Religion helps a person achieve spiritual harmony and not lose himself in this rapidly developing world. This is why the Om tattoo is so in demand among fans of body art who profess Hinduism or are interested in it. This sacred symbol lies at the basis of Eastern teachings and is only of a creative nature.
Qualities that a tattoo symbolizes
The lower half of the picture is a symbol of wakefulness, especially in those moments when all a person’s consciousness and thoughts are aimed at studying the external world around him.
The top line is complete peace, deep sleep, rest of consciousness.
The tail of the sign is REM sleep, a transitional state from sleep to reality, the time of watching dreams, directed into a person’s consciousness, a moment of self-knowledge.
The highest state of all consciousness is the point crowning the sign - the opportunity to achieve enlightenment.
The semicircle separating “Z” - “Maya”, contains the entire world that surrounds us, it is this that we perceive as the only reality. This is an illusion born in the depths of our consciousness.
A little history
The Om symbol contains the sacred secret of existence, the path to enlightenment and self-knowledge, and personifies the Creator, the creator of the Universe. It is rarely found in European culture, but in India, Tibet and a number of other eastern countries it is used everywhere: it is used to decorate household items, clothing, and homes. Om exists in two forms: as a graphic element filled with sacred meaning, and as a combination of sounds “Aum”, which forms the basis of the sacred mantra.
Externally, the Om sign resembles the number 3 with a crescent-shaped tail, a comma and a dot on top. Each element has its own meaning.
- The lower part of the number 3 symbolizes the state of wakefulness, and the upper part symbolizes deep sleep.
- The tail means a state of REM sleep, but consciousness at this moment is directed inward.
- The comma is called maya, the so-called illusory world, which a person mistakes for reality.
- The dot crowning all the elements symbolizes the state of nirvana, complete peace and the achievement of enlightenment.
Indian teachings are based on the fact that God originally created sound from which the Universe was formed. This sacred vibration is contained in the combination of sounds "Aum", which has different interpretations. In Hinduism, Aum is identified with Brahma (creation of the world), Vishnu (preservation of the world) and Shiva (destruction of the world). All of them are part of the supreme deity Brahman, who controls all processes on earth and ensures that there is harmony in the world.
According to the second version, Aum symbolizes a perfect enlightened person. A is speech and wakefulness, U is mind and dreams, M is the breath of life, spirit. In general, the symbol is interpreted as awareness of divinity and the path to knowledge of one’s own self.
Execution technique
The Om tattoo (photos of finished works and sketches can be viewed in the gallery) looks beautiful in tribal and ethnic styles. The image is usually monochrome and not very large in size. Compositions with lotus are often found, especially among the fair sex. Om tattoo looks stylish using minimalism technique. It is better to hide a small drawing from prying eyes in order to enhance its magical effect.
Photo gallery
Meaning for girls and men
Om is a religious symbol and has the same meaning for young men and women. But it is suitable only for those people who have deep faith in higher powers. Such a body design can endow a person with fortitude and open a portal through which secret knowledge is acquired.
It is best to apply an Om tattoo in the area of the third chakra. Here is a person’s life will and the ability to influence fate. Physiologically, the location corresponds to the solar plexus and chest. Since the symbol is religious, you should not get a tattoo below the waist - this is considered a sign of disrespect for divine powers.
If a person is interested in Buddhism or Hinduism for the sake of interest, it is better not to get such a tattoo. Without faith, a symbol will not be able to help a person and will not become a talisman for him. Over time, the hobby may pass, but the tattoo will remain for life.
Manifestation of OM
According to Indian spiritual sciences, God first created sound and from these sound vibrations the entire phenomenal world came into existence. Our existence consists of these primary sounds, which give rise to mantras. Matter itself is said to have come from the sound OM, which is therefore considered the most sacred of all sounds. This is a syllable that preceded the universe and from which the gods were created. Om is the “root” syllable, the cosmic vibration that holds the atoms of the world and heaven together. In fact, the Upanishads say that AUM is god in the form of sound. Thus, OM is always the first part of the most important mantras in both Buddhism and Hinduism, for example, for OM Ganeshaya Namaha and Om Mani Padme Hum.
Further developing the mystical concept of AUM, the ancient text compares AUM to an arrow lying in the nose of the human body like a breath, which, after penetrating the darkness of ignorance, finds its path, namely the illuminated region of True Knowledge. Just as a spider climbs his stream along the thread of his web and gains freedom, so the yogi climbs to liberation through the syllable OM.
Author and source of publication:
achadidi especially for, own translation. Materials used from an article by Nitin Kumar from
Who is it suitable for?
The meaning of the Om tattoo is the symbiosis of the spirit, the feminine and masculine principles, all living and nonliving things created by God. Om personifies the Creator, who is outside of time, and his creation. Thus, the owner of the tattoo is aware of the divine origin of each person and his own nature. Only the movement of the soul towards the sun and higher matters can lead to harmony and mental balance.
Typically, the motive for applying an Om tattoo is a passion for yoga, Taoist practices, and oriental culture. This symbol is equally suitable for both men and women who find answers to questions in a similar spiritual flow.
Another meaning for a tattoo with Om is that it is a great great force that controls the Universe. It helps a person decide on the choice of life path, set the right vector, and protect him from troubles and misfortunes. That is why this sign is often chosen as a talisman and amulet. Even when it seems like there is no way out, it gives enlightenment. Only by going through obstacles and life's hardships can one gain wisdom and know the essence of existence.
Om tattoo is suitable for true believers. Only to them can she bestow strength, knowledge and fortitude. Those who consider Hinduism or Buddhism a temporary hobby should refrain from such a drawing.
The sacred symbol requires careful treatment, so desecrating it by getting a tattoo below the waist is strongly discouraged. The best place to apply is the solar plexus area, where the third chakra, or chest, is located. This is where positive vibrations come from, changing the owner’s destiny for the better.