DIY traditional folk doll Vesnyanka

The Vesnyanka doll is a beautiful Slavic amulet that symbolizes beauty and a good life. In ancient times, Slavic women made it with the onset of warm weather to attract happiness during this season.

Using our master class at the end of the article, you can make such a doll yourself. But before that, you have to familiarize yourself with the features of making a doll and the traditions associated with it.

How did the Vesnyanka doll appear?

Unlike other dolls that were made 5,000 years ago, Vesnyanka has a relatively short history. Motanka appeared after the final formation of the Russian nationality. The place of origin of Vesnyanka was the Urals; such dolls are also found in the regions of the middle zone. National experts compare the bright stonefly with the Ural gems.

Belarusians and Ukrainians have a similar motanka - Martinichka, it was made on March 1st. There are other spring motankas. The Easter dove is a female image. In her hands she has a willow twig and a nest with eggs, and hidden in her skirt is a pysanka - a colored egg. There was also Yarilo, who had a male appearance, symbolizing the spring sun.

The word “stonefly” itself has several meanings. The following contents are indicated in V. Dahl’s dictionary:

  • ritual chants used to call out spring;
  • a modest brown butterfly that appears in March;
  • in some areas girls were called that way.

How to activate and use the "freckle"?

The doll can be given to children to play with, so that they are charged with positivity and also develop fine motor skills of their fingers. A bright multi-colored toy made of natural material is an excellent replacement for store-bought dolls.

The finished doll should be specified by saying pleasant wishes, for example, that the “fruit fly” will bring beauty, youth and happiness to the owner. At the same time, you need to hold the Slavic amulet firmly in your hands. You should constantly talk to the doll and keep it in a place of honor in the apartment. You can’t overwhelm a spring fly with other household things, otherwise it will get offended and stop helping. You should not give a magic doll into the hands of strangers or guests, as it must be charged with the energy of the household. If the “stonefly” becomes unusable, then it should be burned at the stake with gratitude, and not just thrown away.

What does the doll symbolize?

Vesnyanka is the spirit of spring, awakening nature. In the old days they said that the doll had the keys to the streams. The motanka was also associated with the spring winds, hence the second name of the whistler.

March 14 is the first day of real spring. Among the people, this is the holiday of Avdotya the Whistler, according to the church Evdokia of Iliopolis. The weather of this day was used to judge what the summer would be like. Women began to weave and whitewash canvases. It was believed that March water imparts special qualities to the fabric. The men were preparing for sowing work. Girls and children invited spring with special songs - stoneflies, and they also made dolls.

What does a talisman doll mean?

Fun is one of the emotions that such a reel gives.
“Vesnyanka” is used as a talisman, participates in spring Slavic rituals, and is also given to children for games. The doll brings positive emotions, joy and fun. Usually it is given to each other by girlfriends who have not yet married. A talisman kept in a home will give beauty, attractiveness to men, luck, and good health. The girls used the doll's braid to guess what the next year would be like. “Vesnyanka” can be passed on from mother to daughter - such a motanka doll will be especially strong, charged with ancestors. You can only accept a talisman as a gift from trusted people and close friends who definitely do not harbor envy and do not wish harm. A Slavic “vesnyanka”, made with bad thoughts, will do more harm than good to the girl.

How to use?

Vesnyanka dolls were made by unmarried girls and given to their friends. Children were also allowed to play with the doll. Girls loved such a toy, because they could do their hair with it - braid it with ribbons. Sometimes the doll was sewn with a small loop to be placed on a child’s finger and stored in the palm.

The motanka unfolded quite quickly, but the doll was not repaired. As soon as the Vesnyanka doll deteriorated, they got rid of it: they burned it, buried it. In some areas, the toy was sent to swim in large streams. Sometimes the pupae were hung on tree branches and left there. The motanka carried away negative energy, emotions, and illnesses.

A beautifully made doll is a real amulet gift. When a motanka is presented to a girl, they wish to remain young and beautiful longer. The doll was given to the guys with the wish to preserve their youthful prowess.

The meaning and application of Vesnyanka

Exactly when the Vesnyanka amulet doll was created could be judged from its name alone: ​​this craft retained the powers of the sun and the warmth of spring all year round. It was at the time of saying goodbye to winter and welcoming the long-awaited spring that the girls made Vesnyanok with their own hands, so that this amulet would stand for the entire next year in an honorable corner of the hut, warming its owners with warmth and memories of the sun.

Traditionally, men were not allowed to make such a talisman: such work required only women’s hands. But it was considered good form to give a homemade Vesnyanka amulet to a close friend or relative with the most sincere wishes of health, warmth and beauty.

Amulet doll – Vesnyanka

Such a homemade magical item was kept throughout the entire calendar year until the following spring, and then a new rag doll was made. The amulet, which kept the family at peace throughout the year and gave it warmth and sunshine, was traditionally put on fire, thus saying goodbye to the harsh winter and welcoming the warmth of spring.

This amulet doll also had another name by which it was known among the people: Avdotya-Vesnovka.

Appearance of the amulet

Motanka has a bright appearance. This is a ritual doll, so the material for it must be natural, preferably new. The craftswomen chose the most colorful scraps of fabric. Vesnyanka is a female image with arms in a bright sundress. A mandatory accessory of the Ural version of the folk doll Vesnyanka is a braid. Hair threads were taken in any bright and light colors: yellow, green, blue, red, orange, blue.

Satin ribbons were woven into the hairstyle. The braid is not lowered like girls have in real life, but raised vertically. Since ancient times, it was believed that a woman’s hair has an important energetic value. The doll's braid is a conductor between the powers of the earth and the sky. In some regions of central Russia, they made another version of Vesnyanka without hair - the doll’s head was decorated with a bright scarf.

The size of the doll is small - about the size of your palm, not counting the braid. Like most folk dolls, the face was left clean and white. Facelessness meant that the rag doll was an inanimate object. It was believed that good and evil spirits could enter the motanka through the eyes and mouth. Modern psychologists emphasize the beneficial influence of a folk doll without a face on a child. This toy develops imagination and imagination. In the game, children give the doll any features they want, inventing its mood and character.

The description of Vesnyanka by folklore collectors indicates the option of decorating the face using a multi-colored cross made of threads or thin ribbons. This detail not only decorated the doll, but also gave it protective properties. An oblique cross was depicted with threads on the chest and back when the reel was tied with red threads.

In the Samara region they made a seedling stonefly. To make a doll, they took a small log or stick, which was wrapped in cloth, forming the head and arms. The braid was also made from multi-colored threads. The seedling stonefly was taken to the field for the first work, tied to a plow or tractor.

We have probably collected all types of Slavic motanka dolls for all occasions.

Design and research work “Russian folk doll. Vesnyanka doll"

Trubnikova Elena

Design and research work “Russian folk doll. Vesnyanka doll"

Design and research workRussian folk doll . Vesnyanka doll »

Objective of the project :

To awaken students' interest in Russian culture and traditional folk dolls

Project objectives :

— study of the history of the origin and production of folk dolls ;

— study of types of dolls and creation of a manual for making folk dolls ;

— production of amulets and game souvenir dolls;

- fostering a sense of patriotism and respect for national traditions.

Relevance of the problem

Interest in folk crafts in the modern world is growing. And this happens because a void once formed here. And there was a great need to fill it. Our today's desire to know what a folk toy , how it was played and what it meant, lies not only educational interest, but also the desire to know and remember the past of our people .

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an attribute of ancient rituals. Since time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'.

It was believed that dolls made by hand from scrap materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to ward off evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

We found out why the traditional rag doll is faceless . The face, as a rule, was not marked and remained white. A doll without a face was considered an inanimate object, inaccessible to the instillation of evil, unkind forces into it, and therefore harmless to the child. She was supposed to bring him prosperity, health, joy. It was a miracle: from several rags, without arms, without legs, without a designated face, the character of the doll . The doll had many faces , she could laugh and cry.

All dolls are divided into three large groups: gaming, ritual and amulets.

Play dolls were intended for children's amusement. In the old days, in the Russian village , the favorite toy was a doll made from rags.

dolls : it was believed that they could protect a person from evil forces, take on illnesses and misfortunes, and help a good harvest. Many dolls were carefully kept in the family and passed down from generation to generation along with traditional techniques for making them.

Ritual dolls were greatly revered; they were placed in the red corner of the hut. They had religious significance.

It was previously believed that “Fertility” doll

helped to have prosperity and a good harvest.
This doll was also called Moskovka , Seventh Me (family)
The doll has six children tied to a belt.

This is a wedding doll . The male and female figures are symbolically united by a common shoulder, so that things can be done together and one can rely on each other.

Semik and Semichikha

Folk ritual dolls personified thriftiness, hospitality, and decency. On Trinity Sunday they were given to the most hospitable hosts.

Amulet dolls were passed down from mother to daughter, they were endowed with special strength, the energy of the family and helped their new owners in times of adversity, saved them from evil spirits, and brought happiness to the house.

Doll for luck

She received her purpose thanks to her long braid - a symbol of femininity. It is believed that if you carry such a doll with you, you will be successful and find your happiness.


The baby's very first amulet. It was done before the baby was born with thoughts and prayers about him. This doll protected the baby's sleep.

"Herbal Pot"

This doll was filled with fragrant medicinal herbs. It was hung in the room above the bed so that the herbal spirit would ward off the evil spirits of illness.


We have experience in making amulets dolls - we made them in classes in an after-school group. We studied several techniques for making dolls and settled on a doll that symbolizes

Features of creation

Vesnyanka was made for a specific day. In most regions, the doll was made on March 14, when, according to the folk calendar, real spring comes. Girls and children were engaged in making twists.

Doing motanka is reminiscent of the process of meditation. It is important to make the doll in one go, otherwise it will not have magical powers. While working, the girl was distracted from vain thoughts, trying to think about the approach of spring, warmth, and the awakening of nature. While making the doll, the craftswoman could read spells or prayers, filling the inanimate object with the power of her faith.

It was forbidden to use needles. The fabric was torn into shreds by hand. We also tried not to use scissors. Materials for Vesnyanka should be multi-colored and bright. The edges of the flaps were not hemmed. Sticking out raw threads reminded of the connection of the reel with another world.

Purpose of Vesnyanka

Who was the doll made for?

At the end of winter, at the beginning of spring, young girls and adult women made Vesnyanka with their own hands, in order to then give it to a loved one or friend, thereby congratulating them on the onset of spring. The farewell of winter, and then the welcome of spring, was accompanied by cheerful folk festivities among the Slavs with dances, round dances, and songs, so small gifts came in handy.

People believed that Vesnyanka would protect from diseases and bring success, and would make women “red and rosy,” i.e. beautiful, and men strong and impetuous. For older people, it had the following meaning: you may no longer be young, but your soul will always be young.

Nowadays, admirers of the customs of their ancestors make dolls with their own hands to present as a gift, for example, on Maslenitsa or just like that, with wishes of happiness for the whole year.

How was Vesnyanka used?

The Vesnyanka doll was used in different ways: it was left as a talisman until the summer, or even until the fall; given to children as a toy; hung on bare tree branches.

When Vesnovka wore out, they burned her without sparing, believing that she had fulfilled her purpose.

Master class: DIY Vesnyanka doll

To make a doll you will need a good attitude and the following materials:

  • a rectangular piece of white fabric approximately 10 by 15 cm;
  • a rectangular piece of colored fabric for smaller hands;
  • cotton wool;
  • colored patch for a skirt;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • Red thread;
  • satin ribbons 0.5–1 cm wide.

Fabric sizes are approximate. It is better to tear the flaps with your hands; you should be guided by the fact that the Vesnyanka pupae are small, no more than 15 cm. The Vesnyanka can be decorated with any decorative materials.

Instructions for making a doll:

  1. We lay out the white flap and place the formed cotton ball to the right of the center.

  2. Roll the fabric into a roll and tie a thread on the larger side. This will be the top of the motanka.

  3. We bend the roll where the thread is tied, tie it in the neck area, leaving long ends of the thread.

  4. We roll up the piece of paper for the hands and tie it on each side close to the ends, like candy, indicating the palms.

  5. We insert the bundle-handles into the blank under the neck. We tie the waist, wrap threads around the chest and back, depicting a cross.

  6. We tie the skirt at the waist. The flap can be simply placed on top, then the frill above the thread will be visible. Second option: put the fabric wrong side upside down, tie it with thread and lower the hem down. The skirt comes with a wrap.

  7. We cut threads for hair. The length should be twice the intended size of the braid.

    We first insert the threads under the string on the top of the head to divide the strand into two unequal sides. There should be a larger part that goes down towards the back.

    We tie it around her neck again, finally securing the hairstyle.

  8. We gather the hair on the top of the head into a ponytail and braid it. You can tie the strands with colored ribbons.

There are other manufacturing options. You can simply tie your head with a colorful scarf. Some craftswomen insert the hair at a bend on the head and tie a ponytail at the top of the head. This method is simpler and suitable when working with children. On the face you can make a cross from floss threads or thin ribbons.

How to make a Vesnyanka amulet from threads

In order to make a traditional spring amulet with your own hands, you do not need any special knowledge or skills: such actions are available to everyone.

Initially, you need to prepare the necessary materials and tools:

  • Natural wool threads are white.
  • Several skeins of woolen threads of different colors: in this matter you can rely on your own taste and imagination, the more and brighter the colors, the better.
  • Ruler.

Multi-colored threads

Step 1

First of all, you need to measure and tear off three skeins of thread with your own hands, 21 cm long for the body, 15 cm for the arms, 17 cm for the braid.

The first skein should be white as it will be used to create the doll's body. For the remaining windings, you can take threads of any color: from these bundles the braid and hands for the doll will subsequently be created.

We measure out 3 skeins of thread

Step 2

The threads from which the hair will be made must be threaded into a white skein.

doll body

Step 3

On a white skein, you need to mark the head by pulling the neck area with a tight white thread.

Vesnyanka's Scythe

Step 4

In order to make the hands of the folk Vesnyanka, you need to take a skein of 15 cm long threads and tie small knots along the edges of such a winding: these will be the fists of the future amulet. We place the arms in the doll's body between the white threads, right under the neck, and tie them tightly with a cross-shaped winding to securely fasten them.

Making pens

Fastening the handles

Step 5

Now you can braid the braid and decorate it to your taste with beads, ribbons or braid. Flowers woven into a braid, both real and artificial, look trendy.

Braiding a braid

Rules for creating motanka dolls

In Rus', in every hut you could see different ritual dolls. Entire evenings were spent to create them, when girls or already married women got together and made crafts. Depending on her status, a woman made different motankas: little girls, with their mother’s help, made an Otdarok as a gift, unmarried girls made a doll motanka Vesnyanka, and a young married woman who learned about her pregnancy made a diaper.

An important rule that was always observed was only female presence. Men were not allowed to do needlework. The reels themselves were made without the use of scissors and needles. They were made from clean old rags, using straw, herbs, various grains, as well as bright threads and ribbons. Nowadays, when there are many artificial fabrics, linen, cotton and wool are still always used for reels. The threads are taken natural. They made one amulet at a time, without stretching its implementation over several days.

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