Shungite is a healing and mystical “slate” stone

Since ancient times, nature has been able to surprise humanity, and shungite stone undoubtedly proves this fact. The black mineral has unique properties and an unusual structure. And its magical and healing power has been used for many centuries to treat a wide variety of diseases. Let's look at what shungite is and how it is useful.


Shungite was popular under Peter I. At that time there was a resort called “Marcial Waters”, where there were shungite springs from which water flowed. Seriously wounded soldiers were taken here, and they quickly recovered. This is easy to explain - shungite turned out to be a natural filter for water, disinfecting it, purifying it, and also imbuing it with healing properties.

The rock was first described in 1792, calling it the discovery of the “black Olonets land.” In 1877, the Russian scientist Inostrantsev carefully studied this threshold; he called it shungite, derived from the name of the village (Shunga), where the first deposit was discovered. About 50 years later, a group of scientists tested this stone as combustible coal, and today it is actively used as a metallurgical fuel.

For some time, people called the stone “slate” (snake) because of such a rich coal color, since in Rus' black was given a negative meaning. However, it took a little time for people to appreciate the healing properties of shungite and begin to trust it without a shadow of a doubt. Over time, the breed began to be accepted in various fields and industries - in jewelry, construction, for the creation of household and industrial appliances.

Who is not suitable for shungite?

The unique structure of the stone well combines all the elements - earthen base, air pores, flammability and water charging. It is believed that the mineral is extremely friendly with all zodiac signs; the main thing is to wear it carefully and only periodically.

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Signs of the fire element should resort to the help of this mineral occasionally, since it grounds their active energy too much. Some esotericists consider it difficult for Cancers and Virgos. Shungite, in its vibrations, is more suitable for men; women with it can become cold and detached.

The main contraindications are related only to health. Shungite cannot be used for:

  • severe inflammatory processes;
  • presence of tumors;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • chronic heart diseases.

It is also believed that this mineral is “age-related”, so it should not be used often by children.

Medicinal properties

One of the distinctive features of shungite from most other mountain finds is that its healing properties are confirmed by science. The fact that the mineral rejuvenates is not just invented by people - it contains antioxidant molecules that have a beneficial effect on the cells of the human body.

  • shungite disinfects, it is used to wash wounds, and rinse the mouth after dental operations;
  • it relieves inflammation, promotes restoration of the body after illnesses, operations, injuries;
  • The pebble helps strengthen the immune system, increases tone, and suppresses chronic fatigue.

What does the stone cure?

Despite the fact that people began to benefit from shungite several centuries ago, scientists only in the nineties were able to answer in the affirmative the question of whether the mineral is useful, after numerous studies and experiments.

Scientists have found out why shungite stone is useful - it really has unique abilities that help a person get rid of many health problems.

People who are faced with:

  1. cardiovascular diseases;
  2. diseases of the circulatory system;
  3. problems with the digestive organs;
  4. disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  5. diseases of the urinary system;
  6. tendency to allergies and diseases of the respiratory system;
  7. skin diseases.


If it is necessary to remove the inflammatory process in the joints, shungite baths are very helpful. And if you add compresses to the treatment, then after just a few procedures the pain will disappear.


To get rid of problems with the respiratory system or for systematically occurring colds, inhalation of water infused with shungite is effective. You can also gargle with it and drop it into your nose.


The beneficial properties of shungite in water, when consumed daily, lead to improved functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleansing the body of waste and toxins, strengthening the immune system and increasing vitality.

How to prepare water

Preparing a healing liquid for humans is not difficult.

  1. To do this, pour a liter of water into a jar and pour crumbs or shungite stones into it.
  2. To fully reveal its beneficial properties, you need to let it stand for three days.
  3. Then it is poured into another jar so that the sediment remains in the original container.

The remainder is not suitable for consumption; it can be used to water indoor flowers.

Magic properties

Due to the enormous age of shungite rocks, esotericists have long believed that it is full of energy that can greatly influence a person. In the old days, shungite stones were used in magic, white and black. Today they pay attention to such properties as:

  • stabilization of vitality;
  • accumulation of additional energy;
  • protection from negativity and magical influences;
  • reflection of damage and the evil eye.

Shungite jewelry and products, ornamental stones help calm nerves, improve sleep, give a feeling of peace and tranquility, suppressing anxiety. The stones will take their rightful place in the owner’s office, on the bedside table and in other places close to the owner.

However, you need to take a break from the stone; constantly carrying it with you threatens complications in the functioning of the kidneys and a decrease in blood pressure.

Shungite and aquarium

in an aquarium needs to be thoroughly cleaned, so fish lovers use shungite filters to get rid of bacteria and single-celled algae.

The stone prevents putrefactive microorganisms from multiplying and spoiling the water, and it also promotes the health of fish.

Aquarium inhabitants swimming in living water rarely get sick and live long, retain an attractive appearance and delight people,

To cleanse their home, you need to purchase from 800 to 1000 g of shungite. It is also recommended to add stone in large packages to a country pond.

To keep the water crystal clear:

  • natural mineral is used in large quantities and changed frequently, but it is also possible to use 250 g of pebbles per 50 liters of water,
  • and for low purification, you should put 50 g of the mineral in the aquarium and replace the filter once every 60 days.

How to clean

But do not rush to throw away the used stones, clean them with a hard sponge and soak them in a citric acid solution for about 5 hours; the purified minerals will still be useful in the household.

How to spot a fake

Shungite, unfortunately, does not have very striking features by which it could be distinguished from similar stones. Instead, scammers willingly give out shale, although it contains a pinch of shungite. But checking a stone for authenticity is a whole mechanical art.

Stone is a good conductor of electricity. You will have to build a miniature electrical circuit: battery - wire - shungite sample. The latter is touched with a high sensitivity indicator screwdriver. If it lights up, it means the mineral is real.

Possible harm of shungite

The benefits of shungite are often talked about, but it can also cause harm. If a person drinks shungite water for the first time, he may feel dizziness, nausea and weakness, but such symptoms are extremely rare.

You are allowed to drink no more than 3 glasses of this product per day, and during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases, it is better to refrain from drinking such water.

It can also cause harm if malignant tumors are detected in the body, but this fact has not been proven by doctors.

Contraindications to drinking healing water also apply to pregnant and lactating women; it is believed that it activates all life processes and can negatively affect well-being.

In general, the mineral, if used correctly, will not cause harm and will fill the body with strength and youth.

That's all. Now you know how to clean an aquarium, how to purify water with its help, how to store and use this amazing stone.

Application area

This mineral has a wide range of applications. It is widely used in medicine to filter water. It is also included in medications. Shungite has found applications in cosmetology:

  • massage mats are made from it;
  • used directly for massage;
  • Shungite is a component of cleansing creams and other care products.

Shungite is also important for metallurgy due to the presence of solid carbon and silicon oxide in the stone, which is used in the production of cast iron, ferrochrome, and silicon carbide.

Shungite is used in construction; slabs of non-tarnishing material decorate St. Isaac's and Kazan Cathedrals and the Moscow Metro. The so-called shungizite, produced from stone, is important. It is a lightweight concrete aggregate.

It is impossible not to note its worthy place in the jewelry and handicrafts industry. All kinds of jewelry are made from shungite - beads and bracelets, pendants, earrings, rings, brooches, cufflinks, they are even used for hairpins. Figures of animals, magical creatures, etc. are cut out of solid samples.


Despite all its good, useful qualities, it also has contraindications. Due to the fact that it has a very strong effect on the entire body, it is not recommended to use it:

  • women carrying babies,
  • and nursing mothers.

It is also worth finding another remedy for people with acute inflammatory diseases.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that shungite is a stone with a lot of unique healing and magical properties. It is widely used in a variety of industries, ranging from the production of medicines to metallurgy and the construction industry.

However, one should not assume that it is a panacea for all illnesses and problems in the family. First of all, you need to take care of your health and relationships with loved ones.

How to wear and care

Shungite jewelry is quite fragile; over time, it can crumble into crumbs. To avoid this, jewelry is worn in exceptional cases, or in the belief that no mechanical work will have to be performed.

  • Store jewelry in a box or fabric bag, but always keep it away from others;
  • If you need to clean the mineral, you should simply rinse it in running water.

The stone does not require any other complex manipulations. If we are talking about souvenirs, the principle of handling them remains the same.

Preparation and use of mineral water

Before using, rinse the pebble under running distilled water, but it is best not to use running water for this purpose.

  1. Infuse some water in a glass or ceramic container, taking 100 g of mineral per 1 liter of liquid
  2. Leave the vessel for 3 days so that the stone absorbs all toxins.
  3. But do not rush to drink all the water, as harmful impurities and dust accumulate at the bottom; they should be poured out or used for watering plants.

Shungite absorbs not only heavy metals, but also colloidal iron, nitrates and pesticides, petroleum products, bacteria and worm eggs.

Drinking water is where human health is concentrated, so it must be of the highest quality.

This is the kind of water that is suitable for cooking, washing, making compresses and lotions, and you can also test its miraculous properties at home.

Pour shungite water into a flower vase and any plants will last much longer, because this liquid contains useful microelements to support life.

How to use shungite to purify water

There are several methods for using this stone. In everyday life, you can use cartridge filters in which it is used as a filter base. Outside the city, at the dacha or on a hike, you can filter in a jug or glass jar. It is also possible to use this mineral as a sorbent for swimming pools and wells. In such cases, however, not grams, but kilograms of the substance will be required, as in food industry enterprises, where it is also actively used.

Purifying water using shungite: preparing a mineral-water solution

The purchased breed must be washed under the tap. If the pebbles are very small, a sieve or colander will come to the rescue. They must be washed for a long time and thoroughly until the flowing liquid turns out to be transparent. Particularly large samples should be pre-sanded with sandpaper, this will extend their service life. Any suitable container is suitable for making the infusion. However, it is better to use glass containers; they will not affect the quality characteristics of the contents being cleaned.

To prepare, take 100 g of the substance per 1 liter of water. It is important to remember that this mineral does not have emollient properties. Therefore, you need to take pre-filtered water. It is not recommended to tightly close the jar; the finished tincture should be used for no longer than three days. Once every month and a half, shungite must be cleaned of contaminants. Small rock samples should be changed every six months.

If the shungite infusion becomes cloudy or has a harsh taste, it means:

  • a fake was purchased;
  • it was washed lightly;
  • sealed too tightly;
  • they held it longer than the allotted time, or vice versa - they didn’t hold it enough;
  • took the basis of inadequate quality.

Shungite filters

AMETHYST - 02 M Residential building for up to 10 people or up to 2 cubic meters/day.

Aeration unit AS-1054 VO-90

Main table dispenser AquaPro 919H/RO (hot and cold water)

Shungite is able to cleanse from a variety of organic substances, non-metals, metals, organisms and bacteria. The healing properties of the infusion of this rock are attributed to the carbon molecules that enter the water upon contact with the stone.

On an industrial scale, the production of cleaning devices based on this mineral was established in the 1990s. Since then, a huge amount of research has been carried out regarding the effects of purified liquid on the human body. The natural mineral removes from it excess of all kinds of impurities (chlorine compounds, nitrites, nitrates, manganese, copper, iron) and completely eliminates helminths, turbidity, unpleasant odors and tastes.

Unlike other types of cleaning devices, they are characterized by durability. It is enough to wash the filter base annually with a solution of acetic acid or baking soda, and you can safely use it again. The unique healing properties do not disappear.

Mounted in a polyethylene case

This device is perfect for additional water purification in a house or apartment. It has a two-cylinder polymer frame and is mounted next to the water tap, for example, on the wall. It contains two types of minerals as sorbents. It can process up to 5000 liters of liquid before the components are completely worn out.

The stones have healing properties and in order to preserve them, rock samples must be replaced with new ones every year.

Household desktop

It works on the same principle as the option described above. Weighs about 4 kilograms, so it is ideal for installation on a table or kitchen work surface. It has a single-cylinder body with a lid, made of food-grade polyethylene. It can process from 0.5 to 1.2 liters per minute.

Cartridge jug

The most common option. It has a low productivity, can process only 7 liters. The liquid is completely passed through the filter part; the configuration of the device does not allow it to leak out.

Double drinking system

Double-circuit (zeolite and shungite) with a dedicated tap for water-mineral solution. After six months of active use, it is necessary to change the shungite chips. The cartridge with the second mineral has advantages. It has the ability to self-regulate, its acid-base balance is gradually normalized and balance is restored.

Now the market is flooded with modern means that can effectively purify and disinfect water. Numerous organizations from different countries offer their products. But recently, consumers are increasingly giving preference to domestic manufacturers who produce products that are best adapted for local regions. Among them, it has successfully proven itself, which has been developing, manufacturing, installing and servicing water filters and water treatment equipment for almost 30 years.

Well cleaning

The mineral is also used for their purification. You need to pour from 30 to 60 kg onto the bottom and leave to infuse for 2 to 3 days. The layer, regardless of the diameter of the shaft, must be at least 5 cm. This is the only way to achieve good quality clean water. After a year, you need to replace the layer or update it by adding stones on top.

Main table dispenser AquaPro 929CH/RO (cooling/heating)

Floor dispenser AquaPro 311 (empty, without cooling)

Floor-standing dispenser AquaPro 6207CH (cooling/heating/room temp.)

There is another option for purifying water with shungite. The stones can be placed in a special bag before being lowered. In terms of maintenance, this method is much more convenient. It will be enough to then remove the bag, sort through, clean or replace the contents and use it again for its intended purpose. You can lower the packed crushed stone on a chain or rope. The most important thing is that the packaging itself must be reliable. After all, she will have to lie in the well for a long time together with the rock. The material should be selected based on its strength and moisture resistance characteristics. It is necessary to remove the mineral for cleaning or replacement at least once a year.

Use in jewelry and stone processing

Due to its fragility, the stone is almost never polished, but today you can find many beautifully designed talisman figures made of shungite. They are made in classic geometric shapes, as well as more elegant ones - these are all kinds of carved figurines and amulets.

Jewelers also paid attention to the mineral. Shungite jewelry is most often made in the form of beads - necklaces, bracelets and rosaries, and the stone is also encased in silver, encrusted with rings, medallions and other original jewelry.


The chemical composition of the mineral is very high, which is reflected in its color range; the presence of metals gives a certain tone. If quartz is present, shungite acquires a whitish tint, and golden color is characteristic of the mineral interspersed with Pyrite. “Slate stone” is:

  • black;
  • dark gray;
  • Brown color.

The mineral is divided into shiny and matte varieties.

Compatibility with names and zodiac signs

Anyone who tries to use a mineral for a protective purpose or to implement plans will wonder whether the stone can help personally. The astrological properties of the stone are suitable for most zodiac signs, but there are a select few who benefit from the gem.

(“++” – the stone fits perfectly, “+” – can be worn, “-” – is strictly contraindicated):

Zodiac signCompatibility
a lion++
  • Absolute compatibility of the mineral is possible with Sagittarius, Aries and Leo.
  • For Pisces, the influence of the stone will help to objectively assess the situation at critical moments, relieve panic, which will push them to make the right decision.
  • Virgos, Capricorns and Libra wearing jewelry with natural stone will be prone to irritability and anxiety, so using the stone is recommended only for medicinal purposes.

Not only the zodiac sign, but also the name determines whether an amulet with such a stone can serve faithfully.

  • For Roman, the stone will help him look at the world differently and expand his horizons. This will relieve loneliness and boredom.
  • It will help Ivan to concentrate on the main thing, not to waste time, not to limit himself to what he can do, but to try to discover and develop his abilities.
  • Maxim lacks stubbornness, which would be useful in carrying out his plans. The power of the stone will give you patience and courage to continue walking towards your goal without turning away.
  • Fedor is kind and sympathetic, they use this without a twinge of conscience. The mineral will protect against the importunity of people who abuse its goodwill.
  • Arkady is prone to wastefulness. Shungite will help develop prudence and protect one from exorbitant spending.
  • The mineral will help Catherine get rid of uncertainty. With the acquisition of a shungite amulet, you can get rid of excessive hesitations that interfere with making the right decision.
  • Varvara is an exemplary wife, mother and homemaker. However, crossing the invisible line, she falls into the captivity of everyday life; gem jewelry will not allow her to fall into this trap.
  • Zoya is endowed with a quiet, dreamy character. Shungite will help her discover her restless spirit, pushing her to take bold actions;
  • The mineral will push Anna to develop intuition, the tips of which will protect her from troubles and disappointments in the future;
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