Prayer of detention: words that save from troubles and filth

The life of a modern person is very difficult. Events often occur in it that a person is not able to control or change their outcome. To protect yourself from negativity and minimize the consequences of difficult life situations, you should use the amulet prayer. Prayer texts have a positive effect on a person’s destiny and strengthen his fortitude. Amulet prayer is an effective means that will help a believer protect himself from evil rock. It will help you calm down and make the right decision. You can read the amulet prayer for loved ones.

The amulet prayer is filled with special positive energy. It creates a powerful protective energy field around a person, through which no harmful message of a random or directed nature can penetrate.

How and when to read a prayer

For a strong amulet prayer to work continuously, it must be read once a month. This must be done in privacy. A special environment must be created in the room. It is important to exclude any external interference. Any accidental external influence, for example, a telephone call, will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the prayer amulet. Also, all pets should be removed from the room where the prayer is read.

The prayer must be read with lit candles. This will enhance its protective properties. Usually the text is spoken three times. You will also need to use holy water in the ritual. If prayer words are spoken over it, then in the future it can be used in moments of life when there is a deterioration in health for no apparent reason, which usually indicates an energy attack. Washing with enchanted water will help remove damage or the evil eye.

The Story of the Miracle Prayer of Detention

It is quite difficult to establish the exact origin of most prayers, and this one was no exception. It was first published in 1848 ; Unfortunately, the original collection has not survived. There is very little information about the author. Thus, researchers claim that the righteous man was born into a rich family, but donated all his property to charity, becoming a hermit. He spent more than 30 years in solitude, receiving from the Creator the gift of clairvoyance and insight - images of heavenly bliss and divine providence appeared to the saint. Based on them, he created his appeal to the Lord.

Due to the shocks of the XIX-XX centuries. the prayer for the detention of Elder Pansofia of Athos, “Forty-strong amulet,” was forgotten for a long time. It was restored only in the 21st century. However, ministers of the Church classify this text as apocryphal (non-canonical), and some even consider it a semi-mystical conspiracy. Therefore, when calling on the Savior, remember that words do not contain some kind of “magic” that instantly solves any problems - they will only clear your thoughts from momentary worries and teach you to rely on a higher will.

Daily prayer “Charm of the three angels”

For daily protection, there is a special prayer “Charm of the Three Angels.” As you know, every person has a Guardian Angel assigned at the moment of birth by the Lord for his protection. But there is also a church tradition that every person is protected by three angels:

  • Two heavenly angels accompany a person on his birthday to earth and on his death to heaven;
  • One earthly angel accompanies a person throughout his entire life journey.

That is why the prayer “Charm of the Three Angels” is the strongest protection. You need to read it every day in the morning. It is important to fully tune in and distract yourself from all extraneous thoughts. It is necessary to imagine the coming day and realize what events may happen. While in a relaxed state, you need to mentally turn to the Lord. You should tell him about your own aspirations and hopes. You should never wish anyone harm.

After you have managed to completely relax and open your soul to God, you should say the following prayer words:

“Save and preserve me, servant of God (proper name), Lord. You sent three angels to help me, who are my devoted protectors. They carry out your order to protect me and not give offense to anyone, to save me from any troubles and misfortunes, to guard my happiness and not to allow anyone to disturb me. Hear my prayer, my three angels, put a protective fence around me up to the heavens so that no one can go beyond it. So that I am not afraid of the evil eye and words. So that bad speeches, cruel illnesses, evil people and the forces of the devil cannot harm me. Help yourself feel completely protected, so that behind your back it’s like behind a stone wall. Protect me, angels, from morning to night, save me and keep me on my path in life. Amen".

Unbreakable amulet

This is a protective prayer spell. An unbreakable amulet that protects against any adversity and gets rid of enemies. It has an amazing ability to absorb the bad energy of everyone who pronounces the text. Based on the name, it is clear that this protection cannot be interrupted. Therefore, enemies will no longer be able to harm you.

Only a baptized person can read a prayer from ill-wishers. It will only be valid if there is irresistible faith in it.

  1. It must be said in the morning (from dawn to noon).
  2. First, turn off all devices that may interfere (telephone, TV, computer).
  3. It is recommended to wear everything clean and, preferably, white.
  4. It will be good if you have the opportunity to read it in the light of the sun.
  5. From one match (or other source of fire, the main thing is that it is the same for all candles) you need to light 3 church candles.
  6. Read in front of the icon of the Lord Pantocrator.
  7. Afterwards, drink a sip of holy water.
  8. And read the text of the amulet 3 times.

Text of the prayer:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I bow to the forty holy fathers.

I bow to their forty-holy hearts, their forty-holy souls, their forty-holy eyes.

Most honorable fathers, Holy righteous people, Just as you did not abandon Jesus Christ, You did not betray His faith under torture, I beg you and me to see,

Save and preserve: From seventy-seven ailments, From any unbearable pain, From the executioner in the night, from fire and water, From vain death, from terrible death, From cruel authorities, From the treachery of enemies and friends, From vile denunciations, from damage and distortions .

May you, my amulet, be strong, strong, and blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ: At night, in the morning, during the day and at all hours of the day.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to protect from all troubles

There are special amulets prayers that protect against various troubles. They are universal. After reading them, peace of mind sets in and confidence in one’s own abilities is gained.

Prayer for troubles at work

Every person periodically experiences situations when trouble arises at work. Usually people try to explain them as a black life streak. But at the same time, you should know that a special prayer will help to minimize their consequences, which contains an appeal for help to the prince-brothers Saints Boris and Gleb.

These people were real righteous workers during their lifetime. Historical figures have always stood up for what is right.

The prayer goes like this:

“Oh Holy Duo, beautiful brothers, valiant princes Boris and Gleb, sincere believers in the power of Christ, who served the church with faith and love. You have served righteousness and are now reigning in heaven with Christ. Remember us living on earth and respond to my sincere prayer. Become my intercessors, keep my soul pure, do not allow it to be harmed. Protect me from unbelief and sorrow, do not let me become embittered and die a wasted death without repentance. Tame the enmity and anger of those who want to harm me. Ask God for forgiveness for me for all my known and unknown sins. Help me gain confidence in my abilities and save me from troubles at work. Intercede for me and do not allow me to participate in internecine warfare. Amen".

Forty strong amulet - prayer against the evil eye and damage

A forty-strong amulet can protect against the evil eye and damage. This is a very ancient prayer. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by time itself. It is very important to remember that the main condition for its effectiveness is sincere faith.

You should first prepare for the ritual in which the amulet prayer will be used. Strict fasting must be observed for a week. It is imperative to exclude alcohol and refuse to attend noisy social events. During the preparatory period, you need to visit the temple at least 4 times. This approach will allow you to clear your own energy field and increase your internal strength, which will be the key to success.

The best time for prayer is early in the morning. For women, suitable days are Wednesday and Friday, for men - Tuesday and Thursday. The prayer is said in complete privacy and it is important to ensure that the reading process is not interrupted by any external interference.

The prayer text might sound like this:

“I glorify the Father God, I glorify the Son of God, I glorify the Holy Spirit. Lord Almighty, save the servant of God (proper name) from all demonic evil, from enemy intrigues, from the secret plans of enemies. Don't let yourself fall into the devil's snares, protect from poisons and swords. Deliver from the harm of conspiracies, cunning and insidious slander. Give up your enemies and don’t let me experience imprisonment. Let there be no sins due to bribery and from a word spoken in haste, from a false promise. Let the flooding and flooding water not overwhelm you. Save me from the evil beast and hot fire, the violent wind and cold ice, the evil sorcerer and terrible illness. Don't let me die an early death in vain. No minds, no flesh, no red blood. I ask my Guardian Angel to pray for my soul. Let all the words that I, having forgotten, did not say, also come true. Save and preserve the servant of God (proper name) from all evil. Amen".

Prayer from the evil eye

There are a lot of evil and unkind people in the world around us. Sometimes it happens that for no apparent reason your mood changes and your general well-being worsens. Prayer against the evil eye allows you to protect yourself from intentional or accidental negative influences. After reading it, you will not be afraid of envious people.

The prayer to Saint Tikhon is most widely used as protection against the evil eye.

It sounds like this:

“Oh Saint Tikhon! You lived an angelic life, which allowed you to become a saint of God. I, a servant of God (proper name), believe that you will hear my plea for help. I ask for your mercy. May it descend from heaven and protect my soul from human evil. Ask the Lord for forgiveness for all my sins, voluntary and involuntary, and for the salvation of my soul. Hear my prayer and intercede for me, take away human gloating, envy and meanness from me. Give me strength to resist all bad things and not succumb to demonic temptations. Let me live in peace and quiet. Grant me salvation and godliness. Amen".

Reading the “Forty-Strength Amulet”: rules and recommendations

This is a complex but extremely powerful prayer, and you need to prepare for it ahead of time. First of all, visit the church and get a blessing from your confessor for such an action. You should also attend at least 4 liturgies, confess and partake of the sacraments of the Eucharist. It is also useful to observe fasting: abstaining from animal food, alcohol, tobacco, excessive luxury and entertainment.

To concentrate on the meaning of the words, it is worth buying the “Prayer of Detention” icon - contemplation of the relic will allow you not to be distracted by external factors. And when you cry to the Lord, in front of the image placed on a table covered with a white tablecloth, you need to light a consecrated candle or lamp and burn incense.

“The forty-strong amulet” is pronounced for 9 days twice a day - morning and evening, taking a break on Sunday. Men should start reading on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, and women on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. During this period, you cannot enter into disputes, succumb to sinful temptations, or cause harm to someone. Respond kindly to any insults.

It is best to learn the text of the prayer for the detention of Elder Pansophius of Athos by heart. As a last resort, you can read it from a sheet of paper or listen to it recorded, but then you should think very carefully about each phrase. Don’t stop, and if you still have to, start again. Do this in solitude and silence: the righteous man himself argued that the power of the amulet is “in secret action.”

Unbaptized and unchurched people are not allowed to pray. Also, you should not begin this spiritual feat if you are busy with other worries and worries. And while reading, it is strictly forbidden to mention the names of your offenders or wish them harm - only God has the right to judge.

Protecting prayer to Archangel Michael for all occasions

For all occasions, you can use a universal prayer directed to the Archangel Michael.

In a short version it sounds like this:

“Oh, Saint Michael the Archangel, bright-looking and formidable archangel, chief commander of the Heavenly King. Let me repent of my sins before the Lord God. Help me with my life to earn forgiveness of all my known and unknown sins. May my soul be filled with peace. Oh, great and strong heavenly commander, protect me from all enemies and enemies who will meet on my life’s path. Don’t let me experience the horror of a mortal and help me resist the devil’s temptations. Oh, great archangel, hear me and do not despise my sincere prayer. Amen!"

Prayer amulet “Seven Crosses” for home and family

To protect your home and family, you can use the powerful amulet prayer “Seven Crosses”. It is recommended to read it every day, but you can do it anywhere and at any time. The main thing is that the prayer is read in a secluded place.

The prayer words are said seven times and sound like this:

“I, the servant of God (my own name), place the first Cross from the Holy Spirit, and the second cross from the Most High Lord, and from the Savior of the human race, the Son of God, I place the third Cross, the fourth Cross from my Guardian Angel, the fifth Cross from the Most Holy Theotokos , I will place the sixth Cross from sunset to sunrise, the seventh Cross I will place from earth to heaven. All seven strong Crosses will close my home with seven locks. The first will protect me from any misfortune, the second from poverty, the third from sorrows, the fourth from robbery, the fifth from wasteful spending, the sixth from debilitating illnesses, the seventh lock locks all six locks and reliably protects my home. Amen!"

Prayer for my son

A prayer for a son should be said with a bright feeling. It is necessary to put all the mother’s love into the spoken words.

The amulet prayer sounds like this:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, for the sake of the prayers of the Most Pure Virgin Mary, Your Mother, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God (proper name). Do not refuse my motherly prayer. I ask, Lord, Your mercy to have mercy and preserve my son, the servant of God (son’s name). I pray to You, the Just One, to have mercy and save him. Forgive him, Lord, all his voluntary and involuntary sins. Tell him, God, the righteous path, do not allow him to succumb to devilish temptations, teach him to live according to the commandments of God. Enlighten him, Lord, with Your light of Christ. Bless my son at home, on the road, at work, do not let him make mistakes and grant him the willpower to make the right decisions in life. May all adversities pass him by and may no terrible illnesses harm his health. Grant him a calm family life and godly childbearing. Amen!"

Prayer for my daughter

Prayer for a daughter has miraculous powers and is a real strong amulet.

It might sound like this:

“Lord Almighty, hear the maternal prayer of the servant of God (proper name) asking for the happiness and well-being of the daughter of my servant of God (name of the daughter). My beloved daughter is in your power, and I will humbly accept any of your will. I ask you to grant me forgiveness for my feminine sins, so that my daughter does not have to pay for them. I repent of my sins, and I am ready to beg forgiveness for them. I ask you, All-Merciful and All-Just, to guide my daughter on the right path, not to allow her to make life mistakes that will have a detrimental effect on her life. I ask for Your blessings for her, so that she may live a prosperous and happy life. I believe in Your goodness, Lord. Amen".

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