Every nation has magical objects, the purpose of which is to protect the owner from evil
02/11/2021 11 225 Amulets and amulets Author: Anastasia Amulets are created with your own hands to attract
Since ancient times, our ancestors believed in the relationship between various events and itching of various parts of the body,
Based on the teachings of astrology, each person is influenced by certain planets and stars. Depending
March 16, 2019 Religion and mysticism Natali Mikhaelis What many people do when they see
The Black Sun is an ambiguous and even mysterious symbol. Some see him as a protector and
Goddess or mermaid? Legends about Beregin have been formed by our ancestors since time immemorial. According to
5/5 (8) People around me are genuinely perplexed at how two completely different people get along
Every home has its own energy. It can be nourished or destroyed. To a greater extent
Nature has generously rewarded topazes with different colors and shades, including yellow topaz,