Miroslava's name day: when to celebrate? What does the female name Miroslava mean?

The name Miroslava is one of those names that passed into the Russian tradition from Slavic ancestors, but at the same time has no analogue in the Saints. A relevant question is whether it is possible to call Miroslava by a traditional Orthodox name if this is not reflected in the calendar. According to the Saints, this name is not baptismal, but in its meaning it is close to the Christian name Irina. Thus, having decided to name their daughter this way, parents can turn to their confessor to choose the right spiritual analogue.

Shortened forms of the name: Mira, Slava, Mirosya, Slavochka.

Patron Saint

Having studied the origin of the name Miroslav, it becomes clear that it is not mentioned in either the Orthodox or Catholic calendars. However, there is no need to be upset. After all, Miroslava of Constantinople is considered the patron saint of women with this name. According to historical sources, her husband was subjected to severe persecution for his faith, and then sent into exile along with his family. Then their traces are lost. Most likely, the whole family died in exile.

Among Orthodox Bulgarians, the name Miroslav is identified with another - Irina. Thus, name days fall on May 5th.

Miroslava's birthday: what gift to choose

As on birthdays, it is customary to give gifts on name days. However, there is a significant difference between these two dates. On a birthday, it is customary to give a person something material, sometimes even useful. But on name day you should think about your soul, because it is the day of remembrance of the patron saint. Miroslava, whose Angel Day can be celebrated both in spring and autumn, will not refuse a gift in the form of an icon. Vessels for holy water and beautiful candles are suitable. The etymology - the history of the origin of the name - will be a pleasant gift. There are many design options: you can design it in the form of an ancient scroll or letter, or you can even order a book. On the name day of Miroslava, who is quite religious, you can give the Life of the patron saint.

The list of appropriate gifts also includes figurines of angels. They can be ceramic or metal, elegant or funny, a souvenir or an exclusive item. You can engrave an inscription on the angel. Engraving can also be applied to jewelry, which will also come in handy. You can give Miroslava a ring or pendant. A body icon depicting the patroness of the name is also suitable.

Little girl

The meaning of the name Miroslav begins to appear from early childhood. From birth, the baby is a hyperactive child who cannot sit still. She is very capricious and overly stubborn in her whims, and knows how to manipulate her parents.

Studying at school is very easy for little Miroslava, despite the fact that she lacks perseverance. She grasps everything on the fly. However, her rebellious nature causes her a lot of problems at school. She constantly conflicts with teachers and peers.

Despite the fact that little Mira has many negative traits, she is still a fairly positive child. She is very sociable and cheerful. The girl is honest and fair. Loves creativity in all its manifestations.

Character of an adult girl

The meaning of the name Miroslav and the character of its owner are closely related. Here are the main features that are inherent in it:

  • tends to adhere to generally accepted standards in life;
  • under no circumstances deviates from the chosen path;
  • careful in making decisions and actions;
  • is wary of everything new;
  • has a developed intellect;
  • very smart and loves to give advice;
  • she is very decent, you can always trust her in everything;
  • very economical, strives for total order in everyday life;
  • knows how to have a meaningful conversation;
  • active and strong-willed;
  • prone to gossip and intrigue;
  • never succumbs to other people's influence and persuasion;
  • overly self-confident;
  • has his own original opinion on any issue;
  • stubborn and persistent;
  • takes any failures painfully;
  • touchy and vindictive;
  • very picky about others;
  • does not trust anyone and does not reveal his true emotions.

How does the icon of the holy martyr Miroslava help?

Through His saintly icons, the Lord sends us what we ask for, useful for our souls. The saints, just like us, who have walked the earthly path, know our needs. They experienced the same experiences, overcame similar earthly difficulties. When we ask a saint for intercession, we ask that he convey our prayer to God and that the saint’s prayers will be heard faster than our sincere appeal to them. The icon of the holy martyr Miroslava helps to establish a prayer connection with the patron saint. Having before us the visual image of the holy martyr Miroslava, our prayer is not dissipated into empty ideas and dreams. And according to the faith of the one who asks, the Lord, through His saints, gives us what we ask.

Before the icon of Saint Miroslava they pray:

— About strengthening faith — About help in organizing earthly affairs — About healing of bodily and spiritual infirmities — About relief in sorrows and sorrows

Truly wonderful is God in His saints! Dear believers, brothers and sisters! Do not doubt the help of Saint Miroslava! Open your heart to her in sincere prayer and she will hear us, heal spiritual and physical infirmities, and help in the successful arrangement of earthly affairs.

Do not forget that in order for a miracle to happen, we ourselves must take care: regularly, with attention, read the prayer, do deeds of faith and love. And don’t forget to give thanks: to thank all the people sent to us by the grace of God to solve our life’s troubles, who shared our joy and sorrow. To thank the Saints, whose prayerful support our hearts yearned for, because how many people pray to them for help, and they heard and helped us too. And most importantly, thank the Lord for His boundless love for mankind. He gave the world His saints and every second helps us, people who hope for His great mercies.

Everything in the world happens according to the wise providence of God. Difficulties and sorrows, success and joys. Through earthly trials the Lord strengthens us. By helping each other, praying to the heavenly saints, we are more firmly united in the One Church of Christ. And we believe that the holy martyr Miroslava will hear all our prayers and show us the boundless mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank God for everything!

Spelling out

The meaning of the name Miroslava for a girl is encrypted in each individual letter. The characteristics are given in the table.

  • powerful internal energy;
  • willpower and determination;
  • complete autonomy and independence;
  • increased curiosity;
  • desire to attract attention;
  • responsiveness and concern for other people's problems;
  • kindness and peacefulness.
  • softness and sensitivity;
  • rich fantasy;
  • developed intuition and insight;
  • increased attention to detail;
  • the desire for harmony with the outside world;
  • great sense of humor;
  • idealistic views on life.
  • courage self-confidence;
  • active life position;
  • ability to take responsibility;
  • optimistic outlook on life;
  • the habit of always finishing what you start;
  • propensity for risk and adventure.
  • stubbornness in achieving goals;
  • ability to handle money;
  • activity and cheerfulness;
  • kindness and responsiveness;
  • sincerity and passion.
  • prudence and developed logical thinking;
  • brightness and extravagance;
  • desire for power;
  • diligence and hard work;
  • obsession with material values;
  • moodiness and irritability;
  • excessive demands on others.
  • pronounced creative abilities;
  • ability to maintain an interesting conversation;
  • the ability to win people over;
  • ability to adapt to changing conditions;
  • out-of-the-box thinking.
A (repeat - characteristics double)
  • active life position;
  • desire for new knowledge and achievements;
  • desire for material well-being and physical comfort;
  • pronounced leadership abilities;
  • unshakable willpower.
  • increased communication skills;
  • artistic talent;
  • developed intuition up to the gift of foresight;
  • the ability to soberly assess the situation;
  • loyalty and devotion.

The influence of the season

The meaning of the name Miroslava may vary somewhat depending on what time of year the girl’s date of birth falls. Here's how the season affects character:

  1. Winter Miroslava is a very stubborn and persistent girl. She is distinguished by her titanic hard work, which allows her to achieve a lot in life.
  2. Summer Miroslava is an overly emotional and impetuous girl, prone to committing frivolous acts. She cannot sit in one place, she needs to constantly come up with new tasks for herself.
  3. Spring Miroslava is a soft and affectionate girl who is strongly attached to her loved ones. She prefers loneliness to communication. He is terribly afraid of any changes, even if they are positive.
  4. Autumn Miroslava is a stubborn and self-confident, but overly sensitive girl. She tends to take everything that happens to heart. Even things that don’t directly concern her.

How to choose a name at baptism

  1. According to all church canons, the child’s name is chosen according to the Saints on the 8th day from the date of birth of the child. The name of the saint's day of remembrance on this date is the name day;
  2. if a suitable name was not found at all during this period, then they look at the days of remembrance of saints on the fortieth day from the birth of the baby. This is allowed by the church, since previously a child was baptized on the 40th day;
  3. You can also name a child in honor of a saint who is especially revered in his family. This is a kind of family tradition, and it is quite strong and quite acceptable to this day.

It is also worth clarifying that there are significantly more male names in the church calendar. Therefore, at baptism, girls are often given the name of a male saint, because a derivative of his name can also be an excellent female version.

Baptismal name by date of birth

The child's date of birth is very important when choosing a church name. It is imperative to refer to it, because the Monthly Dictionary (church calendar) was compiled based on the written Orthodox canons.

The date when a person was born is not a random number, because God sent him to Earth on this very day, which means he endowed him with certain qualities to fulfill his mission. And on this same day, the Almighty gives him a patron who will tirelessly watch over him, protect him from everything sinful and help him in all everyday situations. And he will do this through his church name, for for him our earthly names have no power.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Miroslav to some extent determines the relationship of its owner with representatives of the opposite sex. She loves to feel male attention, but values ​​freedom and independence, and therefore is in no hurry to tie the knot. He approaches the choice of a life partner very responsibly and meticulously. A man must have a wide range of qualities - patience, self-confidence, wealth, respect.

Even after the wedding, Miroslava does not become less freedom-loving. She does not want to close herself at home and do household chores. However, this does not make her less valuable to her spouse. She is a very interesting and extraordinary person, a good conversationalist and a true friend. Therefore, the husband will appreciate her, despite the mismanagement, and will share household chores with her.

Origin and translation of the name

This original Russian name is quite common in Slavic areas. Derived from the name of the men Miroslav. The name contains two roots: “peace” and “glory”. There are several interpretations of it: “glorified by love of peace,” “glorifying peace,” “glorious by peace.” The last two meanings were assigned to the name after the daughter of Vladimir the Saint married Casimir I, the Polish king. Her name was also Miroslava. As a sign of respect for his new relative, he freed about eight hundred Russians from captivity. In Orthodox Bulgaria, Miroslava is equivalent to the name Irina.

The name Miroslav was popular during the time of the princes, as well as in the Soviet post-war years. Nowadays, in some families, girls are also called by this name.


The life of the girl, whom her parents named Miroslava, develops in a certain way. The meaning of the name determines compatibility with male forms. The most favorable combinations are:

  1. Miroslava + Alexander. This is a union based on spiritual unity. Partners treat each other with reverent care and are always ready to provide support. Their common interest is material wealth and comfort, which they work hard to achieve together.
  2. Miroslava + Alexey. Quite a difficult couple. People may feel mutual hostility at first. But if they have enough patience and wisdom to get to know each other, this union will be very strong. Partners really value the relationship they came to with great difficulty.
  3. Miroslava + Andrey. This is an almost ideal couple, connected by strong feelings and common interests. The partners are very attached to each other and almost never conflict. There is something more than love between them, something like an astral connection.
  4. Miroslava + Dmitry. Partners value each other very much and try to spend as much time as possible together. This is a couple of monogamous people who do not give up on each other, no matter what.
  5. Miroslava + Konstantin. From the outside it may seem that they are just good friends. In fact, partners are united by deep feelings that they do not like to put on public display.
  6. Miroslava + Roman. This is a very harmonious and strong couple. A woman is distinguished by tenderness and affection, and a man is distinguished by strength and reliability. Their attitude towards each other is very sincere and reverent.
  7. Miroslava + Sergey. This is a rather ambiguous union. Partners have diametrically opposed views on life. But this is precisely the basis of the relationship. Partners love to argue and prove something to each other. And frequent minor disagreements only fuel the relationship and make it more passionate.

Church names at baptism, list

There are a huge number of names that can be given at baptism. Basically, each of them corresponds to the date (period) of birth and the day of remembrance of the saint. Their list is quite large, so you should turn to the Saints, but be sure to take into account:

  • day (date, period) of birth;
  • definition of a saint (if there are several names);
  • when choosing a name for a girl, use the female version of a male name.

A second name at baptism is given only if this name is not in the calendar, for example, Polina - Apollinaria. The name day will then be the one that is closest to the calendar. As a rule, the clergyman tells the parents about this.

Women's baptismal names are found in much smaller numbers in the church calendar, so choosing a girl's baptismal name is quite difficult. After all, parents often want it to be both beautiful and meaningful. Then, when choosing, they need to think carefully about everything and discuss it, because the chosen name will become a symbol for the child and a sign for his patron, and in his face, for the Lord himself.

We offer the church meanings of some female names, which are found quite often today and raise certain questions among parents during the baptismal ceremony:

  • Alice is the baptismal name of Alexander and Elizabeth. Such analogues are provided for in the church calendar. Note that we again encounter derivative variations from masculine ones;
  • Miroslava – baptismal name Miropia or traditional Maria. Both names are quite consonant with the main one;
  • Svetlana - at baptism this name in Orthodoxy corresponds to the name Fotina or Fotinya. It is advisable to give a girl named Svetlana exactly these names. The church baptismal name Svetlana is one of the few that is of Slavic origin. It comes from the word “light” and is a variant of the male name Svetlana;
  • Yaroslav - when baptizing, you should choose a name that is consonant with it, since there is no such name in the calendar. Often the choice falls on a name that starts with the same letter. This name is Yazdundokta. If this name seems too difficult to parents, then you can choose another, less consonant one, be sure to consult with the priest first;
  • Alina - the baptismal name Elena and Angelina, quite consonant and often used in the world;
  • Milana is the baptismal name of Malanya and Maria. Both are quite simple, beautiful and Orthodox meaningful;
  • Arina is the baptismal name of Irina and Ariadne. Beautiful Orthodox names with a long history;
  • Diana is the baptismal name of Anna or Daria. Wonderful in consonance and combination;
  • the name Victoria - at baptism, the analogues of this name are Nika and Vera. The first has not just a similar, but the same meaning as the main one - “victory”. And the second speaks for itself.

What name is given at baptism? This is a very important question for parents who want to place their child under the protection of the Lord. A church name is grace, strength and character that influence the whole life and shape a person’s destiny. And this choice, like no other, depends on ourselves.

The Lord is always with you!

Also watch the video in which the archpriest talks about the names given at baptism:

Hobbies and career

The meaning of the name Miroslav determines the career prospects of its owner. She is very smart and persistent, and therefore can realize herself in almost any field of activity. Miroslava is very ambitious, and therefore chooses prestigious professions associated with significant material rewards. She can become a good economist, lawyer, doctor or diplomat. But it can also follow a creative path.

Miroslava is a real careerist. She dreams of rapid career advancement and does everything possible for this. If there are no prospects for development at her current place of work, she will without hesitation go in search of a more profitable option for herself.

Buy an icon of the holy martyr Miroslava

In the Radonezh icon painting workshop you can buy or order a handwritten icon of St. Miroslava. Call us and we will help you choose a plot, a compositional solution for the icon, its optimal size and design, or we will write an icon according to your sample. Free delivery within Moscow. If desired, the icon can be consecrated in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra. The image of the holy martyr Miroslava, made by the icon painters of the Radonezh workshop, like any handmade icon, carries within itself the living warmth of human hands and a loving heart. Each icon painted with love is unique and inimitable.

Peace and goodness to you, dear brothers and sisters, and may the holy saint of God, Miroslava, accompany you throughout your entire life’s journey.

Health status

Not only fate and character, but even the state of health can be influenced by the meaning of the name. The name Miroslava means that the girl’s body is quite strong. Neither in childhood nor in older age does she practically encounter colds. Provided she leads an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, she will not suffer from serious illnesses throughout her life.

There is only one weak point in Miroslava’s body - the nervous system. She is very susceptible to any external stimuli and passes through all the events that happen. This determines increased irritability and a tendency to depression. Thus, Miroslava should stay away from negativity and constantly look for sources of positive emotions.

The secret of the name Miroslav

Each name has special characteristics in its meaning. Miroslava is no exception. The main secret with which Mira goes through life is her cheerful and extremely optimistic mood. It is impossible to unsettle such a person, because even in hopeless situations she will look for positive aspects and ways to solve the problem. Seeing Slava in despondency is a rarity; she knows how to withstand all the hardships from fate. She deflects every blow with resilience that is enviable.

Another secret skill is mental acuity and a large vocabulary. People like Slava are called “mindful of words.” In any situation, the girl will be able to fight back. At the same time, she understands when it is better to restrain herself and not show her insolence. Mira is not a good diplomat, but still, when it comes to choosing a negotiator with a sharp tongue, she is the best candidate.

And, of course, the active nature of this woman requires constant development. Slava grows above himself and takes on new endeavors with enthusiasm. It may seem that the girl is simply looking for herself, but in reality she finds her place in life precisely in this endless cycle of development. Even in old age, Miroslava is not afraid of experiences that are unusual for her. It is these old ladies who actively travel and learn new skills.

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