Elena Golunova - reviews of the reception and information about the magician

Often people do not think about the power of some seemingly ordinary things, but psychics note that amulets and talismans can become great helpers to the owner in everyday life. Amulets and amulets have long been considered powerful sources of power in various forms; they help attract happiness, love or money. It is extremely important that the amulet be enchanted by a powerful medium whose power has already been proven.

An excellent example is the most powerful Siberian witch, one of the participants in the 13th season of the “Battle of Psychics”, who took an honorable second place on this TV show. Many guessed who it was. Elena Golunova's amulet for good luck and wealth is a really strong amulet that will help you. Elena herself does not promise miracles, but she provides an opportunity to improve the situation and help move forward.

Elena Golunova, although she uses black magic, directs it in a bright direction, so her powerful rituals do not have negative consequences. This is clearly visible in the money amulets that she provides to anyone interested in this topic. The Siberian witch herself believes that talismans and amulets can help their owner in various matters, so she herself uses them in her activities and advises other people to use them in everyday life.

How can Elena Golunova's amulet help?

Elena Golunova's amulet for good luck and wealth has already helped many people, some it helped improve their family life and climb the career ladder, others overcome life's difficulties and get out of a state of anxiety, fear and self-doubt, find the man or woman of their dreams. For everyone, the amulet will bring something different that will improve their future life. All this is due to the fact that this amulet has the energy inherent in the biofield of its owner. Elena notes that this is extremely important, because it is thanks to the biofield that positive and negative events occurring in life are attracted.

Having studied the reviews, we can safely talk about the effectiveness of the amulet. There are many life stories in which the talisman helped stabilize a difficult situation and achieve financial and family benefits. There are, however, also negative reviews. This can be explained by the fact that not everyone understands the main idea - the amulet itself will not do everything for you. It will only help you access the flow of light energy, charge you, and improve possible options for events in life. In order to achieve success, you should combine the power of the amulet with your own efforts.

Types of talismans and what they help with

Coins have been used as talismans since ancient times. The first money made from metals became treasury money. Silversmiths were given special powers - silver was revered for protection from evil spirits.

In the modern world, Golunova’s imperial amulets, made from real royal coins, are valued. Their strength lies in a powerful charge of energy, they are nourished by an enrichment program. Once in a person’s possession, they will earn money by attracting prosperity to him. Some talismans are selected based on their zodiac signs.

Amulets - coins with a hole symbolize the opening of cash flows. They are worn as a pendant or in a wallet. It is believed that being in one compartment of a wallet, they attract finances to the empty one next to it.

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The fiat coin, issued in 1923, represents an image of economic growth—and it was there this year. The money depicts a sower and a sunrise. This talisman has the effect of increasing wealth.

In China, a powerful amulet is called nanbu. It depicts a Ming Dynasty castle and was used as a seal on manuscripts of financial transactions. Another talisman is a coin with a square hole in the center.

Superstitious North Americans use the first dollar they earn as a lucky amulet. A coin issued in the year of your birth or a memorable year can become a personal talisman of finances and luck. It is important that the events that happened on that date were pleasant and kept good memories. Iron money with defects - bends, mechanical damage - were traditionally considered lucky. It’s a good sign to find such a coin. Becoming an accidental owner of small money has always been considered a good thing.

The older the coin, the more powerful the forces hidden in it. Metal has been accumulating positive energy for centuries. Ancient people, having acquired an amulet of good luck and money, passed it on as a family heirloom to generations.

How to become successful, rich and improve family relationships?

The most powerful witch of Siberia puts family at one of the first places in her life, as she has three sons. That is why she offers a money amulet to solve one of the most important problems in the family - the financial issue. The situation in a family that does not need money is much better than that of a family without income. Having resolved this issue, the life of the family will immediately become easier. And this is where the amulet for good luck and wealth of Elena Golunova will be important. It will help attract finance, resolve some difficult situations, and normalize the life of the whole family. The Siberian witch is well versed in energetic places, or, as they are usually called, places of power. In her opinion, Altai is the region where there is pure energy, which allows one to put thoughts and feelings in order. It is here, on the territory of Altai, that amulets for good luck and wealth are created by Elena Golunova.


Not everyone can get rich. But knowing the secret of success and having a strong money talisman , you can bring good luck to yourself even in the most difficult period of life.

Having decided to resort to the help of higher powers, it is important not to make a mistake and entrust your material well-being to a master of his craft. Elena Golunova is still one of the most respected participants in the “Battle of Psychics.” After her appearance in the project, interest in Siberian conspiracies and rituals flared up with renewed vigor. They are considered very effective and strong, and rituals involving money and the talismans that can be created with their help deserve special attention.

Siberian secrets of wealth and prosperity

Many people call Siberia the energy heart of Russia. It was there that they learned how to make effective and strong talismans for financial well-being. Since ancient times, the Siberian regions have attracted those who wanted to get rich and achieve a lot. It was very important for such people not only to master money, but also to keep it for themselves, and not push their luck away from them.

The coin will help you increase your income and gain financial independence. Since ancient times, people have used coins to attract money to their wallets. The coin attracted them like a magnet, and then did not allow the acquired goods to leave the yard. A variety of coins were used for this purpose: some believed that it was necessary to tie the money with a special knot, others believed that only a found coin or even gold from a treasure had special power. Be that as it may, talisman coins have been known for a very long time. It was not for nothing that in Rus' they believed in an irredeemable nickel, which, as soon as it was spent, immediately reappeared in your pocket.

Of course, it is impossible to get such a thing. However, becoming the owner of a coin that will attract finance to you and open money channels is quite possible. To do this, just ask for help on Elena Golunova’s website, and you can get a powerful money amulet from a charmed coin.

Amulet for wealth, prosperity and success

It is the coin that Elena Golunova recommends using to attract money. When you already have money in your wallet, it becomes easier to attract it: after one coin, new ones will come, after a banknote, a banknote will follow - and now a stable financial flow changes your life for the better.

The amulet coin is made and enchanted individually for a specific owner. It helps to earn money honestly, attracts to its owner life situations that allow you to change the usual course of things, go beyond established boundaries and gain intuition on how you can make money.

What is especially important is that the coin not only suggests ways to earn money, but also protects finances. With her, her owner is not afraid of sidelong glances or envious words. Nothing will push Fortune away if she is securely attached to a person and helps him relentlessly. Such luck is especially important now, when the crisis and the leap year on two fronts undermine the financial situation of many.

Do not deny yourself new opportunities and financial well-being. Order an amulet made from a coin on Elena Golunova’s website. Use only proven means of attracting finance, move towards your happiness and remember that money will come into your hands only when you take a step towards it. We wish you a stable increase in your income, do not lack for anything and

Details about the amulet of Elena Golunova

Elena Golunova herself uses the amulet of Siberian monks in the form of a coin and recommends it to others. Outwardly, it is a small flat coin that should be used every day in everyday life to attract both monetary and family well-being. Why is this amulet so unique? The uniqueness of the talisman lies in the process of its creation. To obtain such an amulet, you need knowledge of ancient times and the ability to use it. That is why they are created by monks in Altai. There are conspiracies over the coins for a specific person and his name.

This way the amulet is tuned to attract positive, bright energy and reject negative energy flows. This happens because the conspiracy activates the power of your biofield and absorbs the strongest energy of the prayer words of the monks. The ritual follows the customs of the ancient Slavs. Elena Golunova explained this by saying that it has long been believed that a charmed metal can be a strong talisman for a person. A person who possesses this amulet easily acquires finances and preserves what he has already acquired. Even if you don’t take finances into account, the amulet can bring a lot of bright energy into the life of its owner, which will establish well-being in all areas of a person’s life.

Elena Golunova - reviews and what to expect from the appointment

There are many positive reviews about Elena, and during her participation in the “Battle of Psychics” she showed herself to be a strong psychic, which is why she received the main prize.
But there are problems that she cannot cope with either. It will not help with late stage cancer. And he says that trying to cure a fatal disease with magic is a waste of money. Golunova believes that there are no magicians who could cope with this. She does not search for things and people, tell fortunes on cards, heal, and does not provide assistance to those who bet on money. Elena's focus is different - about family, money and career issues.

On Golunova’s website there is a statement that she does not accept people under the influence of alcohol or drugs. An appointment with a psychic is a deliberate decision to take the event seriously. Magic and intoxication are incompatible things.

When will the money come to you?

But I found the most powerful and simple way to attract money to myself in ancient manuscripts. Surprisingly, this method has been known for a long time, and many famous historical figures quickly became rich thanks to it. Now I am ready to share my discovery with you!

I guarantee Scorpios that you will be able to attract money into your life in just 7 days if you follow a simple rule - carry an amulet coin


Using an AMULET

you will always have money, all your affairs and undertakings will end successfully, there will be no dark days, the amulet will protect you from the evil eye and envy.


Be careful, cases of counterfeit amulets have become more frequent. As I already said in one of the broadcasts of the “Let’s Get Married” program, I give the image of the amulet absolutely free, and you can save it to your phone

But the effect of this image is very limited. Therefore, of course, I advise you to purchase a real iron amulet. You also saw it in the program, I gave it to the presenters. Moreover, now you can order for.

But remember, you can order a real amulet only here, on my official website.

Elena Golunova about herself and her activities

Regardless of what reviews about Elena Golunova’s reception are on the Internet, the witch herself is proud to have such a gift. She chose the appropriate image for herself - all black, clothes, makeup, hair color, nail polish. Plus to this is her absolute straightforwardness, some roughness, a piercing gaze, calmness and even some kind of satisfaction when working with blood. This captivates and makes you believe in its uniqueness. And Elena Valerievna’s other witchcraft attributes, such as dead water and cemetery soil, dispel the last doubts.

In rare interviews that the witch sometimes gives to the press, she looks like a woman who looks at the world philosophically, a loving mother and a person who wishes the best to everyone. An unusual witch, isn't she?

About her eldest son, the magician Kadoni, and his participation in television projects, Elena says with some subtle regret that his youth is in full swing in him. Over time, everything will fall into place, but she is very glad that the ancestral gift was also passed on to him. The middle son, too, may have taken some piece of unique abilities for himself, since he already has a noticeable talent for foresight.

What does Elena Golunova never do? Reviews from those who attended the reception were perhaps dissatisfied because people did not know that Elena does not do love spells, believing that every woman should have her own charisma and a little wisdom to become happy. Also, Elena does not take on matters that could bring harm to someone. She gives advice to all people on how to correct their circumstances. There are many ways to do this - with water, fire, amulets, spells. What doesn't Elena talk about? To make these corrections, you must have special strength. Without it, no rituals or witchcraft attributes work.

Family and happiness

They say that if you really want something, it will definitely happen. So it is with Golunova. She met a good man, Dmitry. She happily married him and gave birth to two sons. It was believed that the gift in Elena’s family was passed on only through the female line, but then providence changed its rules and awarded Elena’s first son, Vlad Kadoni, with psychic abilities. It was he who forced her to take part in the psychic show. Elena doesn’t like this word, she says that between a psychic and a witch there is the same gap as between a computer and a book. Golunova generally does not speak very well of the computer, is not friends with it and does not use social networks. This information is for those who are figuring out how to get to Elena Golunova for an appointment and are trying to find out something from the witch through the World Wide Web.

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