Zodiac stone Taurus: how to choose a gift

What should the stones be for Taurus?

Astrominerologists classify minerals by element. They also revealed how stones are distributed according to the signs of the Zodiac, and the degree of compatibility of a person with a stone.

It has been established that the element of man must correspond to the element of stone. You can also use a gem of a friendly element.

The best stones for Taurus as an Earth sign are opaque and hard (agate, turquoise, onyx, jasper, etc.). Friendly environment - Air. This includes, for example, emerald and sapphire.

Minerals of green and blue shades are beneficial for the sign of spring. Taurus will also feel the influence from yellow and red stones. Color is important for the chakras: red gems are used in manipulations with the first, Root (Muladhara), blue ones - with the fifth, Throat chakra (Vishuddha).

Stones for Taurus

Earth and fire minerals are incompatible. Talismans in this combination are useless, since the energy of Fire will suppress the magical properties of the “earthling” stone.

The best metal for Taurus is gold. For medicinal purposes, high-grade silver (preferably gold-plated) is suitable.

How to wear an amulet correctly

Knowing which stones are suitable for Taurus, you can significantly improve your quality of life, improve your health, attract money and find happy love. But in order for the chosen mineral to fully reveal its magical and healing potential, you need to know how to wear the amulet correctly.

Lithotherapists and astrologers give the following recommendations:

  • If the amulet is made of rough stone and is a piece of rock, it is considered to have maximum magical potential. It is advisable to wear it under clothes without showing it off;
  • There is no need to hide jewelry with a talisman stone. Their magical properties will not change from prying eyes;
  • It is recommended to wear the amulet in places where the pulse beat is most noticeable - on the wrist, on the neck, on the earlobes.


The color of the amulet is important, especially for the Taurus woman. Astrologers recommend choosing stones that have a softer, non-aggressive energy: emerald, chrysoprase, soft green malachite, “old” turquoise - that is, mainly stones with green and blue hues.

When choosing which color suits Taurus best, it is advisable to take into account personal preferences. It is important to feel the energy of the stone and how your body reacts to it. Black minerals have a powerful charge, which not everyone can interact well with. But stones with blue and green shades “get along” well with most representatives of the Taurus sign.

Select by date of birth (decade)

Taurus has several patron planets that have “sponsored” minerals. You can determine the appropriate stone by date of birth.

April 22 – 30

The first ten days of the sign are patronized by the god of financial well-being and trade, Mercury. The following minerals are suitable for people born these days:

The main talisman of April Taurus, who puts money first, is black agate. The stone fulfills the desire to have beautiful, expensive things and not depend financially on others.

Taurus birthstones by date of birth

May 1-10

Taurus of the second decade has the Moon as their guide through life. They are romantic intellectuals who avoid drastic changes and assertiveness. The following talisman stones are well suited for these Taurus:

  • turquoise - has special significance as a personal indicator of health: if the insert of the body jewelry has darkened, you need to go to the clinic for examination; the properties of the stone appear only in relation to people who live according to their conscience;

    Turquoise blue

  • jadeite - the owner will realistically assess what is happening or find a life partner;


  • coral - creates harmony in the home, helps to wisely assess family problems, not succumb to temptations “on the side,” and be an optimist no matter what;

    Red coral beads

  • onyx is an attribute of a manager or a leader in another field: it makes you a respected person, teaches you to highlight the main thing and concentrate on it; guarantees confidence in decisions;

    Tricolor onyx

  • opal - creates for the owner the mode “and a good mood will never leave you”, attracts wealth; strengthens self-confidence, reveals talents, therefore suitable as a children's mascot; however, you cannot accept it as a gift, so as not to become an object of envy;

    Blue fire opal

  • chalcedony - makes you pay attention to loved ones, give them warmth, and be generous; Taurus will enjoy simple things;

    Chalcedony beads

  • chrysoprase is a stone of inventors, architects, composers, fashion designers or other creative people.

    Highest grade chrysoprase

For the rest, chrysoprase is necessary to become a speaker and not be afraid of public speaking. Wearing jewelry with a stone for a long time increases self-esteem, teaches you to appreciate and love yourself more, and makes a person a self-sufficient person.

May 11-20

The most controversial horoscope curator for people born in the third decade. Under the influence of Saturn, Taurus feels dissatisfied with the environment or becomes a pessimist.

The heavy energy of the planet is carried by natural precious minerals of the first level. Not everyone can afford them, so Taurus born in this decade are offered more affordable options:

The more ambitious Taurus is, the more expensive stones according to the zodiac sign he chooses as allies.

Healing properties of moonstone

It is believed that the pebble exhibits its healing properties through direct contact with the human body. The interesting thing is that no matter where you wear the stone, it will still have an impact on you, be it a ring, bracelet, necklace or earrings.

It has been noticed that the adularian, touching human skin, first examines the human nervous system. It relieves excessive irritation and tries to calm its owner. In addition, moonstone instills self-confidence in a person and eliminates fear and simply “disconnects” its owner from worries that drive him into depression.

Astrologers confidently claim that moonstone “belongs” to water (the element of water). It is this factor that helps a person eliminate urolithiasis. Another property is to “wash away” salt deposits from the joints.

Women in labor often take a moonstone amulet with them to easily cope with childbirth and successfully complete the process. In addition, the peculiarity of adularia is to have a positive effect on human hormonal levels and improve blood quality.

Depending on year of birth

Astrologers also distributed Taurus stones by year of birth:

  • Mouse (Rat). Solving problems or overcoming difficulties is made easier by jewelry with sapphire. The stone will help you find the meaning of life, which is of great interest to philosophically minded mice. At the same time, it will provide peace of mind, harmony, and “force” you to relax at least sometimes.
  • Bull. Emeralds, agates, and corals in gold jewelry will satisfy vanity and the desire to play to the public.
  • Tiger. Talisman number one is the tiger's eye. Garnet and carnelian in a necklace or bracelet are necessary for moving forward safely and solving confusing situations.
  • Rabbit (Cat). Ruby or turquoise in keychains, small plastic, pendants will make life more comfortable and calmer.
  • The Dragon. Hostility, envy, and other problems emanating from others will be blocked by a jewel with opal, peridot or chalcedony.
  • Snake. A malachite box, a jasper bracelet or other items made from these minerals will bring peace, joy of life, and nourish you energetically.
  • Horse. Any product made from amethyst, aquamarine or garnet (or just a raw mineral) will protect you from external negativity, make you healthier and richer.
  • Goat. Jewelry with onyx, agate, and selenite are suitable for Taurus who want to understand the chaos of feelings and aspirations and believe in themselves.
  • Monkey. By wearing multi-colored opals or agates in earrings, a ring or a bracelet, Taurus can calmly perceive the business routine and set priorities correctly.
  • Rooster. Only a jewelry accessory with ruby ​​or topaz can attract the rooster’s attention to truly important matters, concentrate on them and achieve success.
  • Dog. Mysteriously shimmering moonstone or opal in jewelry or cabochons will create a protective cocoon, add energy on the physical and mental planes, and activate creativity.
  • Pig (Boar). Physical contact with topaz will make the owner intuitive and give a philosophical view of troubles. Daily close contemplation of onyx will lift you to business and financial Olympus. These Taurus people need a stone of any color except deep red. For ladies, it is better to choose bright crystals; for men, a more muted shade is suitable.

By choosing the right talisman, Taurus will change the path of life for the better. The stone will help you achieve results without much stress.

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a Virgo man and woman

Virgos are strongly recommended to wear an adularia as an insert into a ring and only on their left hand. Only in this way can the amulet attract the magic of happiness and success. What will a moonstone give to a Virgo woman and man? – Self-confidence, calmness, patience, empathy and compassion for others.

For Virgos who often feel depressed, the stone will help improve their mood. If Virgos keep adularia figurines in their house, this will bring harmony and happiness, peace and harmony to the house. For men, Devamadular will be able to get rid of the stinginess of compliments and pleasant words to others. In addition, it will give them self-confidence and determination.

Adularia will help a lady to reveal her femininity and natural tenderness and at the same time get rid of shyness. And for some ladies who are selfish, the crystal will help “hide” the shortcomings of the soul, making Virgos more friendly, sociable and communicative. Moonstone will help Virgo to easily start relationships and find happiness in life.

Taurus Women's Stones

A lady born under the zodiac sign Taurus combines a successful careerist and a homemaker. She doesn’t like every natural gem, but she can choose the best accessories:

  1. Universal mascot stones for Taurus are multi-colored sapphires. With them it is easier to overcome self-doubt and fear when communicating with strangers. Charms with a stone make a woman wise, calm, she is aware of her purpose and life’s work.
  2. Chalcedony stone is especially suitable for Taurus women. It neutralizes the tendency to melancholy or unmotivated outbursts of anger. This is equally beneficial for the keeper of the hearth and the business woman. Earrings or a brooch will protect people from the evil eye and other negative energy.
  3. Stones that are well suited for Taurus women are agate and amethyst. They will protect against damage, the evil eye, diseases, and premature aging. Any decoration will make the hostess a self-confident optimist.
  4. Topaz develops mental abilities and quick reactions, Taurus begins to make the right decisions.
  5. Turquoise suits women of all ages. Light stones are appropriate for a girl or girl who wants to get married. A variety of green shade as a symbol of motherhood is needed by expectant and young mothers. As a talisman, it wards off the evil eye, sharpens the maternal instinct, and recharges on the physical plane. Makes the hostess feminine and indulgent.
  6. Blood jasper will “wash away” the negativity that Taurus has accumulated throughout his life.
  7. The mineral of luck for women, starting from middle age, is tiger's eye. They will concentrate more easily, become brave, self-confident, and sensible.
  8. An ideal ally is a gold accessory with an emerald. This top-level gem symbolizes wealth and stable material well-being, which Taurus values ​​so much.
  9. Tourmaline is necessary for a woman’s health – preservation or strengthening. At the same time, it calms the nerves and awakens creativity.

Stones that are useful for Taurus women every day are opal, chrysoprase, garnet, onyx or carnelian.

Hairpin with carnelian

Magical properties of moonstone

The moonstone is credited with powerful magic, and indeed, every witch and wizard had such a crystal. It was believed that this pebble could both give abilities and take them away. If an ordinary person owned the crystal, he could count on good luck in love and personal relationships.

Another property of the crystal is to protect a person from evil and warn him against any negativity:

  • Quarrels
  • Annoying people
  • Disputes
  • Slanders
  • Envy
  • Evil eye
  • Evil spell
  • Electric shock and lightning

The crystal will easily inspire its owner and help awaken creativity in good and bad moods. Interestingly, the most famous swindlers and gamblers had the moon stone with them, because they believed that it was the reason for their good luck. Adularia was endowed with special power on the days of the full moon and carried only a positive character, taking with it all human aggression and awakening tenderness.

Taurus stones for men

There are several options for talisman stones for Taurus men.

  1. Agate stone suits Taurus men well. A gold ring with a black insert will ensure business success or a career boost. Indispensable during negotiations and important meetings. The blue pebble will become a “battery” of vitality.
  2. Onyx is also a suitable stone for business-minded Taurus men. It will enhance charisma and influence on business partners, subordinates or surrounding people.
  3. Decorating with cacholong helps to gain leadership qualities.
  4. Useful stones for Taurus are aquamarine, bull's eye or dark turquoise. They will add health to a man, can help him cope with emotions, and make his life bright and eventful. This is a “magnet” of love.

A Taurus who considers a semi-precious stone to be insufficiently “status” can choose an emerald. This is a gem that brings good luck in all areas and projects. The owner is not in danger of financial problems; the stone will “find” new sources of income that will bring in a lot of money. Increased intuition will help to unravel the mood of business partners. Pragmatists at work will become romantics and knights at home.

Taurus - characteristics of the sign

Taurus is the second symbol of the zodiac circle and belongs to the element Earth. All people born between April 21 and May 20 will be in the sign of Taurus.

The main distinguishing feature of men and women of this sign is considered to be a certain coolness, stubbornness and composure. Such people can quickly distance themselves from the crowd and public opinion and defend their point of view. Many consider them to be sociable and pleasant people.

Those whose sign is Taurus do not let even the closest people get too close, preferring, at least a little, to remain a mystery. Very often they can be so confident that they are right that someone else’s opinion will not matter to them.

They also have a negative attitude towards any changes and try to avoid innovations. On the financial side, they devote a lot of time and effort to securing their future.

On the one hand, Taurus may seem like a real secret behind seven seals, but on the other hand, for those who notice the details, it will be an open book. Therefore, attention to detail is important when communicating with them.

Individual talismans and amulets

Taurus is endowed with diligence, peacefulness, and love of beauty. But these wonderful qualities are often offset by natural shortcomings. Natural gems are called upon to overcome obstinacy and excessive perfectionism in relation to oneself and people, to make life harmonious and calm.

  • The best allies are Taurus and the emerald stone in gold. It will extinguish passions, attract money, drive away heavy thoughts; awakens creativity; will make the miser a generous optimist. The impact increases with daily wearing or close contemplation of the pebble.
  • A strong helper is turquoise. This is a stone of winners, a guarantor of a happy marriage, peace and tranquility in the family. Extreme sportsmen of both sexes are protected by silver jewelry with a stone: they will be more relaxed, but will refrain from reckless risks.
  • A powerful talisman for a woman is coral. Beads, a bracelet or earrings will protect you from unnecessary temptation, make you calmer and wiser, and expand your range of perception.
  • Rose quartz will bring peace to a restless soul, heal mental wounds, and add energy. Taurus will restore mutual understanding with his partner.
  • With onyx jewelry, the owner will be protected from unnecessary worries, his spirit, will, and intellect will be strengthened. The stone will help you find out the enemy’s plans and lead to victory.

Black onyx amulet
A Taurus talisman, amulet or talisman must be purchased in person. Family jewels or gifts are only suitable as decorations and only if everything in life goes smoothly. After all, with family heirlooms you can capture the fate of the previous owners. It's good if she was happy. A gift can be used if there is no doubt about the intentions of the donor.

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the Leo man and woman

Leos are recommended to wear any jewelry and amulets made of moonstone that can be placed in the chest (heart) area. In this way, the crystal will be able to have a positive influence on non-Leo, giving him balance and calm, the ability to make informed decisions. What you can choose:

  • Beads
  • Pendant
  • Brooch
  • Pin
  • Suspension

For Leo men, adularia will give health to the soul and body, comfort and harmony within. He will be able to teach Leo to forgive offenders and will not allow the man to commit too rash acts.

For powerful and dominant Leo women, adularia will return natural tenderness and love for others. Moonstone will make the lady calm and affectionate, and will take away excessive pride. As a talisman for the home, the moonstone will bring peace and happiness, understanding and true love to the Leo family.

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