How to plant a money tree to attract money

Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have paid attention to a bizarre, but completely unpretentious tree, strewn with small leaves shaped like coins. Since then, the money tree has become overgrown with beliefs to attract money. A legend has spread in Rus' that the Crassula or Crassula (scientific name) is an escape from the solar tree.

Africa is considered to be the cradle of the plant, but for a long time it has been growing in South Arabia, Madagascar and other arid areas. Only the peoples of the Middle East began to call the crassula money tree - its leaves look like dinars.

According to legend, its rare flowering is a magical gift for material prosperity for eastern merchants. For indoor breeding, a species called “crassula ovoid” is used.

There are many mysterious legends and conspiracies among people to attract money and good luck with the help of a tree, which allegedly brings fabulous financial income to the family. The power of mysterious rituals is strong among the people.

Signs and superstitions

A belief has taken root among people that a self-grown tree from a seed or sprout brings the owner as close as possible to the energy of the plant. Any flowers require attention, but Crassula loves sensitivity and constant care doubly.

  1. Increased participation is usually shown on Wednesday. On this day, it is recommended to talk with the fat woman about financial difficulties, share plans for the next period, and do not forget about words of gratitude for future or current well-being.
  2. Dust. Its accumulation eats up the material activity of the tree. The ritual consists of periodically cleaning each leaf.
  3. The location of the flower plays an important role in the fulfillment of material desires. Those who don’t know how to attract money 100% are advised to install it correctly. The ideal place is considered to be the south-eastern side, where the fat plant better exhibits its magical properties.
  4. Tying real banknotes to the trunk or placing paper bills between the leaves increases the plant's potential to bring money and good luck into the home. Banknotes are changed periodically.
  5. The installation of heating devices, televisions, and radio equipment consumes the energy power of the plant. It is not recommended to even keep a mobile phone near the fat woman.
  6. It is known that the color red is a symbol of prosperity and wealth, so a pot of a different color is wrapped with a bright ribbon.
  7. It is advised to put a coin on the ground from any earnings. Metal is a powerful energy source.
  8. When caring for a flower, it is recommended to count the leaves like money. This helps to magnetize them faster.
  9. Before placing the plant in the ground so that money is deposited, several coins are thrown into the bottom of the vessel to enhance the energy of the flower. Some believe that there should be 3 of them, while Feng Shui followers believe that in order to achieve maximum balance, there should be 8 coins.
  10. During the flowering of the money talisman, be sure to make any material wish. The magical properties of the tree at such moments are unusually strong. There is a legend that financial profit will appear unexpectedly in the family.

Most people believe that the tree tree promotes warm relationships in the family and creates a friendly mood if you decorate the tree with red ribbons, banknotes, and coins.

Crassula is a great gift for any occasion. A living tree is decorated with a crimson ribbon, and banknotes rolled into a tube are secured with a scarlet stripe among the leaves.

At the moment of giving, wishes for wealth and prosperity must be sincere. A skillfully modeled DIY money tree is a gift with special meaning.

Caring for a money tree after transplantation at home

Each plant requires time to adapt to new growth conditions. In most cases, the fat plant takes root well in the new container. However, you should have information on how to properly transplant a flower so that it gives active growth and proper development.

Fresh soil mixture has a certain supply of nutritional components, so the crop does not need fertilizing for the first two months. Then mineral complexes are applied once a month. Fertilizing is needed most during the period of active crop growth. For fertilizer, you can use any mineral complex for cacti and succulents.

Immediately after replanting, the flower is not watered for 10 days. The pot should also be kept away from direct sunlight. Fleshy greens must be regularly sprayed and freed from dust. Crassula prefers moderate temperatures, so in summer it is better to move the culture to the balcony, and in winter to a cool room away from heating devices.

Crassula is a light-loving plant, so it needs a sufficient amount of diffused light. The best option would be to place the flowerpot on the windows on the southeast side. With this arrangement, the flower will receive enough light, and in the midday heat the sun goes behind the walls of the house and is not able to harm the delicate greenery of the crop.

Know! From a lack of light, the fat woman can often get sick and lag behind in development. Therefore, when placing windows on the north side, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting.

An important criterion is air humidity. Crassula is a succulent and tolerates dry air well. But constant changes in humidity levels have a detrimental effect on the plant. It simply does not have time to adapt to changing conditions.

In winter, when the air is dried out by heating devices, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the greenery of the bush with a spray bottle. Irrigation can be replaced by daily wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. In addition, this is an excellent option to rid the plant of unwanted dust and other possible contaminants.

How to make a “comfortable” souvenir

Items needed:

  • paper banknotes (fake);
  • pot;
  • coins;
  • leg-split;
  • glue and a gun for it;
  • scotch;
  • alabaster;
  • scissors

Having secured a knot on the stick, wrap it tightly with twine from top to bottom. Alabaster or plaster is used to secure it almost to the top in the container. The crown is formed from paper money. To do this, fold them in half, moving one edge slightly.

Lubricate the offset side with glue, and the strips do not fall apart. Bags are made from the formed banknotes. They are left for several hours so that the glue dries well. To ensure structural reliability, the envelopes are secured with tape and glue at the same time.

The bags are placed with the base towards the middle - you get a flower. Each side panel is secured together with tape or lubricated with glue. They make two layouts and, most importantly, the picture on each of them turns out the same.

The middle of the resulting flower is smeared with glue on one side, and a coin is placed in the middle. On the reverse side, more glue is poured into the core and the coin is also attached.

One of the cells is placed on a pin coated with glue, fixed in the pot. Yellow coins are used to decorate the base. Using a gun, they are glued to the plaster around the barrel to the edge of the vessel.

Money tree - how to plant it correctly to make money - more details

People always try to attract financial well-being. To attract wealth, spells, amulets, and figurines are used. One of the most effective ways is to plant a money tree. But in order to manage money in the family, you need to know some rules for planting this plant, informs Home Lifehack.

Another name for this plant is Crassula. The tree has fleshy and thick leaves that are shaped like coins. The stronger the trunk and thicker the leaves, the richer the family will be.

Crassula is a genus of succulent plants in the Crassulaceae family.

It is not recommended to buy a money tree in a store. To keep it charged with positive energy, it is better to take a cutting from your friends who are not experiencing financial difficulties.

Let's find out how to plant Crassula correctly to attract money.

How to plant a money tree according to Feng Shui so that it attracts wealth

In order for a living talisman to work for your well-being, you need to know some rules: how to plant and care for a plant. If everything is done correctly, then after a while your financial situation will improve.

Every person knows that the tree crassula is the best money talisman. This plant attracts money and improves the financial condition of the owner. And if the money tree blooms, then great luck and cash flow await you.

Crassula is an unpretentious plant, but to attract wealth you must follow some rules.

According to Feng Shui, wood cannot be purchased with money.

In order for the fat plant to improve its financial condition, it must be planted with its own hands.

Cut a leaf or stalk from the formed tree.

At the same time, we do not ask permission from the owner of the plant. We do everything in secret. He won't notice that a piece of the branch is missing.

We treat the cut area with charcoal. Leave the cutting for a couple of days so that it dries well.

Before planting the cutting in the soil, place it in a container with clean water for several days. During this time it will take root.

The cutting can be immediately planted in the ground, while covering it with plastic wrap or a jar to create moist conditions.

We ventilate the tree daily. Prepare a shallow and wide pot in advance. According to Feng Shui, the color of money is a combination of earth and metal. Therefore, the container should be golden, red, black or brown.

Before planting the sprout, let's activate the pot. At the bottom we place several coins of the same denomination with the coat of arms facing up. The money must be from the country in which you live permanently. According to the magic of numbers, there should be 6 or 8 coins. We arrange them so as not to cover the drainage holes.

There should be a drainage layer on top of the money. We buy special soil for succulents or cacti. If this is not possible, then mix leaf soil, peat and coarse sand.

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For financial well-being, you need to determine the right place for the money tree. According to Feng Shui, the best place is the center or southeast of the room. To do this, use a regular compass.

The plant does not like sunlight or complete shade. Therefore, it is better to place it in partial shade. There should be no trash in the immediate vicinity of the fat woman. We decorate the territory in blue, purple or green. We place the pot on a red napkin with a hieroglyph that means wealth.

We decorate the fat woman with red ribbons and Chinese coins.

We constantly wipe the dust on the leaves of the money tree and surrounding objects.

The fat woman is afraid of waterlogging, so we water it with a moderate amount of water. There should be no heating devices nearby.

The money tree grows slowly, so we replant it no more than once every 2-3 years.

How to care

When trouble happens and the plant fades, it is advised to think about where to put the money tree and how to care for it:

  • It is not recommended to place cacti next to the Crassula;
  • It is advised to periodically change the vessel to a larger pot;
  • the owner of the flower should not allow strangers to touch the plant

Like any indoor plant, the money tree needs the correct temperature: it should not be placed in direct sunlight.

Crassula needs to be watered and fertilized on time. Only when the tree has no chance of survival is it recommended to separate the surviving shoot and grow a new shoot.

How to plant a money tree to attract money

Money tree, Crassula, or Crassula is considered a plant whose presence is mandatory in every home. Its thick, fleshy leaves resemble large coins. Because of this similarity, Crassula began to be considered a money plant. However, proper care alone is not enough to increase income. You should plant it correctly and speak to it, and then observe the ancient signs of wealth.

Caring for the fat woman and treating it correctly from an esoteric point of view will help to establish a connection with the money egregor. People who follow the rules of this energy-informational entity connect to it. Money signs, and about indoor plants, are included in their list. When you want to connect to the egregor of wealth, try starting with the money tree.

When you decide to plant a money tree to attract money, consider the phase of the moon. Growing is important. It is not planted on a waning moon, like any other plant - it will have a negative meaning. The day of the week for this is Wednesday.

The fat woman does not release the energy of wealth, but conducts it through herself. Therefore, take a cutting from a plant from people whose income level makes you envious. They will not lose their income, and the cash flows they open will flow into your home. In order not to share your success, break off the shoot yourself; do not trust other people’s hands to touch the plant.

But when there are no such people or do not want to share the money tree, purchase a shoot. Do not buy an adult plant when you need a money tree to attract money. Grow from the shoot.

The magic of the money tree is enhanced when planted with the help of affirmations. Speak in the present tense, without the particle “not” - the Universe does not perceive it as such. Say: “I attract money, I become rich, my income grows.” And so that no one distracts you during landing.

What diseases lie in wait for the money tree?

Often, a change in the structure of a leaf or trunk signals that a houseplant is “sick.”

  • leaves fall - the soil is oversaturated with fertilizers;
  • the crown turns black and crumbles - the tree is under direct rays and gets burned;
  • roots rot - excess moisture in the soil;
  • crown dries out - insufficient watering;
  • leaves fall off - moisturizing with too cold water;
  • brown spots - fungal infection;
  • silvery coating - oversaturation with moisture;
  • yellow spots - pest damage;
  • wrinkled leaves - excess heat

The flower, like other indoor plants, is attacked by pathogenic insects that devour it. How healthy a plant is can always be determined by its crown.

Often, caring housewives water the fat plant almost every day, but the tree only needs watering once a week. A plant oversaturated with moisture quickly fades, and the ritual for money no longer works.

Replanting and removing rotten roots helps. In another pot with renewed soil, the money tree is not watered immediately, but is given several days to adapt.

The enemies of Crassula are a large army of pests:

  • mealybug - exterminated with garlic solution, water;
  • root bug - the system is washed with waste water during transplantation;
  • scale insects - the resulting plaques on the leaves are removed with an alcohol wipe;
  • spider mite - requires air humidification, insecticide treatment

Crassula is an unpretentious tree. Proper watering, moderate feeding of the soil, maintaining a stable temperature is a guarantee that the tree will delight you with its beauty, bring money into your home, and help with diseases.

Money tree spell when watering

The money tree plot is read while watering the plant. This is done after landing. But at any other time they talk to make a profit. When watering a plant, say:

You grow, and I bloom in wealth. Amen.

Use water for irrigation that has been infused with silver or gold. For about three days it is saturated with the energy of precious metals and profit. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are weaker than gold and silver. Do not use jewelry to charge water; they contain the energy of the owner, which can be negative.

Planting a Crassula from a shoot and attracting money

Most often, the money tree is transplanted from cuttings. To do this, you need to choose an adult and developed plant so that this procedure does not harm it.

We select the lower shoot and carefully cut it off at the root. Leave the cutting to dry. And cover the cut area of ​​the fat plant with soil.

After a few hours the shoot will dry out. Let's start planting it. We fill the pot with a drainage layer. Then we lay out regular garden soil or soil for succulent plants.

We cut off the two lower leaves of the shoot and insert it into the recess. Lightly compact the soil and moisten it.

Don't forget to care for the plant. Expect an improvement in your financial situation soon.

Growing a money tree from a leaf at home

Crassula can be grown not only from cuttings, but also from leaves. The procedure is quite simple, so you can easily cope with this task.

Wash a few leaves of the money tree under cool water. Using a utility knife, make neat media and place in a bowl of clean water.

When sprouts appear on the succulents, we transfer them to a pot with soil, and after a while they will give roots.

How to plant Crassula in a pot to make money

To be guaranteed to attract wealth to your family, the money tree must be planted according to certain rules. Watch the video for instructions:

These tips will help you plant the plant correctly. When the tree begins to develop, material stability will simultaneously improve. Another condition is faith; if you are skeptical about signs, then you should not expect an improvement in your well-being.

What pot to plant a money tree in so that it brings money

For a living talisman to work, you need not only to know the rules for planting it, but also to choose the right pot for it.

The container should be deep and wide enough, as the plant develops quickly. If a small pot was used for transplantation, then as it develops it needs to be transplanted into a larger container. But the fat plant may not tolerate the transplantation process, so it is better to immediately choose a suitable pot.

For a tree to attract money, the container must be red, gold or silver.

Now you know the secrets of financial well-being. All that remains is to cut off a shoot or leaf from a tree from your friends, and plant the plant according to all the rules.

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