Magic number of Aquarius. Lucky numbers for Aquarius

Representatives of any sign have favorable days according to their horoscope. If a bad streak has begun in life or trouble awaits a person on every corner, then you can, of course, use talismans, but lucky numbers are especially effective for Aquarius. If you look at the statistics kept by astrologers, then only on certain days this zodiac sign will achieve glory. Which of them are considered so-called favorable? On certain days, a kind of magical window appears, which makes it possible to fulfill your dreams: to finally take the post you dreamed of, or to receive a good gift from fate.

On happy days, you can set events: a wedding date, a presentation date for a new product, if you are a developer. At this time, large transactions with various partners will be useful, and there will be a chance to finally meet your beloved. So you need to always be on your guard and listen to the signs. Fate is able to unnoticedly throw a gift, but do it in such a way that you do not immediately detect it. So please read the rules given in this article. Even if your car license plate contains lucky numbers, you will become a real lucky person.

Numerology for Aquarius

Numerology is a very popular science of numbers lately. Indeed, there are numbers near us all the time, even if we don’t notice them: on the watch dial, dates in the passport, train schedules, telephone numbers, computer operation - this is also a certain set of ones and zeroes that explains to the “stupid” computer what the user wants.

In view of the fact that, as mentioned earlier, the date of birth is quite important in numerology, each zodiac sign (that is, people born in the same period) will have its own lucky numbers. Aquarius, as a changeable and complex sign, is characterized by a special combination of numbers, and therefore a special combination of numbers.

Full characteristics of the zodiac sign: Aquarius

The sign of Aquarius is a person pouring water. It is a symbol of knowledge, spirituality, which it conveys to humanity. Aquarians are amazingly able to calm, encourage, and encourage. They try to improve the natural essence of man. Use the power of your temperament to help or inspire.

Their thinking is fast and people do not have time to understand what Aquarius wants to tell them. On what date are true representatives of this zodiac sign born? Famous astrologer Pavel Globa believes that the date can vary from January 20 to 21. It depends on the region, hour, minute of birth.

Aquarians are freedom-loving and unpredictable people. Outwardly, they seem active and sociable. But deep down, Aquarians are very isolated. They clearly separate themselves, their emotions from those around them. They often take the position of an observer.

Aquarius is changeable in his feelings and priorities. The zodiac sign (a brief description confirms this) dictates the constant renewal of life. New sensations, impressions, emotions. The accumulation of life experience and wisdom leads to a constant change in beliefs. At the same time, Aquarius is a faithful friend, a reliable spouse for those whom he truly loves.

A little about Aquarius

Aquarius is exactly that zodiac sign that, despite all the scientific facts and arguments against it, still continues to believe in miracles. Even if you break his faith in the impossible a thousand times, it will rise from the ashes like a Phoenix. And, despite their tendency to blind faith, Aquarians often remain realistic in some matters. They have a lot of twists and surprises. For Aquarius, there are no frames or boundaries: one fine day, even the quietest individuals can shock those around them and challenge society. Sometimes their behavior is so unpredictable that even the most serious people are surprised.

It’s difficult to call Aquarius wise; their enthusiasts are also so-so. However, they have feelings and certain goals in life. Usually the main goal of life is to reveal some great secret that excites millions of minds. They are attracted to the unknown. He is usually cold in relationships, but loves to be cared for and praised. He is very sociable, friendly, makes a lot of friends, but from time to time he feels lonely. People of this sign have very well developed intuition, extrasensory abilities, and they are usually very insightful.

In life, Aquarius is a rebel; hot blood boils in him, which is easily explained by the influence of Uranus on him.

He is always trying to change something in himself and in the world. He is full of mystery. You can never predict his actions: he will never hint at his plans in advance. Before building a trusting relationship with someone, Aquarius completely studies and evaluates the person several times. Words mean nothing to him, he watches actions. It is from this that he draws conclusions.

From this we can conclude that Aquarius:

  • sensitive;
  • smart;
  • purposeful;
  • with well-developed intuition;
  • unpredictable;
  • with rebellious tendencies.


Aquarius executives are as rare as white crows. A typical Aquarius would rather go hungry than work a regular nine-to-five job. Most of them do not like to make decisions, give orders and participate in long meetings discussing tedious problems. However, due to their character, some of them turn out to be excellent bosses. The Uranian leader, despite being absent-minded, forgetful, shy or, conversely, impudent, has a sharp mind. Add to this subtle intuition, the ability to analyze and weigh facts and actions, the ability to win the friendship of everyone, from an important client to an elevator boy, as well as the gift of foreseeing the future, and you will get some idea about this unusual leader.

Of course, you can expect all sorts of surprises from him: he will suddenly offer you to develop a project that is completely contrary to everything he proposed earlier, or he will forget the name of the secretary.

The Aquarius boss is not very generous with bonuses and salary increases, since he believes that everyone gets what they deserve. However, if one of the employees comes up with something truly out of the ordinary, he will be able to appreciate it.

He is not at all interested in the personal lives of employees or their political views. But he will not tolerate deception from you, or breaking a promise given to him, or gossip. If, God forbid, he notices that you use government stamps for personal correspondence, then your career is over.

Given the love of all Aquarians for change, do not be surprised if, coming to work one morning, you find that your department is now on a different floor, and after the entire team has been working according to a certain system for centuries, your manager suddenly invented something completely the new one is twice as simple and faster. You say it will take you at least six months to master this system. Please, he will wait.

Employees involuntarily feel a sense of pride when the mayor of the city declares their boss “the best leader of the year.” But, if you look under the table, you will notice that the “best leader” has one foot in a blue sock, and the other in a red one...

Lucky numbers

Statistically, on happy days, people are more likely to receive gifts and good news, good luck accompanies them, and things go quickly and easily. On such days, you have a much higher chance of winning the lottery or meeting the love of your life.

For Aquarius, lucky numbers include two, eight, and all those numbers that are multiples of four. In addition, nine, eleven and thirteen can also be added to the list of lucky numbers. In the lottery, Aquarius is better off betting on nine, fourteen and nineteen, as well as their combinations. Example: 91914, 14919, 19149 and so on.

All people who pay attention to lucky numbers and dates hope for a happy accident or good luck. Some try to take their lives into their own hands and create situations where their lucky numbers appear. Whether you believe in it or not is entirely up to you, but regardless of this, numerology has worked, is working and will work.

According to surveys, most businessmen and successful people believe in omens and the magic of numbers. It was the organization of transactions and the signing of important documents on lucky dates that helped them achieve success in life. Successful people are always attentive to numbers and know their meaning in advance.

The greatest likelihood of positively influencing one’s destiny appears when a person is purposeful and actively developing. Intuition (which works at the highest level for Aquarius), as well as small material trinkets, such as talismans, rings, chains with symbols of lucky numbers and planets, can wonderfully help with this.

The happiest days of the month for an Aquarius woman are the fourth and eighth (beginning of June). It is on these days that luck accompanies them. Any business started on this day will definitely end in success, any business partner will accept favorable conditions for you, and your family will support and help you. These are those two days a month when you get a ticket to the Land of Happiness, Disneyland, Never-Grown-Up Land, and therefore you should not forget about them. Use it!

On these wonderful two days, conclude contracts, ask your boss for a promotion, or go for a job interview - good luck will smile on you in all work-related matters. Men and women will treat you especially well these days, and this is not a bad opportunity to make useful connections.

Thus, knowing your lucky number gives you the following benefits:

  • success at work;
  • new useful acquaintances;
  • comfort at home;
  • health for yourself and your loved ones.

Numerological horoscope for Aquarius - four

The number of Aquarius in numerology is “four”. Yes, yes, exactly four, the number of communication. With all the Aquarius extravagance and originality, he will not be able to do anything original or extravagant if he does not feel that there are people next to him. More people! More!.. No audience - no Aquarius. What's the point of acting for yourself alone? This is acting to nowhere. No use, no point.

One would assume that since Aquarians are born in January and February, their numbers would be one and two. Alas, nothing even close to the truth! Unit is concentration on oneself personally. Aquarians, of course, are a little selfish, but how can you just take it and refuse to communicate with people?! Don’t need it as an absolute necessity?! And a two is a little better, it’s passion, an explosion of emotions. Aquarius also has enough of it. In general, they have “passed” the first three numbers, including three - seven. But what are we talking about, how can Aquarius be limited only by passion if he needs crowds, more crowds?! Not just to seduce, but to conduct full-fledged negotiations!..

Aquarius is the eleventh sign in the zodiac circle. This does not make “eleven” his number at all. In order to reach the ability of the “elevens” to teach people, on top of the “fours” you need to go through the ability to love life, logic, connection with the higher worlds, career, spiritual path, and the ability to teach yourself all this. And Aquarius is still only at the level of “communicating with people” - between “loving family” and “loving life”. Learn to love people! So let him study, there is no need for him to bet on the number “eleven.”

Numerology is an ancient science. She claims that there are numbers that bring good luck to each specific person and you can easily find out by making a calculation using your full name.

Calculate your lucky number using a simple formula. Look in the table which number corresponds to each letter and make the calculations. It will take some time. The fact is that all letters in numerology have their own numerical value.

Lucky years depending on date of birth

In the previous section, you got acquainted with the main numbers that bring good luck to all Aquarians. However, depending on the date of birth, other numbers can affect them in completely different ways. People who were born when the sun was in different parts of the constellation Aquarius will be completely different. They are influenced by different planets, and therefore their fate is different.

Aquarius born between the twenty-first of January and the first of February is most influenced by Venus. Since this planet is considered “female,” people born when it was in the constellation Aquarius will be romantic, gentle, temperamental, and shy. Talismans made of amethyst, aventurine, jade, pearls, and sapphire are better suited for them. A good option is to use a hawk's eye as an insert.

For such “early” Aquarians, the most successful years will be those containing the following numbers:

  • twelve;
  • twenty two;
  • thirty two;
  • forty two;
  • fifty two.

Aquarians of the middle period, that is, those born from the second to the eleventh of February, are influenced by Mercury. He gifts them with intelligence, tenderness, slightly high self-esteem, charisma and a good sense of humor. If you are such an Aquarius, then your stone is:

  • amethyst;
  • turquoise;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • citrine;
  • amber.

This talisman is best worn on a black silk thread or in a gold band. The stone will become a talisman for the Sign and a protector.

As the horoscope notes, you will find your lucky year among the following numbers:

  • forty two;
  • fifty;
  • sixty.

“Late” Aquarians, born between the twelfth and twentieth of February, are influenced by the Moon. And therefore, such people quickly give up and give up, but they are very nice, modest, know how to insist on their own in case of great need, love truth and order in things.

For them, talismans are best made from aquamarine, sapphire, tourmaline or zircon. It should be worn around the neck on a silver chain. A gold chain and a pendant with a stone do not go well with the sign of Aquarius.

The most favorable years for them are those containing the following numbers:

  • eight;
  • sixteen;
  • twenty four;
  • fourty;
  • forty two;
  • forty eight;
  • fifty six;
  • sixty four;
  • seventy two.

Stones and talismans

Aquarius talismans - key, icon. They talk about the mystery, the true spirituality of the sign. About deep wisdom, the ability to be reborn and reborn.

Aquarius knows how to be modest and daring. Temperament, character, talisman stones will help reveal the internal contradiction of the sign. His recklessness and rational mind, friendliness and isolation. Talisman stones can be:

  • sapphire;
  • black agate;
  • turquoise;
  • pearl;
  • amethyst;
  • nephritis;
  • aquamarine;
  • chrysoprase.

The stones will help balance the character of Aquarius. They will teach you to make informed decisions. They will complete the whole picture of this sign with small touches.


will give clarity and precision to thinking. Will bring good luck in business and respect from colleagues.


relieves anxiety and calms emotional impulses. Will add calmness and wisdom.


will strengthen the marriage. Eliminates quarrels and enmity. Will attract the attention of the opposite sex and preserve youth.


will bring new victories to life and give inspiration. Sharpen your intuition. Will restrain the manifestation of aggression and negative emotions.


will help in the implementation of new plans and ideas. Will attract new friends, establish understanding with colleagues.


add softness, calmness, patience. Helps you make the right decisions.

An example of how to find out your luck number.

Sergey Petrovich Andreev - 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 28 (this is the sum of the name).

Middle name - 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43.

Last name - 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 3 = 36.

Now we sequentially add all three rows of numbers, we get: 28 + 43 + 36.

According to the laws of numerology, in the end we must get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. Therefore, we continue to add, but not 28 with 43 and 36, but all the numbers separately.

Like this: 2 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 26.

And again: 2 + 6 = 8.

Having learned to calculate the number of a name, all that remains is to find out which numbers are “yours” to attract good luck.

Often, intuitively, you know personal numbers that bring good luck and money; you unconsciously look for them in your life, in a date, house or car number, in the lottery and in various events. After the calculation, you will know for sure which numbers will help you achieve success faster in any area of ​​life.


For owners of units - 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55. To win the lottery the numbers are 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55.

For owners of twos - 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56. For playing the lottery: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47.

For threes - 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57. In the lottery - 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57.

For fours - 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58. Lucky numbers for the lottery are 13, 22, 31,40, 49.

For fives - 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59. For success in the lottery 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59.

For sixes - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60. Lottery - 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60.

For sevens - 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61. Pay attention to these values ​​​​in lottery tickets: 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61.

For eights - 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62. 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62 will attract wealth.

For nines - 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63. 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 will help you win a large sum.

Common lucky meanings recognized in astrology.

Luck number 7 (seven) is a true talisman.

13 (thirteen, or the devil’s dozen) - if you believe it, it will definitely bring good luck.

Representatives of any sign have favorable days according to their horoscope. If a bad streak has begun in life or trouble awaits a person on every corner, then you can, of course, use talismans, but lucky numbers are especially effective for Aquarius. If you look at the statistics kept by astrologers, then only on certain days this zodiac sign will achieve glory. Which of them are considered so-called favorable? On certain days, a kind of magical window appears, which makes it possible to fulfill your dreams: to finally take the post you dreamed of, or to receive a good gift from fate.

On happy days, you can set events: a wedding date, a presentation date for a new product, if you are a developer. At this time, large transactions with various partners will be useful, and there will be a chance to finally meet your beloved. So you need to always be on your guard and listen to the signs. Fate is able to unnoticedly throw a gift, but do it in such a way that you do not immediately detect it. So please read the rules given in this article. Even if your car license plate contains lucky numbers, you will become a real lucky person.

How to behave with Aquarius?

  1. Aquarians are often tactless. This is not because they want to offend or impose their point of view. They are simply interested in many areas of life. They want to make sense of all situations and feelings. You should stop Aquarius in time, warning that not all questions may be pleasant.
  2. You should not deceive and disappoint this zodiac sign. Aquarians are very trusting. They do not tolerate lies and betrayal. If they trusted someone, you shouldn’t let them down. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to return to your previous relationship.
  3. Under no circumstances should you give Aquarius an ultimatum. He will consider this a restriction on freedom of choice. In this case, Aquarius will prefer to break off the relationship. It's better to turn everything into constructive criticism. Only by succumbing to reasoned convictions will Aquarius be able to change his point of view.
  4. Often this zodiac sign seems cold and indifferent. To find out the true state of things, you should not put pressure on Aquarius. There is no need to force things. You need to be patient and wait. When Aquarius is ready to speak, he will tell the truth.

How about we discuss the numerology horoscope for Aquarius? Horoscope.Guru will tell you what numerology says about this!

Attracting success

Numbers that bring happiness to Aquarius include 2, 4, 8 and all multiples of four. If you want to win the lottery, then choose tickets with the combination 9, 13, 11. Be sure to pay attention to them when you buy a lottery ticket. However, you should not get carried away with testing fate, otherwise it may simply turn away from you. Some people do not believe in this factor at all, but it depends only on you. If you know that they will certainly lead you to your destination, but you sit back, then nothing will work out for you. What you set for yourself does not fall out of the sky; it requires a lot of work to achieve it.

You can use this knowledge:

  • in business;
  • personal life;
  • in the career field.

The fourth and eighth will always be waiting for the successful conclusion of transactions, events will go like clockwork. You can also buy train or plane tickets. This guarantees a safe flight and successful completion of business. The fruitful years in the life of every Aquarius are the following: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52. Be sure to pay attention to them. If you want instant results, you can discover some principles of numerology. To do this, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. As a result, you will get a two-digit number, the parts of which must be added again. The result will be the most successful number in numerology. You definitely need to apply this knowledge in your life in order to protect yourself from the negative influence of other people and attract what you want in life.

Schedule important business and fateful meetings on the right days, strive for success. But you should know that you shouldn’t completely rely on fate, you should take action, build your destiny with your own hands, then you will have a much greater chance of becoming successful and acquiring the reward that you have dreamed of for so long. And the knowledge from the article will help you with this.

Other ways to attract good luck

You can use other tools to achieve what you want. These can be various amulets, stones, phrases of success. There are a lot of options, you can come up with your own. If you believe in the ability of a talisman to help a person and protect him from misfortune, it will certainly work. But first you need to take the talisman to a place of power. And it is very important to carry it as much as possible so that it charges with your energy and begins to bring some results. It is advisable to use it throughout your life, without changing it to others. Wednesday is a positive day of the week for Aquarius. It is on this day that talismans can attract Fortune. Positive colors for representatives of the air element are blue and green and their possible shades. You can choose a beautiful blue shirt that will bring good luck.

You can use:

  • talismans;
  • amulets;
  • spells.

Aquarius is perhaps considered the most extraordinary sign. At the same time, he constantly experiments with his life, creates something new, and takes responsible steps. He is trying to become a leader; to achieve this, he can graduate from more than one institute. He always strives for better and is constantly evolving. The amulets will be useful to him more than anyone else. But astrologers do not advise building your life around this knowledge and setting all important dates for it. Fortune may turn away.

In conclusion, I would like to add that lucky signs are not a panacea for all ills; a lot of effort must be made to achieve success. You can't rely only on luck. This will be the biggest mistake. Everything needs to be controlled, especially if you have your own business. In this matter, there must be principles for you that you must always follow.

If you are interested in this information, then we additionally recommend watching a video about numerology and its application in life

What are the principles of happiness for Aquarius? Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Secrets of Aquarius Happiness

You are characterized by isolation and an excessive desire for in-depth study of the surrounding reality; this does little to help you form lasting attachments. Your feelings are more emotional than sexual. You also have a love for everything strange and unusual, and this tendency can become an obstacle in your desire to give happiness to the person you choose. It's not that you can't love deeply and sincerely... it's just that you need change, and this is the root of possible problems.

It is for this reason that marriage is not your main priority - after all, the ties and shackles of family life are not created for people like you. You may become cold towards family life, which has become a serious test for you. You crave freedom, strive to follow the path you have chosen, finally you want to do what you want, and you will be outraged by the demands of another person and his interference in your affairs - you rebel against any bonds. However, you are not at all against interaction, the free play of feelings and thoughts, and will be happy about the flexible union of two souls while maintaining complete freedom and mutual understanding. It's a tough job, but maybe you'll get lucky!

Astrological characteristics of Aquarius


: a person holding a jug.

Ruling planet of Aquarius

: Uranus.


: air-fixed-positive.

The sign of an inventor, a seeker of truth.

Character of a true "Aquarius": honest, loved by people, friendly, truth-seeking, hesitant, impractical; this person is kind, but suspicious, undisciplined, has developed intuition, is tolerant of other opinions, and is impartial.

Positive qualities of Aquarius:

honesty and the pursuit of truth, kindness and attention to people, significant creativity and intuition, tolerance, attractiveness and friendliness.

Negative qualities of Aquarius

: strangeness and eccentricity, impracticality, absent-mindedness, instability, intractability and indiscipline, tendency to hesitate.

Your personality is Aquarius

All schools of astrology agree that Aquarius is the sign of giftedness and creativity, and all view this sign as a sign of failure and suffering. Your character is marked by extremes. You are the extreme individualist of the Zodiac. Despite your undoubted intelligence, you are characterized by a feeling of great indecision. On the one hand, you are very strong and very independent, you are a born humanist, on the other hand, you have a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured and impartial, giving you the ability to laugh at yourself.

Your symbol, the water bearer, indicates your ability to enrich the world with new, inspiring thoughts and ideals. You give more than you receive from the world, sincerely striving for the well-being of society and any individual.

Your sign, the eleventh, “air” sign of the Zodiac, serves as a symbol of intelligence and creativity, and is also a sign of help, friendly support and sincere camaraderie. All this brings you luck and gives you a tendency to do strange, unusual things.

Symbols and planets

Aquarius belongs to the air element. This gives frivolity, ease of behavior, airiness and fickleness of thoughts. Symbols of Aquarius are wings, zigzag, birds flying, sage. This means scattered goals and ideals. At the same time, he has a deep mind, a tendency to think and analyze. Flight of thought and tight control of the mind.

Sociable, lively, enthusiastic zodiac sign Aquarius. The characteristics of Aquarius depend on the ruling planets - Uranus and Saturn.

The first half of life is marked by greater ease and fun than the second. Until the age of 30, Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Giving the character stubbornness, self-will, eccentricity. Giving Aquarius calmness, nobility, self-confidence.

The second half of life passes under the dominance of Saturn, which will add deep life wisdom to the sign. There will be fewer fantasies, but pragmatism and the ability to analyze the situation will be added.

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