About amethyst stone: description and meaning, magical and healing properties of a luxurious mineral
What kind of stone: Precious; Deposits: Southern Brazil, Uruguay, Madagascar, Russia (Kola Peninsula, Magadan region, Chelyabinsk
Mineral sapphire
Sapphire is a gemstone with unique properties
About the author Recent publications by Vlad Pavlova Vlada Pavlova recently published (see all) Psychic Vasilisa
Moon rock
About the magical moonstone: properties and description of the unique gem of love
History and origin The semi-precious lunar mineral throughout the history of civilization has been an object of admiration, admiration,
Sneeze on any day of the week on an empty stomach: signs
General meaning The Saturday sneezer, like the Sunday version of the interpreter, carries a positive meaning.
The legendary Indian amulet is a dream catcher. Description, types and meanings of talismans and how to choose and use?
Origin and magical meaning of the amulet - Dream Catcher Amulet became popular in the 60-70s.
Itching in right ear
Folk sign why the right ear itches
Home › Folk omens › Signs about a person Interpretation of omens for women Meaning of omens
A man touches the palm of his right hand with his left hand
Right arm itches on Friday night
Why is your right palm itching, maybe money? People say: “The right hand itches
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