Men's amulet: Perun's shield - a symbol of the patronage of God

In Slavic mythology, the combat attributes of the Thunder God were endowed with powerful magical properties. Their images were considered amulets, capable of protecting anyone from evil rock and misfortune. A sacred tattoo worked like armor, protecting against death and reflecting negative influences. But one of the most powerful body amulets, the Shield of Perun, was tattooed on the body in the old days only by titled male warriors.

History of the origin of the sketch

More than one generation of historians has been talking about the cult of Perun among the Slavs. According to ancient chronicles, the pagans called him the Lord, revered and at the same time feared the divine creator of lightning. The Slavs represented the Thunderer in the guise of a mighty man with a beard the color of gold. Protector of warriors, he himself was dressed in a heroic helmet, military armor, and a red cloak fluttered behind him. A heavy club, a powerful ax and lightning arrows are the sacred weapons of God, which later received the status of amulets.

Perun's shield was a mandatory divine attribute, which gave protection not only to warriors. According to ancient legend, it was the Thunderer’s shield that protected the inhabitants of Midgard from the attack of the ruler Navi Chernobog. Perun presented his shield to protect the people from the machinations of the evil God and his allies. In the old days, it was believed that Perun’s shield not only repelled enemy arrows on the battlefield, but also reflected the evil eye, damage, illness and any witchcraft.

Product benefits

The Ancient Shield Amulet is a talisman that will help you improve your life. With it you will forget about pressing problems and feel all the delights of life. The advantages of such an amulet include:

  • Individual approach. Julia charms the amulet for you personally;
  • Lots of positive reviews. People are actively sharing how the amulet helps them;
  • Affordable price. Everyone can afford a talisman;
  • Protects from all negative energy.

Appearance of the symbol

Some ethnologists agree that Perun’s shield did not have any sacred or protective significance. Decoration for the idol of the Thunderer on a high hill is the only purpose of the protective attribute. In fact, the talisman could only be worn by warriors, and not from the lower class, but only by those who had proven heroism and valor in military affairs, belonging to a noble family.

Externally, the symbol was a teardrop-shaped shield, broadly rounded at the top and tapering to a pointed part at the bottom. On it they painted the face of Perun, lightning (zigzags or wavy lines), as well as a thunderbolt - the main sacred symbol of God. These are the so-called additional signs of protection - an ax, a hammer, an ax or the sword of Perun.

The meaning of the Shield of Perun amulet

The Slavic amulet has never been fully solved by modern scientists. There are several theories about what its significance is:

  • the product was used by priests, they decorated idols with it;
  • the pagan symbol was an amulet or talisman only for those who went to war;
  • the amulet could only be used by a select few, it was intended exclusively for men of noble family, to restore male energy;
  • the sign was worn as a decoration to scare away enemies;
  • the sacred product protected from illness, saved from witchcraft and damage.

There are also suggestions that thanks to the Shield of Perun it was possible to protect your loved ones and home.

Meaning of tattoo

Today, anyone can get a tattoo of Perun’s shield; such high demands are no longer placed on the applicant. But a courageous person with an inner iron core who walks through life with good intentions can gain the real protection of God.

For contemporaries, tattoos have also not lost their power and meaning. After drawing a sketch with a sacred image, the body amulet began to “work” for the benefit of the owner:

  • symbolism contributed to maintaining health;
  • protection from failures and success in endeavors;
  • strengthening spirit and physical strength;
  • gaining strong self-confidence.

It was believed that the shield protected from physical attacks by ill-wishers, magical attacks of sorcerers and sorcerers, illness, death and attacks from fierce enemies.

Ancient Slavic men with Perun's shield tattoo were credited with fearlessness, courage, honor, heroism, generosity, bravery and noble courage. Even today, a talismanic tattoo gives a man strength of spirit, belligerence, fearlessness and courage.

What is a magic shield: the meaning of the amulet

A magical shield is an ancient amulet. It is believed that such an amulet protects its owner from damage and the evil eye.

This is an object endowed with magical properties, mainly protective (hence the etymology: “amulet” - from the word “protect”, “protect”). A magical shield is a protective amulet. It helps the owner cope with anxiety, “attract” prosperity into the house and protect his home from evil influences and various misfortunes.

In ancient times, the creation of magical amulets that symbolized protection from “invisible evil” was based on natural phenomena. Therefore, the symbolism of the magic shield contains patterns in the form of waves and other similar elements.

Find out the price of the “shield” amulet

Who is it suitable for?

In the pre-Christian era, tattoos were part of the Slavic culture. They were applied to the body of mature men; for young men under 33 years old, body amulets were taboo. Perun's shield was originally considered a powerful male amulet. Representatives of the fairer sex did not get a tattoo with the sacred symbol of the Thunderer.

For women, the priests allowed a temporary opportunity to wear a talisman in the form of Perun’s shield. Usually these were elderly Slavic women who wanted to extend their life years. Young girls and mature women wore a talisman in case of great danger. The magical power of the divine attribute was a powerful armor and instantly reflected the energy of the offender. But there was a ban on permanent tattoos for women; the priests warned about the negative consequences of applying a talismanic design.

For men, the protective symbol was suitable at all times. Since ancient times, the shield has been personified with the valor of a victorious warrior; it could be given as a gift for great merit. In the old days, a tattoo in the form of Perun’s shield indicated the peculiarity of its owner. The man was not only a skilled warrior, but also a noble man, often belonging to a family of hereditary warriors.

Today, tattoos are well suited for men with dangerous professions:

  • police officers;
  • rescuers;
  • firefighters;
  • military;
  • pilots;
  • sailors.

The protection of Perun's shield will not be a problem for fans of frequent travel and athletes involved in extreme sports. Tattoos can be given to judges and lawyers who indirectly deal with criminal elements.

According to tattoo artists, a sketch with the symbols of Perun is not suitable for all representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The shield looks most harmonious on a strong, self-confident adult man.

You can find more amulets tattoos for men in this article.

Advantages and benefits of an amulet in the form of a shield

The main advantage of an amulet in the form of a shield is that it is made of high-quality hypoallergenic metal.

This amulet helps to:

  • improvement of financial situation;
  • attracting a worthy person into life;
  • normalization of the functioning of all internal organs;
  • eliminating the risk of curses and the evil eye.

The amulet has a strong magical effect.
The history of its creation is closely connected with the history of two strong psychics - Vanga and her student Julia, a participant in the “Battle of Psychics”.

Where to apply

It has long been known that tattoos with sacred meaning require a special approach. Not only the aesthetic perception, but also the strength of the amulet image depends on the place of application. The magical properties of protective symbolism are lost if Perun's shield is tattooed on the lower part of the body. Of course, a brutal tattoo with a Slavic composition on the calf will look quite advantageous, but from the point of view of the ancient priests it will remain only a beautiful decoration.

In order for the tattoo to “work” and fulfill its purpose, the symbol must be placed closer to the head.

Suitable for Perunov's shield:

  • neck area;
  • shoulder blades;
  • upper back;
  • breast;
  • shoulder;
  • forearm;
  • wrist.

The exact size of the future tattoo will be determined based on the location of the symbolic design. Small minimalist tattoos are applied to the neck and wrist. Volumetric compositions with a protective attribute look good on the inner surface of the forearm, upper arm, and back. Medium-sized symbols can be placed on any part of the body, but preferably on one hidden under clothing from prying eyes.

Buy a shield amulet (for good luck and fortune): where is it sold at a discount?

In order not to run into a fake, refuse to buy an amulet at markets and flea markets; you can order a magical shield amulet (for good luck and good fortune) in Moscow (or arrange delivery to any city in the Russian Federation) only through the official website on the Internet.

You can find out how much the shield amulet costs, the exact cost of the amulet and buy it on the official website. Where regular promotions and discounts are held, which will allow you to purchase goods at the best price. Remember, if you choose another site to buy a pendant, be careful, as you risk receiving a low-quality product or a fake.

Find out the price of the “shield” amulet

PS Below are real reviews from people, buyers of the magic amulet shield (for good luck and good fortune), if you have already purchased and managed to use the magic amulet, leave your comments and reviews, share your impressions and describe your experience in using the shield, whether it helped attract good luck into your life.

Style and color scheme

The Slavic shield tattoo of Perun is traditionally tattooed in the style of realism or in a minimalist solution. If a sketch with a protective symbol is planned to be combined with the face of the Thunderer, it is made realistic. The outline of the shield with the thunderbolt looks good in the minimalist style.

The colors used when applying the design to the skin are also of great importance. For men:

  • red means vital energy;
  • blue color represents masculine power and strength;
  • black – fertility, origins of the family;
  • green – health, unification with the forces of nature.

The symbol can be colored or in conservative black and white shades. When applying the symbol, it was customary to use red or blue. Today, the color scheme of the body designs of Perun’s shield often depends on the character of its owner.

How the amulet of happiness and good luck works: properties of the shield amulet

The amulet of happiness and good luck works if you believe in its properties. In this case, an ancient charmed amulet helps to cope with troubles at work and troubles in life. Wearing a magic shield also helps to normalize well-being. The personal life of the owner of the amulet is gradually improving. He begins to be lucky in everything, material problems are solved.

If you wear a magic shield constantly, no evil eye or damage will be scary.

Tattoo Sketches

Modern masters use a wide variety of variations of famous symbolism. Most often, the shield of Perun is found with a thunderbolt and lightning; often a sword, ax and helmet of the Thunder God are placed behind the sacred sign. The appearance of the deity in the sketches is placed on the surface of the shield or near the protective symbol.

But no matter what tattoo design is chosen, this does not affect the strength and power of the amulet. If the tattoo is made in compliance with all the rules, the protection and patronage of the powerful God will be activated immediately after the drawing is applied and will remain with the person for life.

Short description

God Perun played a huge role in Slavic myths and fairy tales; our ancestors believed in him, hoped and feared him. All things associated with God were instantly overgrown with myths; it is not surprising that great meaning was invested in Perun’s combat equipment. For example, a shield is the main weapon of defense, and Perun’s shield is a powerful protective symbol; it protected the Slavs from enemies, dangers and death in battle. Buy the Shield of Perun made of silver - gain incredibly powerful protection from diseases, misfortunes and the enemy’s sword

Video review of the Shield of Perun from the Silver Sign workshop

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