Why are white roses given as gifts and what do they symbolize?

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Court chores. How to “treat” your favorite roses in the summer? For different peoples of the world, the color white has its own symbolic meaning. It plays a special role in the Russian national tradition. Snowy expanses, white-trunked birches, white swan. Even the capital is Belokamennaya. Perhaps this is why white roses are in great demand among our gardeners. And if you consider that white color has the ability to visually enlarge space and easily fits into any composition, then the popularity of white-flowered varieties is easily explained.

But amateur rose growers often have to search for their ideal among them for years: after all, “snow whites” are capricious and changeable individuals.

The meaning of white roses

According to legend, initially only white roses grew in the Garden of Eden. The flowers turned red because of the blood that the goddess of beauty Aphrodite shed while rushing through the grove to help the wounded Python. Another myth says that the buds turned red because of the wine spilled by Cupid.

This noble plant was also revered in Ancient Iran. The Persians believed that God himself sent them a flower of unearthly beauty. Not a single person would dare step on it. In the East, both petals and rose water were attributed cleansing properties.

In many countries, a rose is a mandatory wedding attribute. The white buds symbolize purity of love, virtue, unity and the sacredness of marriage. These flowers were used to decorate the dresses of brides in Ancient Greece.

Video: DIY wedding bouquet of roses

Personal Favorites

If I had to design a white garden, I would probably make do with one single variety - the rose 'Kosmos' (W. Kordes' Söhne, 2007), which has an ADR quality certificate. True, its flowers are pure white only in full bloom. At the stage of a half-opened bud, a creamy tint with a slight yellowish glow is noticeable in their center. White roses are generally highly susceptible to black spot, but 'Kosmos' shows high resistance to this disease. Large (9 cm in diameter), densely double flowers are very fragrant. The bushes branch strongly and, when high-quality seedlings are planted at intervals of 50 cm, they close together in the first summer. In my opinion, this is the best variety offered today. It can be used for flower beds, borders, and grown in standard form.

Rose 'Cosmos'. Photo: From personal archive/ Galina Pankratova

In a garden, and not only a white one, you cannot do without roses, which create a blooming vertical and voluminous “scenery”. The modern variety 'Guirlande d'Amour' (Lens, 1993) is perfect for these purposes. It has already conquered Europe, received several high awards and the ADR quality certificate. Its flowers are small, double (up to 40 petals) and unusually attractive: snow-white with tiny bouquets of stamens. In addition, they have a rather strong, slightly spicy aroma. The inflorescences are very large, suitable for cutting. Healthy matte foliage is no less decorative. In addition, this rose is undemanding to conditions and tolerates partial shade.


'Guirlande d'Amour' belongs to the class of musk roses, which includes hybrids of several species: Rosa arvensis, Rosa moschata, R. multiflora, R. mulliganii, R. phoenecia, R. sempervirens. Their main advantage is their fantastically abundant and almost continuous flowering. Moreover, even one single rose can scent the entire garden. The bushes of musk hybrids are large, sometimes up to 2 m in height, with beautifully drooping shoots. They can be grown either on a support or in free bush form.

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It makes sense to pay attention to the rose 'Pastella' (Tantau, 2004). It has won competitive awards, blooms profusely and persistently, is healthy and winters well. When fully bloomed, its flowers are impeccably white, although at the beginning of the season they appear pinkish, and in the fall they turn slightly green.

How to give a bouquet of roses to a girl

In the Middle Ages, knights gave ladies similar compositions to convince them of the seriousness of their intentions. Echoes of this tradition have survived to this day. By presenting a white bouquet, a man emphasizes the importance of a woman in his life, expresses admiration, and promises to be the protector of his fragile chosen one.

Usually flowers are given without packaging, but roses have thorns, so before delivery you need to either clean the stems or take care of the decoration. The number of flowers should be odd - 3, 5, 7, etc. Giving an even number is not accepted - it is considered a bad omen. There are no strict restrictions on the size of the buds: you can also present a large bouquet to impress your chosen one. You should avoid voluminous compositions when it comes to a bridal bouquet.

Special color combinations of different shades

Many women love mono bouquets, but sometimes you can diversify the composition to give it greater expressiveness, as well as enhance its meaning:

  • The red and white combination is considered a classic. Scarlet and snow-white inflorescences are in perfect harmony and symbolize the unity of love and constancy. This composition is presented to the lady of the heart with the most serious intentions. White-burgundy and white-cherry combinations have a similar meaning.
  • Pink buds dilute the whiteness in order to emphasize the tenderness and elegance of the partner. This composition is appropriate at the beginning of a relationship, when feelings are just emerging. The bouquet is designed to emphasize the nobility of the chosen one; it also expresses sympathy, admiration and love.
  • To emphasize friendly intentions, joy and ease of communication, yellow roses are added to the white buds. Contrary to popular belief, yellow flowers do not symbolize betrayal, betrayal and separation. If spouses have been married for a long time, then with the help of a yellow-white bouquet you can emphasize the regularity of family life and the tenderness that has not left the relationship.
  • Orange and snow-white roses are an original combination, since mostly men prefer to choose either red or pink shades. A white and orange bouquet expresses enthusiasm and warmth, the joy of meeting the object of adoration.
  • White and lilac are the colors of first love. Therefore, those who want to demonstrate their love should pay attention to this particular combination of roses in a bouquet.
  • Black flowers are believed to express sadness and loss. But a lot depends on the context. For example, you can give extravagant and strong personalities a black and white bouquet, surprise and emphasize the originality of the girl.

Roses also go well with other types of plants:

  • violets, lilacs, lavender, wildflowers indicate innocence and tenderness;
  • hibiscus and orchids express admiration for grace;
  • hydrangeas, callas, lilies, lisianthus add austerity;
  • orchids enhance admiration.

If the donor does not put any special, secret meaning into the bouquet, then you can complement the composition with any plants, especially since today florists know how to competently combine greens, dried flowers and succulents.

Why do they give it?

Since ancient times, white color has been considered as a symbol of purity and purity, and therefore is an ideal choice for a bride. Until now, white is considered the main color for wedding celebrations: it is clear that for a wedding, white roses are one of the universal and traditional color options.

However, you can give white roses to a girl without a hint of tender feelings - the white color allows you to maintain neutrality. Unlike deep red, for example.

The general meaning of the gift is:

  • a hint of pure, sincere and long-lasting love;
  • attracting positive, clean energy to the one who accepts the flowers;
  • recognition of the giver in the warmest, friendly and bright feelings towards the recipient of the gift.

Among other things, a well-composed bouquet of white roses looks truly royal. Such luxurious flowers do not need any additional decor; they are self-sufficient. Please note that the larger the bouquet, the stronger the feelings of the giver.

When should men not give white flowers to a girl?

In some cases, it is better to prefer other options to a light bouquet. These flowers symbolize an emerging feeling. Therefore, it is better for a friend, sister or colleague to choose yellow or orange buds as a gift.

You should not bring snow-white bouquets to an event where the girl will be wearing an ivory dress. The fact is that some of its shades do not go well with such buds: an ivory-colored outfit looks yellowed, and in the case of cream or brownish flowers, the white flowers emphasize the shade, and it looks dirty.

The best varieties of park roses

It is impossible not to mention the best varieties of white roses that belong to the park group. There are simply an incredible variety of white park roses, but many varieties and hybrids have low popularity due to poor immunity, difficult care, or similar negative aspects. So below are presented only unpretentious species that are profitable to grow.

Photo of a park white rose variety Blank Double Cubert

  • " Blanc Double Coubert " is a rose created in France. The bushes are large, up to 2 meters, beautiful, and are immune to many diseases. Flowers exude a strong aroma. An average of 3 buds are formed on each branch.


The group of leaders in park roses in terms of popularity also includes varieties “Martin Flobischer”, “Ecuador”, “Polar Bear”, “Ice Mailadecor”.

Photo of park white rose variety Sir Thomas Lipton

  • «Sir Thomas Lipton"- a hybrid created in 1900. Flowers are double type, white. Their aroma appears only after full bloom. The bushes are strong, beautiful, and can withstand significant temperature drops and various infections. The only problem with this variety is that during prolonged rains or excessive watering, the bushes can begin to rot.

    Photo of park white rose variety Madame Hardy

  • Madame Hardy ” - this rose belongs to the category of the best varieties for a reason. Flowering is lush, occurring several times a year. The buds are cream-colored, but when they bloom they become snow-white. The flowers have a pleasant, lemony aroma. But the main difference of the variety is not in the buds, but in the leaves - they are bright, beautiful and completely cover the flower beds.

This also includes the varieties “Madame Plantier”, “Rosa Fortuniana”, “Musk Rose”, “Rose Multifleur”.

Is a bouquet suitable as a gift for a man from a woman?

In some cases, flowers can also be given to a man, for example, an artist, teacher or hero of the day. Light bouquets are usually given to guys; older people are more suitable for red or burgundy buds.

Plants with short legs are a purely feminine gift. The stronger sex should be given roses on long stems, with a minimum of decorative elements.

Video: DIY bouquet of Dutch white roses

Beautiful ground cover varieties

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White ground cover roses can brighten up any area. Beautiful varieties of this species are distinguished not only by their bright colors, but also by their unpretentiousness, resistance to weather changes and other qualities.

Photo of ground cover white rose variety Swan Carpet

  • «Swan Carpet" is a rose created by Danish scientists in 1991. The length of the pagons can reach 2 meters. Up to 14 pink buds appear on each branch per season. But after they open, the color changes to white.

    Photo of ground cover white rose variety Fair Bianca

  • Fair Bianca ” is an interesting variety of white roses with large buds. The flowers have a green center. The aroma is reminiscent of the smell of wilted plants, but it is not repulsive, oddly enough. The rose tolerates severe frosts without problems and has a developed immune system.

The following varieties of white roses have good qualities and beautiful flowers: “Arctic”, “Nemo”.

How to choose the right white roses

Fresh buds at the base should be elastic and strong. If they are hard, it is better to leave such plants in a florist shop. The following signs indicate that they will soon wither:

  • the leaves turned yellow and drooped in places;
  • the stem is heterogeneous and thins at the base of the bud;
  • sepals are directed downwards, not upwards;
  • the stem is brown when cut;
  • the inflorescences are too soft.

To make the bouquet last longer, do not place it in a vase with carnations, lilies of the valley, poppies, daffodils, and delphiniums. The stems of these plants release components into the water that are harmful to roses. If a girl was given a prefabricated bouquet and wants to extend its life, you can divide the plants and place them in vases separately. Cut flowers are fed with sugar, and aspirin helps kill bacteria.

Video: Beautiful composition of roses with your own hands

White roses usually carry a certain connotation and symbolize morality and falling in love. Conservatives prefer to give them to emphasize their serious interest in a woman.

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Description and characteristics of the variety

White Rose apples (or Water apple, Jambu air) are the fruits of an evergreen plant that is a subspecies of the Malabar plum (Chompu), of the Myrtaceae family. They look more like pears than apples.

The homeland of this fruit tree is Malaysia. From here the culture spread throughout the tropical region: it grows in India, Indochina, and the Pacific islands.


The White Rose fruits have an unusual shape and unique taste. There are several subspecies of this crop, which differ in color, shape and taste of the fruit.

Those who have tried this fruit describe it as follows: juicy, watery, crisp, slightly sweet (almost tasteless), aromatic pulp. Some fruits may be sour or tart.

Features of the fruit:

  • the pulp is juicy, white, crispy, moderately dense;
  • the skin is smooth and thin, waxy, increasing its shine as the fruit ripens;
  • White color;
  • shape - similar to a bell;
  • bones – often one or two or absent;
  • diameter – about 5 cm;
  • the weight of one fruit is 150 g.

In its homeland, White Rose, like watermelons, is used as a source of liquid. The fruits are eaten fresh and used in cooking (for making sweets and compotes), they are also added to salads and meat dishes, and canned.

Composition (per 100 g): water – 93%, proteins – 0.3 g, fats – none, carbohydrates – 3.9 g, fiber – 1 g, vitamin A – 253 IU, vitamin C – 0.1 mg, energy value – 80 kJ.

Wood appearance

External features of the tree:

  • height – 3-5 m (but can grow higher, reaching 10 m);
  • trunk – short and curved, with a diameter of 30-50 cm;
  • leaves are elliptical in shape, large, green on one side and yellow-green on the other;
  • roots are powerful, branched, absorb moisture well;
  • The flowers are white with 4 petals and many long stamens.

Flowers collected in large inflorescences give the plant a decorative appearance during the flowering period.

Flowering and pollination

Flowering, like fruiting, occurs twice a year (in spring, sometimes in summer and autumn). The timing of flowering varies from year to year, the main thing is that it is a warm and dry season, without precipitation. The fruits appear 30-40 days after flowering.

This is an excellent honey plant, the flowers of which attract bees, bumblebees and other insects to the garden. But since flowers are hermaphrodites (that is, they contain the reproductive organs of both sexes in one), not only cross-pollination occurs, but also self-pollination.


Even an adult White Rose tree does not produce large harvests. However, gardeners grow this exotic crop more for the sake of interest and decorative properties, rather than because of its high fruiting. Productivity – up to 85 kg per tree. But only with appropriate care and in a suitable climate.

From a tree growing in a pot, 100 to 200 fruits are collected. In open ground they achieve higher yields. The maximum fruit can be obtained in Crimea. Five-year-old trees grown on the south coast can produce up to 500 fruits in one season.

Winter hardiness

The white rose, being a tropical plant, is absolutely not adapted to frost. It cannot be planted in a temperate climate without shelter. Even in the southern regions there is no guarantee that the tree will be safe. Ideal conditions for the crop in Russia are growing in a greenhouse.

The optimal temperature for growing is +22…+28°C. And if the thermometer drops below 0°C, the tree will simply die.

Disease resistance

In our climate, the White Rose has few enemies - traditional fungal and bacterial infections bypass it. Diseases that massively affect ordinary apple trees (for example, scab and powdery mildew) are not dangerous for the tropical guest. It has its own diseases, which penetrate into our latitudes along with introduced plants. There are currently no specific recommendations for the protection and treatment of this crop.

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