Runes for successful admission and passing the exam in 2021


Runes are often used not only to tell fortunes and predict any events in life, they are used to slightly correct fate. Runes are often used to pass the exam, and this gives certain results. With the help of these ancient magical signs, a person gains confidence, discovers new opportunities and hidden talents.

How influence occurs

Formulas can really bring luck in the exam, however, you should not rely only on magic at a crucial moment. The influence of runes used by students on luck manifests itself in various forms.

Usually the formula does not help you pass the exam, but only has a beneficial effect on the choice of ticket. In this case, the student learns much less information, concentrating on specific issues. In any case, it takes some effort to master the material.

Also, proven staves are able to activate the work of brain cells. The operator's memory will improve and attention will increase. The student will be able to remember information that he has already read before. This help is really relevant, since when preparing for tests, you have to assimilate a large amount of data in a short period of time and not everything can be covered by short-term memory.

That is, the runic talisman and rituals with staves can help pass the exam only for those who are truly interested in successfully passing the exam and tried to cope with the task on their own. Scandinavian magic can only promote success and improve results. In everyday life, they often use runic signs to cleanse their homes.

Types of amulets for successful studies

The most popular talisman for studying is a 5-kopeck coin. It is placed under the left heel in the shoe so that during the exam it is possible to pull out the ticket that the person knows best. The student will successfully answer the questions and receive a high grade.

God Ganesha

Young people revere foreign amulets. One of the talismans for good luck is a figurine or picture of the Indian deity Ganesha. He personifies wisdom and the solution to any problem. This is a symbol of exceptional knowledge.

The deity has 8 limbs with different objects in them: a lasso, a shell, a rosary, a staff, etc. Each of the objects has a meaning. The staff is a sign of power, which helps strengthen the fighting spirit and successfully complete any task. Rosary beads help in the pursuit of improving skills and gaining knowledge.

God Ganesha can become a personal amulet for those who study exact sciences or strive for success in creativity. The deity is able to hear all requests and make wishes come true if a person addresses him respectfully. You can rub the figurine on the stomach, bring a coin, a beautiful object or flower, or sweets to it. When God accepts the gifts, he will listen to the request and fulfill his plan. You need to whisper a wish in Ganesha's ear.

A figurine or image should be placed where a person visits most often. For example, in the office on a desk or bookshelf.

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Read more: Indian god Ganesha


This bird symbolizes wisdom. The ancient Greeks mentioned this meaning of the image of an owl. According to legend, the sacred bird of Athena is the owl, which followed the goddess everywhere.

Read more: owl symbol according to feng shui

An owl figurine will help schoolchildren and students with their studies and creativity. You can use an amulet made of any material: crystal, glass, wood or metal.

Mercury's Power

Mercury, according to astrologers, ensures the speed of thought processes and is responsible for the mind. This planet helps to concentrate attention and train resourcefulness. A person can improve these qualities if he finds a suitable talisman.

To attract the energy of this planet, you can use the colors characteristic of Mercury - tones of gold, yellow. In the office, you should put an object of this shade on the table.


Stones help in learning. Ancient people used them in magical rituals. Each stone has a special power.

Those wishing to learn new languages ​​should use jasper souvenirs. To improve thinking, take alexandrite and amethyst.

Rock crystal helps increase brain activity. With such an amulet, students are able to remember more new information. A small hexagonal stone is enough to use as an amulet. It will help hone your skills and attract new ideas.

What symbols are used

Experienced authors practice various runic ligatures, combining them with activation of a certain type and slander. They provide different effects depending on the operator's requirements. Some formulas help to successfully close the session, and some formulas reveal the hidden capabilities of applicants during the entrance exams.

Traditionally, runes for good luck for students in their studies include:

  1. Laguz. This symbol identifies the operator or student to be assisted in each exam. If a male representative takes the test, the rune can be replaced with Teyvaz.
  2. Ansuz. Symbolizes the knowledge that the student receives or the information that he has already learned earlier.
  3. Turisaz. Develop operator intuition. This is an inner voice that will help you find answers to the questions posed in the depths of your consciousness. Present in almost all formulas from runes that bring good luck in the exam.
  4. Kenaz. A symbol that stimulates memory. He can pull out even long-forgotten information from the corners of his mind. This ability often saves you on an exam.
  5. Soulo. This is the rune of success and luck.

Using an already proven runic stave, which has a beneficial effect on passing the exam, you should adhere to all the author’s recommendations. In addition to the ligature of symbols, the method of applying signs, reservation, and activation plays a big role.

Scandinavian runes of wisdom (video)

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below and I will be happy to answer them.

Alena Golovina

— white witch, psychic,
author of the site
Interesting on the topic:


Runes are an amazing thing that can help in difficult times and be a faithful life partner. Wherever they are used: in love, as protection, as a reagent for determining magical influence, etc. But such simple signs can also come to the rescue, for example, when taking an exam.

Runes are an amazing tool and reliable help, but you need to rely not only on them, but also on your knowledge. It is also worth remembering that each sign has two meanings - two meanings, which are often completely opposite to each other.

To help, it is best to take not just one rune, but a becoming one - that is, a combination of several. Indeed, in this case, one rune will help you draw the correct ticket and hand it in with ease. Another, even if you get a bad ticket, will give you the strength to cope with anxiety, overcome fears and concentrate. The third one, in any case, will play the situation in your favor, and you will complete the exam with a positive mark.

It is best to write the combination on your hand in a line or on a sheet of paper with your rough answers.

Here are several betting options for successfully passing the exam:

Ansuz – Algiz – Vunyo

Each of the symbols carries its own specific meaning:

  • Ansuz – thoughts and active brain activity. Such a drawing will come to the rescue in order to remember what you never really studied.
  • Algiz - will protect you from the teacher’s attention. Especially important for those who have cheat sheets.
  • Vunyo is luck, luck, with the help of which you can get a good grade.

Ansuz – Algiz – Raido

This tandem is very similar to the previous one, but there is a difference in the Raido symbol.

Raido in this stav means movement, development and application of acquired experience. With her, all roads are open to you.

Tayvaz – Ansuz – Soulu

These are very powerful runes for success in obtaining an important test or exam. But one special difference is that this combination only works if a person has really worked hard and made every effort to master this subject.

  • Tayvaz - brings you together, prevents your thoughts from being distracted by something unnecessary, and also gives you the strength to resist pressure. For example, the examiner.
  • Ansuz - gives nourishment to the brain and strength for reflection and brain activity.
  • Soulu attracts fairness, and if you know the material well, you will get an excellent grade.

Rates and formulas

Often, a student gets lost in an exam not because he was irresponsible in his preparation, but because he has fears and worries. Futhark symbols are capable of imparting self-confidence and making it possible to partly rely on luck. After experiencing stress, you can use symbols to restore the energy aura or signs to heal health, but first you need to successfully cope with the tasks of the session. And several effective bets will help us with this.

"Exam Helper"

This is a simple formula that even those who first turned to the help of Scandinavian magic can do. It consists of three runes that must be correctly specified:

  1. We ask Ansuz to give us a good memory, to help us remember everything that we once heard or wrote in classes.
  2. Algiz helps to avoid increased attention from the teacher, which makes it easy to use a cheat sheet or advice from a classmate.
  3. Vunyo is described as a symbol of luck and absolute luck (this sign is also effective in helping to treat children).

Stav is applied to the hand before the exam.

This becoming is activated by breathing.

"For success in the exam"

This is a more complex formula that requires a lot of attention from the operator. The stav is applied to a sheet of paper or body. The piece of paper with the runes is spelled out and placed in the pocket of the clothes in which they go to the classroom.

The formula can be divided into 3 parts:

  1. The central part aims to reconnect the student's memory and consciousness in order to recall any information that may be useful for passing the exam.
  2. The extreme parts do not use Futhark symbols, but Northumbrian runes. Ear is responsible for relieving stress, Ur systematizes the functioning of mechanisms in the body, the connection between As and Sigel attracts luck.

You can specify the formula in any convenient way. Some operators prefer to divide it into parts.

“For success in the exam” hard version

This formula is suitable only for those who have actually prepared for the test. That's why it's called hard, because it helps to achieve the best result, subject to the operator's efforts. Apply to the skin on the hand or a leaf. Any activation method will do.

The ligature includes the following symbols:

  1. Teyvaz is responsible for composure and willpower.
  2. Ansuz improves brain function and helps you quickly find answers to even the most tricky questions.
  3. Soulu symbolizes luck and justice.

They stipulate both individually and in whole. This will help you correctly apply your existing knowledge during the conversation with the examiner and get the highest score.


This formula is used both during exams during the session and by applicants to get the desired place in a college or university. It belongs to complex ligations, so it is recommended to do it as a last resort. Then, when really luck can radically change the course of events.

It is important to maintain the correct order of the runes. They begin to draw the formula from the center, then the upper script of Mannaz with the Eye of Odin and then in this order: Algiz + Raido + Ansuz, Nautiz + Ansuz. At the end we draw Teyvazy on the left side and Vunyo.

To correctly specify the formula, it should be divided into several parts. In the text it is important to mention the abilities of each rune pair:

  • Perth - Kenaz - clarity of mind;
  • Mannaz - Eye of Odin - protects against mistakes and obstacles;
  • Algiz - Raido - Ansuz - symbolize success;
  • Nautiz - Ansuz - will help you concentrate;
  • Turisazy - relieves anxiety and excitement;
  • Teyvaz - fill the operator with secret talents and strength;
  • Vunyo is the rune of good luck.

“For receipts on the budget”

Receipt on the budget significantly saves family finances. However, it is often quite difficult to take this place in the desired faculty. The incredible luck that magical powers can summon really wouldn’t hurt here. This stav is traditionally applied to the hand or paper a few days before the exam and the runes are periodically painted on.

This clause includes:

  • Laguz personifies the student (applicant) himself;
  • Ansuz is a symbol of knowledge;
  • Thurisaz strengthens the connection with intuition;
  • Kenaz works with the subconscious;
  • Yera strengthens the work of symbols in the camp;
  • Soulu is used to summon good luck.

Runes for passing the exam

In the formulas that are used to create staves to help students, the following runes are used:

  • Laguz
    symbolizes the flow of knowledge;
  • Eyvaz
    is responsible for the speed of assimilation of information and its large quantity;
  • Gebo
    records the work of runescripts;
  • Ansuz
    denotes intelligence, the ability to learn and apply knowledge, and also improves speech;
  • Fehu
    acts as a storage device and helps to remember information;
  • Odal
    is responsible for maintaining skills;
  • Teyvaz
    systematizes what he has learned;
  • Soulu
    gives energy for learning, helps to apply knowledge usefully;
  • Raido
    improves the functioning of consciousness;
  • The Ansuz – Turisaz combination
    helps to sharpen your intuition during the test and easily answer the teacher’s questions;
  • Yera
    restores memory function;
  • Kano
    gives insights, in combination with the mirror rune, expands the range of perception of information;
  • Perth
    represents memory;
  • Hagalaz
    destroys obstacles on the path to learning;
  • Berkana
    gives strength and desire to acquire new knowledge, diligence in learning;
  • Algiz
    guarantees success.

Here are examples of simple runic formulas for passing the session:

  • Ansuz - Yera - Mannaz
    harmonizes the work of the mind, directs thoughts in the right direction;
  • Nautiz - Ansuz - Raido
    forces you to devote time to self-knowledge and work on yourself;
  • AUJA.
    Ansuz - Uruz - Yera - Ansuz is considered a powerful spell used by shamans. The chain brings good luck and attracts success.

What clauses to use

Without the correct stipulation, the runes will not start working or will act incorrectly. The tasks that the Scandinavian magical powers must solve should be pronounced out loud. Some magicians use the rune clause. Each symbol is specified separately in such a way that it becomes clear what result the operator needs.

A general clause is drawn up in accordance with your intentions, so you program the runes to solve the problem. There are also slander in poetic form (Visa). Most often, such spells combine a runic and general slander. Experienced magicians recommend using a runic slander to invoke good luck in the exam.

Activation Features

Since runic bets for good luck in an exam are most often drawn on the body, the most popular and effective way is to activate the symbol with breathing. The lines on the hand may wear off during wear, so each update to the formula should be reactivated.

The correct sequence of actions to charge the runes for work:

  1. The sheet of paper on which the formula is written is taken in the left palm.
  2. We fold the fingers on the right hand like a mouthpiece.
  3. We take a deep breath, thinking about the desired result and release air through the “horn” onto the formula.

If the signs are applied to the skin, the ritual with the “mouthpiece” should be repeated over the place where the formula is drawn.

Runic becoming “For success in the exam”

The runescript for passing training tests is applied to the skin or a sheet of paper before passing the test. The spell drawn on paper is placed in your pocket.

The runescript includes runes of the Anglo-Saxon rune series. The central part forces the wearer to collect his thoughts, awaken his memory and respond to the teacher. The left and right parts of the ligature consist of Northumbrian runes:

  • Ear
    reduces stress and eliminates nervousness;
  • Yr
    forces you to manage your test preparation time wisely;
  • Ac – Sigel
    in conjunction transforms the circumstances around the wearer and turns them in his favor.

The operator specifies and activates the runescript in the usual way.

Using amulets

One of the most popular amulets is made from a student’s record book. In order for the magic to work as best as possible, it is worth eliminating meat, fish, alcohol from your diet, and giving up other bad habits a week before the exams. Consciousness should be clear, the body should be at rest.

The mascot is created on Sunday. On this day of the week the largest accumulations of energy are observed. On a blank sheet of paper you need to draw a Star of David (as indicated in the image). The runes Algiz, Fehu and Raido will charge the amulet with the energy of success. They are depicted in the center of the star.

When drawing symbols on paper, they must be stated: “Oh, Great King Solomon, send me your wisdom!” Then the sheet is placed in the record book and left for an hour. After the runes have been worked, the carrier must be securely hidden from prying eyes.

Choose only proven rates so as not to make mistakes in the exam. And, of course, rely not only on the powers of the Scandinavian gods, but also on your own knowledge.

We create talismans for academic success with our own hands

You can make a talisman for good luck in your studies yourself. For talismans, you can use plants, branches, minerals, wooden products, as well as things made of cotton or linen.


An embroidered product can strengthen the spirit and increase curiosity. The student will be able to study something new with diligence and concentrate attention, think logically and make the right decisions. The amulet awakens responsibility when making decisions, organization, and the ability to plan actions in order to combine study with hobbies. The amulet helps to eradicate laziness and idleness.

Small bag with dried plants

You can quickly make a school talisman with your own hands. Such amulets contribute to success in learning. To do this, pre-dried herbs are selected and placed in a bag made of natural fabric. You can sew it yourself or take a ready-made one.

For success in learning use:

  • rosemary - for good luck;
  • valerian - for peace of mind;
  • thyme - to increase brain activity and enhance the speed of thought processes;
  • St. John's wort - to relieve fatigue;
  • nettle - for courage and fighting the fear of failure;
  • apple tree - to improve concentration, memory and brain activity;
  • alder - to get rid of anxiety.

How to create a talisman:

  • take a bag, a sheet of paper, hazel - for wisdom, calamus root - for good luck, rosemary, as well as threads - red or with a silver tint;
  • write down the name of the item on paper;
  • plants are poured into the bag, a little essential oil is dripped in and tied with thread.


Among the talismans for good luck in studies, runic amulets occupy a special place. They provide a powerful influx of energy that allows you to achieve the desired results.

Urzus helps to cope with passivity and laziness. Anzus - form sentences, find competent statements and expressions and overcome fears of speaking in front of an audience. Yer is responsible for a good reward. These runic signs can be applied to amulets made of wood, stone, and metal. The symbols do not need to be burned or engraved, but can be drawn using light yellow shades. Talismans with runes are worn around the neck or in pockets.

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