Chance or fate - break an egg. What does a sign mean and how to neutralize the consequences?

Break an egg

– for many people this process means nothing.
We are used to breaking eggs with a knife, fork, on the edge of a frying pan, plate or table, and we don’t even think about how we do it, at what time, and what this event means according to folk signs and superstitions

And only when the egg accidentally slips out of your hands, falls on the table or floor and breaks, does this cause annoyance. But a broken egg is not just an accident. There are many signs and ancient superstitions associated with broken eggs, which carry folk wisdom and can tell a lot about upcoming events.

The fact is that, according to the beliefs of our ancestors, the egg was considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a sign of the future, and the egg yolk was a symbol of the young Sun. In ancient times in Rus', chicken eggs were used in magical rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies; they used them to cure diseases and ailments, and remove damage and the evil eye.

That is why in the old days people collected many superstitions and beliefs about eggs, telling about what would happen if you broke an egg


Good and bad omens

Since ancient times, the egg has been a symbol of the birth and development of new life. Many looked at this product with caution, because it was often used to cause damage and create unfavorable conditions in the home. What are the signs of a broken egg?

  1. Don't worry if it accidentally falls out of your hands or rolls off the table. A broken raw egg most often promises good and good news.
  2. You should be wary if someone deliberately breaks an egg on your doorstep. Perhaps the owners of the house have ill-wishers who are trying to cause damage and trouble.
  3. An egg with two yolks, broken by accident, alarmed people. After all, this product was a symbol of life, and what was dropped contained two full-fledged beings.

What do signs and beliefs say about domestic chickens and chicken eggs?

Signs and beliefs about raising chickens and chicken eggs. What to expect if you come across an egg without a yolk. Why is it preferable to keep a black rooster?

People living in private houses have the opportunity to raise livestock and poultry. While not everyone decides to raise livestock because of difficulties in caring for it, chickens are completely undemanding and do not require special conditions, so even an inexperienced family can cope with breeding. In addition, people have many interesting signs about poultry, which it would not hurt to learn about.

Beliefs and signs about chickens

  1. If you cut several feathers from a hen's tail and put them in a certain nest, then she will lay eggs only in this place.

2) A good sign is a chicken crowing during a wedding. This promises a long and cloudless life together for the newly-made couple.

3) Sometimes there are two yolks in one egg. The person who gets it will be very lucky in life.

4) It is customary to serve baked chicken on the newlyweds’ table, so that the young family can live in abundance and not know sorrows.

5) If the rooster is black, then, according to signs, there is no need to be afraid that someone will rob the house. The black rooster will protect your home from thieves.

6) When there is bad weather outside, it is advisable not to go into the chicken coop if there is a black rooster living in it, since lightning can strike it.

7) You should not give eggs to friends or neighbors for breeding chickens, as this can lead to the death of all poultry.

8) If you feed your chickens poorly in winter, then the whole summer will be dreary and hungry for the owners.

9) To prevent anything from happening to the bird, it is advisable to hang a stone with a hole found on the road or in the forest in the chicken coop.

10) There will be a lot of eggs if you put several broken jugs in the chicken coop.

11) You cannot eat eggs near the place where poultry lives, otherwise it will not lay eggs.

12) Accidentally breaking an egg means trouble.

13) Birds fiddling in the dust, according to signs, foretell prolonged rains.

14) You can’t count the neighbor’s chickens, so as not to quarrel.

15) Birds clucking together is a bad omen, promising troubles and scandals between family members.

16) An egg that does not have a yolk promises troubles and hardships to the person who comes across it.

17) It’s not a good sign if the rooster is silent in the morning when he should be singing. This portends a series of failures and illness for the family.

18) If only the cockerels hatched, then happiness and prosperity will soon come to the house.

There are also many popular signs and beliefs associated with cows, dogs, ducks and even pigeons.

Determining fate by the number of eggs

By signs you can understand what awaits you in the near future. What other signs are there about a broken egg?

  1. If you dropped two pieces, don't worry. On the contrary, you need to rejoice, because soon the love of your life will appear on your way. If it already exists, then the relationship in marriage will only become stronger.
  2. Three eggs are broken - be careful, because somewhere nearby there is bad luck, ready to fall on you.
  3. If you accidentally break a product early in the morning, then be prepared for a quarrel or scandal during the day. Try to avoid conflicts and provocations.
  4. Did an egg fall that turned out to be stale or spoiled? The whole day will go wrong. Failures are nearby, so try not to take on important and responsible matters.

Interpretation of a dream about broken eggs

Having a dream is a bad sign. He warns of material difficulties and adversities. Be careful about your words and actions so as not to inadvertently offend a loved one.

If in a dream you touched a broken egg, then disappointment awaits you in life. There is no need to rely on others, rely only on yourself. Also, be careful with your undertakings. They will not bring success. Better put things off for another day.

For a girl, the dream hints at female health problems. It is better to visit a doctor to avoid the development of pathology.

Rotten eggs seen in a dream indicate difficulties at work. Be attentive to your responsibilities, re-read documents and count money, do not ignore your colleagues and be respectful to your boss - conflicts can now flare up out of nowhere.

Fresh but broken eggs, if there were a lot of them, predict a quick profit, and on a large scale. If a chicken appears, you will soon receive a pleasant surprise. For women during pregnancy, he promises a quick and easy birth.

Magic rituals

Many fortune tellers, witches and healers use eggs to cast spells, ward off the evil eye or cast a spell. Women use them to combat infertility. And men are not allowed to collect eggs so that the hens can continue to lay eggs. It is believed that boiled eggs help get rid of barley, and raw eggs help to find out the future.

  1. If the product falls and breaks after lunch, then try not to make any rash transactions or purchases. In the worst case scenario, you could lose a large sum.
  2. You put an egg on the table, but it suddenly rolled and fell? Study your surroundings carefully. Most likely, there are ill-wishers in it who are jealous of you and are ready to harm you.
  3. If you catch an egg that has begun to roll off the table, then this means one thing: evil tongues will not be able to harm. You are a wise person who will communicate with others carefully, not trusting them with your secrets.
  4. If you haven’t brought the eggs from the store or chicken coop, then expect quarrels and conflicts in your relationship.
  5. Found an egg broken on your doorstep? Do not touch it with your hands so that damage from an ill-wisher does not transfer to you! Clean up using rags and gloves. When finished, thoroughly wash the floor with salt water.

Why you shouldn't smash eggs on the table

In ancient times, people considered the table to be “God’s palm” that provides food. Everything that was put on the table by the hostess was considered a divine gift, the hand of the Mother of God extended to people. People never allowed themselves to knock anything on the tabletop; it was considered unacceptable to break even boiled eggs on the table. Why? Violation of tradition necessarily leads to serious family discord.

There is another version of why you should not break eggs on the table. According to the superstition, this action brings poverty and deprivation of one’s property. For example, a house robbery or dismissal from a position will occur. A person may become a victim of attackers due to carelessness or stupidity. Troubles attract. It is believed that people break their own lives just like a shell.

Important! A person hitting eggs on the table will bring discord in relationships with people around him. People will begin to express their dissatisfaction, the cause of which will be the person who knocked the testicle.


Folk signs about a broken egg say that you should never step on the remaining shell. Since this product is a symbol of life, a person’s health may deteriorate sharply and his mind may become clouded. In many cultures, the shell is a talisman against evil tongues and ill-wishers, as well as against envious people. It helps to grow a rich harvest. It is better to remove the broken egg by completely collecting the shell. You can give the viscous slurry to animals, and chop the outer layer and bury it in the garden.

Why break an egg?

An egg broken by accident was not considered an accident by the people. The egg has always been considered not just a product, but a special symbol of life. Therefore, a broken egg has always been interpreted from a negative side. At the same time, the time of day when the egg was broken played a big role.

If this happened in the first half of the day, troubles can occur in any area (work, personal life, unsuccessful outcome of affairs), and if it was the second half of the day, then most likely the person who broke it will have to incur unreasonable material costs, or lose money.

It happens that an egg, while on the table, unexpectedly rolls off and breaks on the floor. This phenomenon is explained by the sign that the person who placed it on the table has enemies that he does not even suspect and perhaps trusts them, considering them his friends. These friends-enemies can significantly harm or betray.

In case the egg is broken

on the way home from the store, this should be regarded as a sign that there are hidden problems in your personal life that you should think about.

As a magical symbol, the egg can be used to cause damage. If you find a broken egg in front of your door, then under no circumstances touch it until you pour it with holy water. Only after this can it be removed and thrown away immediately.

The sign about Easter eggs says that if the egg does not break on the first blow, this can be regarded as a symbol of health, prosperity and long life.

Another sign

A broken egg that you crack on the corner of the table is a sure way to deprive yourself of a happy future. In this way you will bring trouble upon yourself and push away good luck. It is better to use a fork or wooden spatula.

All these signs apply only to raw eggs, but there is one exception. If suddenly on Easter one rolls down and breaks, then the health of the owners of the house can be seriously undermined.

Other signs about eggs.

If a hen incubates an even number of eggs, one should be removed to avoid trouble.

Great happiness will come if all the hatched chickens are cockerels.

Take care of the egg laid on Good Friday, it will give you the strength of all the chickens in the world combined.

Eggs intended for hen cannot be transported across the river, otherwise they will be empty.

According to Russian tradition, eggs should be carried in a hat so that the chickens are shaggy and have combs.

Eggs without yolks bring misfortune.

It is not good to bring eggs home after dark.

After eating an egg, crush the shell so that evil spirits do not use it for their machinations.

In some countries, they tell fortunes about their betrothed (betrothed) by choosing a yolk from a hard-boiled egg, filling the void with salt and eating the egg prepared in this way at night: the chosen one will be dreamed of.

Finally, in Japan there is a belief that if a woman steps on eggshells, she may go crazy.

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An egg fell and broke - a sign that promises good events or warns of negative consequences? Should we be afraid of such a phenomenon? In this article we have collected all the folk signs that will tell you what a broken egg is for.

Alternative opinion

There's an old saying that says, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. And it makes no difference where it fell - on the floor or in a bowl. The worst thing that can happen to you because of this incident is that you will have to wash the floor thoroughly and for a long time. But there is a practical solution here too.

If you dropped an egg on the floor, then you shouldn’t worry about whether there are good and bad omens. Just take salt and sprinkle it liberally onto the slippery mass. Wait a few minutes, and then carefully collect the egg with a rag, which will no longer spread and turn into a shapeless slurry.

An egg breaks - what do you mean by signs?

The meaning of the sign about broken eggs also depends on the exact circumstances under which the shell cracked and what was found inside.

If an egg unexpectedly rolls off the table

or some other surface and breaks, this sign warns that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared who can harm on the sly. Try not to trust people you don't know.

If one or more eggs burst on the way home

, this sign can mean problems in your personal life. At the same time, a crack in one egg promises a quarrel with your other half, and several eggs broken soft-boiled warn of big problems in love or family relationships.

If you laid a lot of eggs, but only two of them broke

, - this sign portends positive changes in the love sphere. Quick acquaintances are possible that will turn into a romantic relationship. If this happened to a person who already has a loved one, it means that harmony and fidelity reign in the relationship.

Accidentally break an egg in the kitchen

, is a good omen, foreshadowing good luck. It’s even better if, when the egg falls, you have time to catch it in flight. Even if the shell is cracked, you will still be able to catch Luck.

It is a bad omen to accidentally break an egg and find that it is spoiled or rotten.

. As a rule, this sign promises health-related troubles.

very good sign if there are two yolks inside a broken egg.

. For an unmarried single girl, this promises a long-awaited meeting with her beloved and a quick wedding. For a married woman, such an egg portends a new addition to the family. For a pregnant woman, this sign predicts the birth of twins. If a man saw two yolks, this is a sign of unexpected and large monetary profits.

It is extremely rare, but there are eggs without a yolk. Superstitions about them are interpreted differently. Some say that breaking an egg without a yolk is a sign

to something very unusual that will happen in life. Others argue that this promises the loss of something important, without which it is almost impossible to imagine one’s existence.

If you dreamed about an egg breaking

, then in this case different dream books predict completely different events: collapse of plans, a large gift from a loved one, a major loss or serious damage, a quarrel, troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, when interpreting a dream about a broken egg, it is better to focus on your feelings and how the dream was - joyful or sad. And depending on this, choose a sign.

’s very bad to find a broken egg under your threshold or in front of your front door.

. This means that most likely, a black conspiracy has been made against you or your family for damage or illness.

To neutralize negativity and remove damage, you need to collect a broken egg on a white sheet of paper, using another one folded in half. Crumple everything together, take it outside away from the house and bury it in the ground with the words: “The egg and lining are in paper, damage and the evil eye are in the ground.” After this, wash the threshold well with a rag, which you also then throw away. Sprinkle the threshold and the area in front of the door with salt, and sprinkle the door itself with holy water.

For many centuries, people have considered the egg not only as a highly nutritious product, but also as a magical object. This perception is due to the fact that the fragile shell hides a new, still very vulnerable and at the same time incredibly strong life. It is not without reason that witches and healers often use the egg in various rituals and medicinal potions, and popular observation has given rise to many signs associated with it.

  • Be careful when carrying eggs you bought from the supermarket. Losses on the way home
    promise problems in your personal life. If you find the remains of yolk and white smeared on the packaging, analyze your family or love relationships. Perhaps the crack that appears can still be cemented.
  • The number of broken eggs
    also matters. If you had to part with two copies, then you shouldn’t be upset about such a small loss. On the contrary, there is a reason for great joy, because such a sign convinces of the absolute devotion of your chosen one. But three eggs breaking at once prepares you for serious material losses.
  • The place where the eggs broke should suggest certain thoughts. If an egg accidentally rolls onto the floor and breaks there, this is a signal that there is a secret ill-wisher in your environment. Such an envious person, acting on the sly, can bring you a lot of trouble. However, the effect of the omen can be prevented if you catch the egg on the fly. It doesn’t matter if you even crush it, the main thing is that the product remains in your hands without reaching the floor.

Neutralizing the effect of broken eggs found on the doorstep of a home is somewhat more difficult. After all, they are talking about someone’s persistent desire to destroy your family life. In this case, you must immediately remove the dirt without touching it with your hands, and then thoroughly rinse the threshold with salt. It will be useful to additionally sprinkle the entrance with holy water.

  • It is useful to pay attention to the time of day at which the unfortunate loss occurred. An egg broken in the morning
    will turn your luck away for the whole day.
    Love confessions will remain misunderstood, and work will fall through the cracks. Trouble that happened after lunch
    foreshadows small financial losses.
  • The contents of the egg can enhance or neutralize the effect of the omen. If it turns out to be spoiled, then a good omen will not work, but a bad omen will certainly come true. A double yolk is very rare, so popular rumor ascribes to it considerable power that can neutralize a negative effect or increase a positive effect.
  • When breaking an egg intentionally
    , for example, for fortune telling or cooking, you should remember that in this case omens do not work, and do not worry in vain. However, it is considered useful to tap the empty shell with a spoon after eating a boiled egg so that happiness does not turn away from you. The Easter tradition of beating eggs is of particular importance. The owner of the surviving “projectile” is guaranteed good health for the year ahead.

Since ancient times, an egg has been considered an unusual object with magical properties. Having two yolks in one egg

can be found extremely rarely, and there are many folk explanations for this phenomenon.

Basically, people interpret this phenomenon from a positive side.

The most famous sign in this regard is that if someone gets two yolks in an egg, then this person will soon be lucky in something, good luck awaits him. If such an egg falls into the hands of a young girl, then the signs indicate an imminent meeting of the groom and marriage.

And if a double yolk is a godsend for a married lady, then you can expect a new addition to her and her husband’s family, and there is a high probability that twins will appear.

Also, there are negative folk interpretations of this phenomenon. There is a sign that a double yolk symbolizes the arrival of rainy and stormy weather.

Origins of superstition

Since ancient times in Rus' there was special respect for the feast, as it was considered the hand of God, providing food and restoring vital energy. In popular beliefs and signs, the egg is a symbol of the beginning of all life. Knowing and respecting the symbolism, the ancestors never broke it on the table. By breaking this rule, a person showed his disrespect for the whole world and divine powers.

This is also where the condemnation of overindulgence at the table and careless attitude towards eggs comes from. It was believed that anyone who does not honor these two symbols incurs punishment from higher powers. Even if you accidentally drop and break an egg, according to popular belief, this promises immediate trouble.

What now, in the modern world?

Today, not many people pay attention to signs. Most often, no significance is attached to the fact that a raw or boiled egg is broken on the table. You shouldn’t do this on purpose - the method is not hygienic, and a broken egg can stain the tablecloth. Therefore, it is better to use a knife or spoon.

Knowing why you shouldn’t smash raw or boiled eggs on the table, everyone decides for themselves whether to do so or not. It is worth remembering that, in addition to signs, restrictions on such an action are also imposed by traditional rules of behavior. video on the topic:

How to neutralize the consequences of a sign

In other cases, for example, when a sign promises poverty or problems at work, you can do the following:

  1. Light a church candle.
  2. Walk around the entire perimeter of the house, paying special attention to the corners and the front door.
  3. Collect the egg shell and burn it.

If a person fears God's wrath, then he can protect himself with sincere repentance. You need to come to church, light a candle and read a prayer, ask for absolution and protection for yourself and your entire family.

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