Pig Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family

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  5. Pig Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family

Women born under the auspices of the Chinese sign Pig are inherently unique individuals. They are charming, sweet and kind, always helping everyone around them, trying to live correctly and in accordance with high moral principles, gentle and charming. The character of the Pig woman is such that she attracts the male sex. That is why these ladies usually have a very busy personal life, especially in their youth.

The Pig woman is talented, has many interests, is interested in everything, is sociable and easily makes new friends. It will not be difficult for her to find new friends in her new social circle and make friends. These ladies are never alone.

Aries Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Aries, is naturally very attractive, has strong intuition and incredible magical charm. She is friendly, open, sincere, kind, sociable and smiling.

It is always pleasant and interesting to be around such a woman, which is why she becomes a welcome guest in any company. She is compassionate, sensitive, selfless and incredibly kind. She is always sure that every person has a good side until others show her otherwise.

At work, the Pig-Aries woman is hardworking and efficient, optimistic, always confident in her own strengths and knowledge. Even when he finds himself in an incredibly difficult situation, he tries to cope with problems with a smile on his lips, without unnecessary accusations or insults. This is precisely where its main strength and advantage lies.

She is able to cope with all difficulties with ease and will never focus only on problems. She can quickly build a dizzying career, but her too impulsive and explosive character can prevent her from doing so.

Finance and attitude towards money

Unfortunately, there is not much to say on the topic of finance. We can only note the fact that Pig women are prudent in this regard and always plan all expenses. That is why husbands usually trust them with the family budget.

They never spend money in such a way that they end up starving until their next paycheck. They plan the family budget, calculate, calculate everything down to the smallest detail. In their house, even with a small salary, there will be enough food, and money will also be put aside for a rainy day. However, this is not surprising. It’s not for nothing that “Pigs” are initially used as “piggy banks”.

Taurus Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Taurus woman, born in the year of the Pig, has feminine and refined manners, and is very attractive and charming. She is sociable, balanced, receptive and overly sentimental. It’s easy and pleasant to communicate with her, she quickly gets along with people, is always positive and tries to see only the positive sides in others.

She has a variety of talents and simply immense energy. There are many contradictions in her life, but thanks to her wisdom she easily finds a way out of difficult situations.

By character, she is an independent, bright and strong woman. He shows compassion and mercy towards people, strives to improve not only his own life, but also to help others.

In her professional activities, she is responsible and efficient, always diligently and painstakingly fulfilling her duties. He does not strive for any exorbitant goals, but in most cases he builds a fairly successful career. Achieves great heights through specific and decisive actions.

Gemini Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Gemini, is a rather peculiar, but interesting person. She is sociable and flirtatious, happily giving her time to others. Such a woman is very inquisitive and friendly, sensual and emotional, which is what attracts people.

She is an excellent conversationalist; she is always ready to put herself in other people’s shoes and will definitely try to help them. This is a bright, interesting and multifaceted personality. The main disadvantage of the Gemini Pig woman is her too frequent mood swings. She can laugh and then burst into tears a second later. This kind of behavior can really turn people off.

A woman born with this combination is very often realized in different areas of life. She likes frequent changes of scenery, so she enjoys traveling a lot and will never get too attached to people or work. Unshakable willpower and overwhelming energy, natural stubbornness and excellent oratorical abilities allow her to achieve great success in life.

Pig Cancer Woman: Characteristics

The Cancer woman, born in the year of the Pig, has stunning, one might even say stunning, beauty. She has incredible charisma, natural charm and sexuality. She is very cheerful and sociable, radiating sincere love for everything that surrounds her.

With her love of life and optimism, she is able to infect others, she is ready to give the world all of herself, without reserve. A woman born with this combination is vulnerable and sociable, she needs constant praise. She takes even minor criticism painfully, and cannot stay for long with people who constantly express their own dissatisfaction with her.

The Pig-Cancer woman has valuable qualities and successfully combines caring for her family and building a successful career. Thanks to her overwhelming energy, she is able to run a large company and at the same time be a wonderful wife and mother.

Pig Leo Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Leo, is cheerful, responsible, active and hardworking. She is smart, sophisticated, generous, selfless, and knows how to show compassion, even in relation to a little-known person. She has a strong sense of justice and the pursuit of truth.

The Pig-Leo woman has a habit of interfering in other people's problems, trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong. This is a talented peacemaker, thanks to her innate tact, she is able to resolve any conflicts and disputes.

She quickly climbs the career ladder, achieving great professional heights. Colleagues and superiors value her for her flexibility, excellent public speaking skills and wisdom.

She is eloquent and sociable, easily makes new acquaintances, energetic and easily copes with bouts of laziness. It is thanks to these qualities that she achieves complete independence and becomes a fairly wealthy person. She likes to tackle large projects, because she is confident that she can achieve great results.

Virgo Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Virgo woman, born in the year of the Pig, is incredibly charming and attractive, kind and sociable. With his openness and sincerity, from the first minute of meeting people, he wins people over. Therefore, it is not surprising that she has many friends and acquaintances.

She is a wonderful housewife, her home is always comfortable and cozy, she gladly receives guests. He becomes a loyal and reliable friend who is ready to surround everyone with attention and care, and easily finds an approach to any person.

The Pig-Virgo woman is able to devote time only to caring for others, as a result she can completely forget about herself and her own future. That is why it is so important for her to learn how to properly prioritize and deal only with the most important issues.

A woman born with this combination is incredibly tenacious and persistent by nature, she is purposeful and focused. She very rarely fails, but at the same time, in order to find her own path, she needs to spend a lot of time, energy and effort.

Libra Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Libra, is romantic and beautiful, and is able to retain these traits at any age. She is incredibly charming and attractive, so it is almost impossible to forget her. Such a woman is sociable, cheerful, and has refined and refined taste.

A woman born with this combination devotes quite a lot of time not only to her appearance, but also to the interior of her home. She can spend days on end in stores, trying to find one single trinket that will fit perfectly into the interior or will be a wonderful addition to her image.

The Pig-Libra woman is a born esthete, which is manifested in both clothing and food, including in the creation of the space around her. It is thanks to the delicate taste gifted by nature that she always chooses the most stylish, sophisticated and fashionable outfits. She likes to shine in society; it is incredibly important for her to feel well-groomed and beautiful.

Scorpio Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Libra woman, born in the year of the Pig, is very beautiful and sophisticated. He has a subtle and refined taste, which manifests itself not only in clothes. She is able to surround herself with an aura of mystery and knows how to take care of herself. Such a woman is cheerful, energetic and sociable, she likes to spend time in noisy companies.

Such a woman is very ambitious and purposeful, she values ​​material values ​​and luxury, which she will always strive for. He has a rather capricious character and does not know how to control his own emotions.

The Pig-Scorpio woman hates losing, so in order to win, she is ready to do a lot, even to commit a not-so-honest act. It can also resort to deception and betrayal. Sometimes she is too conservative, but this is rather just an exception to the rule. In most cases, she is ready to go against the system.

General Compatibility

When representatives of these signs come together, they have a very strong union based on mutual respect and love.

At the same time, the rabbit will sometimes have to maintain restraint and peacefulness, since the Pig can still at times become tougher and more demanding.

Astrologers also recommend that the Pig be more attentive and patient. The Rabbit may be too diplomatic, but he becomes so with the best intentions.

A big advantage is the desire of both representatives of the sign to compromise. They are really able to calmly discuss controversial issues, talk and look for better solutions.

Sometimes difficulties arise due to the Rabbit’s excessive delicacy, when the Pig is no longer able to understand his hints. But all difficulties can be resolved with mutual respect between partners.

Sagittarius Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Sagittarius, will always stand out for her brightness and originality. She is very friendly and sociable, loves to be in society and receive guests in her home. She likes not only to be the center of attention, but also to attract admiring glances to her person.

She likes to travel, discover new and previously unexplored countries, and easily makes acquaintances in various parts of the world. She strives to constantly develop, so she can become a professional in different areas of life.

The Pig-Sagittarius woman is quite open, trusting and sincere. She has a big and kind soul, a soft heart, so she is able to sacrifice her own interests for the sake of others. It is because of this quality that selfish people often appear in her life and try to use her for their own purposes.


The horoscope for Pig for 2021 in terms of health warns of the risk of various diseases. It may seem that the owner of the year is simply testing the strength of the representatives of this sign, looking for weaknesses in their body. During this period, you should be wary of the occurrence or exacerbation of all cardiovascular diseases. At the first signs of illness, it is better to consult a specialist, undergo an examination, but do not let everything take its course.

In summer, the risk of injury and fractures increases significantly. If possible, you should give up extreme entertainment, preferring something calmer and more balanced to active entertainment. Astrologers advise doing yoga all year round; this will help tone not only your muscles, but also find peace of mind.

Representatives of this sign need to pay due attention to their diet during 2021, eliminating harmful foods from their diet. Gradually, your metabolism will improve, as will your physical fitness, which is very important for many.

Capricorn Pig Woman: Characteristics

A Capricorn woman born in the year of the Pig is kind, sensitive, frank, soft, sympathetic and honest. The serious and stubborn Capricorn is not always pleasant to talk to, but the Pig is very good-natured and sincere, which makes some adjustments to the character of a woman born with this combination.

The Pig-Capricorn woman has a sincere, open and quite flexible character. To maintain relationships, she is able to cope with all outbursts of anger, hostility and irritation, which she does quite successfully.

Her main drawback is that she trusts her own intuition too much. Finding herself in a critical situation, she can completely rely on intuition and completely forget about the prompts of the mind. But at such moments she has poor control over her emotions, which leads to new problems.

Let's sum it up

As a result, the Pig woman is always positive. good-natured person. These ladies are popular in society, they are fun to be with, they are humorous and kind, you can count on them, and in general, they make excellent mothers and wives. Yes, the character of the Pig woman is also not without flaws, but in this case there are much more advantages.

And representatives of this Chinese sign are gifted with excellent imagination, fantasy, and creativity, which is expressed and plays a positive role in everything, including work, relationships, and much more.

Pig Women

  • Ox Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Dragon Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Snake Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Goat (Sheep) Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Rabbit (Cat) Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Rat Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Horse Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Monkey Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Rooster Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Dog Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family
  • Tiger Woman: Character Traits, Career, Love and Family

Aquarius Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pig woman, born under the sign of Aquarius, is charming, attractive, and has a cheerful and passionate character. She is very artistic and open, easily makes new contacts, knows how to present herself correctly and show only her best side. People are always drawn to her, because they cannot resist her creative and stupid energy, incredible charm and charm.

The Pig-Aquarius woman has a rather contradictory character. Always strives for new discoveries and bright impressions, loves unexpected adventures. But at the same time, she tries to constantly plan her own life, prefers to act quickly and logically in any situation.

Such a woman combines spirituality with materialism, stability with a thirst for new and vivid impressions. The Pig-Aquarius woman is very sensitive, has strong intuition by nature, and at the same time tries not to shock others with her too impulsive actions. But even with complete external calm, it can greatly surprise, and sometimes shock.


Throughout 2021, financial issues will not cause unnecessary worries among representatives of this sign. Astrologers do not warn about possible financial difficulties and debts. Of course, such stability will be in the lives of those who are accustomed to rationally managing available funds.

Pigs who take an active position in 2021 and do not sit idle will definitely receive a reward from the patron of the year. Income will begin to grow slowly but surely, and some will receive unexpected profits in the form of a return of old debt or a bonus from management.

Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign turn their hobby into a new profitable enterprise. You can make a lot of money from anything, the main thing is to start moving in this direction, study the market and the desires of potential consumers. With such a business approach, the Pig will definitely be rewarded, and there will be no need to worry about finances.

Pisces Pig Woman: Characteristics

The Pisces woman, born in the year of the Pig, is attractive, charming, inquisitive, kind and diplomatic. She has a kind and easy-going character, so it is not surprising that she makes friends easily.

She quickly fits into any team, knows how to enjoy what she has, but never stops striving for the best. She has an easygoing and relatively calm disposition, thanks to which she builds a strong and happy family and easily moves through life.

The Pig-Pisces woman is very naive and trusting, there is absolutely no deceit or cunning in her. I'm used to always trusting what I hear. Such a woman attracts strong and self-sufficient men who want to take care of her, but this quality of hers can also be used by those around her for their own selfish purposes. Gradually, she will learn to distinguish sincere people from treacherous ones, and will stop trusting everyone.

Chinese horoscope Pig

Years of the Boar: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007.

According to the Chinese horoscope, pigs are peace-loving, honest, decent people. They are not afraid of difficult problems and take on a lot. If they do something, they put all their energy into it. Pigs have will and ambition. They fulfill their duty one hundred percent - both to the team and to the family. This is a strong sign.

Pig according to the Chinese horoscope: Astropsychological characteristics

The Pig strives towards its goal in a noble way. As a rule, he is simple-minded and recognizes only straight paths in life. If the Pig makes a decision, then nothing will stop him. But first he weighs the pros and cons for a long time.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig is a materialist. He has real views on life, he distinguishes reality from fiction and therefore sees the future correctly. He understands perfectly well that prosperity can only be achieved through tireless work. He always knows what he wants, and since he only wants what is possible, he gets it in full.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig is born with many talents. Thanks to his analytical mind, he quickly grasps the essence of any issue, and he always learns easily. Pig has a subtle, kind soul. He is helpful and scrupulous to the extreme. You can safely do business with him, because he will not deceive his partners.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig is a good friend and an excellent conversationalist, a welcome guest in any society. He is an intellectual, reads a lot, but without a system. Therefore, there are many gaps in his knowledge. They are not as complete as they seem at first glance. But overall, he gives the impression of an erudite person.

The boar is a sincere person. With his sincerity, he disarms his opponents. If he lies, it is only for self-defense, and only as a last resort. He is trusting and does not know how to be cunning. He usually believes what he hears, so his gullibility is often abused by people who are not too scrupulous.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig does not tolerate hostility, swearing and disputes. He always tries to smooth out rough edges in relationships. He doesn't like to talk a lot, and when he does, it's to the point.

He is not fussy about food and does not require any special food delights. In everyday life he is simple and does not strive for special comfort.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig has few real friends; he is faithful to them all his life and is ready to make any sacrifice for their sake. He prefers to give in and even pretends to change his views. This is due to the fact that Pig has a “big”, kind, generous heart. His friends value his friendship and cherish him.

Yes, this is understandable: who wants to lose an energy donor. Pig is an optimist in life. And no matter what happens to him or his friends, he always says: “We will break through!” or “Everything will work out!” A good life slogan, isn't it?

In most cases, Pigs are healthy physically and spiritually. Therefore, if the Pig has an enemy, then he should know that the Pig cannot be intimidated by threats - they will only double his energy and determination.

If necessary, the Boar will dig a hole under any enemy, into which he will safely fall. Outwardly, the Pig is peaceful and calm, but if you hurt him painfully, he will go straight ahead. He will either destroy his enemy or die. At the moment of rage, his energy cannot be corrected.

In general, the Hogs are so cute, they wiggle their tails so much fun. And how cute they “grunt” - you can just listen to it! They know how to charm you with words so skillfully that you will feel in seventh heaven.

Children - Pig, according to the Chinese horoscope, need to be given a large amount of information from early childhood and increase their erudition. High erudition, good education, innate intuition and a realistic view of the world are the key to their success in life.

So, why is Boar loved by everyone? Because he is helpful, polite, friendly, touching, calm and has fantastic charm.

Pig according to the Chinese horoscope: business qualities

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig can do the same thing for a long period of time and achieve high professionalism. It will not be difficult for him to make a good career. He is a conscientious and hardworking worker.

Thanks to his extraordinary intelligence, observation skills, unique intuition, ability to quickly process information and phenomenal memory, Pig could become a financier, detective or high-class businessman.

In addition, he has good taste, so he can succeed in those areas of activity that require fantasy and imagination. He can successfully engage in literary creativity, applied arts, and trade.

In his spare time, he likes to solve crosswords and does it with pleasure. If he wants, he can do crossword puzzles professionally. But in general, no matter what he does, he will definitely achieve success.

According to the Chinese horoscope, Pig will always have both work and money. And for this he will not spend much effort. He will always provide himself with a living wage. Thanks to his peaceful, balanced character, the Pig is liked by others, and they willingly help him achieve material well-being.

Pig according to the Chinese horoscope in relationships

According to the Chinese zodiac, most Pig people tend to have a family and children. For the sake of preserving the family, they are ready to adapt, make compromises, and spare no effort or energy for their loved ones. They are even capable of self-sacrifice.

But sometimes they look at their marriage partner as property. Pigs, as a rule, rarely leave their family, even if there is no love and understanding in it. They have a large reserve of good nature and patience; it is difficult to anger them.

None of those around him have any idea about Pig’s experiences related to problems in his personal life. He carefully hides his problems from prying eyes and never resorts to outside help to resolve family disagreements. He himself looks for a way out of their difficulties and, fortunately, finds it.

As for matters of love, most Pig according to the Chinese horoscope need a passionate, temperamental partner. According to the Chinese horoscope, any Pig loves sex, knows a lot about it and happily embarks on love adventures. As a rule, he has something to hide, but he does not tell anyone about his adventures. With his omnivorousness and promiscuity, he arouses the jealousy of his wife, which creates problems for him in his marriage.

But in general, Pig dreams of a sweet and gentle partner who will understand him perfectly and take care of him. Pig is one of the most convenient partners in marriage. He accepts the shortcomings of others tolerantly.

Weaknesses of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

Many Pig have a rigid value system. They divide the world into white and black, into truth and lies. This is why they often suffer. They are helpless against hypocrisy, cunning and deceit.

They are gullible, so they are deceived in business and betrayed in love. They lose to someone who is not scrupulous. If the Pig feels that he is being betrayed in love, then in revenge he himself can take this path.

According to the Chinese horoscope, many Pig love to wallow in the “mud”. They can easily become addicted to alcohol, smoking, and drugs. They don’t care whether the house is clean or completely in disarray. Even if the house has not been cleaned for a month, things are scattered in the corners, everything is covered with dust - Pigs do not pay attention to this, it is not important to them.

They simply don’t see the dirt around them. Some Pigs, in pursuit of sexual joys, spend an empty, meaningless life. They never find their place in life.

Compatibility of Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

BOAR - RAT. Family relationships are undesirable. Cold marriage. The Boar loves company, and the Rat loves his mink. This is their disagreement.

BOAR - BULL. Two leaders, two strong personalities. They can be useful to each other, but there is no complete understanding. Energy incompatibility.

BOAR - TIGER. The two optimists like each other, but their family life is strained. Lots of emotions. The Tiger suffers with the Boar, and the Boar “grows” thanks to the Tiger.

BOAR - HARE. A harmonious union in all respects. Energy compatibility.

BOAR - DRAGON. They like each other. Stormy emotional relationships. Strong psychological and energetic dependence on each other. The Boar will sit on the Dragon's neck and use it.

BOAR - SNAKE. Conflict relationships, no understanding. Energy incompatibility. The Snake will be able to psychologically manipulate the Pig. It is better for him to avoid contact with her.

BOAR - HORSE. Two optimists, two strong personalities. They like each other. Friendship and business are excellent, but there is a constant struggle for leadership in the family.

BOAR - GOAT. Harmonious union. Energy compatibility. The Pig is the patron of the Goat.

BOAR - MONKEY. Cold marriage. Conflict relationships. The Monkey uses the Pig for his own purposes. This is a bad option for Pig.

BOAR - ROOSTER. Energy incompatibility. The Pig will take power into his own hands and use the Rooster.

BOAR IS DOG. Family relationships are not the best. The dog bites the Boar and tries to use him. Incompatibility between the optimist-Pig and the pessimist-Dog. Business is not desirable.

BOAR - BOAR. Harmonious union. Energy compatibility. Together they will achieve success. Compatibility by zodiac sign (month of birth) will play a decisive role in their relationship.

Relationships for Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

Ideal relationships - Boar, Hare, Goat. Comfortable relationships - Tiger, Dragon. Dangerous Relationships - Snake, Monkey

Man - Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig man has a chivalrous character and a kind, open soul. He captivates those around him with his innate tact, gentleness, erudition, and ability to get along with people.

He is successful in financial matters, a good friend and business partner. The Pig loves company, values ​​family ties, is quite easy to get along with, and working with him is a pleasure.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig man is attentive to those he likes. He takes matters of love seriously. Having married, he considers it a matter of honor to ensure prosperity for the family. If his family affairs are not going entirely smoothly, he tries to avoid sharp corners and avoid long quarrels. In women he is attracted, first of all, by kindness and sexuality.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the attraction of many Pig to female society is almost irresistible. This is perhaps the only sign from the entire Zodiac that has so many love affairs. The Pig man always has something to hide.

You will be serenely happy with your Pig husband if you do not have a sense of ownership. In this case, you will turn a blind eye to the fact that everyone likes your husband. In most cases, charming and smiling Pig men begin to be actively interested in the opposite sex after a year or two of family life.

For family happiness, he needs to choose not a “fatal” woman as his wife, but a loving, gentle, patient, hard-working woman who loves home and will be happy to raise children. As a rule, the life of a Pig man is successful.

Woman - Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig woman values ​​her home. For her, this is a quiet haven where she can create harmony, warmth and comfort. She loves and knows how to give gifts and organize fun holidays.

She is a good housewife, a good wife and a good mother. She copes with household duties perfectly. The children idolize her. If she loves her husband, she will not argue with him. She is ready to make any concessions to avoid a quarrel. She is sociable, cheerful, and does not like loneliness. A home and a large family are vital to her.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig woman has a complex character. She can always tell a person everything she thinks about him. She doesn't know how to cheat. People around her are drawn to her because she is an energy donor and has worldly wisdom and intuition. In any situation, she can give practical advice.

Women - Pigs are sexually attractive and desired by many men. They are called alluring, magical, enchanting, beautiful, and are willingly taken as wives.

It is better for her to choose a smart, reliable man who loves home and children as her life partner.

Astromagical capabilities of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig certainly belongs to the category of strong personalities. He has great internal strength and is a powerful energy donor. It is no coincidence that healers often advise sick people to care for domestic pigs (feed, water, scratch their skin). An adult pig charges a weakened person with life-giving energy and thus heals him.

In the human world, almost everything is the same as in the animal world. A person born in the year of the Pig according to the Chinese horoscope is a kind of guarantor of health for family and friends. And this often becomes the cause of the Pig’s own problems.

His sincere kindness is so great that he simply takes upon himself most of the ailments and problems of loved ones. The same can be said about various kinds of magical influences. In other words, the Pig almost happily takes upon himself all the possible negativity of his environment.

He helps those close to him, but in the process he destroys himself. Moreover, relatives often not only do not value him as their Guardian Angel, but sometimes even try to deceive him and reduce his importance (lower his self-esteem). By humiliating the strong, the weak elevate themselves in their own eyes. But this is self-deception. And smart people see and feel all this.

It’s not for nothing that people say: “don’t do good, you won’t receive evil!”, or “great things are seen from a distance,” or “there is no prophet in his own country.” This seems to be said about the life of the Boar. He has so much energy of kindness and love that he could become an excellent healer (although he would not live long with such work).

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig needs to understand that the world strives for harmony, and one cannot simply interfere in the process of educating people. If a person is sick, if a magical attack is made on him, it means that somewhere in his life he made a mistake.

The disease signals to an unreasonable person: “Stop, think about what you are doing.” And suddenly a kind of good-natured big Pig appears, takes on “someone else’s burden”, and those who were intended to be punished rejoice and continue to do all sorts of dirty tricks, only on a much larger scale.

As you can see, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig, with its kindness, corrupts people and contributes to the growth of their selfishness and anger. And all this is done with the best intentions. And, as you know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

You can't be infinitely kind! Such all-forgiving love is a kind of pride. In Pig it appears from an excess of vital energy and a lack of understanding of the world. If someone spends his whole life supposedly fighting against evil, without delving into where this evil came from, it means that he is not happy with the structure of the world around him.

In other words, such a person says to God: “Father! But you are wrong! Let me correct your mistake!” And because of such an incorrect attitude towards the world, Pig’s life cannot be called sweet and easy.

What about magic? Is the Pig really not at all interested in it, and never uses it to achieve his goals?

Imagine, yes! The Pig believes that magic only causes harm. As a strong personality, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig believes only in strength, skillful hands and a strong mind. Although there are moments in his life when he still has to come into contact with magic. As a rule, Pig is pushed to take this step only by a hopeless situation.

Either the husband must be returned at any cost (even with the help of a lapel), or a love spell has been cast on the Pig himself and it must be removed, or an insidious, resourceful enemy has appeared on the horizon, or the Pig will be “conned” out of a large sum of money, or anything else. And then the wounded, but still alive Pig will furiously rush at his offender.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig is terrible when angry. If he is sure that the magic of sacrifice will help him, then he will not hesitate to turn to it. The same applies to other types of magic. Pig has so much energy that in the heat of the moment he can use not one, but several types of magic at once.

For example, to inflict a curse not only on one specific person - your enemy - but also on his entire family up to the seventh generation. A boar can easily cause fatal damage to the house, car, belongings, and food of its enemy. For the enraged and needlessly offended Pig, these are seeds. He is ready to do anything to restore justice.

When the Pig, according to the Chinese horoscope, is in a state of rage, his energy becomes so dense (heavier) that it is impossible for even the person he loves to be near him.

The Pig's revenge does not depend on who his enemy is or how far away he is. Even if the Pig does not know his enemy by sight, he will still think hard about how to take revenge on him. And the destructive energy of revenge will certainly reach its goal.

From the above we can conclude:

According to the Chinese horoscope, an enraged Pig either grinds his opponent into “powder” or dies himself. The Pig does not accept compromises. He is straightforward in everything and flies to the target without turning off. So, for the sake of self-preservation, it is better not to tease the peacefully grazing Pig!

Here it is necessary to add that Pigs are easy-going people, and their offender always has a chance to make amends. The main thing is that it is not too late. According to the Chinese horoscope, many Pigs have a prophetic gift. In their youth, they sometimes tell fortunes with cards, play solitaire, but then, with age, this hobby goes away.

They are attracted to magical rituals to attract money. And they succeed. They also master the magic of trading to perfection.

The Pig will never do love spells unnecessarily. He prefers to achieve love in an honest, direct way.

As you can see, although the Pig, according to the Chinese horoscope, has natural energy power and undoubted magical abilities, in real life he rarely uses this. If he used his magical abilities even halfway, he would become one of the best professionals in the field of magic.

How to influence Pig using psychology and magic

There is nothing easier than influencing the Pig. To do this, you just need to pretend to be poor, sick or unfairly offended. Cry at the Pig's withers - and he will definitely take pity on you and help you with everything in his power.

According to this principle, some particularly cunning people ask the Pig to borrow a large sum of money and do not repay for a long time. The boar will suffer to the last, and only in a critical case will he ask to repay the debt. He won’t even ask about percentages—he’ll be embarrassed.

The world, as they say, is not without cunning people. So they control the kind, trusting Pig. And at the same time, they most often use the weaknesses of his personality, namely: a sense of guilt and a sense of duty. According to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig tries to help everyone without prompting, and if you ask him for additional help, imposing a feeling of guilt on him, then he may not be able to withstand the exorbitant loads.

Many times we have seen the same story, but with different characters. And in each case, the generous Pig was mercilessly exploited. For example, some healers in their courses specially trained Pig to cut off energy vampire ropes from sick people.

And then they asked to do this with their patients. The boar is happy to try: after all, he was singled out from the crowd (from a group of students), they praised him for having a lot of energy! So he cuts the vampire ropes from the patients of his teacher-healer, and with them he takes on other people’s evil eyes, damage, love spells, slander, and so on.

Thus, in one evening the Pig manages to help 10-20 people in need of help. After such work he himself feels very bad. Some Boars talk about their feelings like this: “It’s as if there is garbage tightly packed inside you, from which there is a stench. And the situation around us is no better.”

And for such life-threatening work, Pig was paid a pittance. The healers, of course, took most of the money from their sick patients. And Boar was simply praised. And they also say: “Praise is not worth money.” Costs. And what kind!

There have been cases when, after such sessions, Pigs according to the Chinese horoscope came to us for help, because those grief-healers were no longer able to help them. What else does this story say? About the fact that it is almost useless to influence the Pig with the help of magic.

Just as a modern moth eats “poison” (and disdains clean wool), so the Pig is able to “recycle” a decent amount of negative energy.

Of course, like any other sign, according to the Chinese horoscope, the Pig has vulnerabilities. For example, love spells are often cast on him (on meat or delicacies), but a loading dose is required - he will eat the trifle and not choke.

Since all Boars are not averse to drinking, and they drink alcohol in large quantities, love spells or other magical attacks are made on alcohol (using a sacrifice, for example, their blood). This will be the shock dose for Pig.

By the way, love spells are most often cast on men born in the year of the Pig, Horse and Goat. We can say that these are the most competitive, desirable men on the love market. Women fight for them with special zeal.

But here we must take into account: driving the Pig into the snare of a love spell according to the Chinese horoscope is not an easy task. He perfectly feels the energy pressure and begins to look for a way out. We can say that the Pig always actively resists any magical influences. And when he lacks his own strength, as a rule, there are people ready to help him.

If you assume that the Boar has become your enemy, then do not try to destroy it immediately. You are unlikely to succeed. First try to influence him psychologically. When he exhausts all his energy resources, helping the weak, only then can magic be used.

But even in this case, the most powerful methods of influence are usually chosen. Otherwise, you will only enrage the Pig. According to the Chinese horoscope, when the Pig is furious, it is several times more difficult to influence him. He becomes insensitive to pain.

In everyday life, according to the Chinese horoscope, high magic can be applied to the Pig, but only in combination with psychological tricks. He will swallow the combined bait. But here too, keep in mind: if the magical influence pushes the Pig into actions that are unacceptable to him, then the magic will not work for you.

Everyone should understand that the Pig, although he is kind and trusting like a child, is still a strong and integral person. And all dishonest games with him are dangerous!

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