Don’t accidentally “sew” a stranger’s man: 7 folk signs associated with buttons

The mystical meaning of a button on clothes

Since time immemorial, buttons on clothes have acted as a powerful amulet against black magic. Their close proximity to the body can protect against damage or the evil eye. While a person fastens a button, he activates its protective function. If the fittings immediately unfasten on their own, this means that the amulet's power is too weak in the fight against magic.

It is believed that a button sewn on the left side of clothing near the heart can cope with evil spirits.

In order for a sewing attribute to start working as an amulet, it must be sewn in special ways:

  • cross - protection from diseases and prolongation of life;
  • square - a button will bring a person peace of mind and peace of mind;
  • in the shape of the letter “I” - the talisman is charged with good luck;
  • in the shape of the letter “Z” - the amulet helps the owner in the financial sphere.

In ancient times, buttons were used by girls to bewitch a guy. They secretly sewed an attribute, which was supposed to awaken feelings, onto the clothes of their lover. If a young man found a button and cut it off, then the love magic lost its power.

Love and wedding

It turns out that in the old days girls could tell fortunes about the feelings of the young man they liked. The girl took a handful of buttons and, by analogy with a daisy flower, putting the buttons aside, whispered: “Loves me, loves me not.” The answer to the question will be the last button.

It was believed that a girl who sews a button on a single gentleman's clothes will become his wife that year.

Why do you lose a button?

It happens that buttons come off. Sometimes they remain in sight, more often it happens unnoticed and the accessory is lost. Both of these events promise different events in the future. To correctly interpret a sign, you need to pay attention to several points.

Scene of the incident

A sewing accessory comes off on the street and falls to the ground (but remains in sight), then a thorny path with many obstacles and trials awaits its owner. It also means that in a person’s close circle there is an enemy capable of the most base acts.

If a torn button lands in a pond, a pleasant event is planned ahead. A button comes off at a wedding - the event foreshadows a happy family life.

Clothing attribute color

If a bright button comes off, this is a good sign: a difficult life period has ended, a dark streak in the past. A lost white button suggests that a person lacks sincerity and kindness in his intentions. Black color foreshadows an imminent separation from a loved one.

Lost Button Shape

  • round - the person is infantile. He needs to learn to act independently, then many of his problems will be resolved;
  • oval - denotes self-doubt and low self-esteem;
  • triangular - the owner is a very reserved person, he needs to improve relationships with others;
  • figured - a person has missed some opportunities and lost faith in his own abilities

How to make a talisman from a button?

How can a button charm protect a person from troubles and attract desired events? You can learn about all this in this article!

Is a button an ordinary object or something more?

For modern man, a button is nothing more than a functional item. In addition to purely utilitarian functions, it is capable of significantly changing the appearance of the garment: ennobling and decorating it, or, conversely, spoiling the great design concept with its inappropriateness. But who these days remembers the other role of the button?

The word “button” itself has become so familiar to us that we sometimes don’t even think about its meaning. It’s probably not without reason that the words “scare” and “scarecrow” sound so close. Etymologically¹ these words indicate the ability to scare away and dispel evil spells.

The original purpose of a button is to provide security to its owner. The history of the button began precisely as a protective amulet - a “scarecrow”: a round bell with a pebble or a piece of metal inside. The melodious, quiet chime of the “scarecrow” was intended to drive away evil spirits and warn the owner about the danger of invading evil spirits. The scarecrow was usually worn near the collar, on the chest - closer to the heart.

As time passed, fashion developed, the appearance of the button also changed: it became more and more similar to the round object with holes for sewing that is familiar to us.

Over time, the button charm faded into the background. The button became a kind of carrier of information - by the number and quality of buttons one could determine a person’s status, his type of occupation, and wealth.

In an effort to show the level of their well-being, people sewed buttons as decorations, without any functional purpose. What they were made from: precious metals, bone, wood, leather, crystal, glass, pearls and mother-of-pearl, precious and semi-precious stones.

Buttons were treasured, because they often represented full-fledged jewelry. They were passed down by inheritance, left as dowries, and hidden as treasures.

How to make a talisman from a button?

Despite the historical transformation of the button into a functional decoration, it still continues to play an important magical role. True, its use has become more diverse - time and progress have made their own adjustments.

If you want to try out button magic in action, use a button as a talisman. To begin, clearly formulate one single desire. Then choose a button: your intuition will tell you its size, and the color depends on the direction of your desire.

According to Slavic traditional symbolism, red will help in love, green and yellow - in financial matters, blue and cyan will strengthen intuition, purple will develop creativity.

Also, when choosing a button, note that it must have four holes for sewing. Below you will find the meaning of patterns that will help you decide how to sew on a button.

On the waxing moon, or even better - during the full moon, you need to sew a button to the wrong side of the garment in the area of ​​the heart. It is advisable to choose clothes that you wear most often and with pleasure.

Folk signs about a button

The extent to which people trusted button magic is evidenced by the abundance of signs and everyday observations associated with this small magical object.

  • If you fasten yourself on the “wrong” button (you missed one or started with the wrong one), you must definitely unbutton the entire row and fasten it again, otherwise you will face troubles. By fastening yourself correctly, you seem to be performing a certain ritual designed to enhance your attentiveness and composure.
  • A lost button means you need to be on alert: someone has bad intentions towards you.
  • According to superstitions, you cannot sew buttons on yourself, otherwise you will “sew on a memory.”
  • If a button comes off or breaks - be careful in all your affairs and undertakings, and even better - don’t do anything important.
  • To sew a button onto a man's clothing is to "sew" him onto yourself, so be careful when you help someone with this delicate task. But if such a button comes off or gets lost, then your sympathetic connection will also be interrupted.

Dreams about a button

Don't underestimate the role of buttons in our dreams. A thorough analysis of the appearance of this object in a dream can significantly clarify the situation and help correctly interpret what you see.

  • Buttons dream of change. It’s especially good if you find a button in a dream. This promises good luck in matters, including those of the heart. You can count on help and assistance from your loved ones.
  • If you dreamed of uniform buttons, expect advancement on the career ladder or an offer of a new interesting job.
  • Small and obviously inexpensive buttons are a sign of failure. You should also pay close attention to your health status.
  • Beautiful shiny buttons - to success in business, which, however, may turn out to be very precarious, and the fault for this will be your own laziness or frivolity.
  • Sewing buttons in a dream means preserving and strengthening previously achieved results.
  • If you saw a lot of buttons in a dream, rejoice - this means money.
  • Fastening a button means that a protracted matter will soon be completed.
  • A button gets lost or comes off in a dream - expect troubles and minor losses. Unnecessary conversations around your person are likely, threatening to shake (but not drop) your social status.
  • Cutting off a button means that betrayal or deception awaits you.

Learn more about interpreting your dreams! The most complete dream book >>>

What can a button say about a person?

To an attentive person, actions we perform unconsciously can tell us a lot.

Is your interlocutor fiddling with a button? He is not sure of what he is saying, perhaps even insincere. Automatically buttons and unbuttons? This means he makes a decision, and it is difficult for him. Well, if the interlocutor has a tight grip on your own button, he is clearly in an unfriendly mood.

The manner of buttoning up can also serve as an indicative touch to the portrait.

All the buttons are buttoned up by individuals who are reserved, pedantic and cautious. “Buttoned up” people are reasonable and prudent. They are also usually unsociable and gloomy.

An “unbuttoned” person, on the contrary, is a lover of life and the life of the party. His behavior can be slightly aggressive and defiant. He is not inclined to go with the flow; passivity is not his trait. “Unbuttoned” is not afraid of change and writes the script of his life exclusively himself, without the help of others.

Knowing the psychological “button” subtleties, you can adjust your own portrait depending on the circumstances and the desire to make a certain impression. It may also happen that after changing your “button” habits, your life will change.

Button magic

To prevent a button charm from becoming an enemy's helper, you need to know a number of simple rules.

  • Every button that comes off should be sewn back on immediately!
  • If someone tears off your button, say mentally: “Luck is mine, the button is yours.”
  • Secure the area of ​​the torn button with a pin to prevent an energy gap. As soon as you can, sew on another button.
  • Re-sew the buttons on your new clothes yourself, as they are usually not sewn on tightly.
  • In companies where you are not very comfortable, wear clothes with a lot of buttons that are always fastened.

Choose the buttons you need for yourself and your loved ones. Sew them from the wrong side onto those things that are always with you: wallet, bag, child’s briefcase, etc. When sewing a charm from a button, say to yourself: “I sew on happiness and luck, I sew away grief.”

How to make an amulet from a button?

If you wish to use buttons as an amulet, sew them on the debilitated moon.

It would be great if the pattern on such buttons is specific - these should be ornamental motifs with specific symbols: stars (with five or six rays), a circle, a square, a triangle or a trefoil.

Such ancient magical symbols can significantly increase the protective power of a row of buttons. Since ancient times, the classic button in the form of a coin with four punched holes has been revered as a symbol of fate. You can sew such a button to clothing in different ways.

Below in the picture you will find the patterns formed by the thread. They look like signs of the runic alphabet and work like a spell, attracting necessary benefits from the surrounding world.

The most important buttons are the first and last (they seem to hold the entire row). It is believed that an odd number of buttons should be sewn on clothes - this is a good omen.

To cheat fate, experts advise sewing another one from the inside out on clothes that only fit an even number of buttons. It is important that the buttons are held tightly, otherwise the effect of the magic spell will weaken. When you sew on buttons, watch your thoughts very carefully! Think about what you want to achieve.

The meaning of sewn button patterns

How to make a rune from a button?

Rune Algiz

This is the rune of the Tree of the World, the Universe. This rune provides protection and patronage of the gods .

Promotes honest friendship. Enhances vitality and luck.

Inverted rune Algiz - desire for Chaos

If you want to destroy old connections, then this rune will be very suitable for you.

Rune Kenaz - rune of Power

This rune helps to generate and strengthen love and friendship, and marriage. Torch, fire, passion. Healing and physical health. Creativity and art.

Rune Gebo - rune of Unity

This rune helps in choosing partners (be it business relationships or marriage). Gift, exchange of energies. Partnership and creation. The rune is capable of combining the energy of two or more people to obtain a force greater than the total strength of these people. Love and sex magic. Friendship, partnership, joint business. Harmony of soul and body.

Rune of the Thunder God

This is a symbol of vitality, protection from the forces of Chaos.

Rune Dagaz is the rune of light, it carries the energy of the Sun and Jupiter

Rune of transformation and prosperity. It helps in the treatment of protracted illnesses.

Rune Otal

Rune of home, family, clan, property.

Rune Soul - rune of the Sun, rune of the Warrior, rune of unity, integrity, victory

The Rune of Strength will lead to victory and help you choose the right decision.

Rune Teyvaz - rune of success, movement forward

Success. Rune of strength. Rune of the heavenly gods. Sovereign order. Rune of victory. Symbol of kings and leaders. Power by right. A rune that fits almost any runescript. Works against refusals and unfair accusations. Fighting spirit. Rune of trials and fearlessness in battle. Rune of real men.

Options for combining runes (runescripts)

Anna Kondranova

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Etymology is a branch of linguistics (comparative historical linguistics) that studies the origin of words (Wikipedia).

Categories : Your safety

Tags : magical objects, omens, runes, interpretation of dreams

Signs for lost buttons by day of the week

If a person’s button comes off or is lost, first of all, you need to note what day of the week this happened.

  1. If on Monday , then you should expect only pleasant events from this day. And in the near future, a person will experience positive changes in his life, which will have a positive impact on his communication with family and friends.
  2. On Tuesday – you should pay attention to the love sphere. If everything is fine between a person and his significant other, then the loss of a button foreshadows spending time together. If there were any omissions the day before, then the disappearance does not bode well: this is a sign of separation for a long time, betrayal and a possible break in relations.
  3. On Wednesday - a person expects success at work. However, troubles are coming in family life. Quarrels with your husband/wife can arise out of nowhere. On such a day, it is recommended to be patient, and in case of conflict, to compromise with your significant other.
  4. Thursday - a person is not destined to turn his ideas into reality in the near future. There will be obstacles along the way that will force you to abandon your intended goal. To achieve what you want, you will need to make every effort.
  5. On Friday - a harbinger of an unpleasant meeting with an opponent. Despite the superiority of the latter, a person will be able to defeat him. This event will have a positive impact on your future destiny and will give you strength and self-confidence.
  6. On Saturday - changes in family relationships. In the near future, a person will refuse the help of adults and learn to provide for himself. This may cause conflict with parents, but in the end it will lead to complete mutual understanding between the parties.
  7. On Sunday - a new acquaintance that will affect your future life. A lonely person may find love. In addition, a flying button predicts good luck and the beginning of a bright streak in all matters.


Buttons can help not only to learn about the near future, but also to turn situations to your advantage, including saving you from trouble or damage. There are several magical techniques for this purpose.

The most accessible method for everyone, which is easy to implement, is that it is enough to fasten all the buttons on your clothes when you meet with an ill-wisher. This will help soften the effect of his energy on you.

A simple decorative button can serve as a real talisman to attract love, good luck and protect you from negative events. You can wear such a button both on clothes and in a handbag or wallet. Before sewing this accessory to clothing, you need to carefully select it:

  • Material of manufacture . Pay attention to products made of leather, wood, bone or other natural material. If we talk about drawings, then only stars, triangles, squares or circles are acceptable. According to superstitions, natural buttons are easier to work with and have more energy.
  • Color . A red button awakens passion, yellow and green buttons bring success and material well-being. All shades of blue and purple help to reveal talent and intuition, a white button brings calm and harmony. Black symbolizes melancholy and sadness, so it is not recommended to choose it.
  • Time . In order for the amulet to take effect as early as possible, it is recommended to sew it on your favorite item during the full moon.
  • Mental instructions . As you sew on the button, say to yourself what this talisman is intended for.

If you lose a button that has been enchanted, then do not be afraid of negative consequences.

You can also sew such a talisman on the place where the clothes are torn - this will help attract good luck. However, you should not do this directly on yourself, otherwise you may deprive yourself of mental clarity.

Another button can protect you from enemies and negativity - just fasten all the buttons on your clothes.

In order for the button to serve you as a talisman, before sewing it on, you should hold it in your right hand, while being in high spirits. And if you want to increase your income, then hold it in your left hand.

What does it mean to find a button?

Finding a button is usually a good omen. If this happened on the street, the person will have good luck in whatever he does. A clasp found on the road signifies a successful trip. However, not all buttons are positive; some of them should not be lifted, especially with black thread remaining on them.


If you believe folk superstitions, then it is the color of the found accessory that influences future events.

  • a green button foretells a speedy sudden enrichment;
  • blue – well-being and success in business;
  • white - fun and joy;
  • red - marks the imminent coming into the life of the one who has found new love;
  • black - grief and sadness.

Number of holes

Someone else's button with 4 holes can be safely picked up and used as a talisman. Such a find portends good news, positive changes in life and pleasant chores. Sometimes it marks the birth of a child.

But the fastener with 2 holes with you. It can bring with it disappointment in a loved one or betrayal of a friend. Also, a find with two holes symbolizes that a person in a difficult situation may be left without the support of relatives.

Finding a button on a stem (with one hole) on the street means that a person needs to take a closer look at his surroundings. There is someone in him who is plotting.

Whether or not to lift a button is up to everyone. If you really want to do this, then you need to say a spell over the found fastener: “I take the button, but leave the lining.” And only after these words pick up the found thing.

On what day of the week was it found?

A button discovered on different days of the week marks different events for the finder.

  • on Monday - good luck;
  • on Tuesday - to success in love affairs;
  • on Wednesday - to a quarrel with your soulmate;
  • on Thursday – worries about work;
  • on Friday - to changes in your personal life;
  • on Saturday - good news;
  • on Sunday - to meet a friend or make a new acquaintance.

If you find a button with holes?

There can be two or four holes on the clasp, and if you get a specimen with a leg, then there will be only one hole. Signs clearly differentiate accessories depending on this factor and predict different events:

  1. A button with two holes is found - you should expect good news related to your family or work. Unexpected financial gains or a dramatic change in bachelor status are possible.
  2. There is a talisman with four holes on the road - a series of pleasant events and news awaits a person, and if you sew it in a secret place, it will work to attract what you want.
  3. Suddenly, a torn button on a leg was encountered - this is a warning that the machinations against the finder have been dispelled, but he should seriously think about his surroundings and henceforth choose his friends more carefully.

Important! The signs described relate to a button lying on the road or in any other place. We are talking about a fastener element that simply came into view, but the person did not touch it.

Other signs about buttons

In addition to superstitions about finding or losing a small sewing attribute, there are other signs about buttons:

  • You cannot sew a button onto a garment without removing it. A person can get into trouble in various areas. If a part urgently needs to be returned to its place, but you cannot undress, then you need to put something in your mouth.
  • It is not recommended to mess with buttons on New Year's Eve. An accessory sewn on this day can bring with it all the old troubles and misfortunes into the coming year. If on December 31 the part comes off the clothing, it must be thrown away. All the bad things will go away with her.
  • If you are going to meet with an enemy, you must carefully fasten all the buttons on your clothes. This will save you from the negative energy and bad thoughts of the enemy.
  • When a person cannot find a new clasp to replace the old one , this means that it is necessary to correctly set life priorities and reconsider the value system.
  • If the button not only comes off, but also breaks, the person will be in trouble . On such a day you should not start new things, the project will be doomed to failure.

Buttons are an indispensable element of clothing. They are charged with human energy, as they come into direct contact with the body. Therefore, you should be careful about the discovery or loss of this attribute, since the correct interpretation of the event can save a person from future problems.

To bad circumstances

The most unpleasant thing, perhaps, will be the omen of an unhappy development of events. How do you know when a dark period is coming in your life? This is indicated by the loss of a button on a shoe. The intensity of the situation will depend on the number of fasteners that leave you.

But there are ways to smooth out the signs. You can spit over your left shoulder three times to reveal a loss. It's also a good idea to symbolically spit on your left shoe.

It was not customary to sew old buttons onto new clothes - it would be bad luck.

Three buttons fell off at the same time - it was believed that in the near future you would hear about someone’s funeral.

Find a nice button

Such a find promises only good things. It is a harbinger of good luck in any endeavor, an easy road, fulfillment of desires, and pleasant changes in life. If a button was found in a busy office space, it could mean a change in career.

It is worth paying attention to the features of such a find. For example, if there are four holes in it, then you can count on good news.

And white or green can promise financial income. So you can pick up the button you like with complete peace of mind.

Donate buttons

Buttons can also be an excellent gift, as they can bring good luck to their owner.

It is recommended to give precious buttons to the man whose favor you want to receive. If you give such a gift to a woman, then the friendship with this person will be long and strong.

The main thing is to choose buttons that will definitely be used and sewn on in the near future.

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Sewing a button on a man

Buttons have always had magical significance and were often used for spells and love spells. There were a great many conspiracies related to buttons.

One of them is still known today - in order to “attach” a man to you, you need to sew a button on him. However, love will pass immediately after the button comes off.

This concerns someone else's man. You should think hard before doing this. So you won’t have enough buttons, and the relationship with someone else’s man will not be strong and lasting.

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But by sewing buttons on your husband, you are thereby “sewing” and strengthening the ties that bind you.

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