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Astrologers agree that each zodiac sign has its own flower. It is the same talisman as a precious stone, metal or wood. But according to the horoscope, the Aquarius flower is not at all the favorite for all representatives of this sign. Of course, to achieve spiritual harmony and psychological comfort, it is better to grow at least one of the talisman plants. But for a birthday or wedding, it is somehow not customary to give a dracaena or a potted Christmas tree.

In this article we will consider in detail the topic of flowers for a woman who was born between the twenty-first of January and the eighteenth of February and who thereby belongs to the sign of Aquarius. What plant will become her talisman? What indoor flowers should I give her? And what should I use to make a bouquet for her? Read about this in our article.

Aquarius woman character

Representatives of this zodiac sign are influenced by Uranus and Saturn. The first planet endows Aquarius (regardless of gender) with creativity, a passion for improvement, and a revolutionary spirit. But Saturn smoothes out impulsiveness, gives calm and balance. Only geniuses would be born under the sign of Aquarius, if not for their passion for new areas of activity. They generate ideas, but rarely implement them to the end.

The Aquarius woman is a complex person. She is original, smart, thinks outside the box, and knows how to win hearts and minds. But at the same time, she is easily vulnerable and in this state does not make a scene, but simply withdraws into herself (and there hatches a plan for revenge). Based on this, a flower for an Aquarius woman should be original and unusual. Even if these are standard roses, carnations or tulips, they will be liked better when they come in rare varieties or unexpected colors.


The flowers of Aquarius are, first of all, the personification of his human qualities. Fuchsia is like a talisman for Aquarius. We strongly recommend keeping it in the home of every representative of this sign. This plant will allow you to easily establish contact with people around you, although Aquarius rarely has such problems. Fuchsia will help you concentrate on what is most important, while helping you maintain calm and self-confidence.

Talisman plant for Aquarius

Let’s make a reservation once again: not all flowers that bring good luck please the eye of a representative of a particular zodiac sign. But it may also be that you like the talisman plant. What is the flower of Aquarius according to the horoscope?

Since this sign is under the protection of two planets at once, there are several such talismans. These are narcissus, myrtle and violet. If we talk about the talisman tree, it is important to know that Aquarius belongs to the element of air. He loves a slender trunk, a high and beautifully decorated crown. Keeping in mind the Aquarius woman’s love for everything unusual, you can opt for a gift on a miniature bonsai tree. We can also start from a color talisman. For Aquarius, these are all shades of blue (from steel gray to purple), as well as yellow.

Now we combine these shades with colors that bring good luck. And we add maximum originality, which Aquarius likes so much. Thus, it turns out that instead of modest violets, it is quite acceptable to give pansies, peony-shaped yellow daffodils with terry edges, and add a sprig of myrtle to the bouquet.


In a conversation about the sign called Aquarius, “what flowers suit its representatives” is a frequent question. From all of the above, we realized that Aquarians are fans of everything exotic, bright and unusual. Anthurium is just such a representative. His armed, seemingly menacing appearance guards the energetic order in the house, preventing any imbalance from being introduced into it. This plant can help the sometimes unrestrained and impetuous Aquarius. If you have a similar plant in your home, it will help you quickly cope with colds and flu viruses. Surprisingly, anthurium accelerates the processes occurring in the human body. The bright colors of the plant will make a noticeable accent, adding color to the room. The second name of the flower is “male happiness.” And not in vain, since he has the power to bring love, mutual understanding and happiness into the house.

Read also: Biological significance of the mole cricket

What flowers to give to an Aquarius woman

When choosing a bouquet, it is important to proceed from two criteria: originality and tonal range. Aquarius belongs to the air element, so preference should be given to all shades of blue. Fortunately, nature was not stingy and endowed many plants with this color. You should not think that blue, and especially purple, makes you sad and leads to depression. A calm and balanced Aquarius woman, who does not suffer from loneliness at all, loves this color. Especially if it is embodied in exotic orchids or dark blue tulips.

A yellow flower for an Aquarius woman will also be appropriate. This color is wrongly considered disturbing or leading to separation. It gives Aquarius a new burst of creativity and activity. Give the representative of this sign yellow freesias, roses, tulips, and crocuses. She will also like white callas with a sunny pestle because of their unusual aristocratic shape.

Indoor Maple (Abutilon Striped)

These indoor flowers perfectly protect the atmosphere of the home of the zodiac sign from the invasion of negative energies.

Abutilon is a real talisman-protector that protects the house from unwanted vibrations.

It absorbs the vibrations of painful thoughts, unkind glances, sadness, despondency and turns them into creativity, joy, and love. All Aquarius household members will feel the positive influence of Abutilon's energy. Even the home of a notorious pessimist of the Zodiac sign will become brighter and more comfortable. The laziest people will feel the desire to create, enjoy, create. Also, unusual indoor flowers help to find bright moments in any situation, promote family cohesion, and true acceptance of others. They can dispel old conflicts, replacing them with joyful friendliness and love.

Bouquet for an Aquarius woman

It is not necessary to collect all the flowers according to your zodiac sign. The Aquarius woman loves unusual combinations of shades and extraordinary solutions in creating a bouquet. But if you just give her red carnations or white roses, she will think that you are boring and unimaginative. The air sign likes plants that are slightly moist and have a strong aroma. Therefore, a bouquet of lilies of the valley will be received favorably. The Aquarius woman will also be pleased with cut lilacs. But it is important that its branches are cut from more than one bush. The changeable nature of the sign likes the contrasts of white and dark lilac. Fragrant jasmine will also come in handy. Pay attention to the design of the bouquet. Among the flowers, insert some green branches of ornamental plants.

How to choose a bouquet for a gift?

Today florists offer a huge variety of bouquets for every taste. Flower arrangements come in different shapes, sizes and types:

  • classic bouquet - flowers are collected in a neat bunch, the buds form a hemisphere;
  • asymmetrical composition – the buds are arranged in a cascade;
  • spherical bouquet - flowers on short stems tightly tied into a ball;
  • frame composition - plants are fixed on a rigid frame, which can be given any shape.

Bunch bouquets have become popular recently. Instead of floral paper and foil, hay or brushwood is used for decoration. Flowers are girdled with hard material to form a sheaf. The composition turns out to be stable and very interesting. You can also give an Aquarius woman a bouquet in a hat box. Such a gift does not need a vase. Plants receive moisture from a floral sponge, which is located at the bottom of the box and will last a very long time. When arranging a bouquet for Aquarius, do not skimp on the decor. Decorate the composition with charms, glitter, artificial berries, butterflies and birds. Use ribbons, colored foil, clear cellophane or paper.

Indoor flowers for an Aquarius woman

In addition to cut bouquets, you can give the representative of the sign an elegant pot with a living plant. However, it should be remembered that painstaking care every day is not for Aquarius. If you don’t want your gift to turn into a burden, don’t give her bulbous plants. The Aquarius woman can make an exception for only one sissy - the orchid. This flower suits her both in color (lilac or yellow), and in her love for sunlight, and in her need for aeration.

The orchid is like a reflection of the aristocratic and sophisticated Aquarius woman. Otherwise, give her unpretentious plants. The best home flowers for an Aquarius woman are: silver fittonia, jatropha, poinsettia, tricolor arrowroot, strophantha, lemon callistemon, Sander's alocasia, Blume flower, bocarnea reflexum, Rowley's cross, Lubbers's calathea.

Arrowroot tricolor

Maranta fits perfectly into the rhythm of its owner's hectic activity. This flower is able to suppress the depressing energy of conflicts and helps to concentrate on important and urgent matters. Tricolor arrowroot is well suited for companies where a large number of interesting personalities are concentrated who strive for primacy and leadership. Arrowroot can relieve insomnia and normalize the life cycle of owls.


The unconventional mind of an Aquarius woman will appreciate a gift in the form of a non-flowering tree or shrub. If there is no cat in her house that can be poisoned by the poisonous juice of the plant, give such a lady a pounsettia. It is also called the most beautiful milkweed or Christmas tree. The upper leaves of the plant are bright crimson in color. Why is this not an original flower for an Aquarius woman? Abutilone striped has another name - Indoor Maple. Having a tree on the windowsill or jardiniere is quite in the spirit of Aquarius. Moreover, the plant produces bizarre flowers that look like drooping poppies. Indoor maple is a protector of the home, protecting it from the penetration of negative energy.

Variegated Reo with pointed striped leaves has a green-lilac color, which Aquarius cannot but like. This plant stimulates creativity, eliminates grievances, and facilitates emotional relationships between those living in the house. If you are planning to give Aquarius a dracaena, then let it be the Godsef variety. This is the most original variety with almost white leaves. The plant will help you concentrate and find mutual understanding with your household.

Pouncetia (Euphorium the Fairest)

These indoor plants have huge, magnificent inflorescences in which the energies of the Sun and Mercury are mixed. It is good to keep them in a home where large groups constantly gather, they love guests, intimate conversations, and entertainment. The positive energy of Pouncetiya will fill the house with acceptance, joy, and celebration.

Parties loved by representatives of the Zodiac sign will be incredibly successful, filled with sparkling fun, interesting conversations, and vibrant communication. A whimsical plant will help you get rid of isolation, reveal your talents, and be accepted and understood. This is a magnificent talisman of celebration and creativity.

Arrowroot tricolor

Beautiful indoor flowers are perfect for the home of representatives of the zodiac sign, where they love frequent receptions of guests and have a developed spirit of competition or constant change. Which Aquarians don't fit this description? Maranta absorbs vibrations of forced aggression and smoothes out conflicts. This is a talisman of peace and positive communication. It calms all the inhabitants of the house, removes unnecessary excitement, and relieves tension in the atmosphere. These indoor plants soften fussiness, help you choose the right thing in your life, and find yourself. They contribute to the rapid assimilation of information, helping students, writers, and journalists.

Maranta also makes it possible to quickly make a profit in commercial activities. She is a financial talisman for businessmen, traders, bankers .

Dracaena Godsefa

The most original variety of Dracaena. Its unusual leaves are almost white. The combination of vibrations of two elements - Water and Fire - makes these indoor flowers suitable for harmonizing the emotional state. Softens sudden mood swings, smooths out misunderstandings between members of different spirits.

Dracaena is a talisman of balance that allows people of the zodiac sign to always make the right decisions and adequately assess the situation. It helps not to give in to feelings, to remain calm and equanimous in crisis situations, which allows you to catch luck even in difficult moments, correctly using all opportunities.

Reo Motley

By combining the energies of Mars, the Sun, and Mercury, such unusual indoor plants will help cope with deeply hidden resentment, anger, and aggression. They are able to release negative feelings, free the mind, and ease the emotional state. Reo is a talisman that protects relationships. The energy of the house will become brighter, tension, vibrations of resentment, evil passions, and disappointment will disappear from it .

Reo develops the ability to speak clearly, beautifully present your thoughts to your interlocutor, and stimulates creative thinking. It encourages people of the zodiac sign to actively create. Accelerates the implementation of ideas. Such indoor flowers make you think about the benefits or harm of your actions and the consequences of them.

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