Magical and psychic abilities by date of birth

People who are endowed with a magical gift may not even be aware of its presence. According to many esotericists and psychics, every person has a magical gift after birth. And it will depend only on him whether he will develop his abilities or not. It is important to know how to calculate your magical abilities by date of birth. This information will help you find out whether it is worth developing a gift, how strong these abilities are, how to use them correctly, and what you should definitely not do. In numerology, there are two ways to calculate magical abilities - by date of birth and by Tarot cards.

Numerology will tell you whether you need to develop a magical gift

Does date of birth affect the presence of magical abilities?

According to many esotericists, everyone has a magical gift

The predisposition to magic is influenced by many factors - the location of the stars at the time a person was born, date of birth, zodiac sign, phase of the moon. The phases of the lunar celestial body have a strong impact on a person’s well-being. At night, energy flows increase, otherworldly portals open, and the danger of suicides and cataclysms increases. At the same time of day, various magical rituals and ceremonies are performed.

People who have magical skills have very developed intuition. They know how to feel well other people and entities, their energy. All this happens at subconscious levels, but consciousness usually reduces everything to banal coincidences and accidents. In order to determine psychic abilities by date of birth, numerology and esotericism suggest making simple calculations.

Numerological calculation

Online calculation:

Enter your date of birth to find out your destiny number:

Destiny number

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To make the calculation, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, like this:

1. 1985.11.11. = 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 27; 2. 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.

Now you need to use the interpreter of the meanings of numbers.

One indicates that you can easily influence people and convince them of anything. One also speaks of the talent of a hypnotist. That is, there is verbal magic. You can successfully cast spells and magic spells with such power of words and persuasion.

A two indicates the presence of healing ability. You can transfer energy through your hands. Learning healing practices will bring success. However, do not forget to replenish the expended energy in time to restore your potential.

Three speaks of the ability to materialize things through words. Be careful with your thoughts and words so as not to attract trouble. By knowing your gift, you can use it to create rather than destroy.

Four speaks of powerful energy potential. You have strong natural protection that will repel any evil eye and negative influences. This potential can be used in the practice of extrasensory perception.

Five characterizes the presence of a predictive gift. You can become clairvoyant if you develop this potential.

Six suggests that you can read people's thoughts. If you develop, you can become a good telepath.

Seven - you see prophetic dreams and can interpret dreams.

Eight indicates the ability to read minds. If you practice, you can learn to transmit thoughts at a distance. Mental magic techniques will suit you.

Nine speaks of the gift of communication with the other world. You can conduct seances, receive contact information from the Universe and know things that other people do not know.

Calculate the magical gift code by date of birth

Calculations are carried out using a simple algorithm

How do you know if you have a magical gift or psychic abilities? Magic power is calculated using a simple algorithm:

  • write your date of birth, month and year of birth on a piece of paper;
  • sum all numbers to a single digit;
  • familiarize yourself with the decoding of meanings.

Can magic not manifest itself until a certain period?

Superpowers do not manifest themselves in the same way for everyone. In some people, those around them saw something unusual from birth, while others understood their purpose in adulthood. There are those who have not learned about their special relationship with the world.

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There are several starting points in human development: birth, puberty, severe shock.

Young children begin to have magical abilities without realizing it. Puberty brings physical and mental changes to a teenager's life and can trigger a surge in the paranormal.

There are those who understood the first skills of communicating with the other world after an unusual situation: mental or physical shock. More often it is the death of loved ones, psychological trauma, illness or stress.

With study and practice, anyone can learn to cast magic. But not everyone will become outstanding magicians.

Signs of a magical gift

In appearance:

  • unusual look
  • dazzling beauty or marked ugliness
  • age - not clear
  • special markings on the body

In character:

  • penchant for mysticism, thirst for knowledge
  • I want to help people, but at the same time I want to avoid them
  • the person is a bit like a “black sheep”
  • creative, unconventional thinking
  • until he finds himself in magic, he is haunted by a constant feeling that “something is missing”

Manifestations of abilities:

  • There have been cases when intuition and foresight clearly work
  • often have prophetic or simply vivid, lucid dreams
  • maybe you managed to cure someone with your desire, conspiracy, laying on of hands
  • or maybe, on the contrary, you wished evil on someone, and what you wished for him happened to him
  • you experienced clinical death, were on the verge of death

This is not a complete list; we could go on and on.

The relationship of the Major Arcana of the Tarot to the elements

Each Tarot card belongs to a specific element. There are four main elements: Fire Element, Water Element, Earth Element and Air Element.

The element of Fire is the magic of Fire, these are all types of magic that are, one way or another, associated with Fire. This also includes any energy practices (this includes reiki, qigong). Bioenergy. Cosmoenergetics. This is pure energy work. This also includes the Magic of Candles, the Magic of Color, and Magic Lamps. Combat Magic.

Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Fire:

Emperor, Wheel of Fortune, Strength, Tower, Sun, Last Judgment

The element of Water is the magic of Water, these are all types of magic that are, one way or another, connected with Water. This includes Love Magic, and everything related to relationships, friendship, love, etc. Also includes Clairvoyance and Telepathy.

Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Water:

High Priestess, Lovers, Sacrifice, Death, Moon

The element of Earth is the magic of the Earth, these are all types of magic that are, one way or another, connected with the Earth. This includes Natural Magic, which includes Herb Magic, Tree Magic, and Stone Magic. This includes the creation of talismans, amulets, and various ritual objects. Also applies to Money Magic, Sign Magic. Feng Shui.

Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Earth:

Empress, High Priest, Justice, Hermit, Temperance, Devil, Peace

The element of Air is Air magic, these are all types of magic that are, one way or another, connected with Air. This is, first of all, Verbal Magic, Mental Magic, Word Magic (Power of Words, Power of Thought), Magic of Music. This also includes various types of work with incense and aromatic oils.

Major Arcana of the Tarot, which are directly related to the Element of Air:

Jester, Magician, Chariot, Star

Jester - You don’t have enough knowledge. Seek knowledge. It’s worth refraining from fortune telling and magic for now.

Various Oracles. Mixing different directions with magic. Doll Magic (this is not Voodoo Magic).

Magician - Any form of divination and magic. Extrasensory perception. Astrology, numerology, palmistry, etc. Shows that a person has powerful and rather unusual abilities. Mental Magic. Cabalistic Magic. Verbal Magic.

Priestess – Moon Magic. Any kind of fortune telling. Very strong magical abilities. Natural Magic, Herbal Magic, Flower Magic, Incense Magic and Aroma Magic. Clairvoyance. Strong intuition. Worship of the Goddesses.

Empress - Wicca. Home magic (uses household items), Magic of knots, knots, ropes, threads. Culinary Magic. Working with beeswax, making dolls and talismans from beeswax. Protection.

Emperor - Defensive Magic that is often used offensively. This is Metal Magic (knives, needles, scissors, all piercing and cutting objects). Combat Magic.

Priest – Ritual, ceremonial Magic. Working with Egregor is effective. Working with prayers.

Lovers – Any kind of Love Magic. Reiki is also suitable.

Chariot – Gypsy Magic. Verbal Magic. Magic of Spells, Magic of Mantras. Magical practices that use roads and thresholds. Magic of Footprints.

Justice - You should not practice Magic, this is not your destiny.

Hermit – Strong psychic abilities. Magic of Stones. Meditation. Yoga, any eastern practices, Buddhism.

Wheel of Fortune - Money Magic. Conspiracies. Magic rituals using Tarot cards. Talismans. Amulets. Working with Karma.

Strength – Shamanism. Animal Magic. Totems. Voodoo magic. Santeria.

Sacrifice – Northern Magic. Runes. Celtic Magic. Tree energy. Hypnosis, trance technique. Astral travel.

Death - Very powerful magical abilities. Healing. Working with spirits and entities. Working with the energy of the dead. Spiritualism.

Moderation - More of a psychologist than a magician or fortune teller.

Devil - Strong natural abilities for the occult, magic, fortune telling. Black magic. Work with Spirits, Demons, with entities from the lower Astral. Sexual Magic. A person can also use Dark Forces without harm to health.

Tower - Ways to influence reality. The magic of the four elements. Feng Shui.

The star is cosmoenergetics. Planetary talismans. Everything related to cosmic energies. Working with Angels. Magic of Color. Mandalas, Yantras.

Moon – Very strong magical abilities. Natural magic. Wicca. Witchcraft. Village Magic. Moon Magic. Magic of Water.

Sun – Fire Magic, Candle Magic. Magic of the Sun. Pagan Magic. Powerful energy that is based on personal strength.

The Last Judgment - Ancestral Magic. Spiritualism. Shamanism.

World - Any Magic. Exotic Magic.

What factors and situations reveal magical abilities?

There are several types of mystical art:

  • telepathy – reading and transmitting thoughts at a distance;
  • clairvoyance - recognition of the future, vision of the past;
  • mediumship - establishing communication with spirits;
  • witchcraft - damage, evil eyes, love spells, divination;
  • telekinesis – mental movement of objects;
  • healing - conspiracies, spells, rituals, amulets that healers can use.

Some believe that magical talents are inherent in each person to varying degrees; proper training must be given.

Answer to the test - do I have magical and witchcraft abilities?

After calculating the sum of the answers to the test questions, you got a number. See and read the corresponding paragraph.

From 1 to 7 – you are a dreamer

You so want to become a sorcerer, to feel like a witch or magician, but alas, you don’t have a special gift for the paranormal or mystical.

There are dreams and fantasies that are not related to reality. And you cannot go with them into the unknown and dangerous world of magic and practical witchcraft. Hurt yourself, harm others, make a lot of mistakes, and accumulate terrible karma.

Therefore, leave attempts to cast spells and predict the future to those who have such a witch or witchcraft gift.

Value from 8 to 14 - you are at the threshold, beyond which a fantastic and unpredictable world of magic and witchcraft opens

But there is no need to rush with the first step. Something has not yet matured in you. Perhaps we are talking about clogged chakras and excess weight. Perhaps a lack of knowledge, as well as understanding, of what the study and practice of the occult sciences really is.

Or perhaps you cheated a little while taking our esoteric test, and if you had been a little more honest, you would have received a completely different answer.

From 14 to 22 - it’s too early for you to cast spells and predict; although you still have a rather strong witchcraft gift

But it is not yet possible to use it to its full potential. It is either not awakened, or has not yet been fully revealed by long practice and no less long study of specialized esoteric literature.

In any case, you should wait until the gift is fully revealed. And only after this do you understand what kind of magic you should practice, and whether you have become a hostage to your karma - a person who, despite quite strong witchcraft abilities, is under no circumstances allowed to engage in witchcraft or witchcraft.

The sum of all “yes” is from 23 to 30 – Having already started our magic test, you predicted exactly these results

And you predicted them because you have an incredibly strong witchcraft or witchcraft gift. You haven't used it yet, and you did the right thing.

After all, any true esotericist is in no hurry to begin occult practice. First, he changes himself, changes, making his life perfect and as close to ideal as possible. And only then begins to influence the world around him with the help of his witchcraft. It is in this order that we suggest you act, because... only then will your magical gifts blossom to their full potential.

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