Rock crystal stone. Properties of rock crystal. Description of rock crystal

The desire to learn something mystical, supernatural, by looking through the “keyhole” into the other world, is feasible with the help of secret knowledge. However, not many are lucky enough to have the ability to cope with such tasks.

But if you “tame” a rock crystal talisman, you will be able to get answers to all your questions.

Physical and chemical properties

Rock crystal in its pure form is silicon dioxide. The mineral is resistant to acids, except hydrofluoric acid, but dissolves in alkali melts. It is a dielectric and a piezoelectric.

ColorPure crystal is colorless, varieties that have impurities can be blue-violet, gray, honey-yellow, brown or black.
TransparencyPure crystal is absolutely transparent; some varieties may have a haze.
KinkUneven, in rare cases conchoidal
CleavageUnclear by rhombohedron
Density2.6 g/cm3
Molecular weight60.08 g/mol
Refractive indicesnω = 1.543 – 1.545 nε = 1.552 – 1.554


Crystal figurine from Lalique
Rock crystal is used in radio engineering to produce ultrasonic vibrations, make prisms, spectrographs, and lenses. It is also used to make jewelry and arts and crafts, and colored rock crystal crystals are used as semi-precious stones.

The clear varieties are very good for making jewelry. With a good cut, stones in rings and earrings sparkle no worse than a diamond.

Beyond competition are amulets, magic balls, ritual objects, religious symbols.

Pure rock crystal crystals of significant size are rare, so it is relatively expensive. An artificial material called crystal is made by adding lead and barium oxide to ordinary glass. In trade, chandeliers, glasses, etc., made from artificial crystal, are often passed off as objects made from natural stone.

Colors and varieties

The main type of rock crystal (without impurities) is pure and transparent crystals that form in the depths of the mountains. Their peculiarity is that they are beautiful even in their raw form, that is, there is no opaque and unsightly layer on their surface.

Among the gems, there are specimens with a blue glow, which appears when the stone rotates under the sun's rays. There is also a separate classification of stone - red crystal, which has a diamond shine due to rutile impurities.

Certain “colored” varieties of rock crystal are identified by mineralogists as independent gemstones.


This variety is also called “smoky quartz” for its grayish-brown color and light patterned haze inside.



A beautiful amber appearance of rock crystal that has a “delicious” honey hue and a web-like structural pattern. Its copies are considered rare and valuable. They are used exclusively in jewelry.



“Black crystal” or morion is a dark variety of crystal gems. May have a dark brown or black color. A favorite stone of various kinds of mystics.



Blue-violet semi-precious gems that can change color in different lighting conditions, revealing pink, red and blue shades.



An interesting type of rock crystal, also called “Hair of Venus” or “Arrows of Cupid”, due to the presence of rutile or other hair-like inclusions in the crystals. The stone can be yellowish, grayish, brown or almost colorless.



The stone looks shiny, transparent, colorless, but depending on the impurities, there are specimens with shades. Despite this, rock crystal retains its physical properties. There are the following types of transparent gem:

  • Rauchtopaz is a smoky mineral that is a type of quartz. A special feature is the openwork image located inside the gem. The color of the stone can be pale, there are crystals of a rich brown color, it all depends on the chemical composition of the crystal. This type of quartz has a strong energetic and magical charge.
  • Citrine – This yellow crystal is used primarily for making jewelry. This specimen is rare in nature, which is why the gem is expensive. Due to its physical properties it can be processed. It is combined with other gems in jewelry. In the light it shimmers with all its facets and is not inferior in beauty to other treasures.

  • Amethyst is the mineral most used by practicing magicians. With the help of a purple gem, rituals are performed and amulets are charged to attract love and happiness. Crystal is associated with loyalty and devotion. The appearance of the stone makes you admire it. The smoky shade, its pattern, and inclusions inside the gem are mesmerizing.
  • Morion - by external signs, indicates that magic predominates in it than in other gems. The black crystal is called the talisman of sorcerers and witches. The stone helps to penetrate the world of the dead and communicate with spirits. Without morion, not a single sacrament or ritual takes place, since the gem is filled with energy that facilitates the completion of this type of task.
  • Hairy quartz differs significantly from other varieties of the mineral. Thin, curling fibers inside the gem resemble curls of straw-colored hair. Hence the name - hair of Venus, the patroness of sublime feelings. The magical purpose of the crystal is to bring love and harmony, to return outgoing feelings.

The magical properties of rock crystal

The purity and transparency of rock crystal are also expressed in its magic. The stone is a symbol of clarity of consciousness, common sense and enlightenment. It activates psychic abilities, helps communicate with spirits and enhances logical thinking.

Transparent gems protect against the elements, that is, against dangers associated with water, fire, air and earth. They also protect the home of their owner and himself from all kinds of evil - accidents, bad luck, dark entities, directed negativity, deception, hypocrisy, being used by someone for their own gain.

Rhinestone decoration

Crystal products attract love, help you not make a mistake in choosing your soulmate and help you see the true essence of your existing partner. They improve the character of their owner, help him achieve professional heights and realize himself as a person.

The stone is also an accumulator of vitality and energy. It absorbs negativity, processes it, turning it into positive, and returns it to the owner.

The magic of varieties of rock crystal is similar, but also has its own characteristics:

  • Morion is an energetically very strong gem. It helps to open the “third eye” and also helps to “connect” to the world of the dead.
  • Amethyst is a talisman for ambitious people and adventurers; it also helps to discover talents and get rid of various kinds of addictions.
  • Rauchtopaz is a stone of wisdom and tranquility. It awakens imagination and helps to see what is happening in a rainbow light.
  • Hairy is a love amulet and a connoisseur of beauty. It will make any person better internally, more attractive externally, help them find love, and also understand their own feelings and desires.

How to recognize a fake

Natural rock crystal
Despite the fact that rock crystal is far from the most expensive mineral in nature, its artificial copies can also be found on sale.

Most often, imitation rock crystal is made from glass, but the natural mineral has several fundamental differences that will allow you not to make a mistake:

  • Rock crystal has a fairly high hardness compared to glass. Therefore, if you try to scratch the surface of the stone with something sharp, it will not affect it in any way, the stone will remain undamaged.
  • In a natural mineral, unlike glass, there cannot be any bubbles or obviously artificial inclusions.
  • Rock crystal has the property of remaining cool even in warm hands, heating up only slightly and cooling quickly as soon as it is released from the hands.

Medicinal properties

Clear Rhinestone

From time immemorial, people have used rock crystal for healing. Tibetan monks applied the crystal to open wounds and allowed the sun's rays to penetrate through it. This procedure disinfected the wound and contributed to its rapid healing.

Today, lithotherapists use the transparent gem for the same and other purposes:

  • They also disinfect wounds and massage problem areas to relieve pain, eliminate bruises and activate the process of tissue regeneration.
  • A full body massage helps the body recover from illnesses and also returns lost strength to a person.
  • To relieve fever, chills and aching bones, a pebble is placed on the patient’s forehead or chest.
  • Wearing a stone protects a person from viruses and infections and helps strengthen his immunity.
  • Crystal normalizes blood circulation.
  • It relaxes the nervous system, relieving a person of tension, depression, irritability and anxiety.
  • Lightly stroking problem areas with a stone reduces varicose veins and also alleviates a person’s condition with radiculitis pain, which is very important for older people.
  • Wearing the stone is useful for those who have impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as problems with the liver and pancreas.

Medicinal qualities

The healing properties of black crystal are used by adherents of lithotherapy. This method of alternative medicine assures people that the mineral is able to overcome cravings for drugs, tobacco and alcoholic beverages. In addition, according to some traditional healers, morion is able to influence a person on a psychological level, suppressing the craving for gambling addiction and other addictions.

The healing properties of the stone (black rock crystal) can have a positive effect on the joints. The therapeutic effect of the stone also extends to the human circulatory system. The mineral can reduce pain during inflammatory processes in the joints and cleanse the blood.

Also, people who have used morion claim that it helps increase sleep duration. However, there is an opinion that if you fall asleep in your hands with this mineral, you are unlikely to feel rested, no matter how long the sleep was.

According to adherents of mineral therapy, black crystal helps remove toxins from the body, helps reduce the recovery period after stroke and heart attack, and also helps strengthen the spine. However, it is important to note that there have been no clinical studies that would confirm the positive effect of the stone on the human body.

Talismans and amulets


Rock crystal is a magically charged stone, talismans from which will be useful to many people.

Products made from it are constant companions of various magicians and sorcerers: balls help psychics see past and future events, as well as establish a telepathic connection between members of the same magical community, amulets of power recharge magicians and sorcerers when they are exhausted, amulets protect spiritualists from attacks of evil spirits during time of sessions to address the dead.

Even an ordinary person can use a crystal ball:

  • to clear consciousness and enhance intuition;
  • to find an answer or make a decision;
  • to predict future events or search for the truth about the past.

This requires minimal magical abilities. Most people have them in a hidden form.

The ball is first placed in a dark place for several hours, and then charged in the sun for the same amount of time. Sessions must be carried out in a dark room with a targeted light source aimed at the crystal. To achieve what you want, you need to relax internally and focus on looking at the ghostly silhouettes inside the ball.


Crystal clear gems clear the mind and sharpen the mind. Amulets made from them will be useful to everyone whose line of work requires increased mental and intellectual abilities, for example, scientists, teachers, researchers, analysts, as well as schoolchildren and students.

Rock crystal amulets:

  1. They will protect the house from evil people who will feel uncomfortable in it, and soon they will completely stop wanting to come. For these purposes, it is worth placing any crystal decorative element or souvenir in the house. Such products will also protect your home from natural disasters and accidents.
  2. It will prevent others from manipulating its owner (more relevant for women), and will help expose lies and hypocrisy. To do this, you need to wear a crystal bracelet on your right hand, and if you change it to your left hand, it will turn into a love amulet.
  3. Neutralizes human envy and hatred, which rings and brooches do well with.

Myths and Legends (Crystal Clear Ice)

In the ancient world, many legends and beliefs were associated with rock crystal. The name “crystal” itself comes from the ancient Greek kristallos - “ice”. The fact is that in Ancient Greece it was believed that rock crystal crystals were ice, but not ordinary ice, but frozen by divine fire from the purest water. The expression “crystal clear” comes from this belief.

There is a legend that in the ancient Greek city of Patras, in the marble temple of the goddess of fertility and agriculture, Demeter, there was a crystal mirror. It had the ability to predict the future and, through the priest, answer questions from people who specially came here from all over the country.

Lenses were made from rock crystal, with the help of which priests caused “divine fire” for altars. And crystal lenses in Ancient Greece performed a very honorable mission - they were used to light the Olympic flame.

In the East, rock crystal was also not ignored. For example, in ancient times in Japan, small crystals of this mineral were called the frozen breath of the White Dragon, and larger crystals were called the saliva of the Purple Dragon. Here, rock crystal is considered a symbol of purity and infinity of space. In Mongolia and China, lenses and balls were made from crystal and used to treat wounds.

In ancient times, the Indians used rock crystal for ritual purposes: special skulls were cut out of its solid pieces. One of these specimens, a unique five-kilogram female skull made of crystal, can be seen today by visitors to the British Museum. It was discovered in Honduras.

It has been established that it was made by ancient Mayan craftsmen, and the stone processing was of a very high level.

Why do you dream of rock crystal?

Crystal clear crystal purifies a person’s consciousness not only while awake, but also during sleep. If you put it under your pillow, nightmares and delirium inspired by the subconscious and experienced events will recede. Dreams will gain clarity and become prophetic.

Rock crystal, according to most decipherers, appears in dreams and warns a person of impending troubles. These could be disappointments, natural disasters, or targeted evil on the part of others.


This is a general meaning, but there are also very specific interpretations:

  1. If a representative of the fair half of humanity dreams of a gem, then she should not only be careful, but also take a closer look at her companion. It is likely that he is deceiving her or pretending to be something other than who he really is.
  2. If a crystal crystal breaks in a dream, then in the near future there will be a painful separation from someone very dear, which will be impossible to prevent.
  3. Only those dreams in which a person receives a gem as a gift or accidentally finds it have a positive meaning. They say that the one who had the dream will soon receive good news and will also become the object of everyone's attention and admiration.

How to wear it correctly

  • A green or pink mineral will suit everyone.
  • Esotericists advise women to wear jewelry on the left side, and men on the right.
  • The strongest impact comes from a pendant, necklace, brooch at chest level, or a gold ring. But rings or rings are recommended to be worn on special occasions.
  • The advantage of crystal over an “evening” diamond is its 24-hour availability. Decoration with it sparkles in any light, and is dazzling in the sun.
  • The stone is suitable for men. The assortment consists of varieties of dark shades (rauchtopaz, morion), complemented by muted gemstones.
  • The raw mineral without a frame on a cord or chain looks original. This is an amulet or youth fashion style.
  • For the office or for daytime walks, choose jewelry or jewelry in silver. In the evening, jewelry in gold is appropriate.
  • Do not combine more than two or three accessories in one outfit.

Compatibility with other stones

Rock crystal may not be compatible with all gems. It cannot be combined in jewelry with aquamarine, pearls and coral. It more or less gets along with other stones of the water element, but in certain situations it can conflict, since their actions are multidirectional.

There are also restrictions on the combination of gem varieties. True (colorless) rock crystal is incompatible with topaz, citrine with onyx, amethyst with emerald, and morion with zircon.

Mineral and zodiac signs (Friend of Mercury)

Rock crystal is a stone of the planet Mercury. Therefore, first of all, it is suitable for people born under the constellations ruled by Mercury - Gemini and Virgo. For people of these signs, rock crystal helps improve memory, learn to concentrate, and focus on mental work. This mineral is also good for Aries. It enhances such positive traits of people of this sign as activity, sincerity and directness, while helping them better feel the mood and emotions of other people, and be more tolerant of others.

It is also suitable for Leos, Aquarius and Taurus, especially those born in April. It is not recommended for Scorpios to wear rock crystal.

Products and jewelry made of rock crystal

Lalique crystal figurines

The market is full of rock crystal products. These include decorative items, for example, from the hands of the famous master Rene Lalique, unique figurines from Lalique, released in single copies, and religious paraphernalia, and decorations for formal dresses (buttons, cufflinks, stripes), as well as dishes, vases, awards for winners of sports and other events.

A certain place in the market is occupied by magical paraphernalia - balls, amulets of power, talismans, pendulums, and so on. There are a lot of them, because rock crystal among magicians is considered almost the strongest gem, opening doors to the other world, purifying consciousness, being a source of inexhaustible energy and a talisman against all possible misfortunes.

Artificially grown crystals are useful in optics, radio electronics and other areas of industry.

Rock crystal is still most in demand in jewelry. Any jewelry is made from it and with it, the cost of which depends on the quality of the stone, the value of the frame material and the complexity of the design:

  • Products made from jewelry alloys are inexpensive: keychains – 4-7 dollars, pendants – 6-35, earrings – 10-12, bracelets – 15-55 dollars.
  • Rock crystal in silver will cost more: earrings – 55-180 dollars, ring – 20-150, pendant – 23-230 dollars.
  • Gold jewelry with a transparent gem is rare, often made to order and expensive: earrings - $400-1000, rings - $140-500.


Being a mineral of igneous origin, quartz precipitates from hot lava solutions. That is, the process is hydrothermal. Water enriched with mineral impurities seeps through cracks in the ground and cools. During cooling, precipitation and crystallization of quartz occur, and rock crystal appears. Single quartz crystals are rare. Typically, a bunch of different-sized hexagons with pyramidal tops rise from one base. Crystals are often directed in different directions. The composition is beautiful and harmonious. Therefore, it is often not separated in jewelry. If the ensemble consists of small crystals, it is soldered into a ring or entire pendant.

Found primarily in the voids of hydrothermal veins, most industrial deposits and large crystal finds are associated with “Alpine-type” crystal-bearing veins. It is also found in miarolite voids of pegmatite veins and contact-metamorphic deposits of various types. It is very common in sedimentary rocks, but does not form large crystals, but is found in the form of crystalline brushes on the walls of cracks and in the form of geodes, mainly among limestones and in calcareous strata.

The deposits are numerous and varied. In Russia, large deposits are known in the Subpolar Urals and in the East. Siberia (Aldan Shield, Verkhoyansk Range, etc.). Defect-free rock crystal single crystals for technical needs and the jewelry industry are grown in autoclaves.

How to distinguish from a fake

The availability of rock crystal does not protect collectors of natural gems from purchasing fakes.

Transparent samples of crystal can be ennobled to give them color and increase their value, which is not considered cheating, since the gems retain all their properties. In order for the stone to turn black and turn into morion, it is irradiated, and to give it an amber color, it is calcined.

Scientists have also learned to grow rock crystal in laboratory conditions. Synthetic analogues do not have healing or magical properties, but it is impossible to determine the artificial origin of the stone by eye. Only a specialist can handle this.


Information about the origin of rock crystal, the availability and methods of its processing are indicated in the certificate for the stone, the absence of which from the seller or unwillingness to present to the buyer should be a reason for refusing to purchase.

Counterfeits made of glass or plastic, of which there are a great many on mass sale, are easily identified right on the spot. A number of checks need to be carried out:

  1. Weigh the stone in your hands. It shouldn't be too light.
  2. Hold it in your palms and try to warm it with your warmth. Natural crystal has low thermal conductivity and will remain cool, while imitations will heat up very quickly.
  3. Run a needle over the gem. There is no danger to real rock crystal; there will be a scratch on glass or plastic.
  4. Evaluate transparency. Crystal from the depths of the earth is absolutely transparent, fakes will be cloudier.
  5. Look at the stone through a magnifying glass. The ideality of structure or color should arouse suspicion.

There is another type of artificial crystal - this is glass, into which lead and barium oxides are added in minute doses. Lead crystal is used primarily for making tableware and decorative elements.

History and origin

Mining of the mineral began long before our era. Mentions of the use of Morion crystals are found in the myths of ancient peoples. These include Ancient Egypt, Ancient Rome and Ancient China.

Interesting fact! Tutankhamun used the mineral to protect his eyes from the scorching rays of the sun. For this purpose, the pharaoh's eyepieces were darkened with his help.

Also, modern geologists found plates made of black morion in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Scientists have suggested that it is not a matter of the magic of burial rituals, but of practical problems. Darkened quartz protected the pharaoh from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. As in Egypt, in Ancient Rome black quartz did not have the established reputation of a dark magical object. It was used to make seals.

During the Medieval period, the mineral began to be used in magic. Occult followers and alchemists used it for rituals aimed at energetic enrichment and mental cleansing. Later in the 19th century. black crystal became a fashionable adornment and was used to inlay accessories and clothing items.

Interesting fact! In Russia, the history of the mineral began in the 18th century, when the head of the Academy of Sciences drew attention to it. The first specimens were mined in the Ural Mountains.

How to care for stone


Caring for a crystal gem can be divided into physical and energetic components.

Physically, the stones are quite unpretentious:

  • They are hard, which allows them to be stored in a common box, but in a soft bag so as not to scratch other gems. Although they are fragile, rock crystal should not be dropped or hit too hard - it may break.
  • They are resistant to chemicals, so you can clean the stones: from yellowness - with dishwashing detergent, from plaque - with a solution of acetic or citric acid, from any dirt - with a solution of washing powder or soap. After cleaning, it is important to rinse the stone thoroughly with running water and dry with a cloth. You cannot use hair dryers or batteries, as the gem is afraid of high temperatures, which can cause it to crack.
  • Rock crystal is not afraid of sunlight and water, so it can be worn to the beach, but not to the bathhouse or sauna, as it is always very hot there.

Energy care involves cleaning the stone from negativity through weekly “bathing” in clean running, or better yet, spring water and recharging with solar energy.

Caring for stone products

Rock crystal is unpretentious, however, in order to preserve its beneficial qualities, it is better to adhere to the rules of processing and storage.

  • After using the amulet, cleansing of impurities and negative energy is required. It is recommended to wash off dirt with soap and running water.
  • Gems react to high temperatures; you should not direct streams of hot air at them and keep them near fire and heating devices. It is better to dry at room temperature or by wiping with a soft cloth.
  • The crystal is fragile and can be damaged if dropped or hit. It is recommended to preserve it from mechanical damage.
  • It is recommended to store it in a separate box or case, lined with soft fabric inside.

Important! Exposure to chemical components changes the structure of the crystal and can harm it. It is not recommended to treat crystal with cleaning agents that contain aggressive substances.

Who suits the name

Rhinestone shows sympathy for the owners of the following names:

  1. Anastasia . Pure crystals framed in precious metals, in particular white gold, will emphasize the femininity of Nastya and the royal bearing of Anastasia. They will help bearers of the name to believe in themselves, and will also protect them from love disappointments.
  2. Alexandra . These already strong natures will become even stronger if they acquire a morion amulet, which will feed them with energy and protect them from vampires and spiteful critics.
  3. Maria . She will meet her love, and will also stop agreeing to alternative solutions and sacrificing something valuable for the interests of others.
  4. Catherine . Amethyst is suitable for bearers of this name. It will make them even more beautiful, emphasize their grace and sophistication, and also help them always remain cheerful and optimistic.
  5. Dmitriy . Rock crystal will show this man that family happiness depends largely on himself, and will teach him not to change his beliefs and control emotional outbursts. Dimas should also take a closer look at rauchtopazes, which will provide them with comprehensive protection.
  6. Yuri . His stone will make him a leader, teach him how to lead people and achieve universal respect.
  7. Egor . He will be able to get rid of softness, bad habits and addictions.
  8. Zakhar . Bearers of this ancient name will receive support in all areas of life, and money will flow to them like a river.

Healing properties

Rock crystal decoration
Ancient doctors used crystal to purify water, cauterize wounds or neutralize poisons. Many healers prepare and store potions in crystal containers.

It has been scientifically confirmed that the mineral’s healing properties are due to its physical properties: its structure allows sunlight to pass through.

The stone is used to treat many ailments:

  • applied to the wound, and a ray of sunlight penetrating the mineral destroys bacteria in it;
  • the stone is always cold, it is applied to the forehead, bruises, abrasions, and other injured or inflamed areas;
  • placed under the pillow or next to it to relieve nightmares or insomnia;
  • crystal calms, relieves depression or mood swings; Rosary beads help to cope with rage or outbursts of anger.

Chinese healers use the mineral for massage: the tip of the crystal stimulates biologically active points of the body, the balls smooth out negative energy.
Rock crystal exhibits healing properties upon bodily contact in jewelry:

  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stabilizes the nervous system;
  • cleanses the liver during hepatitis;
  • prevents the progression of a cold to pneumonia;
  • restores metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the thyroid gland.

If a nursing woman has little milk, wear crystal beads. Pink gem helps with infertility.

Any pebble can be a doctor, but green-colored rock crystal has the strongest healing properties.

Healing qualities are obtained from the water in which the stone has lain overnight. They drink it to remove waste and toxins. It will be especially useful for those who want to lose weight.

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