How to guess correctly on paper with a pen - methods, questions and answers

Many teenagers were fond of fortune telling during their school years. Everyone used fortune telling on paper and a pen. Sometimes girls even started entire notebooks - fortune tellers, in which they described the stages of fortune telling for relationships, love and much more. Some of them looked like just entertainment, but some of them revealed secrets.
  • 9 Fortune telling "N" for desire
  • 10 Conclusion
  • General information about fortune telling on paper and pen

    Fortune telling on paper is the simplest and most popular; many people still often resort to using it. After all, everyone always has a notepad and pen at hand, and nothing more is needed. In addition, the interpretation of such fortune-telling is often very simple and not difficult to remember, unlike card layouts, which carry cumbersome interpretations.

    Nowadays there is a wide range of different types of fortune telling on the Internet. Despite the age of technology, many people remain faithful supporters of esotericism. Today we decided to collect the most common types of fortune telling, using paper and pen. It should be noted that sometimes the interpretation does not coincide, even if the fortune telling is the same. Therefore, you should not always take predictions seriously.

    Rules for fortune telling on paper with a pen

    For fortune telling on paper with a pen, you will have to follow the following rules:

    1. Fortune telling is allowed once a day. If you try to guess again several times, the prediction will not be true.
    2. In front of fortune-telling objects, you should be open and not lie, otherwise you will not be able to tell the truth
    3. You should think through the question well and write it as clearly as possible. For complete concentration, it should be written down on paper.
    4. You should only think about the question or subject of your fortune telling throughout the entire process.
    5. The prediction cannot be shared even with your loved ones.
    6. It is forbidden to guess on church holidays.
    7. Girls should stick to certain days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. For boys - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Sunday is a day that is not suitable for fortune telling.
    8. You should turn off all electronic devices; this can only be done in the room where you are telling fortunes.
    9. During the fortune telling process, you should not leave the room and be distracted by other matters (phone calls, etc.)
    10. Fortune telling is best done alone (usually in the company of friends, the process takes on a comic and frivolous tone)

    By following all the above rules, you will be able to conduct fortune telling. Let's find out in more detail how to tell fortunes without cards, simply using what is always at hand.

    Fortune telling for love

    Most often, of course, they guess about love and guys. We all experience feelings and want to know if it is mutual. The simplest and at the same time widespread and familiar to everyone is fortune telling, which answers a simple question “Yes” or “No”.

    Start your question with a verb using the particle “whether” (will it come true, will I see you, etc.). After that, the letters that are repeated in words should be crossed out, count the remaining ones. If the sum results in a two-digit number, then you should add the numbers that make it up to get a single-digit value.

    Then you need to check the value:

    • 1 - yes;
    • 2 - no;
    • 3—possibly yes;
    • 4 - maybe not;
    • 5 - listen to your heart;
    • 6 - someone interferes with your happiness;
    • 7 - very soon you will start a relationship;
    • 8 - chances are extremely low;
    • 9 - everything depends on you.

    Matters of the heart

    Girls at all times were mainly interested in issues that relate to the reciprocity of the feelings of a loved one and future relationships. Today, there are a large number of true love fortune telling, from the simplest to the most labor-intensive, in which you need to perform certain rituals.

    Methods of fortune telling for love by first name, last name and date of birth

    In order to tell fortunes with paper and pen, you do not need to perform any complex actions. All fortune telling can be done easily and simply at home and at the same time you can get the most accurate prediction.

    Does the betrothed love?

    This version of love fortune telling for girls is one of the easiest. Its peculiarity is that it gives an answer only in an affirmative or negative form, and in the question itself it is necessary to use the particle “whether”.

    To tell fortunes, you only need paper and a pen. On the sheet of paper you need to write the question itself, which must begin with a verb, followed by the particle “whether.” Next, you need to cross out all the same letters from the question and count the number of remaining characters. It is worth noting that only letters are counted, punctuation marks are not counted. If the number turns out to be two-digit, then it should be reduced to a single-digit number by simply adding the numbers together. Then you can see the answer opposite the received number:.

    Fortune telling by names

    Guessing names is very easy. First, on a piece of paper you need to write your last name, first name, patronymic and the full name of your boyfriend. Identical letters that appear in names must be placed in two columns. After that, the letter pairs need to be counted and using the resulting number to obtain the correct answer. If the resulting number contains two digits, then it is necessary to bring it to a single digit by summing them.


    • 1 - He thinks only of himself.
    • 2 - The relationship will lead to disappointment in the future. It is necessary to think about their feasibility.
    • 3 - Happiness, love and mutual understanding will always reign in a couple.
    • 4 - In marriage there will be frequent quarrels over trifles.
    • 5 - If the fortuneteller is not ready to give in to her partner, then it is better to end the relationship.
    • 6 - A fortuneteller will lead the union.
    • 7 - An excellent couple who will live for many years in love and harmony.
    • 8 - There is an understanding of each other perfectly, and this is wonderful.
    • 9 - Fortune telling promises a happy family life.

    Correct fortune telling by menstruation for a woman

    What will the relationship be like?

    To find out about the feelings of a loved one, you can tell fortunes as follows. For right-handers, you need to draw a heart with your left hand on a checkered sheet of paper, which is considered a symbol of love and a good tool for finding out the future. Left-handers draw the same thing, but only with their right hand. Now you need to cross out squares from four whole cells inside the outline of the heart. Depending on how many uncrossed cells remain, you can judge the lover’s attitude:

    • If all the whole cells are crossed out, he loves more than anything else.
    • There is one cell left - the young man has not yet decided on his feelings.
    • Two uncrossed cells say that only friendship is possible.
    • When there are three cells left, he is shy to confess his love.
    • Four cells report his jealousy.
    • If five cells are not crossed out, he constantly thinks about the fortuneteller.
    • There are six cells left - he is indifferent.

    In the name of the betrothed

    Fortune telling about your betrothed with mathematical calculations will help you find out the name of your future husband. You need to do the following:

    1. Write down your first, last and patronymic names on a piece of paper.
    2. Count the number of letters in F.I.O. (N).
    3. Count the letters in the full name (n).
    4. Write down the resulting numbers.
    5. Count the number of letters that are repeated. For example, in the name Elena the letter “e” is repeated twice.
    6. Write down the results obtained (n1, n2, n3, etc.). For example, n1 = 2 letters "e".
    7. Carry out calculations using the following formula: N - (n+n1+n2+n3+…+nn).
    8. Use the table to interpret the results.
    The resulting numberNames of possible candidates
    1Alexander, Dmitry, Evgeniy, Nikita, Sergey
    2Alexey, Grigory, Denis, Nikolay, Semyon
    3Anton, Gennady, Egor, Konstantin, Ruslan
    4Andrey, Vasily, Ilya, Oleg, Timofey
    5Arkady, Vladimir, Ivan, Maxim, Fedor
    6Bogdan, Vyacheslav, Kirill, Pavel, Philip
    7Anatoly, Victor, Mikhail, Peter, Edward
    8Artem, Vitaly, Mark, Rudolf, Yuri
    9Arseny, Boris, Matvey, Roman, Yaroslav

    Fortune telling "Sotka"

    This popular fortune telling for love is carried out using numbers from 1 to 100. The fortune telling technique is as follows:

    1. Take a checkered sheet of paper and a pen.
    2. Write numbers from 1 to 100, but with some conditions, omitting the zeros. For example, instead of 10, 20, 30, 1, 2, 3 is written.
    3. The first line must contain an arbitrary number of digits, and the subsequent ones must match it.
    4. The last number to be entered is 99.
    5. The number grid must be completed with the date on which the fortune telling is performed. Zeros are also not indicated. If the fortune telling was carried out on 01/01/2021, then you need to indicate 11217 in the number series.
    6. It is necessary to cross out identical numbers or adjacent ones that add up to the number 10. Crossing out is done in both horizontal and vertical directions.
    7. After there are no options left to cross out, you should write your lover’s full name on the sheet.
    8. Place the remaining numbers under it.
    9. Continue removing numbers based on the principles above.
    10. This action should be repeated until there are no options left to cross out.
    11. Count the number of digits remaining in the end.
    12. If there are more than 27 digits left, sum the two-digit number until you get one value.
    13. View answer.

    Fortune telling with matches for love or determining damage

    Number of remaining digitsInterpretation
    1, 10, 19The numbers indicate the sympathy of the mysterious guy, with whom a serious relationship is possible. You just need to put in a little effort
    2, 11, 20Impossible to win his favor
    3, 12, 21There is every chance to be with him and build a strong relationship
    4, 13, 22The numbers show the guy's jealousy towards others. This jealousy will ruin everything
    5, 14, 23Only friendship is possible with him
    6, 15, 24The guy doesn't mind getting to know each other better
    7, 16, 25He is interested, all that remains is to take the first step
    8, 17, 26The numbers speak of understatement and misunderstanding, and there may be resentment on his part. A frank conversation is needed
    9, 18, 27The fortune teller can become a wonderful couple with this guy. It's important not to miss your chance

    Ritual with straws

    There is also a fortune telling about a boy and his feelings, for which you will need small pieces of paper. You need to follow a simple algorithm:

    1. First you need to divide the sheet into 10 small parts.
    2. Write your lover's name on one of the pieces of paper and leave the rest blank.
    3. Each piece of leaf is rolled into a tube, then they are placed in a box and mixed thoroughly.
    4. You need to take out the tubes one at a time, but the fortuneteller has only three attempts.
    5. After reading, the piece of paper is folded again and placed back in the box.
    6. They will find out the result. When one blank sheet comes up and the guy’s name appears twice, then the fortuneteller is indifferent to him and further relationships will not work out. If you pulled out his name once and a blank sheet twice, then a relationship is possible. When your lover’s name comes up all three times, this is a sign of a happy future together.

    Relationship fortune telling

    This is another type of fortune telling using a simple piece of paper and a pen. You should write down the full name of the young man, do not use contrition and diminutive forms (Sasha, Sashenka, etc.).

    You need to draw a rectangle with three lines and twelve columns. “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”, “B”, “D”, “K”, “A” - this set of letters and numbers should be written in random order. We enter these same signs separately in the sequence in which they are indicated in the table (from left to right). Each line must contain the number of characters contained in the guy's name. In each column there are identical signs standing next to each other.


    • “6” – wants to meet with you;
    • “7” – he likes you;
    • “8” - he dreams of you;
    • “9” – wants to see you;
    • “10” - you are destined to be together;
    • "B" - in love;
    • “D” – he has a pair;
    • "K" - jealous;
    • “A” – it doesn’t suit you.

    This fortune telling is also suitable for girls who just have a friend, but want to find out if there will be something big between them.

    Fortune telling for the New Year on pieces of paper

    This truthful fortune telling was known several centuries ago.
    Only earlier small pieces of birch bark were placed under the pillow. Various signs were depicted on them using coal. It was believed that fortune telling on New Year's Eve has special power. Years have passed, even the New Year in our country began to be celebrated at a different time, but the tradition remained. It has changed a little: instead of birch bark they use ordinary paper and write on it not with charcoal, but with a pen. But this did not make the meaning of the ritual disappear.

    Fortune telling on pieces of paper with predictions.

    Carrying out the ritual

    To tell fortunes on pieces of paper for the New Year, you will need:

    • 6 small pieces of paper.
    • Pen.
    • Deep bowl.

    Recommendation: Use small pieces of paper so that they do not disturb your sleep.

    The ritual should begin when the chimes strike.

    1. Lay out the pieces of paper in front of you.
    2. On three of them, write your three deepest desires.
    3. On the other three - what prevents you from living peacefully.
    4. On one write the name of the person you like.
    5. On another one, write what you want to change in life.
    6. Try to get everything written before the anthem ends.
    7. Leave one piece of paper blank.
    8. Then crumple the paper.
    9. Then put all the papers under your pillow and go to bed.

    Interpretation of results

    Understanding the meaning of fortune telling is simple.

    • If you pulled out a piece of paper with your wish written on it, then you can rejoice, it will come true in the New Year.
    • If you came across something that prevented you from living, then it will soon leave you.
    • If the person’s name comes up, then your relationship will become even deeper and more serious.
    • If you get something that you want to change, go for it! You have all the cards in your hands to make your plans come true.
    • If you take out an empty piece of paper, then the New Year will not bring you anything interesting. Life will not change, everything will remain in its place. Whether this is good or bad is up to you to decide.

    Fortune telling with tubes for the future

    This type of fortune telling with pen and paper also does not require serious effort from you. Every person in a relationship is interested in the outcome of their partnership. Fortune telling will help you understand the questions that you have.

    A sheet of paper must be divided into 10 equal parts. The guy's name is written on one, the rest are left blank. We roll all 10 sheets into a tube and place them in a vessel (bag or box). The fortuneteller must take out the tube and see what is there. After which he returns the tube back. And so three times.


    1. If you took out blank sheets twice and only once with a name, then you have only friendly relations with the guy. If a blank sheet is pulled out all three times, then the couple is not destined to be together.
    2. In the event that you take out empty tubes all three times, then the relationship with the guy will end (or will not begin at all).
    3. If you managed to get the name all three times, then the union with the guy will be happy.
    4. If your name comes up two times out of three, then most likely the guy likes you.

    The main thing in this fortune telling is not to write more than one name. Also, you cannot guess on two guys twice in a row - it is best to do this on another day.

    Fortune telling using pen and paper by name

    In addition to pen and paper for fortune telling, you will need to know the person's full name. Write down the guy's name and your full name in a line. Then they begin to tell fortunes:

    • the guy’s name and his own are written out in a line, placing repeating letters under each other;
    • count how many letters are in the columns, an even number is written down as 0, an odd number as 1;
    • numbers are added in pairs, written down in a line, repeated until a single digit number is obtained;
    • the final number is the answer to how likely a union with a loved one is - 1 is the minimum chance, 9 is the maximum.

    The result is considered inaccurate when the name is indicated in a short form (Sasha instead of Alexander), the last name, patronymic is missing. It makes sense to take results seriously when the reality is known. The person ignores him and treats him badly, but the number turns out to be 9 - this is not a reason for optimism, just a coincidence.

    In the process of fortune telling, writing with a pen, it is important to avoid accidental mistakes - missing letters, typos (wrong letter, rearranged). Then you will have to start the fortune telling again.

    Important! It is advisable to find out unknown details in advance: what is the full form of the name.

    Vlad may be a short form of Vladislav, Vladlen, occasionally Vladimir, Slava is a derivative of Yaroslav, Vladislav, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Mitya - Dmitry or an independent name.

    Fortune telling "Heart"

    “Heart” is the most popular fortune telling for girls. For fortune telling, you will need a squared piece of notebook paper, a pen or pencil. Before you start, you need to think of the boy’s name and think about him. With your left hand, without looking up from the sheet, you need to draw a heart (the main thing is to make a medium-sized drawing). Then, the fortuneteller needs to combine all the areas inside the heart into figures of four cells. So you need to fill out the entire drawing, and then see how many cells are left unused.

    The interpretation depends on the number of unused cells:

    • 0 – there are only friendly feelings between you;
    • 1 – he doesn’t think about you
    • 2 – the guy has another chosen one;
    • 3 – his feelings for you are strong.

    Fortune telling for a specific day of the month

    Using this fortune telling, you can find out what to expect on a specific day. On a piece of paper you should write down your full name and the day you want to know about. Everything is written in letters (Sergey Sergeevich Smirnov, February 8th).

    Recording occurs horizontally, if there are letters that have already been written down, then they are written vertically, letter under letter. Cross out identical letters in the resulting columns. To find out the result, count the letters you have left. If the sum is more than 10, then it should be brought to a prime number by adding them together (if 14, then 1+4=5).


    • 0 – it’s worth being patient;
    • 1 – good news;
    • 2- be prepared for difficulties;
    • 3- long road;
    • 4 – something important will happen;
    • 5 – don’t wait long, he’ll soon pay attention to you;
    • 6 – meeting soon;
    • 7 – the feelings between you are mutual;
    • 8 – you will have bad news;
    • 9 – he is not honest with you.

    With this fortune telling, it is forbidden to guess a week ahead on one day. This should be done on different days. However, if you neglect fortune telling, the result will not be truthful. Don't forget - it's impossible to know everything.

    Fortune telling from drawings

    When a person draws various figures and lines on paper, his subconscious gives signals that can tell a lot about a person’s real desires.
    Click on the silver bead


    Sector 1. He values ​​you, but is too busy to miss you.

    Sector 2. All his thoughts are only about you. He misses you a lot and constantly imagines your image.

    Sector 3. Thoughts about you stimulate him to life.

    Sector 4. Your disagreements make him worry.

    Sector 5. He has insomnia due to jealousy. He misses you.

    Sector 6. Torments himself with jealousy and misses you.

    Sector 7. He is afraid to take the first step, but he really wants to be with you.

    Sector 8. He is bored and wants to find someone to take his mind off of you.

    Sector 9. He wants you close.

    Sector 10. Alcohol helps him take his mind off thinking about you.

    Sector 11. Waiting for you to take the first step, but really wants to write to you.

    Sector 12. Afraid to take the first step and dial your number.

    Sector 13. He is too proud to call and hear your voice.

    Sector 14. He will return to you very soon.

    Sector 15. Misses you madly and will soon be yours.

    Sector 16. Hoping to forget you, but he can’t and will soon return.

    Sector 17. He doubts that your separation was right, but he is glad of the separation.

    Sector 18. If you want him to come back just call.

    Sector 19. Your disagreement makes him very happy, but a little time will pass and he will return to you.

    Sector 20. He doesn’t think about you at all and doesn’t miss you.

    Sector 21. He lives life to the fullest and hardly thinks about you.

    Sector 22. He misses you so much and wants to see you that he is going to visit a psychic.

    Sector 23. He has another woman, you are not in his thoughts.

    Sector 24. He misses you very much, but will return only when you apologize.

    Sector 25. He repented and realized the mistake. Misses you very much.

    Sector 26. A lot of things to do and workload don’t let him feel sad.

    Sector 27. Many women want to get him, but for now he misses you.

    Sector 28. He is very offended by you, but with a little effort you can change everything.

    Sector 29. Don't worry, he misses you and wants to be near you.

    Sector 30. Your beauty does not allow him to forget you.

    To conduct fortune telling on paper for love, you need to prepare a sheet of paper and a pen in advance. It is advisable that the telephone conversation be with the guy you are interested in. It is important to draw all the lines and shapes that come to mind.

    To tell fortunes, you need to correctly interpret the resulting images:

    1. Circles that intersect with each other. Such a drawing says that the fortuneteller is striving for a stable relationship, but at the moment it is impossible.
    2. Simple circles. These figures indicate that the fortuneteller’s life has stalled at the moment.
    3. Flowers or sun. Such drawings indicate that the fortuneteller is an extrovert, loves to be the center of attention and suffers without communication.
    4. Intertwining of hearts. These symbols indicate that the guy you like really sets the mood in a couple. The fortuneteller needs more determination.
    5. Spirals or waves. These pictures indicate a brewing conflict. It is also possible that this quarrel has already happened and the relationship will no longer be the same. It’s worth slowing down and listening to what your inner voice says in response to your question.
    6. Bee honeycombs. The guy believes that you are a reliable person who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. Lice relationships will be quite harmonious.
    7. Chess field. Perhaps you can’t establish a relationship with a guy because of indecision. It's worth plucking up the courage to clarify the situation.
    8. Squares, rectangles, triangles. These figures indicate that the fortuneteller is an introvert. But this does not prevent him from achieving his plans.
    9. Wallpaper patterns. Such drawings indicate that the fortuneteller is tired of the boy. Perhaps in such a couple there are often clarifications of relationships that negatively affect both. It’s worth talking calmly but sincerely with your chosen one to solve this problem.

    Fortune telling with 10 drawings

    This fortune telling on paper is another well-known way to find out the future; it is especially suitable for those who like to draw. For the ritual you will need a sheet of paper, divided into 10 equal-sized parts, and a pen.

    On sheets of paper you need to draw: a bird, a door, a flower, a river, a house, a cat, a woman, a man, a fence and a tree. Then all the leaves are folded so that the image is not visible and placed in a small bag or box.

    To start fortune telling on paper, you need to formulate the question that interests you most. After this, you need to take out one piece of paper and read the interpretation:

    1. Woman. This means that the fortuneteller has too high demands not only on herself, but also on those around her. It is worth thinking about how correct your principles are.
    2. Man. This drawing suggests that what you want can come true only with help from outsiders.
    3. Cat. It means that it is better to abandon what is planned.
    4. House. All paths for realizing what you want are open.
    5. Fence. All difficulties happen because of the unwillingness to receive help from others. It's worth trusting the world.
    6. Door. Heralds a productive time. This period is suitable for realizing your plans.
    7. River. Water speaks of a possible move that will help reunite with your lover.
    8. Bird. This prediction says that what you want will come true only if there is sufficient effort on the part of the fortune teller.
    9. Tree. There may be difficulties caused by your financial situation.
    10. Flower. Luck will always be on the fortuneteller's path. It also portends small intrigues that bring joy.

    Fortune telling on paper for relationships by name

    If there is no real flower nearby, you can use this fortune telling on a piece of paper for a guy. So, in a blank notebook you need to draw a chamomile. The number of petals in it should be equal to the number of letters in the name of the man for whom they are guessing.

    After this you need to enter the guy's name. It is important to start with the petal closest to the stem and work clockwise. Then the girl’s name is written down in the same way. If her name has more letters than the man's, you need to indicate only those characters that fit. Afterwards you need to read the number of pairs in which the vowel and consonant sounds coincide.

    The interpretation will be like this:

    • if such pairs of letters of the name did not work out, it means they are not destined to be together, but they can be friends;
    • one petal - this union has the right to life, well, a rapid fading of feelings is possible;
    • two petals of the letters coincide - romance fades away if you don’t try to maintain it;
    • three petals of the letters of the name - such couples often create a strong union and get married, as a rule, everyone feels comfortable;
    • four pairs of letters of the name or more - a man, destined by fate, harmony with complete mutual understanding awaits you.

    This home fortune telling with a love pen can be done at any time. To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge or spend a lot of time.

    Fortune telling "Formula of Love"

    One of the modern methods of fortune telling. It is aimed at allowing a girl or guy to better understand the prospects for the development of their relationship in the future. Before starting fortune telling, prepare a notebook for writing and a pen. You will need to write down answers to questions in it in order to calculate the result.

    The fortuneteller must answer the following questions:

    1. Count how many letters the guy's name consists of?
    2. Count how many letters are in your name?
    3. What place does the letter “O” occupy in your name (1,2,3, etc.)? If the letter is missing, then “0” is entered.
    4. Repeat the third point for the guy's name.
    5. What number does your first letter indicate?
    6. Repeat “5” point for the guy’s name.
    7. How many consonants “L” are there in the names of partners?

    We check the resulting values ​​of numbers and letters

    • 1 corresponds to the letters “A”, “I”, “C”, “B”;
    • 2 corresponds to the letters “B”, “Y”, “T”, “Y”;
    • 3 corresponds to the letters “B”, “K”, “U”, “b”;
    • 4 corresponds to the letters “G”, “L”, “F”, “E”;
    • 5 corresponds to the letters “D”, “M”, “X”, “Y”;
    • 6 corresponds to the letters “E”, “N”, “C”, “I”;
    • 7 corresponds to the letters “Ё”, “О”, “Ч”;
    • 8 corresponds to the letters “F”, “P”, “W”;
    • 9 corresponds to the letters “З”, “Р”, “Ш”.

    Formula for calculating the result: %= (%- 7) * 2, where % is the sum of answers to all questions.


    • 1 – Full compliance. Quarrels will be very rare and minor, usually due to domestic disagreements. The only downside is that each partner will desire dominance over the other;
    • 2- Friendship, which will later develop into great love. The saying “Like in a fairy tale” can be applied to such relationships;
    • 3- Romantic union, warm relations towards each other will not fade away. It is important to position yourself correctly in a relationship from the very beginning.
    • 4 – Such couples cannot maintain a peaceful presence with each other for long, but they do not feel comfortable being away from each other. It will be very difficult for such a couple to get along.
    • 5 – Passionate relationships, ready to explode at any moment;
    • 6 – Brotherly relations, friendly love. Such relationships are ideal for starting a family.
    • 7 – Relationships in which there is an eternal struggle for primacy. They, like a cat and a dog, prove their superiority. But as soon as you give in to someone, an idyll ensues.
    • 8- Contradictory and unsuccessful union. Romance disappears very quickly. Conflicts and disagreements are the outcome of such a couple.
    • 9 – Too different views on life and inability to make concessions will not give this couple a chance for a long relationship.

    Perhaps this is one of those fortune telling that widely reveals the type of relationship between a couple.

    Fortune telling on a sheet of paper for girls “Hundred”

    For fortune telling “Hundred” it is better to take checkered paper. You will need to write down the numbers in lines, the cells guarantee uniformity of arrangement.

    1. They guess the name of their beloved.
    2. Write numbers from 1 to 100 on a line, without using zeros.
    3. The first row can be any length (from 1 to 9, from 1 to 20, it doesn’t matter), but the next one must be the same.
    4. Having written down all the numbers, write the full date of fortune telling at the end (without zeros).
    5. Cross out numbers equal in sum to 10 (5-5, 6-4, 2-8), identical. Only the numbers next to each other are crossed out, vertically or horizontally, without touching those that have already been crossed out.
    6. The remaining numbers are written down in order again. The length of the line should be equal to the number of letters of the guy's name.
    7. Cross out the same numbers again, giving a total of 10.
    8. Based on the number of remaining numbers, they look at the guy’s attitude.

    There is no need to add the numbers, just count the quantity. Values ​​of the final number of digits:

    • 1, 10, 19 – strong love, deep devotion;
    • 2, 11, 20 – jealousy;
    • 3, 12, 21 - complete indifference, indifference, there can be no talk of any relationship;
    • 4, 13, 22 – the guy already likes him, but doesn’t love him yet;
    • 5, 14, 23 - in the near future the guy will pay attention;
    • 6, 15, 24 – no feelings;
    • 7, 16, 25 – after a while there will be communication, but it’s too early to talk about love;
    • 8, 17, 26 – the guy loves and wants to propose meeting, but circumstances interfere;
    • 9, 18, 27 - to be together is fate, if people are not yet a couple, the numbers predict that after a while they will end up together.

    There is an alternative version of fortune telling, which implies everything the same, but allows you to cross out numbers that have already been crossed out. The interpretation will be different:

    • 1 – there is nothing ahead except loneliness and boredom;
    • 2 – the mysterious person is destined to become a couple for the fortuneteller;
    • 3 – is in other relationships;
    • 4 – does not experience any feelings;
    • 5 – loves, respects, appreciates;
    • 6 – loves another girl, there is no chance;
    • 7 – the guy is jealous of the fortuneteller for someone;
    • 8 – there is a road ahead connected with a loved one, a joint journey, a trip to him;
    • 9 – does not expect anything except parting, separation;
    • 11 – quick meeting, planned, casual, alone, in company;
    • 12 – there is a serious conversation ahead that will take a lot of time;
    • 13 – soon (one day) there will be a marriage between the fortuneteller and the guy in the dream;
    • 14 – strong love for the fortuneteller;
    • 15 – the guy constantly remembers, gets bored;
    • 16 – there are no feelings, the chances of love appearing are extremely low, there is nothing to hope for.

    Important! Both fortune telling are more entertaining than serious. It might be better to talk to the person and clarify the relationship.

    Fortune telling "N" for desire

    A fortuneteller should prepare a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. You also need to prepare a question that can be answered with a clear “Yes” or “No.”

    After which you begin to draw vertical lines in any quantity on the sheet (you should listen to your intuition). When you have finished, you need to connect the sticks in pairs in the shape of an H. If you were able to connect all the lines, then your wish will come true (Yes). If the dash is left without a pair, then, alas, the answer to the question is No.

    In cases where, after fortune telling, you are not satisfied with what was predicted, you should not repeat it, since all subsequent answers will not be truthful at all. It is better to choose another day or type of fortune telling.

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