4 ways to behave if your boss finds fault with little things for no reason

For the conspiracy to work

Many people around the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which rarely tends to feel love for its subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

In order for the boss to stop nagging, it is very useful to use one of the effective magic spells. But it is not enough to simply read the magic words and then wait for the boss to change his attitude to a more favorable one.

Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

  • Before performing the ritual, you should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow you to achieve the desired result;
  • any conspiracies and prayers require complete concentration: absolute concentration on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times over;
  • clear visualization is very important: during a conspiracy it is necessary to imagine the image of the boss down to the smallest detail;
  • Before carrying out the ritual, you should select everything you need: the absence of even one item will change the plot and lead to completely different consequences than were expected.
  • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: you should always perform the ritual completely alone and not tell anyone about it, only in this case will you be able to achieve the desired results.

In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After execution, a plot to favor the boss usually does not take effect immediately. Often you have to wait several weeks or even months for the leader to change his anger to mercy.

To make time pass faster, it makes sense to put in your own efforts: try to complete assignments faster, show initiative, and even stay late at work.

Almost any conspiracies can remove the boss’s hostility, but you need to strongly believe in them. After all, a lot depends on the inner mood. After some time, a change in the attitude of the authorities will become noticeable, even to the point of issuing a bonus or valuable bonus.

When the impact of the conspiracy becomes clear, it is very important to say words of gratitude to the higher powers for the help provided.

Several effective rituals

More than one employee wants to be a priority for his superiors, wanting to achieve his favor and special favor. And so that the boss does not find fault, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

The most famous conspiracies are the following:

On a gray poppy

In a special store you need to purchase some gray poppy and carry out the spell on an even day of the week. You need to take a little poppy seed in your left palm and say:

“The Lord created heaven and earth and adorned it with height and beauty. And God endowed me with beauty, intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never put me under their thumb and never reach me with evil words. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore I wish my boss (say his name) to become meek and humble like King David. Amen!"

You should read the spell 3 times, then put the charmed poppy into a bag sewn with your own hands. Early in the morning at work, you should scatter poppy seeds on the doorstep of your superiors, and gradually the reprimands and complaints will begin to dry up.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help you get rid of anger and make your bosses love you. At exactly noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch tree and pick a small piece of birch bark. You should try to choose a piece of white color without black inclusions.

The next day, at the first rays of the sun, you should take the birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not for evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful, beautiful fabric and hide it in the pocket of your work clothes. Her daily presence will help you gain the favor of your superiors and attract success at work.

To myself

When a manager constantly shouts at work, not wanting to calm down, a spell against the boss’s anger, which is performed directly on oneself, will help in this situation. You need to come close to the mirror and look closely at the area between the eyebrows. Next you should say the magic words:

“To God’s Servant (name of the boss) I put an angelic heart in my chest and pledge kindness. I forbid shouting and anger, I only allow you to talk to me with kind words! Amen!"

You need to repeat the text until the resentment in your soul eases a little. When the words are spoken sincerely, the conspiracy will definitely help, and the boss will definitely stop shouting.

The listed powerful conspiracies and spells will eliminate the anger of your superiors and attract favorable attention. But only when a lot of effort is made, and the spoken words are spoken with sincere desire.

In addition, you need to try to independently understand the reasons for the hostile attitude. After eliminating them, the question of how to get rid of the boss’s hostility will automatically disappear.

To be loved and respected by management

A conspiracy using a test is carried out so that the boss treats him well. You need to knead it in the evening and, while the work is being done, you need to say 40 times:

Keep in mind that the ritual must be performed on a full or waxing moon. If this time falls on Epiphany or Christmas Eve, the ritual will have double power.

There are many conspiracies to make your superiors love you and treat you with respect. Magic texts can help and remove a manager, that is, make him fired. Follow the advice of experts and you can achieve a supportive atmosphere in your workplace.

Ritual with an icon

It can be quite difficult to attract the attention of management, but an effective conspiracy to win the love of your superiors will help you achieve well-deserved respect. You need to go to church and purchase a personalized icon that will correspond to the name of the leader. You will also need 3 thin church candles.

You will need to wait for the period of the waxing moon and perform a special ritual with the onset of Tuesday. It is necessary to spread a clean white tablecloth made of natural fabric on the table, place an icon on it and light candles in front of it. While they are burning, you should say the following sacred words three times:

“A loving mother always needs her child, fish - water, birds - heaven. So let the servant of God (name) be dear and necessary to all rulers and masters. Let them respect me at work, never kick me out, protect me from evil deeds and only speak kindly to me! Amen!"

You should always carry the enchanted icon with you, especially when visiting your superiors. Its strength will protect you from reprimands and hurtful words, and will also help you achieve respect and even praise. But don’t forget about your own efforts.

No conspiracy against nagging will help if you are constantly late for work, delay in submitting reports, make gross mistakes, and so on. But sincere efforts, initiative and activity at work will become immediately noticeable and will not go unnoticed by management.

Reading a prayer

When conspiracies from your boss’s nagging do not help in solving the problem, you can turn to one of the divine prayers. But only with a sincere desire to solve the problem and the ability to forgive the boss for difficult behavior.

“My Guardian Angel, by the will of the Lord you were sent to me. Therefore, I call to you in my prayer, so that you protect me from great troubles, from the oppression of people in power. Holy Angel, protect me from insults and injustice, for my suffering is innocent. But I forgive everything and forgive the sins of my offenders, as God taught, to all his will and test. But I ask you for salvation, my Angel, in prayer. Amen!"

Prayer and sincere forgiveness will certainly help change the leader’s attitude. You just have to be patient a little and try to respond to anger with calm, and to aggression with silence. This behavior will not go unnoticed, and together with prayer will lead to a positive result.

So that the boss doesn't swear

There are also more complex rituals for which you will have to pay money. These are no longer simple conspiracies, but serious rituals, they pose a terrible threat, they cannot be canceled, they are carried out by black magicians. It’s better to read an excellent prayer for pacification, which will allow you to make the tyrant calm down and devote himself to work.

You need to read every morning before leaving home. We can say that this is a kind of amulet that will guard your peace of mind. You need to turn to the Son of God, ask him to pacify the anger of your boss, protect you from attacks - let him calm down and not show anger. Words must come from a pure heart.

In case of a long conflict, one of the conspiracies for reconciliation will help.

For sugar and salt

Among the people there are many conspiracies against the nagging of superiors, which are based on the use of salt or sugar. A couple of the most effective and popular rituals are given below:

For salt

The ceremony is performed on Maundy Thursday. You will need a little fine salt and a small saucer without a pattern. You need to place the saucer on the table and pour exactly 7 pinches of salt on it and say in a whisper:

“Angel of God, my guardian and deliverer from troubles. Dispel evil thoughts about me, bad thoughts. Open my boss, God’s servant (name) the blind, unseeing eyes. Let him forget anger and resentment, loud and shouting words. I ask for protection from him! Amen!"

The next day, you should scatter salt at the threshold at the entrance to work, at the boss’s office and at your workplace. After some time, the charmed salt will definitely have a beneficial effect on the leadership.

For sugar

This conspiracy for management helps to win over the manager and inspire trust. You will need to take a little sugar and quietly scatter it at the doorstep of your superiors, after speaking using the following magic words:

“Sugar that brings sweetness, make sure that my boss likes me too. And he had no desire to shout at me! Amen"

While reading the plot, it is useful to say your name and the name of your boss so that the magical effect affects both at once. And a strong connection emerged that prevented the boss from yelling at a specific person.

Both conspiracies from the evil boss should be carried out on a waxing or full moon on Fridays and Sundays. It is at this time that the power of magic is especially powerful and will certainly have a beneficial effect on the boss’s character, and will change his attitude and daily behavior.

Conspiracy for career growth

Often, an evil boss interferes with career advancement, despite the diligence and hard work of the employee. Numerous articles have been written about this and various reports have been published. In this situation, a special conspiracy for career advancement can help.

According to the rules, it is performed on Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays.

You need to buy a bag of grape seeds and plant them in a small pot. When the first sprouts appear, you can already pronounce the spell:

“The grapes will grow and cling to everything around. And like grapes, I too will begin to grow and cling to the service, occupying high levels and cultivating my power! Amen!"

As the grape sprouts grow, it is very important to take care of them, mentally imagining a promotion. Your own efforts will help speed up the results. It is necessary to show your superiors your sincere efforts and try to stand out among other employees.

Before carrying out the ritual, you should think carefully about everything. When done correctly, magic can be so powerful that the changes can be astonishing. Rapid promotion and even transfer to another department (branch) located in another region is possible.

Therefore, you should be prepared for such fateful changes.

If the manager continues to find fault, interfering with career growth, you should take a different path. Perhaps it's time to get rid of your boss and facilitate his transfer to another place of work or dismissal from service.

A fairly effective conspiracy to get rid of a hated leader will help here. It will result in the dismissal of the boss or transfer to another office.

You will need a blank album sheet and a pen with red ink. It is necessary to schematically draw a portrait of the boss on a sheet of paper, and then begin to slowly shade with the following words:

“Go away, look for another job! Leave this one to me, forget about it and don’t remember it! Amen!"

If the desire to eliminate the “enemy” is very strong, this conspiracy from the boss will definitely help.

Get rid of an evil boss using magic

If you work in a company with a complex hierarchy, and a person’s career advancement may be hampered by a middle manager who is trying with all his might to win the love of the top management, so he takes it out on those below him at work. He is capable of rotting someone on the team so much that people will think about removing him from his position.

Take a photo of the person the conspiracy is aimed at, you don’t want to see him at work anymore. Color the image completely with a red felt-tip pen and say the following words:

Before leaving, the person will understand that it is impossible to behave this way and will draw conclusions.

You can also use prayers, for example, turn to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to get rid of enemies.

We seek patronage from superiors

In some cases, it is not at all necessary to carry out rituals to protect or get rid of the hated authorities. Sometimes you need to act smarter and intelligently change the attitude of a boss who is behaving inappropriately. And then yesterday’s enemy will become tomorrow’s patron, show mercy and provide the necessary protection.

A conspiracy for the boss’s love, aimed at obtaining protection, will help with this. You will need to get any of the boss's things - a calendar, a pen, a scarf or something else. You also need to purchase black and white church candles and prepare a metal container for burning.

At home, completely alone, you need to put candles on the table, put the boss’s thing in front of you and slowly say:

“On a distant island there grows a tall tree, and black and white flowers bloom on it. The leaves on that tree are dry and fresh, and the fruits are bitter and sweet. But then the black flowers fade and fall to the ground, the bitter fruits rot, and the dry leaves fly away with the wind.”

You should set fire to the boss’s thing on a black candle and whisper a conspiracy against the evil boss:

“On a distant island a tall tree grows, and its fruits are sweet, its flowers are white, and its foliage is fresh. And the servant of God (insert the name of the boss) is kind, generous and merciful to me! He always speaks sweetly, and doesn’t order me to scold! Amen!"

How to get rid of your boss

A bad relationship with your boss can cause you to lose your job. To avoid dismissal and get rid of the boss, magicians recommend using spells using attributes.

A ritual with salt, poppy seeds and caramel will correct the situation at work. It is carried out in two stages.

The first part of the ritual allows you to achieve a promotion, fulfillment of desires, and protect yourself from the machinations of ill-wishers. The magical text protects against evil emanating from the boss. The action is carried out during the full moon, preferably in the evening. Reading the conspiracies is accompanied by the process of making homemade caramel. The mixture should be thick, they stir it, drawing pictures of promotion in their thoughts.

An image is drawn from the finished caramel on a plate, symbolizing what is desired: a manager’s desk for career growth, a coin for a salary increase. At the end of the meditation, the sweet image is licked off.

The second part is reading the plot to get rid of your boss. The poppy seeds and salt are heated in a frying pan, saying the words of the spell:

I will bypass any obstacle, I will cross the threshold. Let salt and poppy seeds bring tears and problems to the slave (chef's name). Key. Lock. Language.

The contents of the frying pan are poured into a bag for the plot. Once in the boss’s office, they take out a mixture of salt and poppy seeds with their hands, pour it under the owner’s chair and under the threshold. The ritual can be repeated until the boss leaves his job or is fired.

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A ritual with his photograph is effective for getting rid of a harmful middle manager.

Magicians recommend resorting to the spell in the photo for those dreaming of career advancement, which is being hampered by a harmful boss. To remove him from office, a ritual is performed. A spell is recited over the photograph of the person whose dismissal is to be achieved, coloring the image with a red felt-tip pen. Text:

Get out of here. Find yourself another place. Forget about this job. You won't get her back.

Soon after the ritual, the manager will resign.

A ritual with reading a candle plot eliminates the nagging and attacks of an evil boss. You will need 2 church candles and a personal item of the boss, preferably paper: a business card, a note. One of the candles needs to be coated with black paint.

The ritual is performed at night at home. Candles are placed nearby. They light the black one, saying:

There is a wonderful garden far away. There are many trees in it. They bear fruit. Some fruits are sweet like honey, while others are bitter like wormwood.

The boss’s thing is burned in the flame of a candle, pronouncing the continuation of the plot:

The bitter fruit rots and becomes food for all sorts of reptiles. Sweet - save for me. Let the words of the slave (name of the boss) be sweet for me, and his generosity inexhaustible.

Then they light a white candle and read the Lord’s Prayer. You need to pray to God, ask him for health and good luck for your boss. The candles must burn out completely.

Another conspiracy to remove a boss is read on a piece of paper. The ritual is simple and quickly produces results. You will need a sheet of white paper and a black pen.

To carry out the ritual to win the favor of the boss, you need to provoke an open conflict with the manager, observing the rules and sequence of actions:

  1. At the beginning of a quarrel, you need to hook your opponent, causing his anger. The stronger the emotion, the more effective the ritual.
  2. In the midst of a conflict, silently return to your place, saying to yourself: “Why should I grovel in front of you? You are empty space. Fuck you 3 times!”
  3. Take a sheet of paper and draw a boss. Cross out the image.
  4. Then they paint over the drawing with a pen, angrily saying: “Get out of here!” Look for another place. Forget this work forever."

After the conspiracy, you need to go to the restroom with the piece of paper, tear it into shreds and flush it down the toilet, saying: “Flush yourself!”

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