1976 is the year of which animal?

Legend of origin

There is more than one ancient Chinese legend that tells about the origin of the eastern horoscope, consisting of 12 signs: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
One of them is the most popular. One day, the great Buddha himself, before going into nirvana, called all the animals to mark each year of the 12-year cycle. In order to test their determination and desire, the great god created an obstacle on their way - a wide, stormy river. Those animals who overcame it and came to see Buddha off, no matter what, received a special reward and now dominate each year in turn. The dragon came in fifth. One of his subjects is 1976. What other animal might be missing in a 12-year cycle? The distribution is particularly harmonious and does not require any additions or exceptions.

1976: year of which Dragon?

Why is 1976 so interesting?
Firstly, the Chinese consider any year of the dragon especially lucky; they even try to plan the birth of their children for this particular time. Can you imagine what a demographic explosion they have during such periods?

Secondly, the Year of the Dragon 1976 corresponds to the element of fire, and the dragon, as you know, is a fire-breathing animal, inextricably linked with flame. The correspondence between the element and the animal creates an optimal combination that allows the Dragon’s talents to be revealed most fully.

Based on this, the horoscope of 1976 will be very happy. Which animal year did luck and happiness honor with its presence? Of course, Dragon.

Essence of the Elements

Each year of the eastern calendar passes under the auspices of not only a certain being, but also one of the five elements.
Thus, animals of wood, water, metal, earth and fire are distinguished. Therefore, characterizing 1976 (what animal it represents) is not so difficult. This is the Red Dragon. Red color corresponds to the element of fire. People whose birth time belongs to this element are distinguished by their “fiery” character: they are passionate, emotional, active and energetic natures. They are capable of very strong feelings that no other existing element can give, but, unfortunately, these feelings will not be constant.

Representatives of the element of fire, being born leaders, are able to easily win the favor of other people and even lead them, and many would happily agree to follow such a leader. Fire gives its ward the opportunity to realize himself in the possession of real power - open, honest, bright and public. And also the strength to retain this power and sweep away other, less fortunate rivals from their path.

Characteristics of people born in 1976

Esotericists consider dragons to be the fairest and most cheerful of all signs. These are open and gentle people, although they try to look like dictators. Capable of leading crowds. Quite ambitious and quick-tempered. They sin by hastily drawing conclusions about others; labels.

The element of Fire gives Dragons certain abilities that help them make the right decision. Representatives of the sign are not afraid to openly express their opinions. If they really want something, any obstacles will be surmountable.

Dragons know how to distribute forces correctly; are able to quickly cope with stressful situations.

Fire Dragon Woman

Dragon women will inherit a lot from the mythological qualities of this creature. A striking feature of the fair sex is inner freedom. They love everything non-standard, creative and do not want to bind themselves with any obligations. They are able to make a strong impression on others. Sometimes we tend to consider ourselves real queens.

They closely follow the latest in the fashion world and significant events. An energetic nature helps to cope with difficulties. Such women are easy to pick out from the crowd: they have unique taste and are always confident in themselves.

External beauty, of course, is important, but a greater effect is produced by internal charm and some mysterious sparkle in the eyes. Modesty is not their trait at all.

Male Fire Dragon

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity use even the slightest opportunity to be in the spotlight and demonstrate their talents to everyone gathered. Their self-confidence leaves no room for doubt. In life they are guided by specific ideals, they greatly value the opinion of the older generation and their worldly wisdom.

The decency and honesty of Fire Dragons do not cause the slightest concern. Even if they offend someone, they don’t do it on purpose. The explosive nature is to blame for everything. They cannot stand human cunning.

Arrogance often prevents you from making close friends. However, Dragons try to surround themselves with the maximum number of interesting and successful people: the desire to get as much as possible from life takes over.

Work and career

The Fire Dragon will strive to find something interesting to do. Sincere passion for representatives of the sign is the main thing. Leaders see great potential in Dragons. Their extraordinary thinking helps to pull out even failed projects. Dragons evaluate any professional activity with their own fresh look.

The following areas are most suitable for them:

  • policy;
  • journalism;
  • medicine;
  • the science;
  • tourism;
  • art.

Dragons evaluate any activity with a fresh look. They are persistent and enthusiastic people, natural leaders. Therefore, it is easy for them to make a career.

Love, relationships and family

For Fire Dragons, it is important that relationships begin with mutual interest. They will never date someone for gain or money. In order for the union to become strong, it is important to moderate selfishness. It’s easier for women in this situation: they are able to step on the throat of their own pride.

The marriage of Fire Dragons is beautiful and long. However, they are demanding of their significant other and will never forgive betrayal.

Problems often arise in the relationship between spouses and their children. If a husband and wife pull themselves together in time, they will be able to build a very strong union. Some invisible thread firmly connects their souls. It is not visible to outsiders, but both spouses feel it throughout their lives.

The marriage of Fire Dragons is beautiful and long.

Advantages and disadvantages

Dragons have many advantages. They are energetic and enthusiastic. They try to do everything as best as possible. They have excellent health. But in a number of situations they become irritable and impatient. These are idealists who strive for perfection, so they refuse a lot. There are harsh expressions.

Representatives of the sign rush headlong into troubles and rarely think about further consequences. They are not always ready to put up with reality and are constantly dissatisfied with something. Hence, Dragons constantly strive to take a dominant position, and not to be in a supporting role. To attract attention, they need victories.

Triads in the eastern horoscope

So we looked at 1976: what animal does he propose to venerate, what element, etc. Let's now discuss who is most suitable for the Dragon.
The Eastern calendar is characterized by division into specific triads. All animals here are divided according to signs into 4 such groups. In this relationship, they are able to most optimally coexist with each other. Let's consider the one in which the sign we are interested in is present. Rat/Dragon/Monkey

These signs are the most friendly with each other. All of them are distinguished by enormous inner strength, but what it will be directed towards - evil or good - depends on them. The main thing is that they do not accept the middle. These signs are also usually distinguished by their high ability to work, mobility and energy. In communication, the Rat and the Dragon are quite authoritarian and self-confident, while the Monkey is more loyal and diplomatic. But all these signs are very smart, undoubtedly charming, and also a little naive in trusting stereotypes.

Compatibility with other signs of the eastern horoscope

A compatibility horoscope can tell you what you need to change in yourself to make the relationship ideal.

  • Rats are perfect for Dragons to create a family. The Rat's skills will come to the rescue when the Dragon cannot control his own emotions.
  • Finding a common language with the Ox will be difficult, but possible. The main thing is that the Dragon does not defend his leadership position all the time.
  • from a Tiger . Two bright personalities are a good complement to each other.
  • But you can’t build a family with a Rabbit . The hare will be frightened by the partner’s excessive adherence to principles.
  • Two Dragons nearby, it would seem, should get along well together, but this does not always happen. People with the same mindset sometimes start to annoy each other.
  • In a marriage with a Snake , everything depends on her wisdom. She will have to learn to manage her hot-tempered partner.
  • In alliance with the Horse, everyone pulls the blanket over themselves. The determining factor will be sex, not spiritual connection.
  • The goat is an unreliable partner. She can't make the Dragon happy.
  • A vibrant and trusting relationship is guaranteed with a Monkey
  • With the Rooster of the Dragon, success awaits, but you need to calm down your own ambitions.
  • The Dog will never accept someone else's point of view, and the Dragon will not be able to come to terms with this.
  • with the Pig is high: this sign attracts the Dragon with its thriftiness.

Dragon Character

Among all 12 signs, Dragons are considered the luckiest.
1976 is the year of what animal? Dragon. This means he must be happy! We can say that Dragons are lucky always and everywhere! They are self-confident, energetic, self-centered and pretentious. They are the creators of the world and are never inactive. They do not expect new events in their lives and do not rush around looking for a solution to any problem. It happens naturally.

You can always rely on representatives of this sign without fear - they will never let you down. A serious Dragon will take everything into his own hands and will never be afraid to take risks. His fiery enthusiasm and strong-willed nature will definitely bring victory.

Features of people born in the year of the Fire Dragon

According to the Chinese horoscope, those born in the Year of the Dragon are despotic and furious. Their opinion is the only correct one, they do not listen to others, and do not accept any point of view other than their own.

It’s hard to live next to such people, they suppress and crush everything. And if there are those who disagree, they will be incinerated with a fiery flame.

But at the same time, these are very trusting and to some extent soft people. Dragons rush between their two forms, and it is almost impossible to predict which of them will win.

Dragons are always looking for followers to lead them to the goal that they themselves have set for them. Without an internal goal, representatives of this sign wilt and become depressed.

People love Dragons for their kindness and gullibility, and sometimes they take advantage of this. But as soon as people born this year begin to understand that they are being manipulated, they turn into wild animals. They become unrestrained, irritable and rude. Their straightforwardness can hurt a lot, but they don't think about it when they get angry.

  • The Fire Dragon man is a real bundle of energy. He is temperamental, attractive, and able to infect others with his desire. There is no task that this man cannot cope with. Although he can be unreasonably cruel and rude to those who do not share his attitude towards the world around him.
  • The Fire Dragon woman is an amazing sensual nature. At the first glance you can tell that she is a heroine capable of leading. She inspires, warms with her fire and gives hope. But you can burn her in the flame if you come too close and allow yourself an incorrect remark or action that offends her.

What is the Dragon like in personal relationships?

What year is 1976 according to the horoscope? This is the year of the Dragon, and Dragons prefer that everything happen in accordance with their will. They demand obligatory perfection, both from themselves and from others: in actions, in actions, when performing any work. The dragon must definitely leave the last word for himself - then he quickly forgives everything. Grudges would slow down the pace of his life. Although the Dragon's generous nature attracts crowds, he actually has few close friends.

In love, these people are very active and assertive. They are capable of wild, passionate love, which not everyone can withstand. It should also be remembered that Dragons love themselves most of all. They are the main ones, and the rest are just their admirers and adorers. And to the extent that you can support the Dragon’s self-esteem, you will be so valuable to him. In a relationship, he needs, first of all, an admirer of his talents, a pacifier of his excessive impulses and a subtle and skillful manager who can direct his aspirations in the right direction. The Dragon can create or obtain everything else himself.

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