Tree tattoo: current meanings and stylish ideas in photos

In the mythology of many countries, a tree is a living, intelligent creature that moves, breathes, communicates with its own kind and has magical abilities. The image of a tree in a tattoo carries a deep meaning. First of all, the tree personifies the connection between heaven and earth, symbolizes growth and development, the endless cycle of life, fertility and immortality. The tree of life tattoo design is done in both black and white and color.

The tree of life tattoo has a special symbolic meaning. Surprisingly, it is a fact that the tree of life is invisibly present in many religions and cultures. In Christianity, it grew in the Garden of Eden, next to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Here the tree of life signified the development of humanity, representing a kind of connection between all living things and the Creator.

The tree of life is often depicted with numerous fruits and leaves. It is believed that they help maintain good health and provide salvation to righteous people.

Celtic mythology speaks of a certain World Tree, which in its essence is very similar to the tree of life known to us. The Celts believe that it is the universal center of the world. Amazingly, the ancient Aztecs had a similar sacred tree.

The tree of life has its own very characteristic display feature: the roots and branches should be very dense. Intertwining, they meet each other, closing the tree in a kind of circle. So it is quite difficult to confuse it with some other tree.

The meaning of a tree of life tattoo is infinity, continuity, the connection between ancestors and their descendants living in different worlds. The tree of life tattoo represents the beginning of all beginnings, the origin of life itself as such.

Among the Celts, the roots of such a tree were a symbol of the afterlife, the trunk represented the real world, and the branches were engaged in connecting different worlds with each other.

It is believed that the Egyptian gods Isis and Osiris emerged from this tree. In Chinese mythology it was also the tree of immortality. The wonderful tree was very revered, so it was guarded by dragons. Here another meaning of the tree of life tattoo is revealed - as a sign of eternal life and its divinity.

This image is suitable for both men and women. It is important that it will not just become a beautiful picture on the body, but will carry a deep meaning, a serious philosophy of life. Being a symbol of enormous strength and beauty, both morally and physically, the tree of life never ceases to amaze us with its natural power and inexhaustible love of life.

Tree tattoo - meaning

A tree tattoo symbolizes a person's life path. This sign is interpreted differently by different cultures. For example, the Celts believe that wood is the source of life. It is customary for the Egyptians to denote the life cycle with this symbol. Christians believed that trees could heal physical and mental injuries. Each nation has its own interpretation, however, they are all connected with the life cycle. It follows from this that the tree has a powerful connection with man and his destiny. In German-Scandinavian mythology there is yggdrasil - the world tree, meaning the Universe.

Interesting facts from myths and religions about the history of the symbol

Mentions of the powerful tree can be found in the mythology of many ancient cultures. Ancestors believed that this tree was endowed with mystical powers and had a soul and mind. They associated it with eternity and knowledge about the nature and secrets of the universe. The Tree of Life Iusat is mentioned in ancient Egyptian mythology. The Egyptians believed that Iusat served as a mystical guide between the worlds of the living and the dead.

The ancient Slavs have many legends about the Tree of Life. They considered this tree to be the guardian of the strength of the entire family; it personified the connection of generations. The custom of honoring ancestors also exists in the modern world. Assyrian high priests in their rituals turned to wood as a channel of communication with divine energies.

In China and Japan, the peach tree is shrouded in legends. Legends about the World Tree are associated with it. According to legend, the sacred tree grew on the top of the mountain and bloomed once every 300 years. The fruits had the miraculous property of giving eternal youth. In Buddhism, the peach is recognized as a blessed fruit.

The book of Genesis of ancient Christians describes the Garden of Eden - the personification of heavenly life for the first people created by God the Creator. In the story of their violation of God’s prohibition, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and its miraculous fruits are mentioned, after tasting which people will become like gods. In memory of the biblical story, tattoos often depict the tempting serpent.

Muslims have Sidrat al-muntaha - the Tree of Life, which grows near the throne of Allah. Each leaf of this tree has a person's name inscribed on it. When a leaf falls from a tree, the person is destined to die within the next year.

In ancient Celtic images, the symbol of the World Tree resembles a closed circle - its crown is so wide and its root system is so developed. The powerful trunk symbolizes real life, and the roots symbolize the afterlife. Long branches hung almost to the ground and connected these two worlds. The Celts and Aztecs believed that the Tree of Life was at the center of the world. He was considered a rational being and endowed with mystical abilities.

The ancient Vikings considered Yggdrasil to be a sacred ash tree and considered it as the basis of the Worlds. There is a legend where the sacred tree is also represented as the Altar of the Universe, on which the Scandinavian god Odin sacrificed himself. He hung on Yggdrasil for nine days, pierced by his own spear, in order to save the Worlds and get the runes.

The meaning of tattoos for girls

Most girls choose an elegant, small tree as an image for a tattoo. This tattoo symbolizes beauty, innocence and chastity. The presence of fruits or flowers on the branches refers to the feminine principle, indicating continuation of the family. A more accurate meaning of a tattoo can be determined by knowing the breed. The apple tree is a symbol of female youth, the willow tree means spirituality and perseverance, and the palm tree means inner harmony. Girls who depict a birch tree on their bodies are full of hope for the future. Women can apply such tattoos on their stomach, wrist, back or ankle.

Men's Scandinavian Tattoos

Tattoos of the Scandinavian tradition have become especially popular in recent years. Many men are close to the Viking philosophy of bravery, militancy and bravery. Images of brave warriors can be found in TV series and movies; modern culture often turns to northern mythology. For example, the legendary image of Ragnar Lothbrok from the TV series “Vikings” was loved by the public and inspired many men to heroic deeds and new tattoos.

The meaning of tattoos for men

A tree tattoo has a meaning of strength for a man. They tattoo such an image on the body to emphasize their determination and steadfastness. It can signify the power and dominant qualities of a man.

Note! The presence of geometric shapes indicates a person’s balance.

The most common images are oak, poplar, maple, walnut and ash. Most often, men choose the forearm as a place for a tattoo. Trees are depicted on the chest to show one’s confidence in the future and determination. People with creative abilities most often have the desire to get a tattoo of a tree with branches.

About the meaning of Celtic tattoos in general

This is interesting: Tattoos for men: sketches on the arm, wrist, shoulder, leg, forearm, neck, chest + 200 PHOTOS

Celtic patterns really look impressive, which makes you want to decorate your body with an unusual tattoo.

Previously, patterns were applied by ancient tribes to weapons, kitchen utensils, and just stones. Each ornament meant something, so, one might say, ancient people made certain marks in their lives in this way. In 800, Irish monks copied all the patterns and created an entire book, The Celtic Book , in which they wrote down exactly the meaning of each pattern.

All patterns mean infinity , since all patterns have a common line - a new curl begins from the end of another. This was what guided people from ancient tribes when they participated in the conquest of neighboring territories. It is precisely because of their ferocity, and in some cases, brutality, that not everyone who wants to decorate themselves with a tattoo chooses Celtic designs for application to their bodies.

Celtic patterns - weaving, meaning infinity

The general meanings of the Celtic pattern include the following:

  • endless life - the Celtic tribes believed that their people would live forever;
  • endless lines indicated the connection and continuity of things in the universe;
  • a constant operating cycle helps in the struggle between life and death;
  • endless lines are the connection between soul and body;
  • the connection between heaven and earth, the knot in the tattoo pattern indicates the place where they intersect;
  • The labyrinths fixed on the body identify the life path.

As a result, a person who prefers a Celtic design must understand what he will represent with his tattoo. Often, ornaments are chosen by strong-willed people who are impetuous and persistent, going towards their goal regardless of the problems that arise. They are often domineering, or with their external severity they want to subjugate those around them.

Experts believe that a pattern applied to the body in the form of a tattoo directly affects one’s future fate. Therefore, when choosing an ornament of Celtic culture, preference should be given to less aggressive variations.

Meaning of "Tree of Life"

The Tree tattoo has more than one meaning. The tree symbolizes man's connection with his beginning. This could be God or other higher creatures in which the owner of the body design believes. Also, a picture on the body with this plant speaks of love for life, bright emotions and the presence of a strong spirit. A trunk with spreading roots speaks of a craving for origins, a desire to gain new knowledge and be strong. Branches with leaves and fruits, on the contrary, reflect a softer person. A landscape with several trees shows peace and kindness. The background may include the moon and a forest. Wood can be a sign of wisdom, abundance and eternity. Any image of a tree on the body has only a positive interpretation.

Among women

Certain trees are most popular among girls:

  • The tree of life is a symbol of eternity, wisdom, growth, abundance and protection. The tattoo includes all the parts of the tree (roots, trunk, branches and leaves) that grow in different directions, but eventually connect into one circle. This type of tattoo is also attributed the same meaning - connecting the people of the world with each other.
  • Willow is a tree that shows strength and resilience, as it can withstand even the strongest winds. Very often, a willow tattoo is made in memory of a loved one.
  • A tattoo with the image of a palm tree is quite an unusual choice, but this tree also has its own aesthetic value. And its meaning is very simple - peace and harmony.
  • Oak symbolizes courage, strength and hope for victory. This tree holds a place of honor in many religions.
  • Birch symbolizes a new beginning and resurrection.
  • The apple tree is a symbol of temptation, sin, beauty and youth.

Meaning "Tree with roots"

A plant tattoo with roots symbolizes masculinity. A wide and strong rhizome shows strength of spirit and willpower. Most often, such tattoos are found on a wide male back. The reason why a guy or girl wants to get a tree tattoo on their back, arm or other part of the body is the desire to be closer to family. Roots are a reflection of ancestors, and also speak of the immortality of the soul.

Interesting! The roots growing upward symbolize the sacred Indian tree called Ashwatha. It is the home of the gods. A person who has endowed himself with such an image on his body is distinguished by spirituality and strong faith.

Colorful Tree of Life Tattoos

After all, tattoos are about self-expression, and some people want their designs to be as vibrant and beautiful as their personalities. While the different styles and approaches to color tattoos are as varied and individual as the artists who use them, one style continues to gain popularity.

Using a loose illustrative approach, the watercolor effect applied to the body is a big hit. It often includes classic black outline lines that give the appearance of the ink breaking out of the outline and going "off the page."

Meaning "Tree with Birds"

Lately, small tree tattoos with flying birds have become increasingly popular. The bird can mean freedom or the desire to obtain it. Psychologists believe that such pictures often have a hidden meaning: a person feels and desires change. In Christianity, it is generally accepted that birds are the souls of the dead. However, most often those who make tattoos with trees and birds do not put such meaning into the sketch.

Interesting! The combination of birds and tree may indicate a desire for a sense of security. Birds in many legends are guardians. A raven sitting on a branch is a symbol of wisdom and deep knowledge.

Who is the Yggdrasil tattoo suitable for?

This image is unlikely to be chosen at random. Rather, it will be worn by a person of a philosophical mindset. He is interested in esotericism and the secrets of the universe.

They say about such a person that he develops intellectually and is in search of new experience and knowledge. He is characterized by faith in the connection of the human soul with the universal mind and its eternal desire for rebirth.

Choosing the location and style of the “Tree” tattoo

Artists can design a tree tattoo in any style. Available techniques:

  • watercolor;
  • engraving;
  • bioorganics;
  • realism;
  • old school;
  • Baroque and others.

A large tree tattoo on the back is suitable for large men; a girl should choose small areas on the leg, arm, shoulder, back of the head and neck. Guys may have a sleeve tattoo with a tree or a colored image on the entire chest. A feminine option is to apply black branches to the edge.

What part of your body would you like to get a tattoo on?

Animal images

Animals in Celtic patterns are depicted specifically - these are original caricatures that also display a single line.

Animals symbolize the following:

1 Hare - in most mythologies it reflects material and spiritual well-being. The Celts believed that painting a picture of a hare on a house would attract prosperity, rebirth and immortality to the Almighty, as well as the souls of the residents.

2 Snakes - the most interesting variations used for tattoos occupy a leading place. The symbolism of snakes is to help a person give spiritual support - a person living on earth, like the represented reptile, is endowed with vital energy to live on the planet. The Celts believed in the magical property of the snake - if it was present, one could count on protecting a person from enemies.

3 Deer - symbolizes courage and prosperity, promotes independence. A person who gets a tattoo of a deer can attract a revival of the spirit.

4 The horse is an old symbol of fertility that has appeared in most mythologies. Such images promote the development of physical activity with goal achievement.

5 Dolphins - in most cases, girls apply such tattoos to their bodies. But men are not far behind in their choice, since this sea animal protects man in the seas. The Celts believed that dolphins helped people in spiritual development by using the waters of the ocean.

6 Dogs are a symbol of fidelity, devotion and protection of a person physically and spiritually.

7 Wolves - the drawings are similar in appearance to a dog, but carry a different message. The wolf is aggressive, so it protects people and spiritual space by attacking enemies. This animal also indicates a successful hunt and attack on enemies.

Celtic tattoo - image of a wolf

8 Fish and other sea creatures represent foresight and wisdom. The presence of represented animals on the human body helps to anticipate the situation and develop intuition.

9 Dragons - these animals in all the mythologies of the World had the gift of prophecy and were faithful guardians of the gates to the mundane and divine Worlds. In some cultures, it is dragons who protect the Earth from the invasion of strangers - in the Celtic culture, all enemies were perceived as strangers (other peoples who wanted to conquer the territories of the Celts).

You should understand the meaning of each image in order to make the right choice. It is better to be guided by your own style and appearance. For example, the image of a wolf in the Celtic style will look vulgar and ridiculous at the same time on the fragile back of a miniature girl.

Animal themed Celtic tattoo

30 tattoos that tattoo artists are terribly tired of (29 photos)

Author: Queen's lapdog

01 October 2021 08:30

Community: Stories

Tags: stories curious mass culture tired of revelations from tattooists tattoos for all tattoo artist tattoos  



Some tattoos have been popular for so long that tattoo artists are ready to do anything to avoid doing them again!


See all photos in the gallery



“My friend, a tattoo artist, is so tired of putting barcodes on his neck that every time he arranges a surprise for such clients. If they want to scan this code, they will know that it relates to some stupid product - like sanitary pads or a toothbrush, or even products from a sex shop."



“Who knew how tiring it would be to stuff this over and over again!”



“Evening hearts! They always want these hearts, and even some original ones!”



“I hate couples who tattoo each other’s names on their forearms - because I already know that in a couple of weeks the guy will come to me and ask me to do something with this tattoo, because, you see, they had a fight or broke up.”



“After our salon’s tattoo artist tattooed five lions with crowns on five pretentious guys in a month, I had to explain to clients that our supply of lions for that month was exhausted.”



“These flowers and the inscription “No regrets”... brrrr!”



“When people come to our salon and ask us to make two intertwined rings with a heart, the tattoo artist says that he is busy for the day.”



“The anchor clearly symbolizes something for them - just what? Aren’t they all sailors?”



“Personally, I don’t want to stab clients with wood around their arm anymore.”



“Quotes from the Bible... Shouldn’t they impale the whole Bible?”



“A couple of stupid birds are already fed up.”



“I wonder who first came up with that stupid finger mustache?”



“If some girl asks me to write a Latin expression on her shoulder again, I’ll shoot myself!”



“Combining everything with Pinterest. Flying birds, monograms, declaration of love... Terrible!”



"I've done 15 Deathly Hallows symbols and that's enough for now."



“An infinity symbol with children's names in it. Never ever".



“My tattoo buddy already hates pocket watches and roses.”



“The most common and hated tattoo is a snake crawling out of the skull. For some reason, guys with neat goatees always order it.”



“In twenty years we will be completely surrounded by people with tattooed mandalas.”



“Astrological signs are terrible!”



“The funny skull is terribly tacky.”



“Why do all girls prefer to inject butterflies on their butts?”



“I’m very tired of the combinations of the Sun and Moon.”



“The Colorado Mountain tattoo is the most annoying! I set a salon record today. And in our salon, by the way, there are three different views of the Colorado Mountains!



“I don't mind face tattoos at all, but I hate giving them to teenagers! On the contrary, they adore them. How can I explain to them that at the age of 18, when tastes and preferences have not yet been determined, there is no need to do it. Plus it could damage your career.”



“How many palm trees do we prick on our ankles before the holiday season!”



“This too shall pass” seems to be the most popular phrase among motivational speakers and girls with tattoos. I'm terribly tired!



“Snake and skull in any combination suck!

Source: - translated specifically for

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Tags: stories curious mass culture tired of revelations from tattooists tattoos for all tattoo artist tattoos  

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