Dream Interpretation Wedding dress? dreamed of why you dream about seeing a wedding dress in a dream?

Often we pay attention to our dreams, believing that they send us signals from the subconscious that concern the future. What does it mean to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream? This article will help you unravel the symbolism of the dream. It is important to remember all the details and pay attention to what day of the week the woman dreams.

Why do you dream of a red wedding dress in different interpretations?

Predictions of what a red wedding dress means in dreams are often associated with grandiose changes. It is no coincidence that the attribute symbolizes a change in status and the beginning of family life.

Those who are not thinking about getting married are also unlikely to be able to stay in a rut; they will face a lot of activity. The nature of the changes will be revealed by the identity and shade of the product, plot details, sensations and moods in a dream.

Miller's Dream Book against torn clothes

Gustav Miller will help you find out why you had to see holes in the purple fabric. An unsightly appearance speaks of frivolity. If in a dream you deliberately tore your outfit, it seems that relationships in real life are becoming a burden.

Trying on someone else's thing indicates the lover's infidelity. An outdated style means it's time to change something. Now you can safely rely on the help of friends or relatives.

Reports from the love front

Freud's dream book explains in detail why you dream of a bright wedding dress. The choice in favor of spectacular colors indicates narcissism. Confusion in a dream indicates a lack of confidence.

Trying on another bride's wardrobe reveals a desire to take over someone else's destiny. Extravagance is identified with violent erotic fantasies. Tsvetkov’s dream book promises progress in several areas of life at once.

Interpretation of sleep by different dream books

To get a complete picture, you should study as many sources as possible.
The most complete comments on this matter are given by the following dream books:

  • Dream book alphabetically;
  • Psychological dream book;
  • Rommel;
  • Miller;
  • Freud;
  • Dream book for women and others.

The women's dream book claims that a girl in wedding decorations in a dream means money.
Below are brief excerpts from the interpretations.

  1. In the Alphabetical Dream Interpretation, a young woman’s vision of a bride means a large inheritance. This is especially true if the dreamer herself gladly put on the newlywed’s outfit. Unpleasant sensations from such a dream mean disappointment.
  2. Seeing yourself as a bride disappointed in the groom in a dream means experiencing the same feelings in reality. The remaining interpretations coincide with the general interpretations described earlier.
  3. The psychological dream book interprets a girl in a wedding dress as a symbol of expectation. If a man dreams of something like this, then he will be successful in business. When a man sees a bride who does not exist in real life, this promises deception and sadness about this. To be someone's betrothed is to receive income and a man's love.
  4. The dream book again says that the mood created by such a dream is extremely important. Only good experiences from what you see promise good events in real life.
  5. Miller says that for a girl to see herself as the bride of her loved one means to notice changes in the relationship. This could be a long-awaited reconciliation and improvement of relationships.
  6. Freud promises the dreamer an unexpected rise in business and the onset of a successful period in life. It is also possible to acquire an unexpected amount or inheritance. A young woman, disappointed with her suit, promises doubts about her profession or about her chosen one. The student should reconsider his choice of major.
  7. The women's dream book claims that a girl in wedding decorations in a dream means money. For young people, such a dream predicts an early meeting with a life partner. Kissing the bride means becoming lucky in your work.

There are many more sources of explanations that allow you to recognize the indicators of fate in a dream about a bride.

What shades of a red wedding dress can you see in a dream?

If you are lucky enough to see a red wedding dress in a dream, Catherine the Great’s dream book suggests paying attention to the breadth of the spectrum of the color palette.

Red symbolizes energy, passion, ardent love. It is also an alarm signal warning of prohibitions and dangers. Difficulties in choosing between dark and light reflect indecision. Anyone who thinks too long loses both options.

Where to throw out irrepressible energy

The interpreter explains the changeability of colors in a dream by the uncertainty in which direction to take the decisive step. In this context, the entire palette serves as a call for active action; all that remains is to clarify which ones.

If you happened to walk down the aisle in burgundy, the dreamer is very determined. Fighting spirit can spill out either into victory in competitions or in court, or into an ordinary everyday conflict.

Scarlet, lilac, pink

It’s interesting to know why the scarlet product appeared. This is the color of passion; in dreams, it often serves as a harbinger of flared feelings and amorous adventures.

The admixture of lilac represents envy, which often turns out to be the engine of progress and contributes to the next achievements.

Pink is identified with enthusiasm, openness to the world and people. A clear tone calls for a slight reduction in activity; actions may turn out to be wrong.

That's bad luck!

Dream books will help you figure out what all kinds of defects mean in dreams. A crumpled canvas expresses sexual dissatisfaction and fatigue from marital ties. Clothes packed in a suitcase speaks of a thirst for novelty.

Pollution foreshadows resentment; the former trust is unlikely to be restored. Gaps appear in a dream to those who grab onto many things at the same time and, as a result, do not bring any of them to their logical conclusion.

Deliberately damaging wedding paraphernalia is interpreted as a desire to break off a painful relationship.



Good afternoon Today I had a dream, I’m getting married in a wedding dress (but I’m already married!) I see myself in a beautiful white, highly see-through white chiffon dress! It is very beautiful with a train. I can almost see myself through, because... pierces through beautiful white underwear and white stockings with lace... But in the groin area I am horrified to see a hole... I don’t know what to do with me, since I already need to leave the house, there are a lot of people waiting for me. And I decide to go as it is... I woke up, explain the meaning of the dream... thank you.


I dreamed that I was standing with my ex-boyfriend near the window in a train carriage that was slowly starting to depart from the railway station and his friends remained at the station and I kissed him on the cheek and said goodbye to friends and we both waved our hands to them. What could this mean? Thanks


hello? I had a strange dream that I was getting married again, and also in a white wedding dress, but for some reason I was in a hurry and walked alone, and looking back the groom remained behind me. please explain the meaning of the dream. thank you


Good afternoon. Tell me why I dream that I’m standing in a white dress, which I absolutely don’t like. The veil is terrible, and the hairstyle is really no worse. My mother bought this dress for me and when she found out that I don’t like it, she offers to change it at the salon .I’m married, they write all sorts of things on the Internet. On one site it means a complete break in the relationship, on another it means illness, death. In general, I don’t know what to think, but it’s clearly something not good, I hope that you’ll help me with this help me figure it out.


I HAD A DREAM that my ex-boyfriend (he died in 2004) put me in a wedding dress, very beautiful, and offered me his hand and heart, and I saw wedding rings, very beautiful. Why such a dream?


I was in a white wedding dress and threw on a pink shirt with black polka dots with three bows. In my dream, my wedding was about to take place and I was running down the street in this outfit and worried. I ran somewhere very quickly and at this point the dream was interrupted.


I dream that I am walking with my husband arm in arm. To get married, although we are already married, he is dressed in a suit and I am in a simple white wedding dress! And I tell him Lesh, look, my underwear is see-through (black bra straps and stockings), like that he didn’t tell me right away, but he tells me and it’s normal, it’s not very obvious. So they went down the aisle))


I dreamed that I, in a white wedding dress (short in front), had to sail along the river on a boat with my husband (with my real husband), and the boat was kind of flimsy, with multi-colored figures on the deck, and suddenly the deck goes into the water and I also find myself in water, and the water is clear, there are a lot of people around, including weddings, everyone is swimming and having fun, I don’t feel scared either, I’m swimming... I didn’t see my husband in my dream, but for some reason I know that he’s here somewhere...

[email protected]:

I'm standing in a wedding dress, with a beautiful bouquet in my hands. I don't try it on. I already dressed it as if I was getting married. Fitted white beautiful dress. And I look happy!


I dreamed of myself in a wedding, white, very beautiful dress. In the same dream there was a very scary grandfather. What is very important, throughout the dream I tried not to touch and ran away from my grandfather


Hello! A friend of mine had a dream about my sister in a white wedding dress and she has been seeing this dream for 2 days, at this time another friend is dreaming about my sister, although I don’t know the details. I hope for your help, they generally said that this is not a good dream.


Hello! I dreamed that I bought a wedding dress (I was getting ready for my husband), but then I realized that I didn’t have a groom.


Tatyana, good afternoon! I dreamed that I was choosing and trying on a wedding dress. There were about 5 dresses, I wanted one, but in the end I chose another. In real life this is not something I would buy. But the dress I chose in the dream is very beautiful and expensive. I saw a very beautiful lace and veil. In real life, I am not going to get married and am not married. In my dream, I didn’t see myself in a store, I can’t understand where I was, just like someone was bringing me dresses, but it wasn’t in the house, not in the apartment. I only remember my reflection in a large mirror in dresses, and just dresses before trying them on. This is such a dream. I would like to know the meaning of such a dream. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Hello! I dreamed of my own wedding, all the relatives were gathered at home, the table was set and the apartment was decorated, I saw myself from the outside in a beautiful wedding dress. Only the groom was missing. He didn’t come, I went to his house myself, when he opened the door for me, he said that I needed to talk. We went up to the roof of his house and there he explained to me that he didn’t come because he didn’t have money to buy rings. He opened the ring box and it was empty and I ran away in tears. I returned home, on the way I met some other people and they kept telling me something, but I don’t remember. I remember that I was broken and very angry. Tell me what this is for?


I dreamed that I was going to get married. I was wearing a white wedding dress. I am among my work colleagues. We're going to a bachelorette party. Then my face suddenly became swollen and my eye swollen shut. And I say that I won’t be able to go to the bachelorette party. Then the swelling subsided. And we are going to celebrate further... There is no man (i.e. groom) in the dream...


I dreamed that I was in a white wedding dress going for a walk with my sister, and at the same time my boyfriend and relatives were leaving and I would like to know why I dreamed about it, what does the wedding dress mean on me, and then immediately another dream that me and my relatives and boyfriend were approaching the car and I scream horses, horses, let’s run away and I hid in the car, maybe I’ll say this now, this is nonsense, but that’s exactly how the horses ran up and started talking, then some men arrived and let’s catch them, but they couldn’t, and I dreamed about it all in the evening


Actually, it was a competition, and I had my eye on one wonderful, chic dress, and naturally I chose it......the competition began, and it was not very appreciated, and I came to my cousin in tears. They and their friends chipped in money, and we returned to the competition, and won it..... The presenter even apologized to them.


hello! I had a dream, as if I was marrying my husband. As expected, in a white dress, and even in the city in some big house. People I knew were preparing there, setting the table for me. Then my husband and I went into this house but there was no one there yet and it was a bit dark, as if the lights had not been turned on. And then another young couple came in and they seemed to also have a wedding on the same day. In general, I realized that there were two weddings on one day. They were so happy. I was also very happy, but my husband was so strict and tried not to get drunk. And then something happened and I ran away somewhere. A man and a boy were running after me, they wanted to catch me or something? Then I stopped the white car, barely sat down, threw the boy off was chasing me. And the girl was driving so smart. Then she dropped me off where I needed to go and didn’t take any money from me. I ran to some apartment and saw a guy I don’t know, and we kissed him and I married him. married. and my husband walks around so stern and doesn’t say anything, as if he’s not against our relationship... and then I woke up


about a week ago I dreamed of a prom that I already had, and I was in a white dress that was not very long and not very fluffy, and today I dreamed of another wedding dress, the dream was a quick picture and that’s it

Larisa Titova:

Hello! I would like to know my dream. Today I saw myself in a white dress or suit, very elegant and beautiful. I'm supposedly going to celebrate my anniversary (which really isn't coming soon). I myself am very well-groomed, have a beautiful hairstyle, I feel that the dress fits me well, I am so slender and graceful in it. There are many guests. Women too, for some reason they are all in white outfits. The guests admire me, especially the men. I didn’t see the holiday itself.


I dreamed that I was young, beautiful and at my wedding. the dream was beautiful and calm. I felt love and pleasantness. She did not marry her husband at all.


Hello ! Today in a dream I saw a wedding with my husband and myself in a white dress and my husband put a wedding ring on my finger


I can’t go to the limousine in a wedding dress, the white dress got dirty in a dream, someone says that I got married today and I deny that I too, I took off the veil and tell everyone that we are now going to dance the first dance


Hello, today I dreamed that my common-law husband and I had a painting, I was in a white dress and slippers, I either forgot to put on my shoes, but I was comfortable. There weren’t many guests.




Hello. I had a dream that I was running around the park in a wedding dress taking pictures. The hem of the dress got dirty. The weather was rainy. I was not alone with my friend.


Write your dream here for interpretation... I dreamed that I was wearing a white wedding dress, but I’m currently married but we’re filing for divorce


I dreamed that there were about 10 people I knew (in real life we ​​participate in government events) and then in our dream we had another event, I was a little late for it, I arrived, at first I stood with everyone in simple clothes and then I saw everyone in white dresses and go to dance with the military (the celebration was beautiful, the red carpet, the military raised the flag, everyone was in uniform, it was very beautiful, it was probably a parade) and I’m not changed while everyone is dancing the first dance with the military, I go to change clothes, there’s one hanging for me dress, I didn’t like it at first, then I put it on, I looked at it and it was a little short for me (above the bone) I looked at girls the same way with everyone, a girl helped me put it on, and then we went to dance (the dress was white with gold designs on the corset )


Today is Sunday, May 31st, the day of the Holy Trinity. In the morning I saw my husband off to work and at about half past eight in the morning I fell asleep and woke up at 10 am in horror. I dreamed that I was running somewhere, either down the street or through some kind of bazaar because there were few people. and I’m running in a white wedding dress with a veil in my hand and I know that I have a white scarf on my head. I run and think in a dream I need to look at myself in the mirror like I am in this scarf. And I run to some mirror and quickly look at myself I pulled the scarf a little and no longer ran, but walked quickly and some woman called out to me from behind and began to offer me an opportunity to spend some kind of holiday with the children as a host and I woke up. Please explain to me what this means. I will be very grateful to you.


I dreamed of some kind of apartment, this is not my house, and not the house of my ex-husband. I was waiting for guests, I was dressed in a beautiful, tight-fitting wedding dress, it was white and it felt like a wedding dress. I got ready and got ready and saw the guests only from afar, as if from another room. and when I decided to leave, the guests began to leave, and I began to complain that they had not eaten anything. My ex-husband came with us for some reason. and I was looking all the time for his current wife, but she wasn’t around


Hello! I dreamed that I was in a white fluffy wedding dress.. I am a bride and getting married. I get to my wedding and immediately dance with a handsome guy I don’t know, he is my fiancé... there are laid tables around and guests at the table are celebrating..


Hello ! I had a dream that I was in a white wedding dress, and a young man in a formal suit, we went to the registry office, and ended up in my former technical school where I studied, almost all my classmates were there, and they congratulated me on my wedding,


Hello! My friend saw me in a white wedding dress and veil - young (I’m now 50 years old), slender, happy, beautiful (according to her) I stood alone on a dais. Why would that be?


I remember standing in a white ballroom wedding dress, a dress with a neckline, without a veil, I look at myself, lift the hem of the dress and see one small spot, as if it was a little dirty, I don’t know. I know that the wedding is mine, but I immediately think, did I make the right decision? That’s all I remember.


I dreamed of the wedding of my ex-husband with his current wife and I was standing at a distance in a beautiful white dress and my ex-husband wants to marry both of us, the wedding is going on and I look at them as if from afar, his wife changes dresses, I look then leave.


I dreamed of my wedding, I couldn’t pick out a bouquet for myself, then they told me that my mother was coming to my wedding and she wasn’t walking and I was looking for a day by taxi, someone gave me 6 rubles and I was offended that it wasn’t enough


I dreamed that my sister died. And I was crying and running down the street in a white dress with a train and a long red photo on my head. I ran into some store and chose a wreath.

Who dreamed about the decoration and on whom?

The Birthday Dream Book clarifies under what circumstances you dreamed of a red wedding dress. Trying it on in a store is a precursor to intense envy. If you dreamed of a “gray mouse” wearing such attire, you clearly underestimate this lady.

An extravagant abstract figure warns of the presence of secret ill-wishers. The symbol also indicates the habit of acting impulsively under the influence of emotions.

Women's night dreams

When a young lady meets a bright older bride, in reality she will have to deal with more experienced competitors, both in love and in business. For a married dreamer, the sign promises love affairs.

Dressing up and looking in the mirror happens to those who are unrequitedly in love. The women's dream book recommends increasing activity in the social sphere. Organizing events and communicating with like-minded people will increase self-esteem and status.

What does a symbol mean for a man?

A spectacularly dressed stranger appears to a man on the eve of an interesting business proposal, an opportunity to increase his income. Decoration hanging on hangers promises disappointment in love and vain expectations.

If the dreamer himself dressed up in a dream, the dream book mentions an increased level of anxiety. In most cases, experiences are completely unfounded and sometimes pose a greater danger than external factors.

Beliefs and psychoanalysis of dreams with a bride

There are no less interesting folk beliefs that explain such knowledge. A white dress that the bride herself likes promises the dreamer a monetary income. Seeing a veil on yourself means you will soon learn about your illness. Becoming a newlywed in a dream means the return of a partner with whom there was no hope of restoring relations.

If a girl sees herself as a newlywed in a dream before marriage, then the first days after marriage will be especially difficult. Marrying a stranger can be interpreted as an omen of separation from your loved one. Seeing yourself as the betrothed of an old man means feeling unwell.

There are also psychological explanations for the dream. The first thing that such a dream promises for a woman is a strong desire to get married. If the lady is already married, then she misses the old ardent love and romance. She wants to return to her youth, where there were no worries and everyday worries.

A man fears for his virility if he has dreams where his girlfriend is as a bride. He wants to feel fully equipped and full of love. Right now he needs bright signs of veneration from women and recognition. Seeing your own daughter's wedding in a dream means envying her youth and beauty. The dreamer is sad to feel how his freshness and youth are slipping away.

Dream book for tailoring masters

The universal dream book explains in detail why self-sewing is dreamed of, even for those who only know how to sew in a dream.

  • Cutting the canvas warns against thoughtless spending and impulsive purchases;
  • Did you happen to sew the parts together? Give social connections credit;
  • Machine sewing is associated with determination and resourcefulness;
  • Embroidery of purple patterns indicates excellent health;
  • Painstaking work tires those who get too caught up in the details.

Why do you dream about a gift, a find, a purchase?

In order to more accurately interpret what the image is about in a dream, it would not be amiss to remember how you came across a red wedding dress in a dream. If it was presented by relatives, interesting acquaintances and adventures lie ahead. A gift from a loved one hints at a hidden desire to see your passion somewhat different.

If you find this item in an unexpected place without the slightest idea how it got there, you will receive an equally unexpected surprise. Buying on your own indicates the ability to get along with others.



why see yourself in a wedding dress in a cemetery with a child in your arms and a fresh grave with a photo of your loved one


I just stand in my ex-husband’s kitchen and put a wedding dress on my naked body from the beginning back to front, and then normally as needed


I dreamed that I was in a long, very beautiful white wedding dress, but my wedding fell through, I was walking through the city, crying, I had a black jacket on top of my dress and a black hat on my head and everything around was somehow dull, an alarming dream


I saw myself in a wedding dress and veil, I climb the stairs of my former school, I fall, and get up again, I found my class, and I invite them to the wedding, and at the same time I speak indistinctly. Afterwards, in the same dress, I run to the banquet hall, and I see that there is nothing set for the guests, there is only one table, for me and the groom, and I am indignant.


In fact, an ex-boyfriend died last month, I was at his funeral. At the moment I’m married. Today I had a dream that I came to the grave of a former soldier in a white wedding dress, I ran straight there, crying a lot, I met a girl who was also walking I was crying from some grave. It looks like it’s autumn or spring outside, the grass is so withered, I run to the grave, and it’s like winter there. I brush the snow off the grave with my hands, I cry all the time and then my husband comes up and says, “I’m supposed to put milk on to the grave). There are also 3-4 graves nearby, snow was falling on them. This is where my husband woke me up. In fact, where he is buried, his relatives are there, he has 4 graves. It’s also as if when I ran into the cemetery I stepped on a small grave, where supposedly a very small child is buried.


I dreamed that I was in a wedding dress in the yard where I used to live. I was beating a man in a garage. It’s like he stole my daughter. I pulled my daughter out and told him to run away, and I beat him so hard, I’m already scared.


I only put on the dress when the groom’s motorcade arrived, but I couldn’t pick out a tiara or wreath for my head. I didn’t like everything I didn’t measure. I didn't see the groom. She seemed to know who he was, but she didn’t love him and didn’t really want this wedding.


hello, my name is Yana, I dreamed that I was wearing a white wedding dress, but for some reason I had bare feet, and my aunt (she recently got married) offered me her wedding shoes (in reality she didn’t have them like that). What does that mean?


At first I wore a white wedding dress, but not a new one, then I stained the hem, took it off and rinsed it with clean water.


I remember a beautiful wedding dress with lace trim at the top and a hem made of matte fabric with pockets. I came to show off at the school where I studied, there were many familiar faces and everyone smiled when I said that I was marrying my husband and showed the ring. I even caught a glimpse of the groom, but his face was not familiar. There was a lot of warm light.


I dreamed that I was wearing a white wedding dress. It was new and unexpected for me. I was among my former work colleagues. I wore this dress for a very long time

Dreams on the topic

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