The meaning of the 5 Pentacles Tarot card in upright and inverted positions and combination with other arcana

01/31/2021 146 Meaning of Tarot cards

Author: Anastasia

The Suit of Pentacles typically represents fertility and prosperity. But at the same time, Arkan also belongs to it, which shows us the other side of wealth. Most researchers decipher the meaning of the 5 Pentacles of the Tarot as complete poverty - financial and spiritual. But in fact, it would be wrong to say that a person without money is a person with a poor inner world. Perhaps, having examined this map in more detail, you will be able to discover for yourself some subtleties or new facets of its generally accepted interpretation.


Meaning in a broad sense

Crisis, financial losses, unrest related to finances - this is how the Five of Coins is traditionally interpreted if it appears in a reading. Depending on the issue, the card means difficulties, loss of work, the need to save money, hard times. But you cannot interpret the meaning literally and talk only about financial difficulties. In a global sense, the card communicates a person’s fears that burn him from the inside. Fears are most often associated with issues of well-being.

Take a closer look at the classic image of the Five of Coins from the Raider-Waite deck. It depicts people walking dejectedly in the rain and wind past bright stained glass windows. A pyramid of pentacles rises above their heads, they are depressed, shivering from the cold, and in need.

A classic image of a card from a Raider-Waite deck.

The symbolism of the card says that a person is afraid of change, afraid of being left broke.

Remember that poverty is not only literal. Spiritual poverty is much worse than lack of money. The card is a signal that what usually happens in life is what we fear most. Don't bring trouble with a gloomy mood, try to think positively.

Value in upright position

When divining financial matters or planning for the future, the Five of Pentacles indicates that a difficult period awaits the questioner in the near future. Prolonged lack of money, trials and problems.

  • Pentacles warn that now is not the best time to borrow money; it will not be returned to you.
  • In work scenarios, the 5 of Pentacles means imminent dismissal, the collapse of the company, unprofitable investments in dubious projects.
  • When guessing about your health, you should be wary if this sign appears. Illness, surgery - this is what the Tarot card portends.
  • In fortune telling about relationships, the five Denarii means the appearance of a person who will share adversity and become a true friend.
  • If there are bad cards nearby, on the contrary, it indicates a weak-willed, weak-willed partner who is unable to help get out of the crisis.

Reversed meaning

In the reversed position, the 5 of Pentacles indicates that you are wasting a lot of vitality on small things that are not worth attention. Deprived of energy and support, a person is weak and easily breaks under the light pushes of fate, not to mention heavy blows.

The map advises you to take a closer look at your surroundings. Are there people in it who are dragging you down? If the answer is yes, try to tactfully remove yourself from their company. Remember that we are actions, thoughts and friends.

The appearance of an inverted five of coins in a reading is a sign that a person is on the verge of despair, one step away from decisive and terrible actions.

Five of Pentacles from Tarot deck 93.

The Pyramid of Pentacles advises you to pull yourself together, pull yourself together and act decisively. But remember, you have to answer for everything. Don't take risks if the situation doesn't require it. Act according to logic, do not give in to momentary impulses.

Five of Pentacles Council

The card recommends not to take risks and be careful about your finances. Now is not the time for strength tests. It is important to change your lifestyle to a simpler, no-frills one. Be generous and donate to the poor or feed the homeless, and if you need help and support, feel free to ask for it.

The Five of Coins can be a warning, an indication that it is necessary to treat matters carefully, with due seriousness and consistency, otherwise the financial situation may turn out to be hopeless and difficult.

If possible, try to avoid dissatisfaction with yourself and others, and also not think about your own helplessness and inferiority. You need to invest money and effort in your own stability and security, as well as in development.

Meaning for fortune telling about business and work

When fortune telling for a job, the 5 Denariev card says that the person has great difficulties ahead. Dismissal, long search for a new place, quarrels and conflicts with colleagues and superiors. The neighboring cards will tell you exactly what to expect.

If positive symbols appear nearby, such as Peace from the Major Arcana or the Three of Cups from the Minor, do not worry. Everything that is done is for the better. Changing jobs will be painless, you will quickly receive a new lucrative offer.

In a favorable scenario, the card means a change of residence, even immigration.

If the card comes up in response to a question about the attitude of those around him towards a person, then this is a signal that an oppressive and gloomy atmosphere has developed around him. Perhaps someone in the team is spreading gossip, getting jealous and ruining their reputation.

Modern tarot readers interpret the Tarot differently than their colleagues from the beginning of the last century. Each magician brings his own vision of the situation to the symbolism of the cards. Don't forget about this when you decipher secret signs.

Fear of the unknown is a natural human state, but suffering and difficulties make us stronger - this is another meaning of the Five of Pentacles card.

General value

When considering the meaning of this minor arcana in standard readings, it is worth considering that it speaks of crises; the fortuneteller may worry about his financial well-being. Basically, this is a harbinger of problems at work, a warning that a person’s financial situation may become much worse than it was.

But this is not at all a reason to consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot as a symbol of complete bankruptcy or the inability to solve problems with money. Because the card rather speaks not of real ruin, but of a person’s fears. Very often, this card falls out to people who will soon change jobs, get a new position, or plan to open their own business.

Meaning when divining relationships

If 5 Denarii appear in the relationship chart, you have a person in front of you who feels absolutely miserable. Basic meanings.

  1. Loneliness.
  2. Loss of connection with the outside world.
  3. Inability to build harmonious relationships.
  4. Misunderstanding on the part of the partner.
  5. Family collapse.

Fantasy Five of Pentacles from the PsychoTarot deck.

Most often, these feelings do not manifest themselves outwardly. A person becomes hostage to fears, illusions, and distorted ideas about reality. It seems to him that the whole world is against him. In fact, these are only internal problems that an experienced psychologist will help solve.

If there are good, positive cards nearby, 5 Denarii means the appearance of a reliable and faithful partner in the life of the questioner. The losing streak will come to an end.

It is important to set a person up to expect joyful events and distract him from sad thoughts. An experienced tarot reader can do this to instill faith in the future. Try to focus the questioner’s attention on the joyful moments of life.

The meaning of the 5 Pentacles of the tarot in characterizing personal and psychological characteristics

Straight position

The person is in an apathetic and even depressed state. He doesn't feel joy in life. He should realize that the situation will soon change for the better. A lot depends on the person himself. After all, it is his detachment that gives rise to disagreements with his family and leads to financial difficulties.

Inverted position

To cope with depression, you need to be patient and strong. It is important to maintain your dignity. When the problems are over, the person will gain invaluable experience. In the future he will be able to overcome any obstacles.

People and places

If the Five of Pentacles is chosen as a significator, then it suggests that we are faced with an indecisive, weak-willed, fearful person. He is afraid that any step he takes is suppressed, devoid of will and will lead to collapse. Such a person does not have a clear goal in life, he is completely subordinate to fears: he is afraid of losing his job, his position. Doubts his own strengths and attractiveness.

When determining a place, the card means tedious, routine work that pays little, organizations involved in debt collection, bank loan collection departments.

Straight position

In the upright position, the card warns that there is a risk of losing a large amount. Sometimes the loss is not monetary, but simply material: you were fired from your job, your house or equipment was taken away for debt, you had to sell your car cheaply, or your house was visited by thieves. General interpretations of the lasso:

  • wrong, risky investment of money;
  • serious illness;
  • the appearance of a depressed person in your close circle, make friends with a strong energy vampire;
  • you will have to answer for the mistakes of others.

Five of Pentacles (Bottom) Tarot of Black Cats

Learn more about the Tarot of Black Cats.

Psychological condition

Dejection, fear, weakness - this is how you can characterize the mood of a person who gets the five of Coins. Chronic lack of money drives you into prolonged depression, which only a specialist can cure. The card suggests that the questioner has not smiled for a long time, there is little reason for joy in his life, he is completely immersed in problems.

Alternatively, the Five of Pentacles indicates spiritual poverty. Here is a person who thinks only about the material component of existence. Money has replaced his friends and relatives, but does not bring peace and happiness.

Inverted position

In an inverted position, the card is interpreted more positively. This:

  • wrong decisions;
  • self-doubt;
  • indecision, which will cause losses;
  • association with unworthy people;
  • lent a large sum to a swindler;
  • mishandled the money and lost it.

Now is not the best time to invest or make serious decisions. Think about all your actions in advance; mistakes, even minor ones, will have serious consequences.

Five of Pentacles Universal Tarot Rider-Waite

How to interpret the Rider Waite Tarot.

Classic combination with the Major Arcana

The Major Arcana of the Tarot can completely change and neutralize the negative meaning of any card of the Minor Arcana. Let's consider traditional combinations of the Five of Pentacles and 22 symbols.

Five of Pentacles and Major Arcana.

  • The Fool and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial failure. If the questioner is planning to conduct real estate transactions, it is better to refrain from them in the near future.
  • The magician warns that the situation is out of control and you are unable to influence the course of events.
  • The priestess and the five indicate an emotional breakdown and an unstable psyche.
  • The Empress foretells failure, failure, problems with partners and colleagues.
  • The Emperor signals the imminent loss of a job, conflicts in the family and quarrels over money issues.
  • The Hierophant and the Five indicate an insecure, complex person.
  • Lovers warn about a possible quarrel, conflicts with loved ones. Option: You will have to make a difficult choice between money and heartfelt affection.
  • The Chariot portends a serious competitive struggle in which the one who keeps the situation under control will win.
  • Strength and five speak of chronic fatigue, apathy, depression, and lack of will.
  • The Hermit next to the Five of Pentacles is a signal that the querent should beware of isolation. Loss of authority is inevitable.
  • The Wheel of Fortune is a sign that everything can change. From wealth to bankruptcy one step.
  • Justice and the 5 of Pentacles promise big problems: financial well-being is under threat.
  • The Hanged Man says that a man has folded his hands and does not want to fight for his place in the sun. Option: look at the situation from a different angle; perhaps the problems are not so terrible.
  • Death next to the five Denarii is a reason to think about health.
  • Moderation indicates a reluctance to fight. A person floats with the flow of life, nothing makes him happy.
  • Devil plus 5 Coins - in front of you is a player, a spendthrift, a gradually degrading soul.
  • The tower indicates impending changes: moving to a new place of residence, health problems, conflicts and discord at work.
  • The moon says that the questioner is captive of illusions, he is isolated, loneliness is depressing, life has no meaning.
  • The Sun next to the Five of Coins is a good sign. The situation is gradually improving, you are on the verge of changes for the better.
  • The court gives hope for getting rid of problems in all areas of life.
  • Peace is a positive card that completely neutralizes the negativity of the Five of Pentacles. Everything will work out.

Of the Major Arcana cards, only three (Sun, Judgment and Peace) have a positive effect on the Five of Pentacles. In all other cases, the alignment cannot be considered favorable.

The video is devoted to how the appearance of the Five of Pentacles in the layout and its influence on a person’s destiny is interpreted:

Knowledge of the 5 of pentacles in financial readings

In direct form, the card indicates insufficient wages that do not correspond to the workload. It is necessary to be concerned about the prospect of changing jobs or even professions in order to equalize your financial situation.

The reverse of the 5 of Pentacles indicates a missed opportunity to change your income, and there is a risk of being fired in the near future. A business crisis will lead to significant financial losses.

Combinations with other arcana and changes in meaning

Equally important in the interpretation of the 5 of Pentacles is its combination with other cards. Both the minor and major arcana influence the semantic load equally. With representatives of the other three groups of the minor arcana, the general message may be as follows:

  • Swords - negative thoughts do not let go; troubles are possible in all areas of life, from betrayal and material losses to the loss of a loved one.
  • Wands – constant stress, making wrong decisions and loss of opportunities. Even if the situation does not change, we must not lose hope for a better situation.
  • Cups - monetary losses and emotional exhaustion; it is necessary to look for ways to solve the problem and not close yourself off from the support of loved ones and offers of help.

With the cards of its group, the five can indicate positive changes in the situation, assistance from outside and the emergence of faith in oneself.

But in some combinations there may be a hint of an inability to determine a way to solve a problem or an unstable state.

Classic combination with the suit of Wands

When interpreting the layout, pay attention to the influence of the Minor Arcana. In the absence of high cards, it can be decisive.

Five of Pentacles and the suit of Wands

  • The Ace and Five of Pentacles inspire optimism and faith in the future in the fortuneteller. Don't miss the chance to improve the situation.
  • Two warns of missed opportunities.
  • The Three of Wands says that the situation will improve. Not immediately, but change is just around the corner.
  • Four are plans that will never come to fruition. Option: lost profit.
  • Five portends fierce competition in the spheres of love and work.
  • The Six of Wands falling next to the Five of Coins is a sign that a person is making the wrong decisions. Hence all his troubles.
  • Seven indicates the immaturity and inconsistency of the questioner.
  • Eight portends a streak of failures in business.
  • Nine is a sign of crisis, moral devastation, emotional burnout.
  • Ten predicts a bad mood, poor health, and constant stress.
  • Page of Wands and 5 Coins are harbingers of bad events and sad news.
  • The knight warns of upcoming difficulties.
  • Queen - defeat due to lack of self-confidence.
  • The king - the questioner is in a depressed state, but the problems are actually imaginary.

Classic combination with the suit of Cups

Let's consider the meanings of the card in combination with the Cups.

Five of Pentacles and Suit of Cups

  • Ace of Cups - the querent is given an excellent chance, do not miss it.
  • Two - you have true friends who will support you in difficult times, remember this.
  • Three speaks of completing the work started.
  • Four - symbolizes irritation, annoyance and anger. A person is not satisfied with the results of his work and his payment.
  • The Five of Cups and the Five of Pentacles speak of financial difficulties and major losses.
  • Six advises to drive away negative thoughts.
  • Seven suggests that the questioner is far from earthly concerns. He has his head in the clouds and is not interested in the true state of things.
  • Eight portends a quarrel in the family, disagreements and conflicts.
  • Nine – depressed state. Physical and mental pain.
  • Ten is a sign that the questioner has bad habits that affect his life.
  • The page guarantees the support of loved ones in difficult times.
  • The knight says that a person has good allies, one cannot refuse an outstretched helping hand.
  • Queen - the fortuneteller has someone to turn to for advice.
  • The King of Cups indicates the support and protection of powerful people.

Classic combination with the suit of Swords

Swords most often enhance the tense aspect of the Five of Pentacles.

Five of Pentacles and suit of Swords.

  • The Ace of Swords warns of difficult relationships, quarrels, conflicts, problems in the family and at work.
  • The deuce says that enemies are actively slandering the questioner behind his back.
  • Three symbolizes lies, betrayal, treason.
  • Four indicates detachment, hermitism, and a secluded lifestyle.
  • Five warns of revenge, meanness, and envy.
  • Six is ​​an indicator of problems in the real estate sector. Option: moving, change of residence.
  • Seven warns of possible mistakes due to inattention.
  • Eight speaks of obstacles on the way to the intended goal.
  • Nine is about fears, doubts, phobias.
  • Ten indicates suicidal tendencies.
  • The page indicates a person with limited thinking and meager imagination.
  • The knight advises perseverance.
  • The Queen predicts causeless melancholy and sadness.
  • The king recommends making a fateful decision. The future well-being of a person depends on it.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ “One card” layout

5 of Pentacles General meaning The fortuneteller will be tormented by an unreasonable feeling of restlessness and anxiety, and various restrictions will also await him. Relationships Partners are united not by love, but by common problems. Once they are resolved, the couple will break up. Health This is the worst lasso for health. It portends an incurable disease or the loss of some organ or limb. Affairs An unfavorable period is coming. The fortuneteller can expect dismissal or ruin. It is not recommended to invest as the investment will be unsuccessful. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the future

5 of Pentacles You have a very difficult situation that requires an immediate decision that seems impossible to you. Look at your situation from a different perspective. This way you can understand that the solution lies right on the surface. Try to solve problems as quickly as possible in order to regain the peace of mind that you recently lost. No one will provide you with the long-awaited help, try to improve your life situation on your own. Only you yourself can become the beginning of a new life streak. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On relationships

5 of Pentacles The Five of Pentacles indicates that the questioning person has some barriers that are difficult for him to cross, he cannot overcome his weaknesses, they eat him up from the inside and close the doors to a new life. Perhaps the past does not let go of this person, perhaps there are problems in other areas of life. The advice from the card is this: you need to relax and accept your true self, then a new person will definitely appear in your life. For those who are in a relationship, this advice will also be relevant - only acceptance of yourself and your partner can save the relationship from collapse. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For today

5 of Pentacles Anxiety, a period of constant failures and difficulties, self-destruction, loss of time and various restrictions. You are under constant stress at work, you are afraid of losing it, and for good reason: you may be fired; loss of money and negligible profit. Health can be traced to depression, lack of vitamins and poor immunity; possible serious illness. Relationships have problems, but solutions are easy to find, so don't worry. You are in a very depressed state from which you need to find a way out! A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For tomorrow

5 of Pentacles Worry and anxiety caused by some kind of loss, most often of the material plane. However, all temporary problems can be solved with some effort. Tomorrow will bring a temporary cooling of feelings in matters of love, nothing serious or tragic, just a temporary decline. In professional matters, there is some kind of crisis, perhaps there is no financial opportunity to do something, or there is a temporary lack of work. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ What does he think about me

5 of Pentacles You are completely different people who have been different from each other since childhood. This does not allow you to feel equality in the relationship. Equality of people allows us to achieve harmony when partners try to solve problems on equal terms and support each other’s initiatives. It is this component that your love is missing. Serious conflicts based on money are possible, which often causes even families to break apart. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On request

5 of Pentacles Your wish will come true quickly. But it will sow a lot of doubts and anxiety in your soul. It is far from certain that this will be associated with the non-fulfillment or not the exact realization of the dream. You will get what you want. However, you have to think - is your dream really true and desirable? Or maybe changes will come in life into which desire no longer fits. Organize your life as your heart tells you. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the situation

5 of Pentacles There is a financial crisis and material losses. A period of problems. Obstacles on the way to the goal. Crisis stage. Support will come from the appearance of a person with similar problems, a like-minded person. There is a lack of energy to solve problems. All efforts are in vain. Loss of financial resources. Heavy expenses. Negative resolution of the situation. Don't invest in anything! Don't take on other people's problems. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For the betrothed

5 of Pentacles The Five of Coins indicates some kind of crisis overtaking the relationship. Irritability and uncertainty in the love of the other half will burn the heart from the inside, which will have an extremely adverse effect on the formation of future connections. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you need to engage in relationships and develop them. Such an investment will be fully justified, and you may realize that you have found the one. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚Guardian Angel Advice

5 of Pentacles Honors have a bad influence on a person. Arrogance makes it difficult to see the dangers lurking around. It seems to you that you are the master of the situation and everything is under your constant control. Pride took possession of the soul. There is still time to fix everything. Show wisdom and prudence, do not neglect those around you. You have climbed to the pinnacle of success, and now appreciate how painful it will be to fall from such a height. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ On the King

5 of Pentacles The person you have chosen is most likely not interested in a long-term relationship. Perhaps you are in a difficult financial situation, and this is scaring him away. You shouldn’t look for a “strong shoulder” at the moment; try to find a better paying job or develop your talents. Now is the time to get rid of unnecessary situations and relationships. Take time for spiritual development, take care of yourself. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For treason

5 of Pentacles The appearance of the 5 of Pentacles speaks of deception and hidden relationships. Your union is going through not the easiest times; amid the crisis, feelings for each other are dulled and the partners want to find solace on the side. This is what happens. These connections cannot be called serious. Most likely, they are temporary. Bypassing the crisis in your relationship, you can easily establish contact with your loved one and live quite happily in the future. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ “Three cards” layout

5 of Pentacles of Pentacles indicates a period of testing of sorts. But they are aimed at strengthening your spirit, and not at all breaking you. In this regard, feelings of anxiety and restlessness will appear. They will probably come from troubles at work, heavy workloads, and the possibility of risk. Your phobias will also worsen. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ Love triangle

5 of Pentacles Partners are connected not by love, but by a common misfortune. As soon as the situation improves and the problems disappear, the couple will separate. Another meaning of the lasso is the absence or loss of mutual understanding. The card also has a third meaning - one partner blackmails the other in case of separation by suicide, and so on. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To fate

5 of Pentacles You should tighten your belts, there is a financial crisis ahead. Now is the time to count your reserves and plan their consumption in the coming difficult period. With proper savings and forethought, you can hold out until better times. Reasonable expenditure of energy, feelings and finances will teach you to appreciate the support of friends. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ To Work

5 of Pentacles The card portends ruin, job loss, unsuccessful investments. In this regard, financial difficulties will arise. Arkan says that you cannot borrow money. A loan will not help improve your situation, but will only create big problems in the future. A full description of the card is available at the link >>> Fortune telling on this spread ONLINE

✚ For pregnancy and children

5 of Pentacles Conception will not take place. Most likely the reason will be the lack of financial ability to accept pregnancy. Postpone pregnancy planning until there are no debts left, your finances will allow you to live at least in average income, try to save some money so that you know for sure that, if necessary, you can afford qualified medical care for the mother and child Full description of the card is available follow the link >>> Tell fortunes using this spread ONLINE

Classic combination with cards of the same suit

Let's see how 5 Coins manifests itself in combination with its own suit.

Combination of 5 of Pentacles with cards of the same suit.

  • The Ace of Pentacles and Five say that improvement is close, we just have to wait a little.
  • Two is a sign that events are developing rapidly. The questioner is unable to influence them. Trust your intuition.
  • Three is a signal that it is time to think about the future. Your endeavors will be approved.
  • Four predicts deception, deprivation, need and grief.
  • The Six of Pentacles promises assistance and assistance from loved ones.
  • Seven advises to be patient.
  • The number eight speaks of the need for important commitments and hard work.
  • Nine, which appears in the layout next to 5 Denarii, will give confidence.
  • Ten indicates that the questioner is hiding from problems, does not want responsibility, and does not want to keep his word.
  • Page of Pentacles in combination with the Five - to achieve the goal you need to show perseverance and diligence.
  • The knight gives information about the doubts that overcome a person.
  • The Queen predicts financial difficulties and the need to save.
  • The king - the questioner is removed from solving the problem. Shifts the blame onto other people's shoulders.

In large layouts, pay attention to all combinations of cards. Try to read the situation immediately without resorting to a glossary. Listen to the first impression, which is caused by the overall picture, it is the most correct.

The video is dedicated to the fives of the Minor Arcana. It will be interesting for beginning tarot readers.

Meaning for divination on health status

The general meaning of the card when divining health is negative. Often its appearance is a formidable signal. This is a symbol of depression, apathy, depressed state of mind, psychological problems. The Five of Pentacles warns of such ailments as:

  • malignant tumors;
  • problems with immunity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lack of appetite;
  • injuries.

The Five of Pentacles cannot be called a negative card. Its purpose is to show a person that the path of life is never easy. There are ups and downs. You need to be prepared for them, stock up on courage, patience and the support of true friends. Reject your fears and hope for the best, then you will reach the top of the Pentacles pyramid with your hand.

Tags: Fortune telling, Meaning of cards, Ksenia Likhachevskaya, Pentacles, Tarot

About the author: Ksenia Likhachevskaya

Esotericism for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden. More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life. Tarot reader services

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