There are a number of rules in our life. One of these rules is the ban on
3854 0 Since ancient times, trade has been not only a source of income for many people,
Although today magicians and wizards can be found more likely on the pages of books or on the screen,
A dream in which fire was present can have many meanings. The most correct interpretations of fire in
Period: September 24 – October 23. Years: 1919; 1931; 1943; 1955; 1967; 1979; 1991;
Description and meaning Ruby is a precious stone second only to diamond in hardness and significance.
Amethyst is not just a beautiful stone, it is believed to have magical properties and the ability to
Cute lambs will delight not only children, but also their parents with their friendliness. Fluffy white
Wedding amulets Since ancient times, many signs have been associated with marriage. It is believed that newlyweds
Compatibility of Monkey Strengths and weaknesses, reflected in the character of each, are laid down at birth and