Compatibility between Monkey and Monkey can lead both partners to success if

The monkey is the most universal of the symbols of the eastern horoscope. She is very smart, self-confident and principled. Those born this year are creative geniuses and skilled conspirators. Possessing many talents and natural intelligence, the Monkey can cope with any task. She easily finds the cause-and-effect relationship of what is happening and makes the right decision, anticipating events in advance.

During a conversation, the Monkey does not lose sight of anything that is happening around. It is not difficult for her to do one thing and think about another. She is simply irreplaceable in resolving conflict situations, as she can easily find a solution that suits everyone.

General information about the compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman

According to the horoscope, the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman is one of the highest. These are two bright, restless, changeable people who love communication and adventure. One Monkey is already a holiday, and two Monkeys are a real festival of fun and jokes. It is not surprising that these guys quickly find a common language.

This duet is a source of creative ideas and interesting projects. Together the Monkeys become even more fearless. They implement bold ideas and rush into different adventures. The main thing is that all this is within the framework of the law. There are no long-term plans in this union, because spontaneity is closer to both.

The point of contact for Monkeys is the desire for leadership. If partners begin to compete with each other, the relationship will develop in unpredictable ways. Moreover, in order to achieve a personal goal, everyone is ready to cunning, deceiving, and setting up the other. Things go much better when both are engaged in the same project and both are equally interested in a good result.

By the way, very often the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman suffers due to the mutual suspicion of the partners. Both talk little about themselves personally, keep a lot to themselves, and one will never guess what’s in the other’s head.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman is considered very high in all respects. These guys are always on the same wavelength. They strive to live a bright and eventful life, achieve a lot, but always have enough time for fun and adventure. It is surprising that, due to their character, each individual is considered a difficult partner for any alliance, but these guys get along well together. Probably the secret of their high compatibility is that both are not used to getting hung up on little things and quickly forget grievances.

Astrologer's advice

The compatibility of the Monkey with the same sign gives rise to one of the most favorable unions; of course, there are misunderstandings, quarrels, misunderstandings, and squabbles. To achieve harmony, they will have to work on their own relationships. But none of the signs will put their own benefit below the partner’s needs; they don’t know how to do otherwise. To strengthen an even stronger connection, they need to adhere to the established rules.

Discuss all the nuances in advance and set priorities. Do not perceive your loved one as a potential competitor or rival, appreciate his inner qualities. Try to pay more attention to your partner. Be alone more often, travel, try not to cause feelings of jealousy, avoid fleeting romances, never shift your fears onto the shoulders of another person, be responsible and independent. Only in such cases will both signs become even happier, more attractive, and the union more harmonious.

Compatibility in love

The love compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman is one hundred percent. Having met once, these guys are able to immediately begin a stormy and passionate romance. From the outside they may seem crazy and flighty merry fellows, but in fact this couple is on their own.

It's interesting to watch such a couple. You'll never guess what these guys will do next minute. They constantly change plans, run somewhere, come up with something, organize something, pull it off. These are ardent fans of extreme sports, tourism and parties. You will never see them upset. Monkeys are always on the rise. They are energetic, optimistic and spread a good mood to everyone around them.

Monkeys argue a lot, because the desire for leadership and victory is in both their blood. Here everyone wants to be in charge, and no one wants to give in. This especially upsets the Monkey man, because he is ready to connect his life only with that woman who will unconditionally accept his authority. He will not allow the Monkey woman to command him even in small things and will try to push her down a notch below him. And then either the lady will show wisdom and obey, or after serious scandals the couple will break up.

The compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman in love is very high. The lovers understand each other perfectly, they have many common interests and goals, so the two Monkeys are definitely on the same path. Perhaps the only major problem in such a couple is the natural sense of superiority inherent in both. It is incredibly difficult for partners to give in to each other, so when their interests collide, quarrels occur.

Types of monkeys according to the Chinese zodiac

Characteristics by year of birth:

  • metal monkeys (born in 1980): wisdom, vanity, self-confidence, desire for individual action, a good understanding of business processes and the ability to invest money successfully;
  • merman (born in 1992): receptive and sensitive, disciplined, characterized by determination, the gift of persuasion, good intuition about the essence and intentions of each person;
  • wooden (born in 1944, 2004): responsibility, development of imagination, desire for knowledge, support for enthusiasm is supported by achieving success, therefore, in case of failure, interest in achieving the goal is lost, they can constantly work and deserve respect, or embark on adventures (impermanence).
  • fiery (born in 1956, 2021): curious with a rich imagination and versatility of interests, somewhat fussy, stubborn and able to suppress the weak, to interest them in their own person;
  • earthlings (born in 1968): well-read, highly moral, good-natured towards people in need, prone to solitude, occupy high-ranking positions, but not characterized by a stressful environment.

Compatibility between two monkeys can exist

We can conclude that the compatibility of monkey and monkey is justified in many respects. The most difficult situation is the one in which there is maximum identity of characters. If we talk about strong long-term alliances. But this is rare. Even in a pair of monkeys, the following logic can be implemented: plus x minus = plus. The desire for love and a strong connection will serve as a catalyst for changing the established way of life. Such people will be able to adapt to the situation with an eye on each other.

Marriage Compatibility

As a rule, the compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman in marriage is also high, but for those families that formed at a young age, the chances of a happy future are noticeably lower than for couples formed later. At a more mature age, spouses are no longer so uncompromising, they value family relationships more and are ready to sacrifice something to preserve them.

This marriage amazingly combines the desire of the partners to have common interests, but at the same time pay enough attention to the personal ambitions of each. Here everyone can remain themselves and always find time for both personal hobbies and joint projects.

True, the Monkey woman should be more careful in her actions. The Monkey man does not tolerate being belittled, suppressed, forced to do anything, or tried to manipulate him. If he senses deception, he can become abrupt and very rude.

In such a family, the Monkey man decides all important issues alone. He is also in charge of finance. But if the wife is sufficiently flexible and wise, then she will be able to influence her husband’s decisions. By respecting her man and following him, the Monkey woman will receive everything from him. But as soon as she tries to oppose her husband, she will immediately encounter an unexpectedly unpleasant side of his character.

The Monkey man and the Monkey woman are one of those couples where the compatibility of the spouses does not increase with the birth of children. That is, if the relationship does not work out, then the appearance of offspring will not help save the family. Fortunately, as a rule, children in such a family are born after the spouses have learned to find an approach to each other. By the way, kids here grow up very educated, independent, practical and purposeful.

Characteristics of the sign

What makes monkeys stand out? Their main features:

  • they demonstrate independence in judgment and a clear intention to explain their point of view as unconditionally correct (in their opinion), which comes in handy in discussion situations and disputes;
  • the previous point is combined with a reluctance to perceive a point of view on topics on which conclusions have already been drawn (if a dispute in judgments is revealed), it is better for them to prove their own;
  • such people know how to win over and even communicate with any environment due to needs and to achieve benefits (i.e., a monkey is not always prone to squabbles);
  • self-confidence is justified, since monkeys have the right to boast of a good memory (they often draw conclusions based on remembered facts);
  • love to learn and experience new things throughout life;
  • at the same time, they are extremely prone to fantasy and impressionability;
  • they are optimistic;
  • understand the pain of another and try to help, find finances or moral strength for this;
  • know how to impress people and easily come into contact with everyone;
  • They want to constantly receive benefits, they are vain, which sometimes still makes them act not very honestly.

Compatibility in bed

In relationships with other signs, Monkeys can be unfaithful, because they always lack novelty and bright emotions. But the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman in sex is so high that the partners have absolutely no need to look for a replacement for each other.

Everyone gets very creative in the bedroom. Lovers take the initiative from each other and offer something new. Monkeys are not shy about talking about their desires and easily understand each other.

Excellent compatibility between a Monkey man and a Monkey woman in bed is a good tool for strengthening relationships between partners. The lovers feel so good in the bedroom that both are ready to forget about all the insults. Here the Monkeys find a common language faster.

Negative sides of the union

A monkey is always a difficult character. Sometimes they say about such people that they are “on their own.” The monkey is proud, sometimes behaves disrespectfully, and is unfamiliar with the concepts of obligation and duty.

Monkeys rarely manage to build a happy marriage and trusting relationships with loved ones. Although in a union of two monkeys there are significantly fewer problems than in other pairs.

But still, misunderstandings do occur. The most common causes of conflict are:

  • Spending by both partners;
  • The desire of both to dominate the family;
  • Excessive love of freedom and infidelity.

Compatibility in friendship

The friendly compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman is also high, although such relationships can hardly be called true friendship. Rather, it is a mutually beneficial friendship.

Of course, Monkeys feel good together, they get great pleasure from communicating with each other and spending time together, but these guys justifiably do not trust each other. In any matter, each of them thinks only about himself and cares little about the needs of the other. Accordingly, as long as the interests of two Monkeys do not collide, the relationship can’t be better. But as soon as a difficult situation arises, Monkeys turn into calculating competitors.

Compatibility of a Monkey man and a Monkey woman in friendship is a complex thing. On the one hand, there is complete mutual understanding, a sea of ​​common interests and intensive communication. On the other hand, the Monkeys will be only temporary friends for each other, who will simply be on their way for some time. As soon as their interests collide, the paths of “friends” will diverge.

Are two monkeys compatible?

Compatibility between ape and ape is justified by the fact that such people tend to win over a fundamentally large part of the environment. Both sincerely and for a certain benefit. In a loving relationship with a partner, both of these points help. A negative trait such as the tendency to achieve goals at the expense of others can have a positive effect on relationships. If it is used to strengthen the alliance.

Achieving a goal through a certain benefit

If there is a clash of interests, monkeys will be able to turn the situation to their advantage, find advantages in it, convince each other of something and remain in a pair. After all, conflicts cannot be avoided, as in any relationship. And few are able to solve them by staying together for a long time. We need to make sure that this relationship has become truly important for both monkeys, and that one of them does not use the other for his own benefit.

Compatibility at work

But in terms of work, the compatibility of the Monkey man and the Monkey woman is very favorable. These guys are capable of a lot individually, but in tandem they simply have no equal. Any business literally burns in their hands. No matter what the Monkeys undertake, they can’t do anything better.

In business, two Monkeys are sure to achieve their goals. If they could concentrate on one thing, they would long ago become the most famous and richest in the world. But these guys change their preferences too often. They are interested in the process, the pleasure of overcoming difficulties. And sometimes the result is not so important.

Interaction in various areas

Not all signs of the Chinese horoscope get along with each other in one area or another. Just as representatives of the same constellation do not always find a common language. With a competent approach, the compatibility of the signs Monkey and Monkey will remain at a high level, regardless of the area of ​​interaction.

At work and business

Despite their sometimes explosive temperament, when it comes to working qualities, here Monkeys can give a decent head start to others.

  • Intelligence

The cunning and resourcefulness of the primate are by no means accidental, but are a direct continuation of his developed, lively mind. He's a great improviser and can change the course of an entire project on the fly as soon as he comes up with something better.

  • Determination

Doubts and uncertainty are not about the Monkey. Having iron logic and strong self-confidence, she will not grumble in the face of new tasks and plans. Not afraid of stronger opponents.

  • Openness.

The primate relies only on itself. Doesn't listen to others and does only what he thinks is right. At the same time, the representative of this sign is always open to new ideas. There are no frameworks for it and no such thing as “completeness.” If there is something that can be improved and refined, he will definitely do it. He is not alien to the opinions of others only if this person has earned trust.

  • Perseverance.

For the Monkey, there is no such thing as loss. She will try to find a way out of any, even the most hopeless situation.

Joint activity brings the most effective results of work, provided that both Monkeys are working on the same goal. Business for them is a battlefield where they can demonstrate all their skills and abilities to the fullest. The power of their mind knows no bounds as long as difficulties and obstacles challenge their abilities.

You should take into account the fact that these are partners only in joint projects. In any other case, they will become rivals, each will pull the blanket to their side.

Despite frequent disputes and conflicts based on the excessive similarity of partners, they will not refuse interaction. For more coordinated work, they need a representative of a more stable sign on their team.

In friendship

From friendly relations, Monkeys will expect:

  • Vivid emotions.

Being an incendiary person, this sign will still not be satisfied with just himself. He expects the same energy and return from his partner.

  • An intellectual friend.

They need a person who can support any conversation, even on the most difficult topic.

  • Comrade in adventures.

Essentially, they don't need relationships for intimate conversations and emotional support. The main thing is the raging adrenaline, the ability of two to take off in one minute and rush headlong into any adventure.

They may not become close and reliable friends, but they will definitely have a companion in adventure.

In love

According to the Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of Monkey with Monkey in the love field is extremely high. Partners see themselves in each other, which protects the couple from unnecessary criticism and bias. Two representatives of this horoscope need not be afraid that their feelings and passions will soon cool down - in love they are like an active volcano.

Primates are devoid of shyness and complexes in bed. Ready for any experiments and innovations. They are no strangers to rivalry, even if it concerns love affairs. It will not come to open confrontations and battles for dominance, but the desire to surpass the lover will be present.

This couple will definitely attract attention. They are bright personalities who will certainly become the stars of any party. Those around you are attracted like a magnet by the frantic energy of the Monkeys. Both he and she attract attention with their individuality and tenacious mind.

However, despite universal love and a fairly wide circle of friends, it is not easy for them to establish close relationships. But if two primates manage to get closer, their union will become fruitful and reliable. They feel each other well, they know what the other half might not like or upset, this allows them to smooth out rough edges. For them, respect is an important criterion, and they will not tolerate pressure or encroachment on their role in the relationship.


Marriage can become a very strong union, built on mutual respect and respect for personal boundaries. In the case when he and she are Monkeys, families are created and broken up in an instant due to their passionate nature and impulsiveness. They have common interests, many common points, similar views on life. The only thing that will darken a marriage is frequent conflicts of an explosive nature. They may not be afraid that everyday life will cool their passion - the compatibility of the Monkeys with each other will not allow them to get bored.

The primate’s love of freedom also has a bad effect on family life, however, if the couple manages to come to an agreement, this problem can be avoided. And they try to avoid major quarrels.

Experts advise that in a married couple, distribute roles from the very beginning in order to prevent a struggle for power. Typically, a man plays the role of breadwinner better. He knows how to earn money, spends it easily, but often spoils his wife. In family life, a man will not tolerate encroachment on his leading role.

A woman does not always become the best homemaker. She is too unorganized and cannot organize herself in household chores. But as far as support and love for her husband and children are concerned, she will never have any problems.

Considering the harmonious combination of Monkey and Monkey according to the Chinese horoscope, the most important rule in such relationships is the ability to talk to each other. Only mutual trust and respect will be the key in any area. Knowing their weaknesses, their tendency to cheat, frivolity and competition, each of the couple is able to build a harmonious and healthy relationship that will bring only positive emotions to everyone.

Tips and tricks for creating good relationships

Despite their high compatibility, the Monkey man and the Monkey woman often experience problems communicating with each other. The union will become stronger if everyone makes concessions.

Nothing will come of it if the Monkey woman refuses to recognize the leadership of the Monkey man. If everyone continues to strive for primacy in everything, there will be no end to the quarrels. Likewise, a man must remember that his chosen one is as freedom-loving and ambitious as he is. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize her merits and allow her to lead an active external life. Locking the Monkey woman at home will not work.

When spouses stop competing with each other, they begin to see a lot of advantages in their relationship. This is a very promising union, where there is always room for humor and fun. Husband and wife become a reliable support for each other.

If your spouse appeared in the year of the wild cat

If a man was born in the year of the Monkey, for a long lasting union both will have to master the ability to give in. The first few months are the most difficult; they are filled with experiences.

A man tries to introduce a wild cat into his life, to introduce him to his world. For a lady, this seems like an adventure that awakens excitement. She plunges headlong into emotions, but her partner does not respond in kind and maintains his distance. This is unpleasant for a woman; coldness brings pain. It is she who often becomes the initiator of a breakup.

Marriage for such a couple is a source of difficulties. A wild cat is a strong person, but the husband will try to outwit the predator. From the outside it seems that there is constant competition within the couple.

The predator will make concessions if the partner shows himself to be successful in his career and a self-sufficient person. If he fails, the two will soon separate.

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