity of the union is primarily due to the fact that in any situation the Ox strives to prevail over the Tiger. On the one hand, this is good and to some extent correct, but the Tiger is unlikely to be satisfied with this situation. The Ox is a very strong, hardy and strong-willed person compared to other representatives of the eastern zodiac. He feels his enormous potential, strives to control his passions, can harmonize himself and adapt to external circumstances. Being next to the Tiger, he will not allow himself anything unnecessary, no matter how much he wants it.

He has a feeling that the Tiger is made of completely different material, so he will make a lot of effort to stay close. The Tiger, in turn, is able to give the Ox balance and even push him towards further development. He will rebuild his outlook on life and contribute to the Ox acquiring new habits. The tiger will make efforts to ensure that the partner becomes more flexible and loyal, and learns to use different circumstances for good.

The Ox will act as a reliable support for the Tiger, on which you can always rely. He can improve everyday life, which is what the Tiger needs, since he himself does not strive to monitor this. The respect that comes from the Tiger to the Ox will allow the first to learn from the second to show its potential in all its glory. This will instill confidence in the future, teach you responsibility and perseverance even in the most difficult life situations.

Inappropriate signs

It is impossible to say exactly how the life together of two different people will develop, relying only on a horoscope. But despite this, there are some rules that can be taken into account in order to facilitate the creation of a strong union in advance.

Relationships with Snakes and Goats will be unsuccessful, since it will be very difficult for the representative of the Bulls to get along with them under the same roof. Freedom-loving Horses will not withstand the constancy of these ladies, which will most likely lead to the destruction of the marriage. It will also be difficult to build a family with a Pig and a Dog. The compatibility of the Ox woman with the Tiger leaves much to be desired. She must know that such an alliance will not bring proper peace. Their family life will be full of quarrels and risks turning into a constant battlefield.

Compatibility with Dog

If you choose a strange combination in the Chinese horoscope, then the Ox and the Dog will take one of the leading positions. On the one hand, they have many similarities, but on the other hand, the differences, which are present in minimal quantities, are very difficult to correct. Therefore, even in small things it is difficult for them to adapt to their partner.

Helpers in building relationships will be the sense of loyalty, responsibility and devotion that both partners are endowed with. In this pair, the Ox will most likely be the first to become interested in the Dog, as he will see in her a reliable partner and defender of interests. He has possessive instincts and conservative views on the family, he craves and strives for a stable relationship. The Dog is ideal for the role of a lifelong friend. But this is only half of what can be said about them.

Initially, the Ox notices only positive qualities in the Dog, but after a while he begins to see how independent the Dog is. Yes, she has a tendency to sacrifice herself and shows a lot of patience, but her inner life is hidden from prying eyes. She can change quickly depending on circumstances, and is able to compromise, but she does not seek to change her opinion. Giving in on the main things is not about the Dog; she strives to decide everything, which can infuriate the Ox. The Ox can put significant pressure on its partner and show stubbornness, which does not have the best effect on the quality of the relationship. But the dog can see in the Ox excellent organizing abilities and accept his rules of life. They have every chance of being happy, so it's worth trying.

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