How to understand that a dragon man has fallen in love. General and love horoscope: Dragon man

You have met a bright man, you want to know how to seduce the Dragon. We hasten to warn you: do not expect quick and easy seduction. The dragon is an extraordinary person. He loves... himself more than anyone in the world.

Often women looking for an answer to the question of how to charm a Dragon see him as strong, reliable, loyal, enterprising, and caring. But in reality, the chosen one may well turn out to be a complete egoist. How to understand the Dragon? The true face of the sign's representative is revealed in communication. Be careful, observe the man’s behavior, evaluate not his words, but his actions.

Wondering how to conquer the Dragon? We offer a simple, proven solution - an astrological consultation. Each man born under this sign has his own characterological, psychological and, accordingly, behavioral characteristics. Many of them are dictated by the stars. Want to know how to win a Dragon man? Our astrologers are at your service!

Dragon - general characteristics

Europeans associate this mythical creature with rebellion and inflexibility, and Eastern peoples associate it with enormous internal strength, power and authority. The dragon is a strong and terrifying animal that stores treasures. He lives in the most inaccessible places - mountain caves or on distant islands, and takes revenge on any daredevil who dares to disturb his peace.

Although the Dragon's fixed element is wood, it combines all earthly elements, since it hides in the earth, soars in the skies, breathes fire and can easily overcome the sea. It is a symbol of powerful vital energy, ambition and thirst for power. People born this year can be called kissed by the gods.

In astrology, the Dragon symbol represents love of freedom, independence, and wild imagination. People of this sign do not tolerate oppression; they need a lot of living space. The typical Dragon is an incorrigible idealist. He strives for the ideal himself and demands the same from others. Dragons expect too much from people, and as a result they can lose loved ones and friends. Their ideal is a person with superpowers, who is not only endowed with exceptional abilities by nature, but also diligently develops them, showing an iron will and great hard work.

Business life of the Dragon

The Dragon is an active person, but he will not stay in a boring job even if he has a large income. This man is looking for an interesting activity that will bring not only money, but also new opportunities.

The Dragon loves to lead and strives for power. On the path to success, he uses only honest methods of struggle, so even if he sets his sights on someone else’s place, he acts openly. In relation to his subordinates, he is demanding, but not picky. Usually this person is highly respected in the work team.



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Dragon - character

Representatives of this sign experience dissatisfaction with life, starting from childhood. Even as a small child, the Dragon places too high demands on others. In early youth, the formation of his personality takes place. At the same time, the Dragon has to face the first serious difficulties, the outcome of the struggle with which determines his future path in life.

The Young Dragon is not like his peers. From a young age he has been interested in global issues. His rebellious nature makes him challenge society, strive for stratospheric heights and make grandiose plans. An unprincipled attitude to life often leads to conflicts. However, the Dragon will not attack first. He simply does not accept intrusion into his personal space. He can remain calm for quite a long time, but if the threat becomes serious, the Dragon suddenly “breathes fire” and shows his teeth.

His ideas about the ideal are far from reality. He searches for perfection all his life, but often never finds satisfaction. However, in pursuit of ideals, the Dragon improves itself and often achieves great success. Such people are maximalists by nature. They want everything or nothing. The feeling of dissatisfaction pushes them to new achievements. Hardworking and purposeful Dragons spend their entire lives honing their talents and improving their professional skills. They never get tired of learning, but they can’t stand it when someone teaches them.

Dragons have great charm and win over people. The dragon is hard not to notice, even if it is silent. He exudes strength and charisma, he is bright and unusual, extraordinary and often unpredictable. He always has many like-minded people, supporters and followers. Those around him firmly believe in his exceptional talent and deep wisdom, while some are simply jealous and quietly hate him.

The stupid and mediocre Dragon is a very rare exception to the rule. Typically, representatives of this sign are very gifted, intelligent and eloquent. They are born for fame and luxury. Even in his youth, the Dragon clearly knows what he wants from life. He can calculate events several moves ahead and, like cards, shuffle circumstances. He always finds the right people. Even if you leave the Dragon without support and money, he will still get out of it miraculously and get what he needs.

In communication, Dragons are usually sincere, even straightforward. They are not inclined to be hypocritical and lie, and do not like scandals. However, they often lack basic tact. They don't worry much about manners either. No, this does not mean that Dragons are rude and ill-mannered, they just always express what is in their hearts and do it the way they know how.

Dragon and profession

People of this sign can handle any task. They are full of enthusiasm and have excellent health. They cope with even the most complex tasks with ease. The Dragon does not like to put off until later what can be done now. When others dream, he acts. Representatives of this sign are best suited for positions in which they can demonstrate leadership qualities and organizational skills.

Dragons are impatient, so long-term activities are not to their liking. They will not wait for years for their business to start operating and make a profit. They need success today. Such haste sometimes prevents you from looking at things soberly, but more often it brings success. Even if the Dragon took a risk and miscalculated, he will quickly restore what was lost and take off again.

These are extremely resilient and resilient people. They spare no moral and physical strength in their work. Any task is completed efficiently and as quickly as possible. They are capable of achieving dizzying success in almost all areas. The typical Dragon will not be your average clerk. He wants to lead people.

In their work, Dragons try to be useful to society, but they like to demonstrate their virtues. These are excellent actors by nature. They shine and rejoice, but they may not reveal what is going on in their souls. People of this sign sacredly protect their feelings, and in public they only show restraint, willpower and authority.

How to keep a Dragon man?

Are you lucky enough to become the Dragon's wife? Get ready for a truly royal life. And this is not a matter of luxury. You will find constant tension, warming up of feelings, testing endurance and emotional stability.

After a few years of marriage, the question of how to seduce the Dragon may become relevant. Does a man consider you a read book? Surprise, but avoid platitudes. Also, be careful with your acting. Representatives of this sign do not like bad actors.

How to keep a Dragon man? You will have to work a lot, including on yourself. It is important to give your life partner something that he will not find with his next new acquaintance. And this may not be bright emotions every day. Any man to a certain extent values ​​reliability and stability. Let him know that he can rely on you.

But, while providing the rear, we should not forget about love. The dragon will not forgive his companion for her indifference to her intimate life and her appearance. A greasy robe is not the best clothing for meeting your Dragon husband. He will be much more pleased to see his beloved in an elegant suit, simple, cozy, so homely, but not without elegant details.

Dragon Character Strengths

A person born this year is practically unsinkable. Like the Phoenix, he rises from the ashes and continues his triumphant flight. Dragons never stop there. The dragon is not satisfied with minor roles; his destiny is to sit on the throne.

Representatives of this symbol always try to leave their mark on history and in the souls of people. If they fail to achieve success in a certain area, they will definitely master another. The Dragon has several alternative activities. He always reinsures himself in case of failure. This is an excellent tactician and strategist, organizer and planner.

The Dragon knows how to turn even defeat into victory. He has the gift of benefiting from everything that happens, although he is not selfish by nature. The dragon will not waste his time on trifles. He knows his own worth and strives to provide his family with a decent standard of living.

The dragon is generous. His inner hero always rushes to the aid of the weak and offended. There is no need to beg him for help; he himself is happy to provide it. To achieve what he wants, the Dragon does not need to go over his head. He has enough of his own talent and intelligence for this. People of this sign are in no hurry to make beautiful promises if they are not sure that they will fulfill them.

Description of positive and negative qualities

The Mythical Dragon is the only sign that is considered only in auspicious meaning. But the character of the character itself can be dual.

Bright side

Best qualities:

  • lively mind;
  • honesty;
  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • generosity;
  • a penchant for noble deeds.

Dragons have impeccable taste, good imagination and great creative potential. They are insightful and far-sighted, know how to achieve goals and are able to inspire.

Dark side

Negative qualities - selfishness and rigidity on the verge of despotism . Dragons can be rude and sarcastic. They strive to dominate and overwhelm with their power. They are characterized by impulsiveness in decisions and categoricalness. These dragons do not tolerate objections, are too demanding of others and overestimate their importance.

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Weaknesses of the Dragon's character

One of the striking negative qualities of such people is tactlessness. They often give their comments where they can be avoided. They consider it their duty to make a remark even to a stranger. Although the critics themselves cannot stand it. Those who do not know the Dragon well can conclude that he is a rude and shameless person.

The typical Dragon knows how to control himself, but his outbursts of anger are unexpected and violent. Despite his independence, the approval and understanding of others is important to him. He wants to constantly be the center of attention and painfully tolerates being ignored. In routine and monotony, he loses his charm and shine, becomes despondent and loses the meaning of life.

If the problem cannot be resolved peacefully, the Dragon may resort to cruel methods. He explains his actions by the desire for justice. For him, the result is important, not the means.

Characteristics of a person

People who are lucky enough to be born in the year of the Dragon are incredibly charming. They are unlikely to get lost in the crowd - they are always the main characters of the stories. These people are often considered individualists. They value independence, but they need the attention of others.

The dragon endows a person with wisdom, breadth of views and originality of thinking . These are creative individuals with diverse interests. They need adrenaline and constant employment, especially since they have enough strength to do everything.

They are not in danger of need, and often luck accompanies them. These are “punchy”, determined people who are difficult to resist. And also faithful spouses, passionate lovers and reliable friends. They are the ones who will lend a helping hand when everyone around them turns away.

Innocence and a thirst for attention increases the risk of becoming a victim of deceit. Under the influence of the Dragon, a person can be irritable and impatient, get carried away by scale and miss important details.


Appearance with a touch of aristocracy, but always with a slight eccentricity that attracts attention . The Dragon man is straightforward and sometimes even too straightforward. He loves and knows how to shock the public, and the spontaneity and courage of his judgments arouses interest.

This person knows how to win people over and quickly acquires connections. Work comes first. And he prefers to relax in comfort and on a grand scale. He believes that his calling is to solve global problems. Often changes his field of activity - always successfully, but to the detriment of stability. Chooses a job where you need to manage people.

The Dragon man values ​​friendship and is ready to help in any situation . He will not be affected by the meanness of a stranger, but he does not forgive betrayal to close people. Women admire him. He is a gallant gentleman - generous and ardent, easily carried away, but quickly loses interest. It's a rare woman who can win his heart. Most often, he marries for convenience and prefers a trusting relationship rather than mythical love.

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The Dragon woman has a complex nature - spiritual kindness is hidden behind rigidity and external severity. She gravitates towards leadership and the struggle for power, but is not a stranger to nobility. This woman devotes a lot of time to her appearance, thinks through the image to the details and then enjoys the effect produced.

She is not devoid of theatricality, but is sincere in her feelings. She is sometimes considered cold and arrogant - she is not interested in other people's opinions. Representatives of this sign manage to equip their home, build a career and engage in numerous hobbies. They love outdoor activities and are risk-takers.

The Dragon Woman will not flatter or ingratiate herself . She always says what she thinks and is capable of reasonable concessions. In relationships he strives for equality. She needs constant attention from fans. Married ladies continue to flirt willingly, but always within the bounds of decency. They are good housewives and caring mothers. Many of them find it difficult to find a life partner of their level, and they are not interested in weak men.

Meaning for a child

These children are idealists and imitate their parents in everything. They are sensitive to injustice, but worst of all they experience a lack of attention. It is important for the Baby Dragon to see and feel that he is loved.

They quickly get along with other children, distribute roles in games, come up with stories and find themselves in the center of attention. But they are often willful and strive to dominate. It is the dragon that will become the instigator of fights and the main tyrant on the playground . But they can also stand up for the weak and defend the interests of friends.

Dragon children are dynamic and inquisitive. They actively explore the world, begin to read earlier than others and show talents in various fields. Studying is easy, but they don’t immediately decide on a profession.

The Dragon goes to extremes more often than other signs . He has a short path from justice to tyranny.

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People born under the sign of the Dragon are considered lucky. They rely only on themselves and achieve a lot. It is not easy for these people to find a life partner, but they are reliable friends and value them for their loyalty.

Dragon man

Men of this sign rarely marry early because they value their freedom too much. It is impossible to “domesticate” the Dragon, but it is quite possible to create healthy partnerships with it. Such a person gains independence early and leaves the parental nest. He makes all decisions independently and is not afraid to take responsibility for his life.

Despite the expectations of his parents, the Dragon man chooses his own path. His youth flows rapidly and brightly. His plans and dreams may seem unrealistic to those around him, but very soon those close to the Dragon realize how wrong they were. He always achieves his goal, even if it means spending enormous efforts.

In relationships, the Dragon is unstable, because it is very difficult to please him. As a result of his search for an ideal life partner, he may remain single. Such a man is very amorous, but his feelings quickly cool down. In marriage, he is prone to cheating, but can become an understanding friend for his wife.

Dragon woman

Girls of this sign demonstrate independence early. They are in no hurry to get married, because they believe that career and self-realization are much more important than diapers and cooking dinner for their husband. The Dragon Woman herself chooses her future profession and environment. She rarely listens to other people's advice and tries to take fate into her own hands.

Women of this sign constantly make new friends, most often based on interests, and not on spiritual kinship. Like the Dragon man, she is fickle in relationships. However, choosing a spouse is taken very seriously. Her ideal man should be smart, talented, courageous, honest and ambitious. She does not need an alliance with an unreliable and dubious person.

Often, when meeting someone, the Dragon woman takes the initiative into her own hands. The white dance seems to have been invented especially for her. Such a girl is interested in a partner not only from the romantic side. He should be an interesting conversationalist and share her views. A typical woman of this sign is looking for a man stronger than herself, someone whom she can admire and be proud of.

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